Summer Down South

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Summer Down South Page 2

by Lily Hayden

  “God, you look sexy in my shirt.” He growled into her ear, and she slid effortlessly on top of him, feeling the impressive size of his manhood beneath her.

  She rocked back against it and she felt his instant response. He reached up and slipped the shirt down her shoulders. Her dark skin looked irresistible against the white cotton and he pressed his lips there, grazing his teeth against her silky smoothness. She felt her flesh rise in goose-bumps in response and desire stir between her legs. She pushed down, grinding her nakedness against him and the shirt fell open with the movement. His mouth moved to the full, high breasts now deliciously exposed to him and he circled his thick tongue around one cocoa-coloured nipple, before drawing it in through his teeth, making her gasp with anticipation. She raised her hips and reached behind her, pulling away at the underwear that separated her from his hardness. His hand slid down to the hot slit between her legs and he rubbed his thumb along her clit. She was wet already, and he looked up at her, meeting her eyes, his own now glazed with desire. She circled his shaft with long, slender fingers and guided him to her. He jerked his hips to meet her and she almost burst with pleasure as he filled her completely. The shirt billowed behind her as she rode him hard and fast. She could feel her wetness sliding up and down his thick length. He pulled her towards him, one strong hand at the back of her head, and found her mouth. They kissed greedily, breathing hard as her tightness drove him to the edge of desire. She found his free hand and pushed it towards her swollen clit. He responded happily, circling her hot sex until she felt the waves of a mind-blowing orgasm crash over her.

  “Oh, God!” She moaned, biting down hard on his lip. “I’m coming.”

  A guttural moan escaped his mouth and he shuddered as his own orgasm exploded deep within her. She collapsed against his strong chest, letting the pleasure run through her, bucking gently against his pulsating manhood as her orgasm flowed.

  “Fucking hell.” Connor looked up at the gorgeous woman. She was incredible. Brains, beauty and what a body. “Please say I can see you again?”

  She smiled lazily, slowly dismounting from him, leaving her sweet wetness coating his manhood. She slid the shirt from her arms, dropping it to the floor and reached for a towel, treating him to a breath-taking view of her high, round ass. She turned back to him, wrapping the towel demurely around her sculpted body.

  “Ah!” She pulled a sad face apologetically. “I’m leaving tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow?” His face fell. She was an exquisite angel and he would have loved a repeat performance.

  “Mmmm hmmm.” She nodded, heading towards the bathroom. “It’s been fun though.”

  She hopped into the shower, grinning to herself as the warm water washed over her body. She was so glad that she’d waited until the last moment to bed Connor. He was hot stuff and the combination of brains, looks and charm that had the potential to be lethal. But she’d made the right decision. Her studies and now her career always came first. Connor was the kind of guy that she could fall in love with. That’s why the fleeting romances in far-away places suited her down to the ground. No risk of catching feelings and ending up heartbroken.

  She shooed Connor away, but not until they’d had round three in the shower. She had a million things to do and wanted to spend the rest of her time with Ella and Shauna. By the time she was dry and dressed, she wandered into the lounge to find Ella had dragged her hungover self back to the sofa and was devouring a family-sized pack of cookies as she sipped coffee and watched daytime TV.

  “Hey!” Ella looked marginally better than she had this morning and she filled Taylor in on her night.

  As Taylor struggled to contain her laughter at the thought of a frustrated Ella slowly dying of abstinence, the door opened, and Shauna slipped in, still wearing last night’s dress. She was smiling, make-up smudged underneath her pretty, green eyes, but her smile froze as she saw that she had an audience.

  “Shauna!” Her friends cried in unison. “Walk of shame!”

  They cheered rowdily, and Shauna couldn’t help but laugh along with them, collapsing into giggles alongside them on the sofa.

  “Who? What? Why? When?” Taylor prompted her, helping herself to a slurp of Ella’s coffee.

  “And how big?” Ella chipped in, causing them to laugh even harder.

  Shauna grinned shyly.

  “It was nothing.” She protested. “I just got talking to Mikey and we lost track of time.”

  “You did not stay at your absolute man-crush’s all night and not get the D?” Ella looked incensed.

