His Wicked Game (Beautiful Lies Romantic Suspense Series Book 2)

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His Wicked Game (Beautiful Lies Romantic Suspense Series Book 2) Page 4

by M. L. Ray

  Martha looked at Nook with huge, frightened eyes, her body shivering from cold. “Please,” she said in a broken voice, “please Nook… he wants to kill me. Please help me… please…”

  Anouk barely had time to react before Martha collapsed unconscious into her arms.


  Venice, Italy

  Levi didn’t know how to go about this. He wanted to reach out to Juno but hell if he knew how to do without seeming like a stalker or a creeper. He hung out in a coffee house near, but not next to, the ballet company in the hopes she would come in, or maybe Jake would, but he lucked out.

  He was going to try one last time then he would give up and go on with his life. He settled on a small café that sold every flavor of gelato imaginable. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d eaten it. A while. He went for peach, and for a moment was transported back to his childhood summers at his father’s home on the Southern Italian coast. Knox and he, during the part of their childhood where they were closest. So much love, so much fun.

  “Seems we’re both fans of this place.”

  He looked up to see Arturo Corri smiling at him. He was more casually dressed than when Levi had last seen him, a navy sweater, blue jeans and his dark curls in disarray. His camera was slung around his neck and a heavy black bag was on his shoulder. Arturo dropped the bag to the ground before he shook Levi’s hand and Levi gestured for the other man to join him.

  “You know I will, grazie.” He declined the waitress’s offer of gelato and instead ordered an expresso. He smiled at Levi. “Trying to shore up my courage. I’m meeting with the ballet in an hour.”

  Levi grinned. “Arturo Corri needs a confidence boost? Really?”

  Arturo chuckled. “This project is so important to me. If I succeed, it could define my career. I need these dancers to say yes.”

  Levi smiled but shook his head. “There are other ballet companies.”

  Arturo inclined his head, taking his point. “But this group is special. Very special. There are a number of dancers who, if persuaded to really free themselves, could be transcendental.”

  Something inside Levi somehow knew the other man was talking about Juno, but that same something stopped him from mentioning her. What the hell was it? Protectiveness?

  Arturo didn’t seem to notice Levi’s hesitation. He nodded out to the tourists crowding the palazzo. “The Biennale is bringing out the tourists.”

  “Are you showing?” The Biennale was the bi-annual art festival held by Venice which drew artists from all over the world. Arturo shook his head. “Not this year, although my friends, Isabella and Cat Patini are.”

  “I know of them.” The Patini twins were feted all over the art world for their bold, colorful abstracts which brought to mind Rothko. That they’d found international fame at a young age—they were only in their mid-twenties—was a source of great admiration from their peers and not a little jealousy.

  “I’ll introduce you,” Arturo said now, “you’ll like them. Well, Cat, at least. She takes nothing seriously except for the art. Isabella is a little more subdued.”

  “I’d like that.”

  The two men chatted about the exhibition for a while then Arturo smiled at him. “How goes the project?”

  Levi was confused. “The project?”

  “The concert hall? The project you talked about with Federico Martello?”

  Levi smiled. “Nothing as yet. I’ve only just decided to stay on in the city for a while.”

  “Any reason?”

  Levi hesitated but then decided to come clean. “Juno Martello. She’s Federico’s younger sister, and I made a promise to him years ago that I would take care of her if anything happened to Ferdie.” He smiled wryly. “You’re about to meet her.” He nodded in the direction of the ballet company’s building. “I expect she is one of the dancers you were referring to earlier.”

  Arturo nodded slowly. “She is. I know her name. In fact, she is the dancer I’m most intrigued by.”

  A small jolt of jealousy went through Levi, shocking him. What the hell? He had no right to feel that emotion about Juno. He smiled at Arturo. “She’s very talented.”

  How would you know? You’ve never seen her dance.

  He checked his watch. “Hey, you’d better get to it. Good luck.”

  Arturo stood. “Listen… have a drink with me tonight. We should discuss this concert hall idea more. Maybe I could help you out. I know this city well.”

