Myths and Gargoyles

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Myths and Gargoyles Page 44

by Jamie Hawke

  Right there, she started fingering her ass, and Sharon was into it. I watched for a moment, but then Elisa motioned me to the bath, sticking her tongue in her cheek in a way that made it clear what she wanted. So I did, moving over and lowering myself into the water, then standing so that my dick was there in Sharon’s face.

  “What, you want me to huff, and puff, and…” Sharon grinned up at me, waiting for me to finish the phrase.

  “Corny,” I said, laughing.

  “What, you thought I’d say something about blowing?” She winked. “My actions speak louder than words.”

  She eyed it, bit her lip and then opened her mouth. In her position, with Elisa still fingering her ass, she couldn’t exactly use her hands or she’d fall, so I guided it in, like an airplane coming in for a landing. She seemed unsure, at first, but then was licking it, bobbing her head slightly. And then she had her tongue twirling around my tip like an ice cream, before taking me in fully. Oh, God, her mouth felt good, that warmth against the cold of the mists. I went full on fun mode, took her by her wild mane, and started moving with the motion.

  “That’s more like it,” Elisa said, grinning wide as she took her other hand and, I couldn’t see, but based on Sharon’s increased moans and intensity of sucking my cock, she’d started fingering her pussy now, too.

  When Sharon had her first orgasm, Elisa slapped her once on the ass, then went over to wash her hands as I took Sharon and threw her back on the bed. Elisa was getting more paints ready before joining us, while I moved my cock into position with Sharon, her hairy pussy a bit coarse on the outside, warm and moist on the inside as I slid in.

  As I thrust, flicks of paint hit me, then a paint brush was on Sharon’s nipple, painting one pink, the next purple, making them eyes of a smiley face with a long stroke for the smile.

  I laughed. “Quit joking around.”

  Elisa stepped back, grinned, and then straddled Sharon’s face. “Does our new friend eat out much?”

  In that position I couldn’t see Sharon, except to tell that she’d gone stiff. Clearly uncomfortable. I was about to say something as I brought my thrusting to a slow, love making rhythm, but then Sharon’s tongue flicked out. She tenderly tasted Elisa, and then was suddenly all into it. Fuck that was hot, causing me to get into my thrusting with such vigor that soon it became difficult for us all to stay in place, and Elisa fell over.

  She was laughing then, pushing Sharon away and squirming, apparently having fallen mid-orgasm, and then Sharon moved aside and thrust me toward Elisa.

  “My turn to paint,” she said, and grabbed handfuls of blue and red, running them up my back and across Elisa’s breasts as I now took Elisa and began making love to her.

  She pulled me close, moaning and whispering, “Slow, slow… oh, gentle…” and then was moaning and punching the bed, finally finishing with one long, blissful release.

  Sharon jumped back on right away, but made a face and said, “Fuck, it’s sensitive, let’s just…”

  A glance around and she wiped the rest of the paint on my chest, or as much as she could, and then took my cock with both hands, stroking it vigorously. I leaned back, thrust my hips forward, and enjoyed the feel of it until I unleashed all over her arms and stomach.

  She laughed, rolled over, and caught her breath.

  “The painting isn’t over,” Elisa said, apparently having recovered, and she pushed me over, dabbing her brush into the paint.

  Elisa was lying over me, her paintbrush tickling as she painted little Celtic designs on my cock, Sharon biting her lip as she watched.

  “The funny part is how they’ll change shape when it shrinks,” Elisa said, more as if commenting on art than on my body.

  “Too bad I’m such a grower, or we wouldn’t have to worry about it,” I replied, propping my head up to get a better look. She really was quite the artist.

  “You are a major grower,” Sharon commented.

  “Hey.” I frowned, not sure if I should take that as a compliment or insult. There wasn’t time to figure it out, though, because a light shot out as a portal opened right next to the bed. As we all turned in confusion, a young witch stepping out. She froze, staring at us lying there nude and covered in paint. She cocked her head at the Celtic designs on my dick, and nodded, clearly impressed.

