The Teacher’s Pets

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The Teacher’s Pets Page 4

by Marla Monroe

  “Well, Cole can, but Wesson is banned from the kitchen according to them,” Jessie said with a laugh.

  Brenda chuckled. “Well, as long as one of them can cook a decent meal you’ve got a good thing going with them. So you’re going to see them again. That must mean you’re attracted to them.”

  “That’s what I kind of wanted to talk to you about. I’m worried about how it will affect my job, Brenda. I am attracted to them but don’t want to get serious if it’s going to be a problem with school. Do you know if any of the teachers are in a threesome?” Jessie asked.

  “No. But one of the ladies on the school board is. I really don’t think it will be an issue, Jessie,” Brenda said.

  Jessie nibbled her lower lip. She had hoped there would be another teacher, but a member of the board was better than nothing. Should she continue dating the two men, she was afraid it would come up at some point.

  “I hope you’re right. I really like them, Brenda. I never thought I would consider dating more than one man at the same time, but they’re both really nice.”

  “Not to mention they’re awesome to look at,” Brenda pointed out with a laugh.

  “There is that.”

  “Go for it, girl. You deserve to be happy. No one should be able to dictate who you can and can’t see,” Brenda said.

  “Well, if you’re sure you don’t mind putting off our night out, I’m going to have dinner with them Friday night. I suppose I’ll see if I’m still as interested in them then as I am now. There’s just something about how different from each other they are. Wesson is more aggressive while Cole is laid back and teasing.”

  “Wesson isn’t rough with you, is he?” Brenda asked with a hint of alarm in her voice.

  “No. I just mean he does and says what he wants to without trying to filter his thoughts. He isn’t in the least abrasive or rude. I would never tolerate that. You know that, Brenda.”

  “Just so he doesn’t push you into anything you don’t really want, Jessie.” Brenda’s words warmed her. Her friend was only looking out for her.

  “Don’t worry. I won’t let them take advantage of me or anything. I really don’t think they’re like that at all.”

  “Good. Maybe we can have brunch Sunday after your date Friday night and talk for a while before you have to hurry off to get ready for school on Monday,” Brenda suggested.

  “Sounds like a plan. I’ll talk to you later,” Jessie said then ended the call.

  She’d had a wonderful time with the guys the day before, and the more she thought about it, the more she knew she wanted to see where things went from there. Jessie had dreamed about them. They’d been by the stream lying on the blanket when suddenly they were all naked, writhing together in the moonlight. She’d felt totally cared for by the way both men kissed and caressed her body at the same time. It had been amazing despite it only being a dream. She’d woken before anything more had happened, and she had to admit that she’d been a little disappointed to have missed out on the main event.

  * * * *

  Cole started picking up the dishes from breakfast with Wesson putting away the butter and milk. They’d eaten in silence, but Cole knew they were each thinking about Jessie. H knew he sure as hell was. All he could think about was her. The erotic dream he’d had that night had been mind-blowing. She was every bit as delicious as he’d imagined when he’d first caught sight of her in the pizza place then again at the bar.

  I can’t get my mind off her. I’ve never obsessed over a woman like I am Jessie.

  Thinking about her had his dick stiff and his balls aching. He wanted to make love to her so badly he groaned as his cock pressed against the cabinet while he washed dishes.

  Wesson stood next to him drying the dishes and putting them away. From the way he walked, Cole figured his brother was having his own problems.

  “Did you dream about her last night?” Cole finally asked.

  “Hell, yeah. Dreamed I was balls deep inside of her and you were getting your cock sucked at the same time. Not sure how I feel about dreaming about your cock, brother.

  Cole laughed. “About the same as I felt having you in my dream. I guess it just proves we were always going to share a woman.”

  “She’s something else, man.”

  “I know. I’m so into her I can’t think straight.”

  Wesson sighed. “Do you think she’ll last?”