  “I’d like that.”

  They swapped cell phone numbers and Arturo said goodbye. Levi left a few minutes later, and, as he passed by the ballet company, he saw Juno inside the entrance hall. She glanced up and saw him… and gave him a small smile, raised her hand in greeting.

  He waved back. Juno came to the door. “Hey.”

  “Hey, there. I was just passing.”

  Her mouth hitched up in a small smile. “It’s okay, I don’t think you’re the stalking kind.”

  Levi laughed. “I promise I’m not. Are you okay?”

  She nodded. “About to meet with Arturo Corri. We’ve prepared a performance for him.”

  “I know him.” Levi wanted to be open with her—Juno deserved someone honest for a change. “Only newly. We just had a coffee together.”

  “Hot date?”

  But she was grinning, and he chuckled, glad Juno seemed a little happier today. “Not my type. Listen, you’d better get in there.”

  Juno nodded and made to leave but then came back to the door. “Listen, Levi… do you think we could… I mean, I’m not the best company, but maybe we could hang out. If you’re staying in Venice.”

  “I am and we should. Look, here’s my cell phone number. Call or text me whenever you want to. No pressure.”

  Juno took his card and smiled shyly. “I better get in there.”

  “I’ll see you soon, Juno. Good luck.”

  “Bye, Levi.”

  Levi went back to his hotel, feeling better about being in Venice. On his walk back, he made the decision to rent an apartment here instead of staying in the hotel. Levi liked his space, liked being alone especially when he was working and Arturo’s urging him to fulfil Federico’s idea had got him thinking.

  There was a message from Knox to call him when he got back to the hotel and when he was back in his suite, he went out to the balcony. The view over the Rialto was beautiful, and as he watched the lazy drift of water taxis and the vaporettos up and down the canal as he called Knox back. He glanced at his watch. It would be six a.m. in Seattle. “Hey, bro, how goes it? Why are you calling me so early?”

  Knox sighed. “Bit of a strange night to say the least. Martha Simon turned up at our door last night.”

  Levi was astonished. “Martha? Why?”

  “She says someone is trying to kill her. She was in a terrible state, Levi. Nook spent all night talking to her, trying to get her to calm down. We had to call a doctor in the end and he gave her a sedative. He wanted to admit her to the psyche ward, but she got so upset and Nook… well, you know Nook, Nook said she’d take care of her.”

  Knox sounded stressed out and Levi knew why he had called him. He needed to hear Levi’s voice, know there was a steady hand at the wheel. Levi hid a smile. Knox didn’t think enough of himself, still. He’d really stepped up when Nook had been stabbed and almost died, had been a sensational father to Tabitha, but there was something inside him that still considered Levi to be the head of the family.

  “Dude, do you want me to come home? Just say the word. But it sounds like… you got this, right? You and Nook? I know it’s weird the woman should show up after all this time, but the thing is… Martha killed Shawn Simon. He was the monster. Martha is just… she’s vulnerable.”

  “I know.” Knox sounded a little better now. “I feel bad for her, for what Shawn put her through.” He paused and Levi knew he was thinking about his daughter then. Shawn Simon had murdered Martha’s and his own childre
n. “And we owe her.”

  Levi talked for a few moments more then said goodbye. He felt confident Knox would handle the situation. Knox and Nook. They were an incredible team together.

  He opened his laptop and began to search out realtors. The sooner he found a base here, the better. He didn’t let himself think about being here for Juno Martello or what his true motives for wanting to help her could be. He shook his head. No, he was just fulfilling his promise to Federico, that was all.

  If only he could stop thinking about her lovely brown eyes…

  Chapter Six

  Juno warmed up at the barre with Fausta, Jake and Moriko and for once, Fausta appeared as nervous as the rest of them, and had dialed down her bitchiness. All of them kept sneaking glances over to the attractive man setting up his cameras across the studio.

