His Wicked Game (Beautiful Lies Romantic Suspense Series Book 2)

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His Wicked Game (Beautiful Lies Romantic Suspense Series Book 2) Page 10

by M. L. Ray

  He stalked over to Fausta. “You, for instance. Principal? Laughable. Which is why I brought Selena in. You’ll return to the corps for this performance.”

  The shock went around the room. Fausta’s face turned bright. “Wait…”

  “Shut up.” He hissed the words at Fausta, spraying spittle in her face. “You can’t jeté for shit, and that sourpuss face of yours is putting me off.”

  He dropped his gaze to Fausta’s flat chest and smirked. “And for the love of God, get a boob job. No-one wants to see your bee-stings.”

  Something went click in Juno’s brain. Even though she and Fausta loathed each other, to see her principal brought so low down was infuriating. “You scumbag.”

  Her words brought a gasp from the others and Tudor’s head whipped around. Too late, Juno realized the trap she’d fallen into. God damn it.

  “I’m sorry? Did I say you could talk?” Tudor was in front of her now and she could see the triumph in his eyes. I’ve got you now, Juno. He was way too close, but she didn’t back down. She couldn’t. She would not let him win.

  “I don’t recall having to ask for your permission, Welch.”

  Another gasp from the room. Tudor’s eyes did not leave her face. He stared at her for a long moment. “The rest of you can go.”

  For a second, no-one moved. “Get out!”

  They got out, but out of the corner of her eye, Juno could see Jake, Moriko and even Fausta hovering at the door. Tudor finally looked away from Juno and at them. “Get the fuck out. All of you. Do I need to say it again?”

  Juno nodded at them and they left, worry creasing their faces. God. What now?

  “So…” Tudor walked over to the door and locked it. Juno’s hands clenched, but she was determined to stand her ground. It wasn’t as if he could hurt her physically more than he already had, but her body was tensed to fight back if she needed to. “I’ve been thinking of a little side project for the two of us.”

  Don’t rise to his bait. Juno said nothing.

  “The Lesson. A sweet little piece. I would play the tutor, of course, and you, his student.”

  Juno met his gaze. The Lesson was about an obsessed teacher who ended up stabbing his young student to death. Tudor was threatening her?

  He met her gaze. “Better make sure the prop knife isn’t too sharp.”

  Rather than scaring her, Juno suddenly saw through him. He was scared of her… he was threatening her to keep her mouth shut about what happened in New York. She grinned suddenly. “What’s the matter, Tudor? Did someone else make a complaint? Did you abuse someone else, and they went to the authorities? Times have changed, you know. Hashtag metoo, Tudor. We don’t put up with your kind of crap anymore.”

  Tudor gazed back at her, his eyes alive with hatred… and desire. God, he was disgusting. The air was crackling with violence, but she knew, he couldn’t hurt her. Instead, he jabbed his finger, hard, into her navel until she had to step back.

  “I heard your brother died. So, there’s no-one now, right? No-one to miss you.”

  Juno narrowed her eyes at him. “Really, Tudor? Idle threats to kill me? Right. Like you’d ever have the balls to go through with it. Oh, don’t worry, if anything happens to me, there’s a signed statement ready to go out to every newspaper and the New York and Venetian police departments. I wrote it as soon as I saw your disgustoso face.”

  Tudor smirked and removed his finger from her body. “I wondered if you’d seen me.”

  He walked over to the piano and sat down. “You’ll dance for me now.”

  “I’m really not in the mood.”

  Tudor shrugged. “Do I care?”

  Juno glared at him. “Why are you here? The great Tudor Welch slumming it with a pissant little company like this? What gives?”

  Tudor Welch ran his fingers tunelessly over the piano keys. “What if I told you… I did it for you?”

  “Cazzate. Bullshit.”

  Tudor smiled and an involuntary shiver went up Juno’s spine. “I mean it. I think we were close once.”

  Okay, now she knew he was crazy. “Close? Is that what you call it?”

  “What would you call it?”

  She stalked over to the piano and slammed down the lid. Tudor only just moved his hands in time before it hit his fingers but he grinned, enjoying himself. Juno got in his face.

