The Truth About Cinder

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The Truth About Cinder Page 2

by Alta Hensley


  The image of being disciplined by Donte sent a shiver down her spine. Was it the idea of the punishment? The surrender of control? Or was it that having a discussion of this nature seemed so natural to the man?

  "Yes. This will be part of the training. I have no doubt you’ll truly understand the meaning soon enough."

  "I see." She took another bite of the bread and swallowed. Donte's eyes watched intently as she chewed. "I'm a quick learner, and I promise you I won't let you down."

  Donte crossed his arms against his broad chest. "What other communes have you lived in besides Briar?" His gray–blue eyes glinted with interest.

  "I've been in many. Some I left by choice and others by force." Cinder glanced at her armrest where an exquisite carving depicted a couple engaged in a contorted sexual position. She couldn't help but wonder if she would someday partake in the same exact act. Her gaze snapped back to Donte. "The last commune was called Jaden. They were only interested in people who'd either be a warrior, or a bride to a warrior. I wasn't interested in either. The one before that only accepted potato pickers. The life seemed dreary and bleak. Communes are filling up, so the options are few."

  "Warriors you say. Why do you think the commune Jaden wanted warriors? What is your take on that?"

  Cinder stared at him, unable to speak at first. She'd never been asked her opinion on anything. "Fertile land is precious and extremely valuable. I think it's only human nature to want to have that land. Unfortunately, it's also human nature to fight for what you want. I think Jaden is planning on going to war with nearby communes. It's scary, really."

  Donte nodded. "Do you have no family?"

  His ability to jump from one topic to the next overwhelmed her. It was hard to keep her composure. Maybe that was his intent.

  "No, sir." She looked down at the ground, praying he wouldn't press any further, or want more of an answer.

  "It has been awhile since I’ve been beyond the palace walls. Is the land as parched as before?"

  Stress released from her shoulders when she realized the conversation continued on. Cinder nodded. "Worse. It seems to be drying up more each day."

  Donte studied her every move. His glare pierced through her. "Tell me of Jaden. You say they are accepting more people?"

  Cinder nodded again. "One of the few communes that are. Since population controls have been set, very few communes allow new residents. Jaden is building its army." Her gaze went to another sexual carving in the wood. Speaking of the scorched world reminded her of how lucky she was to have made it to the Palace of Lazar.

  "Why did you choose the palace?" His stare burned.

  She smiled to try to hide just how uncomfortable his stare made her. "Anything's better than being a potato picker." She hadn't intended to be funny, but couldn't resist.

  Donte chuckled. "Fair enough." He paused, and the short-lived smile melted away, leaving his serious, unyielding expression in its place. "No more talk of that." He slapped the desktop softly. "After you are done eating, we’ll send you to be inspected. Training starts right after that. Do you have any questions?"

  Cinder shook her head.

  Donte sat in silence the rest of breakfast. He never took his eyes off of her. His face was stern as he studied her every move. "When you’re through eating, please stand in front of me."

  Cinder wiped her mouth with the cloth napkin and did as he asked. It was clear that Donte expected complete obedience of his every demand, and she wasn’t about to question him or test his patience. She padded her way over until she stood only inches from him.

  "Take off your nightgown."

  The sharp command startled her, but she quickly did as he asked. She wasn’t going to ruin her chance of food, water and shelter by allowing modesty to get in the way of what had been her long time goal. She unbuttoned the top buttons with shaky fingers, lifted the soft fabric above her head, and let the garment drop to the floor. She stood before him in nothing but white cotton panties that were given to her when she first arrived.

  He rewarded her with a small smile. "I like that you did not pause or question. Very good."

  Cinder smiled in return. She had traveled too far not to please him now. Her future rested in the hands of this man.

  He stood and took hold of the elastic on the panties and lowered them down to her knees. He ran his fingers through the hair on her mound.

  No, no, no. This was wrong. Sinful.

  No man had ever touched her before.

  Should she leave? Run out of the room and never look back?