  “Damn, that man is fine.” Moriko lowered her voice as they all looked at Arturo Corri’s handsome profile. His bright green eyes were amused as he chatted to Claudia and the company’s pianist, Roger. Juno liked the way his shaggy curls fell into his eyes.

  “Get in line, bis-much,” Jake muttered. “There’s no way any man that beautiful is straight.”

  “You wish.” Moriko poked Jake in the back and he grinned.

  Fausta glared at them. “Could you drag your minds out of the gutter? He’s an artist.”

  “He’s an artist,” Moriko mocked Fausta. For a moment, Juno thought Fausta might go for Moriko, but instead, Fausta suddenly grinned.

  “Bust my balls all you want. I’m going to dance you right out of the running.”

  Claudia had informed them that Arturo Corri was looking for one dancer to act as his muse and that the four of them had been chosen by him from watching some of their performances, both live and on the internet. There had been a great deal of excitement about who he would shortlist and Juno, Jake and Moriko were overjoyed that they were chosen together. Fausta, of course, was a natural to be in the running, but all of them knew that if one of their group was chosen, it was a victory for them all.

  Claudia came over. She was rubbing her hands together; a habit Juno knew she had when she was nervous and excited. She met her mentor’s eyes and Claudia gave her the tiniest nod. She was pulling for Juno.

  The gesture, however slight, sent confidence flooding through Juno’s body and she relaxed. Just dance. Nothing matters but the dance.

  When Arturo indicated he was ready, they performed their warm-up routine as a group, then each of them performed a short piece for him. Juno went last, and she had chosen La Sylphide.

  She closed her eyes as the music began then moved into her starting position. She felt Arturo’s gaze on her as she began to move but soon, she forgot everything but the dance.

  It seemed only seconds later that the music stopped, and she heard Jake’s soft whoop and Moriko’s hissed “Yes!”. Juno blinked her eyes and brought her focus back to the room. Arturo was smiling, Claudia looked proud. Fausta… well, Fausta looked furious and Juno knew she had nailed the dance.

  Arturo cleared her throat. “You were all sensational. Thank you for agreeing to do this for me, that was incredible.” He smiled at Juno. “Signorina Martello… may I speak with you in private?”

  Fausta grabbed her bag and stormed out but Jake and Moriko hugged Juno in delight before leaving. Claudia hovered for a moment but then she and Roger said their goodbyes and Juno was alone with the photographer. His green eyes shone at her. “Words fail me,” he said softly. “That was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” His eyes crinkled at the edges in a way she liked. “Do I even need to confirm that you are my first choice? Please say yes.”

  Juno felt her face flush. “Of course, I would be honored.”

  Arturo smiled. “Good. Now, I will have to ask you to give up some of your spare time for the project. I can compensate you for that.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t need it. I’m happy to help you.”

  Arturo gazed at her for a long moment, then reached out a finger as if to stroke her cheek, but let his hand dropped before he touched her. “Thank you, Signorina.”

  “It’s Juno.”

  “Goddess of War.”

  Juno smiled. She’d heard it so many times before. “One of them.”

  “Are you a warrior, Juno?” His gaze was intense and Juno felt something in her body shift—was it desire or unease?

  “I like to think so.”

  The atmosphere in the room had shifted and now Juno felt sweat trickle down her lower back. Then Arturo turned away, breaking the spell, and she breathed again. What the hell was that?

  Arturo went to his camera bag and Juno shifted her weight to her other foot, feeling awkward. “We have a friend in common.”

  Arturo looked up and smiled. “You’re talking about Signor Zapata?”

  “Si.” Juno nodded. “Although, I don’t know him well. We really only just met for the first time. He came to Venice to work with my brother.” Her throat closed at the memory of her brother’s body and she looked away from Arturo’s gaze.

  “I hear about your brother. I’m sorry. We actually have the same alma mater.”

  “Did you meet him? Did you know Federico?” She felt excitement at thinking someone else knew her brother when he wasn’t the junkie he died as.

  Arturo shook his head. “If we ever spoke, I don’t remember it. He was a few years older.”

  There was disappointment then. “Oh.”