  “I sure as hell hope so. She could be the one.”

  “Yeah. I was thinking the same thing. I can’t stop fantasizing about her.”

  “I sure as hell enjoyed that kiss,” Cole said. “The only bad thing about it was how quick it was, but I was afraid of spooking her.”

  “Me, too. Having both of us all over her would probably scare her off right now. We’ve got to take it slow and lure her into caring about us too deeply to run away.”

  “I agree,” Cole said.

  “Don’t you just love all that rich brown hair and how it curls at the ends?” Wesson asked.

  “Yeah, she’s got the prettiest brown eyes. They got all warm and liquid looking when we kissed her,” Cole said.

  “And that body. Fuck me, Cole, she’s got a rocking body. Just enough tits to fit in our hands and an ass that’s plump and grabbable. I want to bury my face in her soft belly and lick her all over,” Wesson said.

  “She’s perfect for us. She fits between us like she was made for us.”

  “We can’t come on too strong, Cole. She’ll run for sure. I’m surprised she agreed to have dinner with us. I know she’s worried about dating two men at one time. She was uncomfortable dancing with us at the bar.”

  “We need to take her out to town next time to get her used to being out in public with us. I don’t want her to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable being with us. If all we do is see her around here, she’s going to balk the first time someone looks at her wrong.”

  Cole knew his brother was right. If she never got used to being with them in public, their relationship was doomed before it even got started.

  “Let’s take her to the steak house the first time she’s available. She’s going to be busy with school, but she ought to be able to go out to eat Saturday night,” Wesson suggested.

  “I agree. Maybe we can call a few of the guys we’ve met and ask them to all go out at the same time so she can see other threesomes out in public while we’re there,” Cole said.

  “I bet Justin and Paul would love to take their Lana out. Then there’s Randy, Travis, and Angela. They’re all bound to welcome a little alone time with their women. They can get a babysitter for their kids and spend a nice dinner with each other.” Wesson nodded.

  Cole would call them and make the suggestion. He was sure he could enlist their help with their courtship of Jessie. They’d all had the same issues with convincing their women that loving two men at one time didn’t have to be an issue for them.

  “I’d give them a call tonight. It will give them time to locate a babysitter,” Wesson said.

  “I will. Maybe this will help convince her that seeing both of us isn’t really an issue here in Riverbend.”

  “I sure hope so. I really like her. I mean really like her.” Wesson ran a hand through his hair and shook his head. “Fuck me. If she decides she can’t handle a threesome, I’m not going to take it very well.”

  Cole was surprised his brother had fallen this far so soon. Normally he was the one to hold back. It was just another sign that Jessie could be the one for them.

  Chapter Five

  Jessie sat at a booth with Brenda waiting on Angela, who was married to Randy and Travis, ranchers in Riverbend. She was nervous but did her best to hide it. It had been Brenda’s idea to meet one of the women in town who was in a ménage relationship.

  “Honey, you can’t make an informed decision about giving those two a chance if you don’t hear more about it. Angela is a sweet girl. She’s head over heels in love with her men, too.” Brenda patted Jessie’s arm.

  A pretty woman hurried over to their table and pulled Brenda into a hug. “It’s so good to see you again. Sorry I’m late.”

  Brenda smiled up at her. “Have a seat. This is Jessie, Jessie, Angela Woods.”

  Jessie couldn’t help but like the other woman with the huge smile on her face and the twinkling in her eyes. She truly did look happy. Was that happiness because of her men?

  “It’s great to meet you, Jessie. Don’t you just love Riverbend? I’m basically new here. I’ve only been in town for about three years now. Best thing that ever happened to me,” she said, beaming at them.

  “You look especially happy right now. You’re glowing, Angela. What’s up?” Brenda asked her.

  “I’m pregnant! I just told the guys last night. I’m so excited,” she gushed out.

  “Congratulations, Angela. That’s great news. I know Randy and Travis are happy,” Brenda said.