  No… this was the Palace of Lazar, and she knew what that meant. This is what she wanted. She’d had plenty of time during her journey to really ask herself if this was the life she wanted to live.

  She had made her choice. Sinful or not.

  Her choice was Lazar.

  "After inspection, we’ll send you to grooming. Body hair is not acceptable in the Palace of Lazar." He ran his index finger all the way down to her clit and pressed firmly. "I'm proud of you, Cinder. You have not flinched or pulled away from my touch. Most do until they are trained. I’m usually disappointed, but with you, I’m not."

  Cinder swallowed the gasp threatening to escape, watching below hooded lids as he fondled her sex. His touch burned, tempting her to moan in desire. But Cinder stood silent, obediently allowing him to touch as he saw fit.

  She was a soldier. A soldier of one. This was the way to win this battle. Stand at attention like a good soldier would.

  He removed his hand and stared directly into her eyes. "You are a very good girl, Cinder." He walked toward the door and turned around. "There’s a pair of fur slippers at the end of the bed. Place them on your feet. Remove your panties completely and follow me. It is time we make you part of the harem."


  Completely naked, Cinder followed Donte down the hallway. She tried to keep pace with his long strides. The pattering of her fur-covered feet against the marble floor reminded her of her complete exposure with every step. Only her feet were covered… everything else on full display.

  Donte looked over his shoulder and slowed his walk. His eyes scanned her unclothed body. "You’ll learn to be comfortable eventually. As part of your training, you’ll discover the beauty of your bare skin."

  His firm, rumbling, baritone voice fired sparks in her core. A drop of arousal trickled down the inside of her leg. She pressed her thighs together to try to conceal what his voice alone had the power to do.

  The anticipation of what was to come.

  The unknown.

  She should be terrified… but was anything but.

  Now that they slowly walked down the hallway, Cinder could fully take in her surroundings. She noticed that every statue and piece of art featured portrayals of people engaged in various forms of sex. Tapestries hung from ceiling to floor, all with people in the most intimate positions. Vulgar angles, animalistic positions. So graphic, that Cinder felt her face heat and her nipples pebble while glancing at the visuals.

  He followed her gaze to a painting on the wall. "Sex is beauty. Sex is art. You will be trained on how wondrous a sexual encounter can be. You’ll soon be taught there is no shame in desire." The way he spoke mesmerized her, like a siren's song. "You will learn to not only expose your body freely, but your soul."

  "Will you be doing the training?" Cinder recognized the hopeful undertones in her question. The thought of his tutoring caused tingling in her breasts. She glanced down at her nipples, hoping her thoughts weren't evident, but there was no hiding the fact.

  "No. I will oversee it, but we have three mistresses highly skilled in the art of seduction and submission to provide the lessons. They are sisters who came to the palace in the beginning of its construction. Mistress Krin, Mistress Tula and Mistress Lana rule over the harem almost as much as I do, and I expect their dictates to be followed."

  "I see." Cinder's cheeks grew warmer.

  He chuckled quietly. The quick
act surprised her. She had only seen this side of him briefly and found it odd how much it contrasted with the authoritative demeanor he possessed. "Let me show you the rest of the palace before we have you inspected and groomed."

  After walking down several more hallways, he held out his hand, ushering her through another corridor. Cinder walked past him, still embarrassed that she was fully nude, yet her body hummed with every step she took. She caught an alluring trace of his spicy scent—dangerous, and so very masculine. Another bead of arousal formed between her legs. She hoped she wouldn't be this wet during the inspection. The lack of control of her bodily functions confused her.

  Was it Donte? Was it the nudity? Was it the graphic décor cascading down every tapestry that covered every inch of wall space?

  She was a virgin. Meant to be pure…

  They walked until they reached a set of large double doors. Intricate designs were sculpted into the wood just like the rest of the palace, but the doors also had jewels embedded into the carvings. The majestic door handle appeared to be etched from elephant tusk with tiny emeralds around the keyhole.

