Roland P D Omnibus

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Roland P D Omnibus Page 14

by Ruth DuCharme

  “Roland Police department, dispatcher 1344, how can I help you?”

  “Yes I’d like to report a noise complaint. There is a group of people outside my house talking really loudly and playing loud music.”

  “Where do you live, sir?”

  “Where do I live?” Jack looked around at the house numbers “I live at 1213 Barnard Street.”

  “Can you look outside and tell me how many people are out there?”

  “No. I’m not looking outside. I’m too nervous. What if they see me and get angry?”

  “Ok sir, we will send someone out. Would you like an officer to check in with you?”

  “No I don’t need contact. I just need them to be quiet so I can sleep.”

  “We will make sure it is handled, sir.”

  Jack watched as one of the cops carousing with Lizzie answered his cell phone. The cop started looking around searching for someone. Jack was glad he was well hidden. The guy hung up the phone and said a few things to the rest of the officers

  “That’s right guy’s. Time to shut it down and go home for the night.”

  Jack watched Lizzie excuse herself. The cop with the cups grabbed her arm and fed it though his own. Jack felt his blood boil as he watched the cop walk Lizzie to her car.

  Jack watched as the remaining guys tossed their empty cups up onto the roof of the police department and started to disperse.

  Jack made sure Lizzie was in her car before he started his truck. He hurriedly pulled out onto the vacant street and entered the freeway at 70 miles per hour. He had to get home before Lizzie.

  Chapter Fifty-One

  Anger fueled Jack speed and with a lead foot he sped towards home. Jacks thoughts raced. Who was that guy holding Lizzies arm? How dare he make a move on her! Why hadn’t Lizzie stopped him? Was she cheating on him already? Jack was so lost in thought he didn’t register the police car moving up behind him. He was startled at the red and blue lights signaling for him to pull over.

  Jack grumbled to himself as he found a place to stop on the side of the freeway. Jack shut off the engine as the officer approached.

  The officer shone his flashlight in Jack’s back window and then moved on to Jacks driver window. “Do you know how fast you were driving, sir?” he asked.

  “Sorry officer, I was just trying to get home as quick as possible. Its super late and I need to get my son to bed.”

  The officer shone his flashlight into the backseat once more and illuminated Sam’s sleeping frame. “Yes, it is a little late to have your boy out and about. Can I see your license and registration please?”

  Jack fished his information from his wallet and handed it to the officer. The officer took it and walked back to his vehicle. Jack peeked into the back seat. Sam was gently snoring, his favorite blanket tucked around him. Jack felt anxiety welling up within his chest. This officer better hurry if he Jack was going to get home before Lizzie.

  The officer returned to Jacks window and said, “Everything checks out. I wont give you a ticket this time but I cannot stress enough how important it is to follow the speed limit. I would hate to see you get in an accident, especially with such precious cargo inside.”

  Jack replied, “You are absolutely right, officer. I will definitely be more careful.” Jack rolled his window back up and started his truck. He waited for the officer to pull back onto the freeway before he did the same.

  Jack drove the speed limit most of the way home. He pulled into the parking garage and let out a sigh of relief. Lizzie hadn’t made it home yet. He opened the back door and carried the sleeping Sam upstairs and into the apartment. He tucked Sam into bed and quickly made his way to the living room.

  Jack threw his jacket over a dining room chair. He glanced at the apartment door. He heard a key in the lock. Jack rushed to the bedroom, trying to be as quiet as possible. Flipping on the television, he stripped off his shirt and climbed under the covers. Less than two minutes later, the bedroom door opened.

  Chapter Fifty-Two

  Lizzie walked in the front door of her apartment feeling as if she was on cloud nine. She dumped her stuff on the floor, to tired and too buzzed to give a damn. She was happy. Even though she had only consumed one drink, it was a stiff one. She knew she shouldn’t have been drinking and driving but she felt invincible and above any threat of trouble.