  “I didn’t sleep with him.” Shauna gave a shy smile to her boisterous friends.

  “But you fooled around and at least got yourself the big O, right?” Taylor jumped in, rolling her eyes back into her head and giving them her best “come face” as if they needed the elaboration.

  “We kissed and… stuff.” She admitted reluctantly.

  “We need more than that!” Ella shifted her feet, making room for their friend between them. “You’ve been crushing on Mikey forever! We deserve every detail!”

  Shauna rested her head against Ella’s shoulder and closed her eyes, reliving the night in vivid detail. It had been amazing. Mikey was everything she wanted in a man; shy, funny and gorgeous. His lop-sided grin lit up his face and she could practically feel the golden stubble along his jaw graze against her skin as he had kissed her tenderly underneath the stars. They had sat up all night, talking about the last four years of college, their future plans, everything, before he had tentatively reached for her hand in the darkness, turning to look at her as if seeing her properly for the first time. Shauna had desperately wanted the kiss to move on to something more. She could feel his erection growing underneath his pants as she pressed her body against his. His hands had been everywhere, running over her full breasts and down her back to trace the impressive curves of her ass, straining against the clingy dress that she was poured into. His kisses were light and exploratory, like his fingers over her body, but that’s as far as it had gone. He’d invited her back to his, but when they had got there, his room-mates had been in the middle of an all-night party and Mikey had been too much of a gentleman to lead her to his room under their judgemental stares, so they had sat up talking instead. As he walked her home and kissed her goodbye outside the apartment, she had felt on top of the world, but seriously frustrated! She should have invited him in, dragged him into her room and torn away his clothes. The desire to feel his fingers inside her was agony.

  “I need to shower.” She said suddenly, cutting short the story, overwhelmed by her frustration. “Let’s debrief over brunch and then we can help each other pack.”

  Appeased by the promise of food, the others let her go.

  Under the hot, soapy water, Shauna leaned against the cool tiles of the bathroom wall and pictured Mikey’s mouth moving over her slippery wet body as she rotated her fingers around her throbbing clit. She pushed her fingers between her legs as she imagined him entering her. Her knees buckled as she hit her sweet spot, and she used both hands, working herself harder and faster until her solo orgasm broke her free from her sexual cage. She collapsed against the shower wall, water washing over her. Who needed men anyway when you could do that? She thought wryly.

  Mile High

  Shauna was the first of the gang to leave. She was heading out of O’Hare on the 14:45 to New Orleans, followed closely by Ella, who had a little wait alone until her flight to San Antonio, Texas. Taylor was heading back to her family home in New York later that evening before heading down to South Florida the following day.

  There were tears all around. Their adventures and misadventures of graduation night forgotten in their heartache at leaving each other. They had tried to find internships close to one another, but it was a competitive market out there and they’d been forced to shelf their plans to stay together after graduation.

  Shauna had a twelve-week paid placement with a huge contractor not far from New Orleans. Architecture
was in her blood and as sad as she was to say goodbye to her friends, she was excited to make a start in her new career. Her gate was being called for the umpteenth time, but this time with increasing urgency, and she hugged Ella tightly, holding back tears, as she rushed to board her plane. She was one of the last to enter the small, packed airplane and she slid into her window seat, smiling apologetically at the man who had to move out of the way for her. She pulled a trashy novel from her bag and started to idly thumb through the pages as the cabin crew prepared for take-off. The book was a cheesy romance, her guilty pleasure which Ella and Taylor teased her mercilessly about. A smile played at her lips as she thought of all the times that they’d caught her sprawled out on the sofa, nose deep in a “bodice-ripper” as Taylor laughingly called them. This was a period drama about a woman who couldn’t get the sexy master-of-the-house to notice her. Shauna found herself getting sucked into the story, parallels with her attempts to woo Mikey came to mind, but she read on, rooting for the pale-skinned, English Rose to win over the dashing-but-aloof gentleman. She got to a racy part and her eyes sped over the words, her imagination painting the scene in her mind’s eye. She could picture the characters vividly, but suddenly the characters’ features faded away and in her place was a voluptuous red-head and a golden-haired Mikey. She replayed the scene she had just read, picturing Mikey kissing her passionately against the hay bales and a tiny moan of delight escaped her lips.