  "We have reached the inspection room."

  Cinder swallowed back her anxiety.

  As if reading her mind, Donte added, "No need to be frightened."

  She stared at him for a moment, taking in his assertive expression. She stood with anticipation of what came next.


  His deep voice jarred her from her paralyzing thoughts.

  "Shall we?"

  Her body trembled as she walked ahead of him when he opened the door. She held her hands together in front of her and entered the room. The scent of olive oil and fresh poppies drifted through the air, giving notice that one of the windows was open to allow for the breeze. White curtains framed the scenery outside where a large cypress tree swayed in the wind. She could feel Donte's breath against her neck as he approached.

  "Do not be afraid," he whispered.

  On the first landing, Cinder noticed a petite woman wearing a white dress. Although small, she exuded a superiority and confidence that Cinder had only seen in men. "You must be Cinder." She motioned to a table Cinder had seen once in a doctor's office. Doctors were rare, but when she almost died from the Tavarian flu a year ago, she was lucky enough to be in a commune that had one.

  She stood in place, embarrassed that she was naked in front of another person. Donte placed his hand on Cinder's lower back and guided her to the exam table. "This is Mistress Krin. She is one of the three women who help oversee the harem. She’ll be performing your examination."

  Cinder's heart raced as she was led to the table. Donte gently assisted her, until she sat on the edge with her feet dangling free. On both sides of the table were metal foot holders. She almost gasped out loud when she realized she would be expected to put her feet in them. Her legs would be spread so wide. There was a small, metal tray, but Cinder couldn't see what was beneath the white cloth concealing its contents.

  Mistress Krin approached the table and smiled. "Please take off your slippers and put your feet in the stirrups, push your bottom to the edge of the table, and lie back." The gentle tone of her voice soothed Cinder's bundle of nerves. She too had a thick accent, but it was somehow different from Donte's.

  She quickly did as she was told, noticing that Donte stood behind Mistress Krin so he could observe all that was being done. Cinder tried to control the flush of heat spreading across her face as she spread her legs wide and stared at the ceiling. The sound of latex gloves being donned sent a shiver through her core. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

  "You’re going to feel something cold and then some pressure. Be a good girl and relax your legs. If you do as you are told, this inspection will be over in no time." Mistress Krin’s gentle voice took on a bit more firmness this time around.

  Before Cinder could take her next breath, something cold and metal entered her vagina.

  "Just relax. The pressure will let up in a second," Mistress Krin soothed. "Lift your bottom up a little bit."

  Cinder did as she asked, trying her best not to picture Donte watching her do all of this. Her legs were completely spread, and now her pussy was just as open.

  "It is clear you’re a virgin." Mistress Krin pulled out the metal device as she made the declaration. "I’m going to take your temperature now. Keep your legs wide."

  Cinder gasped when she felt the tip of the thermometer against her anus. She jumped at the intrusion.

  Mistress Krin gave a small swat to her pussy. "Stay still." The swat and the command sent a jolt of electricity through Cinder’s entire sex.

  The thermometer pressed against her hole again, but this time was inserted all the way in her anus. Mistress Krin left it firmly in place and walked around the table to examine her breasts. Her hands grabbed each one and massaged. She then pinched each nipple, causing Cinder to stifle a moan. Mistress Krin nodded in approval and walked back so she stood between Cinder's legs once again.

  The thermometer was pulled out slowly. "No temperature. She also has plenty of sensation in her breasts and nipples." Mistress Kim grabbed a damp rag and wiped the lubrication off of Cinder's pussy and anus. "You can sit up now, Cinder."

  She quickly did as ordered and instantly met Donte's approving gaze.

  "Good girl. I’m pleased," he stated simply.

  "Almost done, Cinder. Please roll over on to your stomach and spread your legs," Mistress Krin directed.

  Cinder did as asked without delay.

  "Lift your bottom up, and spread your legs wider."