  Lizzie kicked off her shoes, sending one flying under the kitchen table. She giggled to herself. She hadn’t felt this good in a long time. Lizzie silently listened at Sam’s bedroom door for a moment before quietly opening it. He lay there wrapped in his favorite blanket, snoring softly. That kid could sleep through a train wreck! Lizzie snuck in and gave Sam a soft peck on his little cheek. She loved him beyond measure. Lizzie tucked the blanket up around Sam’s chin before quietly tiptoeing out and closing the door behind her.

  Lizzie tried to be as quiet as possible as she opened her own bedroom door. Jack was fast asleep with the TV turned to some ridiculous sports channel.

  Lizzie lay down on top of the covers and stared at Jacks back. Her fingers traced the small bullet scar on his shoulder. That day in the library seemed so long ago. Back then, neither Lizzie not Jack could have imagined what lay in store for them. Jack always said that if he hadn’t been shot they never would’ve met. It was the luckiest day of both of their lives.

  “Jack, are you awake?” Lizzie whispered. “No response. Copy.” She giggled at her own silliness before getting up to use the bathroom and brush her teeth.

  Chapter Fifty-Three

  Jack felt the bed move as Lizzie tried to carefully get in without waking him. He kept his back to her and pretended to be sound asleep. He wasn’t sure what was eating at him, guilt or envy. She was turning into one of them just as he feared.

  Jack felt fear and anger well up in him and knew he had to do something but he just didn’t know what. He didn’t know how much longer he could pull this off. Maybe Joel had been right? A real life wasn’t for him. No! He had to try a little longer. Maybe he should come clean? She might understand. If he was going to tell Lizzie the truth he had to do it soon. Time was running out.

  Jack lay there pretending to sleep for the next four hours. Finally, when he couldn’t stand it any longer, he got up and went to the kitchen. Maybe a cup of coffee would help.

  Jack started the coffee and frowned at Lizzie’s things piled in the entryway. He bent down and picked up her jacket and bag and fished her shoe out from under the kitchen table. He hung up her jacket and as he put her bag in the closet he noticed some of her papers had fallen out. A sticky note caught his eye. “Frank Barnes,” he read aloud. What was this? It was stuck to a folder that held a small report. He opened it and saw it was the CSI report Lizzie had mentioned.

  Jack heard the toilet flush and knew Lizzie would be up in a moment. Stuffing the file into the back of his jeans, he grabbed a jacket and his car keys and snuck out the door. He ran down the apartment building steps two at a time. He ran to his truck and quickly started it up. Jack drove out of the parking garage and turned left onto their street. He drove about a block away before parking under a tree. He nervously opened the file.

  Chapter Fifty-Four

  Jack sat there with the open file on his lap but was almost immediately interrupted by his cell phone. It was Lizzie. Jack answered, “Hello?”

  “Where are you?”

  “I just went for a little walk.”

  “Are you coming back soon?”

  “I’m on my way back now.” The file would have to wait. He shoved it under his driver seat and walked the block to his apartment.

  Jack entered the apartment and found Lizzie standing at the stove flipping pancakes.

  “There you are!” said Lizzie. The smell of bacon cooking made Jacks stomach rumble hungrily. Jack took a second to appreciate the sight before him. Even sleepy and rumpled Lizzie looked like an angel.

  “Can you take Sam to school this morning?” Lizzie asked. “I have a little research I need to
get done.”

  “Sure, what kind of research?”

  “You’re not going to believe this but I’m pretty sure Dekker lied to me about the fire case.”

  “Lied how?” Jacks ears perked up and a tingle ran down his spine.

  “He had this folder with the tentative victim identification in it. When I asked him about it he refused to show me. He ended up getting pretty angry. He started to sound like you!” She mimicked Dekker and Jack, “‘Leave it alone, Lizzie. You’re just a rookie, Lizzie.’”

  “See I told you.”

  “Yes, you told me. But what reason would he have to lie?”

  “I don’t know. Who was the dead guy?”