  “Rape,” she almost spat at him, “that’s what I’d call it because that’s what it was. You raped me.”

  Tudor stood then and before she could stop him, he gripped her throat. “Who would believe you over me, Juno? Tell me. Who? And believe me, you were a staggeringly disappointing fuck.”

  Juno couldn’t stop herself from bringing her knee up and striking his groin as hard as she could. Tudor groaned and bent double but as she ran to the door and unlocked it, she still heard his derisive laughter.


  Almost blind with tears, Juno didn’t bother to change and didn’t seek out Jake or Moriko as she stumbled out of the ballet company. She’d been walking for a while, oblivious to the curious stares of strangers as she passed them by and it wasn’t until she could no longer walk for crying that she realized she wasn’t at her own home, but in front of Levi’s building.

  Juno stopped, wondering if she really wanted to drag Levi into this horror and she turned to go, but then there he was, walking up behind her.

  Levi took one look at her and took her hand, not saying a word. In the elevator to his penthouse, his thumb stroked the back of her hand and Juno leaned her head on his shoulder. Neither of them spoke.

  In his apartment, he helped her out of her coat, and helped her wash her face with cool water. Juno calmed herself, and was embarrassed at her blotchy face and puffy eyes but when she looked up at him, all she saw was kindness.

  “What do you need, Juno?” His voice was soft and the soothing feeling of his hand brushing her cheek made her lean into him.

  “I just need you to hold me, Levi, please.”

  He opened his arms, and she went into them and the feeling of safety, of love was overwhelming. Juno leaned her head against his hard chest, breathing in his clean, fresh-air scent and felt the thick arms encompass her.

  She looked up at him, and he met her gaze. Her heart throbbed with a desire for this man and when she hesitantly pressed her lips to his, she was elated when he didn’t pull away. The kiss went on and on and she began to not know when she ended and he began. “Levi… I want you.”

  She saw the hesitation in his eyes but he nodded. “I just want you… I’ve wanted you for so long…”

  Levi groaned softly and then he was lifting her and carrying her to his bedroom. He lay her gently on the bed and covered her body with his. Juno kissed him, drinking him in, running her hands under his sweater, over the hard planes of his stomach, his firm pecs, before tugging the sweater over his head.

  Levi’s hands were sliding the straps of her leotard down her arms and Juno pushed it down her legs along with her yoga pants, eager now to be naked with this man. She unzipped his fly, cupping his stiffening cock through his underwear and then freeing the hot length of it, stroking it against her belly.

  Levi’s mouth covered her nipple and his tongue flicked around the hard nub until she was squirming with desire. She took his hand and guided it between her legs and his fingers found her clit and began to rub. “See how much I want you, Levi? How very much…”

  “God, Juno…”

  “Please don’t wait… I want you in me.”

  Levi reached over to the nightstand, snagging a condom from the drawer, and Juno rolled it down his straining cock. He hitched her legs around his waist. “Are you sure?”

  She nodded, breathless, then gasped as in one quick thrust, he was inside her and they were moving together. Levi’s hands pinned hers to the bed above her head but his eyes never left hers. He murmured her name over and over as if he couldn’t believe she was there and Juno knew how that f
elt. She had dreamed of this moment, of being with him, with Levi Zapata for so long now.

  “I’m crazy about you, Levi Zapata,” she whispered but then there was no more talking as his pace quickened. Pleasure exploded through her as she cried out, her orgasm sending fire to each and every cell of her body. Levi climaxed, his body shuddering and juddering, his mouth hungry on hers, tender now, loving…

  She loved him. She was in love with Levi Zapata, she knew that now, but it was way too soon to say it and so, she showed him again.

  Levi stroked his hand down her belly and Juno pushed him onto his back, straddling him. Levi smiled up at her. “You are the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen, Juno Martello, and I’ve thought that since I first met you.”

  Juno chuckled softly. “Then what took you so long?”

  “Maybe… I don’t know. A sense of obligation to Ferdie to look out after you. I didn’t want to take advantage.”

  Juno reached down and took his hands, placing them on her breasts. “Take advantage.”