  Oh, God, if only. She thought to herself, slowly opening her eyes and dragging herself back to reality. She fidgeted in the small, cramped seats, her hand still on the book open on her seat-back tray.

  “Sounds like that’s a good read.” A deep drawl interrupted her thoughts.

  She looked up surprised and felt her cheeks flush as the man sat next to her grinned knowingly and nodded his head at the book in her hand. Her mind furiously back-pedalled and she realised with mortification that she had moaned aloud. Oh, how embarrassing.

  “Uh, not really.” She replied, flustered. “Not really my thing. A friend gave it to me.”

  “You’re not going to read it?” The man leaned closer, and she could smell the musky scent of his aftershave. He gestured at the book. “May I?”

  She nodded, too surprised to object and he scooped it up. Her eyes followed his hand and his shirt sleeve rode up a little, exposing the start of a tattoo on his arm. Intrigued, she traced her eyes up the heavy denim shirt to take a closer look at her neighbour: thick biceps strained underneath his shirt and more evidence of ink-work peeked out from the collar. He was good-looking in a totally obvious way, she noticed objectively, not her type, but she couldn’t deny it. He had those Cajun dark looks that she knew sent women wild. He caught her eye and the corners of his mouth turned up into an amused smile. She felt herself blush and she looked away.

  Unperturbed, he turned the book over in his hands, his dark eyes twinkling as he took in the front cover: the heroine, lips parted in ecstasy, leaning back against the hay bale, her bosom heaving in her low-cut corset as the jodhpur-wearing hero cupped her chin in a sexually-charged pose. She held her hand out for the book, feeling the blush still burning her cheeks, but he ignored her upturned palm and cleared his throat.

  “Eliza’s heart raced as Lord Upington brushed past her. The taffeta layers of her gown rustled at his touch and he turned abruptly, lowering his gaze to meet hers. A surge of desire ripped through her chest and she held her breath, desperate to fight her longing…”

  Shauna knew that she should laugh good-naturedly as he read the steamy passage in a low, sensual drawl, but his voice was undeniably sexy, and her stomach did a low somersault in response.

  “I always wondered why ladies seem to love this stuff.” Sexy Cajun guy grinned at her. “It’s pretty hot stuff though. Shall I read on?”

  “No!” She gasped, already knowing that the book was about to get a whole lot saucier.

  He threw his head back and chuckled at her response, before handing the book back. She accepted it gratefully, before stuffing the dog-eared novel back into her backpack at her feet. When she resurfaced, he stuck out his hand to her.

  “Armand.” He introduced himself and Shauna took the hand in her own.

  He held it for a little longer than necessary and ran a rough thumb along her soft, pale skin.

  “Shauna.” She said quickly, remembering her manners, but pulling her hand firmly back and folding it into her lap.

  “Business or pleasure?” He persisted, his gaze intense.

  “Uh, pleasure.” She said nervously, her eyes captivated by his. “I mean, business!”

  He chuckled again, and she decided she liked the sound.

  “What about you?” She asked quickly, feeling foolish at her inability to think straight.

  “Going home.” He told her. “You from Illinois?”

  “Uh, I was at college in Chicago.” She replied. “But I’m from Washington state.”

  “Brains and good looks, huh?”

  Her damn cheeks flamed again and, not for the first time, she cursed her pale skin for its tendency to betray her innermost feelings. In fairness to the sexy, over-friendly stranger, he seemed to sense her discomfort and pulled a magazine from the pocket in the seat in front of him and idly turned the pages. She turned back to the window, grateful that he had let her off the hook and stared out at the endless clouds, replaying her night with Mikey, agonising over what she could have done differently. He had messaged her on Instagram, wishing her good luck with her internship. He was staying in Chicago and she had replied, reminding him that she could be back after her placement was up, but he’d yet to respond. Imagine if he didn’t! She thought woefully. She would just resign herself to dying alone.

  A smartly-dressed steward rolled the drinks trolley to a stop in the aisle.

  “Any drinks, Ma’am? Sir?”

  Armand gestured for Shauna to order first and she smiled her gratitude as she ordered a vodka soda. She’d only planned on getting a soft drink, but what the hell! She deserved a drink.