  “Hold on let me check the file.” Lizzie went to the closet and searched her gear bag. “That’s weird. It’s not here!”

  “Could you have left it in your car or your locker?”

  “Maybe. I was pretty revved up last night so maybe I misplaced it or left it behind without noticing.”

  The bacon was starting to burn. Lizzie dropped her bag and returned to the stove to turn the heat down. “Oh well, I’ll find it later. I still think it’s weird. The file was incomplete but I’m going to get the original. It just won’t be available for a week or so.”

  Lizzie clearly wasn’t going to let this go and Jack felt he had one last shot to dissuade her. “Why don’t you just leave it? Dekker already told you to drop it and here you are nosing around in something you shouldn’t.”

  Lizzie turned on him with suspicion. “Why are you being so weird about this?”

  “I’m not. I just think you should focus on learning how to be a street cop before poking around into detective business.”

  “That’s what Dekker said.”

  “Well, he’s right. You have a long career ahead of you and detectives don’t necessarily like it when rookies start doing their job for them. They worry you’re going to mess it up somehow.”

  “Frank Barnes!”

  Jack almost fell off his chair. “What?”

  “That’s the dead guy’s name. Frank Barnes. Or at least it could be his name. We aren’t sure yet and I don’t know how they are going to be able to tell for sure if his DNA isn’t in the database.”

  “All you have is his name?”

  “So far. I haven’t gotten time to read the CSI report yet so I’m not sure what else is in it.”

  “Sounds like flimsy information to go on. Just a name. I still think you’re out of your depth here, Lizzie.”

  “So how about you help me instead of constantly warning me. This isn’t the first time we’ve had this conversation, Jack, but you can be sure it’ll be the last. You need to either quit lecturing me and let me do what I need to, or you can help me.”

  Jack looked at her in surprise. She had never gotten this forceful with him before and he wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. Maybe being around all those guys was making her bold. “Ok, fine.”

  “Fine? What do you mean fine?”

  “I mean, if you feel that strongly about it I guess I have no choice. Tell me what you need from me and I’ll see what can I do.”

  “Really? Oh thank you Jack!” Lizzie left the bacon and reached over to throw her arms around Jack. She planted a wet kiss squarely on his cheek. “Can you look into your agency files and see if you have anything on Frank Barnes? Maybe ask your friends at work if they know anything about Dekker too. It might give me a lead as to where to start. I need to find out about that original case so I can start figuring out who would have motive to kill our dead guy. Just don’t tell anyone you’re looking into this for me. They can’t know I’m poking around.”

  Jack smiled at Lizzie as she turned back to her breakfast making. He had counted on her wanting to keep this a secret. He knew he could use this to his advantage. What better way to keep on top of the investigation as well as misdirect her? He had to make sure Lizzie didn’t ever connect the dots.

  Chapter Fifty-Five

  An early morning three-car pile-up on the freeway had derailed Lizzie from pursuing the case file before her shift. She had gotten to work with barely five minutes to spare before briefing. She hadn’t had one minute to herself since. Now She sat in the patrol car waiting for Dekker to finish inside the county courthouse. Lizzie had looked in her locker but still hadn’t been able to find the CSI report.

  Dekker returned to the car thirty minutes later and Lizzie asked if it would be ok to stop by her house for a moment. “I left some paper work on my kitchen table. Is it ok if we stop by my place for a moment? I promise I’ll run in and run out?”

  Dekker sighed, “Ok but lets make it quick. You should come to work fully prepared. This can’t happen again.”

  “Thank you!”

  Lizzie drove the five minutes to her apartment and parked directly in front.

  “Nice apartment. Do you have any roommates?” Dekker asked.

  “No, it’s just me, Sam and Jack.” Lizzie snuck a look at Dekker to see if she registered any surprise on his face.

  “Who’s Jack?”

  “My boyfriend. We’ve been together for a couple of years.”

  “What does he do for a living?”

  Lizzie gulped before replying, “He’s a cop.” Now she had Dekker’s full attention.