  “To say the least. I didn’t think they were going to let me come to town alone today. They’re going to drive me insane. I can already tell.” Angela took a sip of water then turned her attention to Jessie. “So, Brenda tells me that you’re dating Wesson and Cole. They’re really nice men.”

  “They are. I’m just not sure about going out with both men. I mean it’s not a normal relationship. Aren’t their problems being with two men?” Jessie asked.

  “Well, not the kind you’d expect. There isn’t any jealousy or rivalry. Mostly it’s trying to balance their combined need to take care of me and protect me. They get bossy at times when they think I’m doing too much or something, but I wouldn’t give them up for the world. They complete me in ways I can’t even begin to explain,” Angela told her.

  “What about going out in public? Isn’t it uncomfortable?” Jessie asked her.

  “Not really. There are several other ménage relationships in Riverbend, and even the sheriff is in one. You don’t have to worry about that.” Angela waved her hand. “Sure, there are a few people in town who don’t approve, but for the most part, everyone pretty much accepts us. Now that there are so many, we should really get a group of the woman together every once in a while and go out for dinner and drinks. It would be fun.”

  Brenda laughed. “That would sure be a wild group. Do you think you gals could get your men to allow it without them around to watch over you?”

  “You’ve got a point. Maybe if we have it at the pizza place they won’t complain too much,” Angela said.

  “Maybe,” Brenda laughed out. “All I know is that they keep their eyes on you all the time when you’re out in public.”

  “Maybe I’m not cut out for this. I don’t know if I could handle someone constantly monitoring my every move. That sounds smothering to me,” Jessie said.

  “It’s not as bad as it sounds. They don’t really follow you around or anything. We’re making it sound a lot worse than it is. I just want you to realize how much they care about their women and how much they want to keep them safe and happy. Don’t not give them a chance because you’re afraid they’ll hover over you. It’s not like that.” Angela sighed. “I’m not helping much, am I?”

  “I’m supposed to go to their house this weekend for dinner. I’ll see how they are there before I make up my mind. I don’t want things to go too far before I decide to call it off or if I can give this a try.”

  “Just remember that they will never fight over you or around you about anything. If they’re having a disagreement, they’ll settle it between themselves. They won’t involve you. That’s why ménage relationships works so well,” Angela told her.

  “And you’re really happy with two men?” Jessie asked, narrowing her eyes.

  “Ecstatically. The sex is explosive, and nothing compares to having two men to cuddle with on the couch watching TV or in bed on a cold winter’s night.” Angela grinned as the waitress brought their drinks out.

  Jessie listened to Angela and Brenda catch up on the town’s gossip. She couldn’t help but admire the young woman. She was living with two men and was pregnant carrying their child. She didn’t have a clue whose it was, and evidently, she didn’t care. According to her, the men didn’t care either. It all boggled Jessie’s mind.

  They ordered their meals and continued talking for another hour before Jessie excused herself to return home. She thanked Angela for agreeing to meet with them and tell her about what went into a ménage relationship then returned home to finish up the school work she was setting up for next week when school started.

  Despite trying to concentrate on lesson plans, written exercises, and homework questions, Jessie kept thinking about her upcoming date with the guys. How could two brothers, who were similar in some ways but very different in others, share a woman between them without getting jealous at some point or another? Would she sleep with one every other night, or would they always sleep together? Who did she make love with on what day?

  She felt heat burn from her neck up to her cheeks at the hints Angela had thrown about anal sex and taking both men at one time. She fanned her cheeks with one hand and grabbed her glass of iced tea with the other. Could she handle both men at one time? Was it really possible?

  Well, evidently it was since Angela had talked about it. Still, the thought of those two men filling her at the same time was a bit scary. Though she hadn’t seen them in the flesh, she’d felt their hard lengths against her body when they’d brushed up against her. They were much larger than any other man she’d ever been with in the past.