  Armand ordered a couple of beers and swiftly paid the steward before Shauna could object.

  “You shouldn’t have.”

  He waved her thanks away.

  “It’s a thank you.” He explained. “For sharing your book.”

  She couldn’t help but grin.

  “You’re welcome,” She replied. “In fact, if you love it so much, it’s yours.”

  Before he could protest, she unearthed the book from her backpack and laid it down squarely on his seat-back tray.

  “I’m so done with romance.” She joked, keeping her voice light and teasing. “Maybe it’ll give you more luck.”

  He was surprisingly easy to talk to and she glossed past his probing into her non-existent love life, citing her desire to focus on her career. He made some jokes about his own love life needing some inspiration and she couldn’t help but laugh and open up to him. He surprised her further when he told her he was an Architect. She had him down as doing some sexy, uber-manly trade.

  “Why are you so surprised?” He pretended to be offended.

  “The muscles!” She joked, gesturing at his biceps. “None of the future architects in my class had guns like that!”

  He flexed them playfully and she reached out squeezing one rippling hard muscle, feeling a sizzle of electricity as she did.

  “And you’re one-hundred-percent off guys?” He asked, his tone loaded as her fingers probed his bicep.

  She nodded, wishing she could think of something witty and flirty in response.

  The vodka had gone straight to her head and he’d offered her one of his beers before calling back the cabin crew for another round. Between the alcohol and the innocent flirting with a handsome stranger, Shauna was feeling confident that her resolve was the right thing to do. Years of yearning after Mikey had got her nowhere. Before Mikey, there was one long term boyfriend, Chad, but she had been way more into him than he was into her, leaving her confused and obsessing
over where she had gone wrong. The same for her countless infatuations that went nowhere. She needed to be more like Taylor. Focus on her goals and forget men! Taylor would never message a guy after one of her occasional hook-ups. She was going to take Taylor’s attitude to Louisiana with her.

  “That’s a shame.” Armand responded, draining his beer. “For me, anyway.”

  Feeling inspired by her friend’s attitude, she laughed instead of blushing at his blatant flirting. They joked for some more and Shauna drained another beer before she felt the call of her full bladder. Armand didn’t get up this time to allow her to pass, instead swinging his jean-clad legs into the aisle so she could squeeze past to the tiny airline restroom. She regarded herself in the mirror, surprised that she looked half-decent. The alcohol had added a little sparkle to her eyes, and the loose cotton dress she was wearing complimented her figure. She washed her hands, applied a slick of lip gloss and pushed open the door. Her smile froze on her lips as she saw Armand, waiting outside the cubicle. Standing up, she could appreciate just how tall, lean and muscular he was. She couldn’t help but look him up and down in admiration. Six feet of ripped, tan muscles. Wow! A sizzle of desire sparked deep within her.

  She stood there, letting him quietly appraise her and when her eyes travelled to his face, she was surprised to see him lick his lips nervously.

  “I hope this isn’t too forward.” He said, his voice a low purr. “But I really want to kiss you.”

  With that he stepped forward and she felt herself willingly step backwards into the tiny restroom, without fully digesting what he had said. He fumbled to pull the door closed behind them and she had no idea who moved in first, but suddenly they were furiously kissing each other, hands everywhere. She pulled at the hem of his shirt, desperate to feel the muscles she knew were beneath. He dug his fingers into her ass, groaning with pleasure at her curves. Expertly, he manoeuvred her around the small space, his mouth never leaving hers. He lifted her as if she weighed nothing up against the sink, pushing her dress up around her thighs. He pulled back from their hungry kiss and his pupils dilated as he eyed her thick thighs with pure desire. He pushed her legs apart and she felt a burst of pleasure as he dropped to one knee, eye-level now with the scrap of white silky panties. With one thumb, he hooked the underwear to one side and pushed his lips against her soft moistness. She moaned with pleasure as his tongue parted her lips and probed deeper. His fingers skilfully worked her throbbing clitoris as he brought her to a wild climax in just minutes with his mouth. Sated, she fell back against the mirror and he kissed her mouth gently, smiling at her post-orgasmic daze.


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