  “If this is why you all called for Chris, I feel obliged to tell you, he’s in a bit of a relationship. Kind of.”

  “No, no,” I said, sitting up and taking the sheet to cover myself. “Damn, sorry. We were just waiting and—”

  “Got to painting. Yes, I see that.”

  I grinned, looking to Sharon and Elisa, who were both trying not to crack up.

  “Anyway, did you want to… get dressed or…?” The witch motioned to the portal.

  “Or go like this?” Elisa asked, gesturing to her nude body, covered in yellow and green strokes of paint. “I think we’ll need a couple of minutes.”

  “Isn’t the world under attack?”

  “Fine, thirty seconds.”

  “Thirty seconds?” I asked.

  She was already up, motioning me along to the bathroom while the witch waited.

  “Red!” Elisa called out, voice carrying through the halls.

  “Don’t fucking shout for me!” Red shouted.

  “I’m not. Just letting you know we have company,” Elisa smiled, turned on the shower, and motioned us in. “Quickly now, scrub each other off. Help me get to those hard to reach areas.”

  I grinned, getting in the shower and grabbing the bottle of soap, starting to quickly lather myself up, then Sharon. She got Elisa as she entered, and in a few seconds of sensual caressing and washing, we were back out. We dried off and found our new clothes,

  “This… is odd,” I said, holding up the dress pants and dress shirt a guard had set aside for me, thankfully. “I’ll look like my dad about to go do some banking.”

  “I think it’ll be hot,” Pucky said, entering with Red.

  Red nodded, then looked around at the paint-covered sheets and walls.

  “Seriously?” Red said, turning to the witch as if to apologize, but the witch held up a hand to stop her.

  “Trust me,” the witch said, “what you all have going here is nothing compared to what Chris has been doing.”

  “Color me curious.” I pulled on my pants, then the shirt, leaving it untucked. “Let’s go ask him all about it.”

  “Or maybe focus on more important matters,” Elisa said with a laugh.


  We followed this witch through the portal that led to a valley covered with trees on each side. At the bottom, where we were, was a field with a hedge maze twice as tall as myself, and a tall New Orleans looking mansion large enough for several families visible on the far side.

  “Where’s Chris?” I asked.

  “He’ll be with Hekate, to be sure,” the witch said. “They sent me ahead while they finished up. Hopefully, they’ll be decent.”

  “Decent…” I repeated the word, not as a question, but as a realization. He had, I was guessing, fallen into the same pattern I’d become accustomed to. Training, fighting, fucking. It wasn’t a bad life, and judging by the fact that he was with Hekate, and seeing this little number, I had no doubt he was happy with how it’d turned out.

  She led us back across a neatly manicured lawn with a circular fountain in the middle, and through the entrance into the hedge maze, headed towards the mansion on the far side. , She glanced over and grinned at me.

  “What?” I asked.

  “It’s just, you look a lot cooler than Chris makes you out to be.”

  “The hell?”

  She laughed. “It’s a compliment, really. You know, with the way it used to be so hard for you to meet girls and all. He told us about this one time—”

  “Maybe we don’t need to talk while we walk?”

  “Come on,” Pucky said, laughing. “Let the lady talk.”

  I growled, but waved her on.

  “It’s nothing, really,” the little witch said. “He thought it was funny. I mean, I don’t have to tell them.”


  She skipped along, leading us through the next part of the maze, where it turned several times so that I would’ve sworn we were going in a circle, except that nothing looked familiar.

  “That time on the beach,” she said. “You went there thinking you’d be meeting this girl you’d overheard at school saying she was going, but apparently you went to the wrong one. Stayed all day and got sunburned.”

  “He was there with me,” I mumbled.

  “Or what about the time you got caught touching yourself in Crystal’s bathroom?” She laughed. “Hilarious.”

  “He…” I blushed, not even sure how he knew about that. I’d only ever told… nobody. “I’d had a major crush on her, didn’t want my boner bothering me and giving it away, so figured there was only one way to get rid of it.”