  Cinder spread her legs as wide as she could and pressed her bottom up and toward the ceiling. She had a pretty good guess as to what would be examined next and tried to calm her swelling nerves. It wouldn't end with just a thermometer.

  "This part of the examination is going to hurt a little. I need to see how much your asshole can take. We need to see how much anal training is required for you."

  Mistress Krin approached Cinder and pressed her lubricated finger to her exposed hole. She dipped her finger beyond the tight entrance and did this motion over and over, spreading the lubrication all around. Just the finger almost seemed too much to bear.

  "It is important that you are honest with me, Cinder. Do you understand?"

  Cinder nodded.

  Mistress Krin swatted her butt. "From now on, when you are asked a question, you give a formal answer. Are we clear?"

  "Yes, Mistress Krin."

  "Even if it stings, you must accept what I put inside you until the sting turns to pain. Are we clear?"

  "Yes, Mistress Krin."

  "Do not cry out or ask me to stop until you absolutely cannot accept any more. Are we clear?"

  Cinder nodded.

  Mistress Krin quickly applied two hard spanks. "Are we clear?"

  Cinder struggled for breath at the shocking bite of the swats. "Yes, Mistress Krin."

  "I am going to start by inserting one of my fingers and then adding a second."

  She did so, and Cinder tried her best to relax and breathe deeply. She knew if she cried out now, she would risk being told she wasn't ready to be part of the harem. Mistress Krin's fingers went in and out in small, slow thrusts. Cinder's pussy pulsated along with every push and pull.

  "I am now going to put a small, slender dildo in. This may hurt, so you will need to calm down and allow the submissive sensations to take over."

  Cinder wasn't exactly sure what a dildo was, but quickly felt it invade her backside. Cinder squealed as it pressed past her puckered entrance. Mistress Krin paused for a moment, but then continued to press it deeper within. Cinder wanted to cry out and beg for just the fingers again. She took deep breaths as instructed, but the sting became almost unbearable. Her bottom stretched to impossible limits as Mistress Krin pushed it all the way in. Cinder bit her lip and clenched at the edge of the table to quiet her ever building need to beg for mercy.

  Mistress Krin reached between Cinder's legs and
found her clit. She pressed firmly and rolled the tip of her finger in small circular motions. Cinder couldn't help but moan in pleasure and relax a bit.

  "Allow the submission to set in. Relax and focus on submitting to the anal training. Know that with every stretch, you are getting closer and closer to where you can accept a cock in your ass. You’ll be able to give the prince your ass for him to claim. It’s a gift you can bestow. Submit, Cinder."

  She did as commanded and allowed herself to feel something different. She couldn't explain the sensation, but it was as if all the fight had left her body. The dildo no longer seemed as foreign. It actually started to feel enjoyable. Cinder rocked her hips back and forth to match the circling of her clit. Heat radiated from her ass to her dripping wet pussy. Cinder wanted to explode. Lights sparked behind her closed eyes, and her body tingled everywhere. The pleasure grew with every thrust in her ass and every movement of Mistress Krin's finger. Cinder couldn't fight the urge to moan between her panting any longer. The sensation grew more and more until Cinder cried out. Mistress Krin sped up the thrusting, and applied more pressure to her clit, until Cinder's body tensed uncontrollably and fire shot through her. She let out a small scream as the foreign sensation racked her body over and over again. The pulsating in her pussy took her breath away.

  Mistress Krin stopped what she was doing and removed the dildo. Cinder collapsed on the table, struggling to regain her composure.

  "She’s able to orgasm easily, although her ass will need daily stretching." She patted Cinder's behind. "Go ahead and sit up. The inspection is complete."

  Cinder did as instructed, although her muscles felt like jelly. She looked into Donte's eyes and saw satisfaction and… arousal? That was her first orgasm, and she didn't know exactly what to think about it. Her mind swam, her heart pounded, and all she really wanted was to be comforted.

  As if she had voiced her wants, Donte sat down on a large chair and patted his lap. "Come here, Cinder. You were a very good girl."


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