  Arturo did touch her cheek then. “I’m sorry. I wish I had a memory to share with you.”

  Her skin burned where he touched her. “It’s okay.”

  “Look, why don’t we begin tomorrow? Are you free?”

  She nodded, and he smiled. “Good.” He scribbled out a number on a piece of paper. “Let’s meet here, say two p.m.? We can talk more then. I have a feeling this is going to be an incredible project for us both.”

  Juno met Moriko and Jake in the cafeteria and they decamped to their favorite fast-food restaurant to celebrate. To her relief, Jake and Moriko weren’t at all jealous of her success and talked nine to the dozen about what this would mean for her. She listened to their excited chatter, and felt, for the first time in weeks, content. Her friends were her family now, and they clearly loved her. She had people; she wasn’t alone.

  And then there was Levi Zapata and Arturo Corri. For some reason, she felt there was a change coming, a big change in her life but she couldn’t pin down why she felt like that. But it excited her.

  “Hey, Spacecakes, are you with us?”

  Moriko nudged Juno and Juno grinned at her friend as they ordered drinks and spent the rest of the evening celebrating.

  He watched her sit with her friends in the fast-food restaurant. He could hardly take his eyes from her lovely face as she laughed and joked with the other dancers.

  He smiled grimly to himself. He wondered how that lovely face would look, contorted in terror and pain. I’ll find out very soon, he thought, my beautiful Juno. I’ll find out very soon.

  Chapter Seven

  Seattle, Washington

  “Knock, knock.” Anouk peered around the guest bedroom door and smiled at Martha Simon. The other woman gave her a half-smile and sat up in bed as Anouk brought a tray of food to her. “You’re very kind.”

  Anouk squeezed her hand. “Just feel better, okay?” She made to leave Martha alone, but the other woman called her back.

  “Please stay for a minute. If you can.”

  “Of course.” Anouk sat cross-legged on the bed. Even though Martha’s legs were straight, she was so tiny that she barely took up any room. Anouk watched as the other woman picked at the scrambled eggs.

  “Martha… we need to talk.”

  “I know.”

  “Who is it you think is going to kill you?” Anouk decided to go straight in for the… kill, she thought with a grimace. Poor choice of words, but directness was the only way sometimes.

“I don’t know who it is.” Martha admitted. “I just… I see him everywhere.”

  Shawn’s face flew into Anouk’s mind but she pushed it away. Of anyone, it definitely wasn’t Shawn Simon—Martha herself had shot him dead six years previously. “Who, darling?”

  Her voice was soft, and she saw tears fill Martha’s eyes. God, was she so starved of affection? Anouk’s heart went out to her. “Sweetheart, you can tell me anything, you know? And you can stay with us as long as you want. It’s safe here, you are safe here.”

  Martha began to weep in earnest and Anouk shifted so she could hold her as she cried. Martha clung to her. “I’m sorry, Nook. I didn’t want to have to come here, intrude on your life. You deserve every happiness after what Shawn did to you.”

  “Did to us,” Anouk said softly, stroking Martha’s lank blonde hair, “and you deserve happiness too. We just have to figure out what that means.”

  Martha looked at her, her blue eyes red and swollen from crying, but there was a spark of hope in them now. “We?”

  Anouk nodded. “We.” she said firmly. She wiped Martha’s wet face with her sleeve and made her look at her. “Family is more than blood, Martha. We’ve both been put through hell by Shawn. To me, that makes us sisters, okay?”

  Martha nodded, fresh tears dripping down her face. “You’re such a good person. I hate that he hurt you.”

  “And I hate that he hurt you. What he did to you… God, I can’t even imagine Tab being taken from me like that. But you are still standing.”

  “I’m a wreck.”

  “You are still breathing,” Anouk said vehemently. “A lot of people would have crumbled.”

  Martha gave a heartbroken chuckle. “I think I did.” She looked down at her hands. “But Shawn isn’t the reason I’m scared. There is someone following me, Nook. I know it sounds crazy, but I swear it’s true.”


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