  “Oh, is that so? How did I not know this before now?”

  Lizzie tried not to stutter nervously, “I didn’t want people to think I was getting a hand up. I wanted you to think I could do this all on my own without his help.”

  “And are you?”

  “Sort of.”

  “What do you mean, sort of?”

  “I told him about Frank Barnes.”

  “You did what? That information is not for dissemination! Not only did I tell you to drop the case but now your sharing classified intel with other people?”

  “He’s not just other people! He’s a narcotics cop and he might be able to help.”

  “Help? How? We don’t even know if this is Frank Barnes. And what does an OPD cop know about our case anyway? It’s nowhere near his jurisdiction.”

  “Jack had an idea. He said he would ask around with his guys and see if anyone has had contact with Barnes in the past.”

  “Lizzie, if I have to tell you more time to leave this alone, we are going to have a major problem. O’Connell will hear about it and you’ll hear about it in writing! You don’t want to be the rookie who got written up in her first month of training for insubordination, do you?”

  “No.” Lizzie sat silently looking out the windshield.

  Dekker got control of himself and with a sigh he said, “Ok. Here’s the deal. Let me talk to this boyfriend of yours. What’s his name?”

  “His name is Jack.”

  “Jack. Let me talk to Jack and see about getting information but YOU have to stay out of this from now on. Do you hear me?”

  Lizzie perked up. “Yes sir!” She felt a little brightening of hope. She could put Dekker and Jack in touch with each other and she knew Jack would never keep what he found from her.

  She wrote Jack’s cell number on a page in her notebook. She ripped out the page and handed it to Dekker. “Here you go. I’m going to run up and grab my paperwork and I’ll be right back.”

  “Make it fast.”

  Chapter Fifty-Six

  Dekker watched Lizzie enter the vestibule of her apt building. He looked at the paper in his hand and thought about stubborn Lizzie was. Clearly warning her off hadn’t worked. Maybe, Dekker would have to meet her halfway. Jack might prove to be easier to work with. Dekker considered his options. Maybe, using an outside source wasn’t such a bad idea. Maybe, this Jack guy really could help him find out more about Frank Barnes. Dekker wondered if he could find out more about Werner too. Werner and Jack might know each other.

  Dekker decided he was overthinking the problem and puled out his cell to call the number in his hand. He needed make the call before Lizzie came back down. Dekker couldn’t let Lizzie hear any of what he w
as about to say and he had to make sure he warned Jack not to share any information with her. If Jack loved Lizzie he wouldn’t want her anywhere near this investigation and maybe he could help Dekker keep her in place.

  Chapter Fifty-Seven

  After taking Sam to school Jack had driven home in a daze. He had to figure out how to stop of Lizzie from this investigation once and for all. Jack turned the corner onto his street and slowed almost to a stop. What was a police car doing outside of his apartment? A Roland police car! His mind raced with questions. Had they found him? Had they figured out that the body wasn’t his?

  Jack slowly drove past the police car, taking care not to look directly at the sole occupant. Jack recognized Dekker immediately. Jack made a left at the end of the block, parked and then doubled back on foot. He was fairly certain Dekker hadn’t noticed him.

  Jack remained at the corner and spied on the police car from behind a tall hedge. He took out his cell phone and dialed Lizzie.

  Lizzie answered her phone on the first ring. “Hi honey!”

  “Hey babe. What are you up to?”

  “I’m actually at home. I had to run by the house to get something and I wanted you to meet Dekker.”

  “Do you think that’s a good idea?”

  “I confronted him about Barnes and, yes, he yelled at me and even threatened to write me up!”

  “So you brought him to our house?”

  “He said he wanted me to leave it alone but he agreed to talk to you.”

  “Talk to me? Why?”

  “You said you could help and he said he wouldn’t mind talking to you.”

  “I see. I’m not near the house so I guess our little meet and greet will have to wait.”

  “But you will answer if he calls, wont you?”


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