  I can’t keep thinking about this. I’m never going to get ready for school if all I think about is sex with Wesson and Cole.

  But it was all she could think about. Even when she laid down to sleep that night, her mind whirled with thoughts of the two men. She’d loved how attentive they’d been while they’d been riding and on the picnic. They’d been perfect gentlemen for the most part. Only kissing her and never pushing her to go further. How would they be once they decided it was time to take the next step? Would that be this weekend?

  Do I want it to be this weekend?

  Truthfully, Jessie wasn’t sure. All she could do was wait and see how everything went once that day came. Until then, she desperately needed some sleep.

  When it came, it was filled with Wesson’s and Cole’s hands on her body, making her want, need. They made love to her with fiery kisses and smoldering looks as they caressed her body with their hands and lips. Jessie was consumed by them and had made up her mind about them in those heated dreams and didn’t even know it.

  * * * *

  “I wish you would have let us pick you up, babe,” Wesson said as he opened the door to her Friday night.

  Jessie smiled up at him when he pulled her in for a warm hug. “There’s no need to make extra trips into town when I can drive. But thanks again for the offer.”

  He brushed her lips with a soft kiss then led her into the living room where a large leather sofa in a warm chocolate brown stood in front of a stone fireplace. There were two burnt-orange leather recliners to one side in front of a flat screen TV and various end tables scattered around.

  Jessie was relieved to see that there weren’t any animal heads or horns adorning the walls. Though she wasn’t totally against hunting, she didn’t like the idea of dead animals staring at her all the time.

  “How has your week been?” Wesson asked as he led her through the overly large living area.

  “Productive. I got pretty much everything I needed to do finished for school. Now it’s just getting settled into my classroom and setting everything up for when the kids start,” she said.

  They walked into the kitchen that was separated from the living area by an island on one side. She instantly fell in love with the black appliances and marble countertop. The warm oranges and yellows in the backsplash and tiled floors gave the room a homey appearance.

  “I love the house, guys. It’s amazing. You had to have completely redone it. I know it wasn’t like this when you moved in,” she said.

p; Cole chuckled. “Yeah, it took some time, but we got it like we want it. Even updated the master bathroom last year.”

  “I’ll give you a complete tour after dinner if you want it,” Wesson offered. “I think dinner is about ready.”

  “I can’t wait. It smells Italian,” she said, lifting her nose in the air.

  “Lasagna,” Cole said with a huge grin.

  “Yummy. I love lasagna. And you made it yourself?” she asked.

  “Yep. All by myself.” Cole sighed when Wesson cleared his throat. “I had a little help from Wesson. He cut up the vegetables and made the salad.”

  “I’m impressed. Good thing you kept him away from the actual cooking part if he can’t boil water,” she teased, knocking her shoulder against Wesson’s.

  “Have a seat, Jessie. I’ll bring it over to the table,” Cole said. “Wesson, get the salad out of the fridge.”

  They spent the next hour eating and chatting about their week out working the ranch. Wesson entertained her with stories about their childhood while Cole added his version when Wesson made it sound like Cole had been the culprit in most of their pranks.

  Jessie found herself having a wonderful time and really enjoyed the men’s attentions. They touched her often. Just a light touch of their fingers to her arm or a casual caress at her elbow. It made her feel cared for, important to them. She could easily see herself falling for these men fast and hard. The big question was, could she handle two men at one time, all the time?

  Questions swirled in her head about how it would work. Would they overwhelm her with there being two of them surrounding her all the time? She realized, though, once they were settled on the couch in the living room that she wanted to see where it took them. She wanted to give a threesome with these men a chance.

  “Oh, I nearly forgot to tell you.” Cole began looking over at Wesson. “The sheriff called while you were in the shower. Said they’d had another episode of one of the other ranchers finding darts in some of his cows. None of them were harmed, but that’s three separate episodes. Got to be kids out target practicing or something.”


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