  My ladies had a mixture of humor and uncertainty on their faces.

  “Oh come on, I was like fifteen at the time, and he wasn’t’ supposed to know about that. The only thing I can think is that she told him, but I don’t get why.”

  “Because they were dating at the time.”

  I stopped, staring, mouth open. “Shit, how did I never see that.”

  She winked. “Sometimes you don’t see something right in front of you, if you don’t want to see it.”

  The next turn led us to an open area where a picnic was laid out on a grassy field, three naked bodies there on the lawn.

  “I’m trying not to see it,” I said to the witch. “What you said… it’s not working.”

  “I did say ‘sometimes,’” she replied with a laugh.

  Chris was one of them, naturally. He was bent backwards over a pile of clothes on a rock, some random witch rubbing his cock between her overly large breasts while Hekate stood over his mouth so that he could eat her out. The weirdest part wasn’t even that, but how she had various colored candles on a bench next to him, and at the moment was pouring candle wax onto his flesh from a pink candle. His body convulsed as it hit but already had green and purple hardened in lines along his body.

  “Dude,” was all I could say.

  He held up a hand, not stopping. Hekate smiled at us, adjusted herself so that he better had her clit, and moaned long and loud before stepping away.

  “Finish him, Mirna,” she said with a shrug.

  Chris tried to push himself up, but in that moment Mirna, looking our way and blushing, started working him hard with two hands so that he collapsed back as his cum shot out onto his belly.

  I turned away in disgust, glad to see my team of ladies had been a step ahead of me, already with their backs to the situation.

  “Could’ve just told us to wait,” I called over my shoulder.

  “Fuck…” Chris said, voice heavy with exhaustion. “Fuck that.”

  He was up and walking toward us, I could tell in my periphery, so I risked a glance to see that he was wiping himself off with a witch’s gown. He tossed it aside, then stood there nude but for the candle wax, grinning wide.

  “So?” he asked. “What’ya think?”

  “I think you need to get some clothes on.”

  He laughed, waving my comment off. “No, I mean about this place. Isn’t it amazing?”

  “It’s different,”

  “I don’t like it,” Sharon said.

  He put his hand to his chin, looking up at the mansion. Now that I really noticed it, too, it had that dark aura to it that I could understand Sharon being against.

  “Yeah, a bit dreary I guess,” Chris said. “But you get used to it.”

  “Know what I can’t get used to?” I asked, annoyed when I saw Elisa glance down at him. “You without pants.”

  Chris guffawed, but then turned and started looking for his pants, while Hekate came over.

  “For the record,” Elisa said, “I wasn’t looking there. More appreciating the candle wax art.”

  “Uh huh.”

  “It’s part of some magic I was trying on him,” Hekate explained. Now it was my turn to try to not look, because she was as naked as him. The other witch, a shorter woman with wild blue hair, grinned over at us as she tried to fit her breasts into a bra. It looked like a challenge.

  Pucky cleared her throat.

  “I wasn’t looking either,” I explained, but blushed. “Just…”

  “He was looking,” Sharon said, arms crossed.

  “Not in that way,” I countered.

  “Shut up and enjoy the show,” Pucky said with a laugh. “I’m not judging, because I know you’re coming home with me, not them.”

  “Your friend’s got a big cock, but it’s funny looking,” Red said. When the other girls turned to her, she shrugged. “Yeah, I looked, why the fuck wouldn’t I? There’s a cock hanging out, my eyes are going to observe. Doesn’t mean anything.”

  I laughed at that, and shrugged. She had a point—I’d been looking at those massive titties, at Hekate’s tight body and shaved pussy. But it wasn’t that I wanted either of them. I had more women than I could handle. But when breasts and pussy are out there for the eyes to roam over, they’re going to roam.

  Moving on, I turned back to Hekate and Chris. “Tell me you’re aware of what’s going on out there.”

  Chris had just pulled on a pair of boxers, and was now finding his pants. “Yeah, that’s what the spell was for. Protection. We were getting ready to go on the offensive.”