  They both laughed and as they made love again, Juno knew that nothing would be the same from now on. Being with him made everything make sense, made every battle—with Tudor, with Ferdie’s death—come sharper into focus and she knew she would be able to handle it, as long as Levi was on her team.

  Levi drew his forefinger lightly down her stomach, circling her navel then slipping between her legs to stroke her clit. Juno rocked her hips against his and she fisted his cock in her hand. “I’m never going to want to stop doing this.”

  Levi grinned at her, as his fingers slipped inside her velvety, soaking sex. “I warn you; you drastically overestimate my stamina.”

  Juno giggled. “I can help you out with that.” She sighed. “Levi… why did we wait so long?”

  “It doesn’t matter now, baby. We found each other, that’s all that matters now. We found each other.”

  They made love again until finally, they collapsed together, exhausted, and finally, fell asleep.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Levi opened his eyes to find the bed empty beside him. Disappointment flooded through him and he rolled onto his back, staring up at the ceiling. He didn’t for one moment regret last night, but maybe Juno had gotten the jitters, or realized that maybe, he was too old for her.

  Because you are, douchebag. She’s still a kid and you’re pushing middle-age. God dammit.

  But he closed his eyes and brought back the memory of her soft skin, the curves of her, the ecstasy on her face when she came. Their bodies fit together so perfectly—how could it be wrong?

  Levi rolled out of bed and put on his jeans. He went into the bathroom and brushed his teeth, before padding quietly to the kitchen. He stopped at the doorway and smiled. Juno hadn’t left him. She was standing out on the balcony, wearing one of his dress shirts, a cup of coffee in her hands, gazing out at the water. The day was already warm, the sunshine diffused through a haze.

  Juno’s dark hair was messy, falling down almost to her waist. She looked so beautiful Levi could cry.


  She turned and smiled at him. “Good morning, amante.” She set her coffee cup down on the balcony and he saw as she moved that she was naked underneath the unbuttoned shirt. She opened her arms to him and he went into them, his mouth seeking hers hungrily. He ran his hands under the shirt, over her silky skin and between her legs.

  “You’re wet.”

  She grinned at him. “I’ve been thinking about last night.”

  Levi gave a moan of desire as her hands went to his fly and freed his hardening cock from his pants. She stroked it against her bare belly, her eyes never leaving his. “I’m yours, Levi Zapata.”

  He lifted her easily with one arm and with the free hand, he guided himself inside her as she curled her legs around his waist. Juno gave a shaky sigh as they began to move together, her back against the cold, hard stone of the balcony.

  Levi sank his cock deep into her velvety sex, each stroke growing in pace until they were fucking hard, breathless and almost animal in their desire for each other.

  Juno cried out, her voice echoing over the water, as she came. She bit down on Levi’s shoulder, a move which sent both pain and ecstasy flooding through his system, and his climax exploded through him, his cock pumping thick, creamy semen deep into her belly.

  They stayed locked together for a time while they caught their breath, then Levi carried her back to his bedroom and they made love again, this time slower, their eyes never leaving the other’s as they explored their bodies. They talked softly, laughed, connected on a level that Levi had never experienced before, with anyone.

  Afterward, they showered together and went to have breakfast at a small café near Levi’s apartment. Walking through the Venetian streets, holding her hand felt so natural and Levi could not believe the joy that pulsed through him every time she smiled at him.

  They ordered omelets and sat chatting as they waited for their food. Levi stoked his fingers down her cheek. “Now… do you want to talk about why you were so upset yesterday?”

  Juno’s face fell a little, but she sighed. “I owe you an explanation.”

  “You don’t owe me anything,” he said softly, “but I would like to know. I want to help.”

  Juno hesitated, was about to say something when their food arrived and they busied themselves with it for a few moments, before Juno half-smiled at him. Her eyes, though, were serious and there was something else inside them. Fear. It made his heart pound against his ribs.

  “I was in New York as few years ago, at Julliard. I think I told you that?”

  He nodded. “You did.”

  “Whilst I was there, I was mentored by Tudor Welch.”

  “You told me about him. He was a creep, right?”

  Juno nodded, then hesitated, taking in a deep breath. “He was more than that… he raped me.”