  “Before or after you heard from us?” Red asked.

  He frowned at her, then turned back to me. “The thing was—”

  “Did he just ignore me because I said his dong was funny looking?”

  Chris glared at her, nodded curtly, and then said, “As I was saying, I’ve managed to get a few of the witches on our side.”

  “Five,” the short one called out, voice higher pitched than I would’ve thought.

  She, at least, was finally pulling a robe over herself. Only, as I cringed to see, it was the one Chris had been wiping himself with. She looked down and saw it too, cursed, and pulled it right back off. I quickly looked away.

  “Okay, five witches,” Elisa said, folding her hands together. “We can work with that, I think.”

  “And are we in a witch den or something?” I asked.

  “This place?” Chris chuckled. “Shit, son, don’t you know? I had her open a portal here for a reason—we’re in the heart of it.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He pulled on his shirt now, finally fully dressed minus socks and shoes. “Right out there—not far off, is the catacombs. We go up here, we’re going to be in the heart of it.”

  “Except…” Elisa frowned. “We don’t want to be in the heart of it. We need to find the Golden Goose.”

  “The fuck you do,” Hekate said, staring her down. “It ain’t going to happen.”

  “You want to explain to Nivian that Arthur is stuck in the Fae lands forever?” Red said. “Or…” She turned to Elisa, who stepped forward.

  “Or try telling me you’re going to keep my brothers there as well, knowing there’s a way to avoid it?”

  Hekate frowned at her, licked her lips, then sighed. “Fuck.”

  “So you’ll do it?”

  “We’re going to need to go into the mansion, where we’ll have information on how to find it, though of course it’s not there itself. You wait here and—”

  “Not going to happen,” Elisa countered. “We’re going with you.”

  Hekate opened her mouth to protest, but clearly thought better of it. With a nod toward the mansion and a worried look Chris’s way, she said, “Looks like it’s time to give them a tour.”

  The worry in Chris’s eyes made my heart thud at the thought, but it was the next step in our journey, and a necessary one.

  “Come on then,” Mirna said, gesturing to us. “We’ll need to cast an illusionary spell on the lot of you, and hope it h
olds. Because if not…”

  “We’re all going to be fucked,” Chris finished for her.


  Mirna and the other two witches quickly had us glamoured, with the help of the blue candles and some spell casting. Chris actually joined in the chant, a small bit of purple light coming from his fingertips as the spell had moved over us, making us all appear in the purple and black robes the witches mostly wore here.

  “Not all witches dress that way, but it’s a sort of uniform when in the coven,” Hekate explained. “At least, this coven.”

  “And they live here,” I asked. “Or is this like some school of witchcraft and wizardry?”

  “A what?” Hekate asked, frowning.

  Chris chuckled. “She’s just giving you a hard time. I asked the same thing—but no, no such things. This is more like a crazy cult, most of the witches here actually worshipping Hekate.”

  “It’s not a cult,” Hekate countered. “And they only worship me in that they think I’m amazing. If I told them all to switch sides right now, we’d maybe get one or two out of the bunch.”

  “Why don’t you?” I asked.

  “Because the rest would turn on her,” Pucky explained. “And then we’d have to fight them all off.”

  “Kill ‘em,” Sharon added. When the others looked at her, she shrugged. “It’s true. We’d be able to take them, but I imagine Hekate feels a special something here. No? Otherwise, why not?”

  Hekate grunted, not saying anything more on the subject, and therefore confirming what Sharon had suggested. Either way, I was enjoying walking up the curved steps leading up to the mansion, knowing that I hadn’t had to drink any strange potions with people’s hair in them or whatever to get this look of being someone else. It was odd, seeing Red and the others in a way that almost made them look like stranger, but not quite. Something about the spell allowed us to sort of see the new version as a layer on top of the old, like a strange veneer covering the real us. We looked bizarre, I thought with a grin.

  “What’re you smirking about?” Sharon asked as we reached the door.


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