  The shock was like a burning knife in his guts. “What?”

  Juno nodded. “And now he’s been appointed at my ballet company to direct our next show. He’s been here a few weeks, and he seemingly ignored me.”

  “Until yesterday?”

  “Until yesterday. He basically threatened to kill me if I told anyone about what happened between us.”

  Levi was up then, shoving his chair back. “The motherfucker!”

  Juno grabbed his hand and pulled him back down, her face flaming red. People were starting to stare at them. “Levi, please.”

  His anger wasn’t diminished, but he sat down, for her sake. “He threatened to kill you?”

  “He implied it. He’s scared of me, Levi, I can see that, can see his threats for what they are. Empty. I’m not scared of him physically harming me. But, Levi, I am scared he will ruin my career. I’ve worked too hard and too damn long for this… stronzo, to bring it all down.” She sighed, her shoulders slumping.

  Levi’s anger faded away, and he took her hand. “He won’t. This is your city, your company. Look at how far you’ve come. Look at the attention you’ve garnered—you’re Arturo Corri’s muse for chrissakes. No-one is taking anything away from you.”

  His cell phone rang, but he ignored it until Juno, wiping a few stray tears away, nodded at him. “It’s driving me crazy, answer it.”

  He held her hand, and he pulled out his cell phone. “How does he always know I’m talking about him?” He said it with a grin as he answered Arturo’s call. “Hey, buddy.”

  “Hello, my friend, it’s been a while.”

  “It has. How’s it going? I’m with Juno, right now.”

  “You are? I was just trying to call her to set up a shoot actually, but her phone is on voicemail.”

  Levi smiled. “Then let me help you out with that.” He handed his phone to Juno, who grinned bemusedly at him and took it.

  “Hey, Arturo.”

  Levi listened to Juno’s side of the conversation, hearing her arrange to meet Arturo at the ballet
company later that afternoon. When she hung up, she handed him back his phone with an apologetic look. “I wanted to spend all day with you but I’ve blown Arturo off enough lately. You’re right… I do have a lot going on for me.”

  “Don’t let Welch ruin any of it for you. Juno… did you go to the police in New York?”

  She shook her head. “No. I didn’t think anyone would believe me.”

  “Oh, darling…”

  She half-grinned but he could see tears glinting in her eyes. “Don’t be too nice to me. I don’t want to cry again.”

  Levi leaned across the table and kissed her. “Then how about I take you back to my place and distract you?”

  “Now that sounds like a plan.”

  Tudor Welch had followed Juno to the other man’s apartment and spent a very uncomfortable night in a doorway, trying to stay awake, watching for her to leave. But she never left, not until this morning, and when he saw her holding hands with the tall man, his stomach twisted with jealousy.

  He followed them to a café and then, as they sat down, he walked away. He didn’t need to see them acting all loved up—it was too much.

  Fuck. He’d come to Venice—he’d been paid to come to Venice—and when he was told that the ballet company was the same one Juno Martello was part of, his heart had leapt. She had haunted his dreams for so long, ever since that night in the dressing room after a show. Yes, there had been her tears, her fear, the ripped costume, the bruises on her body from his touch, but all he remembered about it was taking her. He’d wanted her since the first time he’d seen the gorgeous young Italian dancer, and everything he’d done up to then had been in service of finally making her his.

  He’d wanted it to go differently, but when she refused him, he took what was rightfully his. There had been a couple of worrisome days when he thought she might have told the police or the school. Instead, the hour after the final performance, she had flown back to Italy and into the protection of her brother.

  Tudor had history with Federico Martello. Of course, it had been over a woman, way back when, and Federico had won. It gave Tudor Welch some satisfaction that he’d taken Federico’s beloved sister’s virginity, but he still didn’t want to face Federico’s rage. When he learned about Ferdie’s death, he knew he wouldn’t be able to stay away from her. He’d contacted the artistic director of the Venetian Ballet Company and voila, they’d jumped at the chance to have the great Tudor Welch come and direct a show for them. His only condition—wait until the last minute before announcing it. He didn’t want to give Juno the time to leave the company and avoid him.


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