The Council of Hhearn Trilogy Box Set

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The Council of Hhearn Trilogy Box Set Page 13

by P F Walsh

  She reviewed her decisions and plans regarding this arrival, it would not be like the last one, which was conducted on a remote field with only security in place under the false guise of quarantine issues. This time, as Director General of Interplanetary Affairs, diplomacy was completely under her control as was the arrival of an applicant representative. She had set plans into motion for a full diplomatic arrival in the main public platza with a celebratory atmosphere to which the public was invited.

  She had co-opted any opposition by personally making a public notice vid for the media of the event. The media, not having anything more exciting to occupy the news, ran with it as a grand event that was unique. and not to be missed. They did drag up the last arrival and its ugly outcome but minimally so. Yet, in a perverse manner, this seemed to add incentive to the public that they might get to view some fracture of a harmonious event. A very large crowd was expected.

  Nasht-Mer had even released a photo of the applicant representative so that there would be no misunderstanding which person to watch or protect, since she also sent that image to the Security Department via general mail, so even ordinary agents and guards knew who they were protecting. In this way, she believed that the representative would be safe until properly housed by security, and diplomatic negotiations could begin on membership. On the other hand, she knew her actions would clearly identify the applicant representative to anyone intending harm, but there were limits to what she could arrange without shining light upon her suspicions of past mis-deeds by powerful persons.

  Media and Security projections indicated a very large turnout and she instructed the event department to arrange large vid screens every 100 strides so all could see the event. A vid camera platform was assembled for the media, it was placed in front of the arrival point about 100 strides into the public area, an ideal point to view everything and, to her dark amusement, record everything. Another platform was assembled to be in front of the Seeker with a wide row of stairs leading up from the platza level. The Seeker would open its cargo ramp onto the platform which was covered with a gold carpet, suitable for a diplomatic arrival.

  Satisfied her staff was in complete control of the plans, she signaled for her aid to bring in a pot of Zeng tea for her mid-morning refreshment. By now, the rain had long cleared away and the sun streamed into her office window wall bringing warmth and abundant light. Noticing that, she checked her pocketcomm slate for what the weather would be for the arrival, and it was going to be much like it was now, cool, clear and sunny. Ideal for an outdoor event to attract big crowds.

  Tamn-Kar, Senior Councilor on the Council of Worlds muttered,

  “That insufferable bitch, she’s grandstanding to improve her influence!” As he watched her public announcement of the arrival on his screen.

  He knew this would seriously complicate his plans, there could be no convenient assassination in front of the cameras and the public, such a thing would cause huge outcry and the inevitable thorough investigations to not only apprehend the assassin, but possibly put him to the truthmed and discover who was behind the plan. It was also possible that insistence would be made to return the Seeker to the applicant planet for another representative.

  “Looks like my idea of a challenge is best, made in front of the whole event, it would then become a matter of honor to reply, and that, would be done poorly against a competent challenger.” He thought,

  “Still, it would have to be done carefully with some would-be warrior, anonymously incited without any connection to me. There are many of those in the youth movements, yes, that’s the way.” he thought, as he reached for his unregistered pocketcomm slate.

  Aboard the Seeker, Sean and Doris watched the front screen on the bridge as the ship began its final day of approach to Hhearn and the Seeker Docking Station. The planet bore no resemblance to earth, having a greener shade to areas covered by wide seas, and a darker green for the land masses. It was night on the side of the planet the ship was approaching and everywhere across the land masses, trillions of lights sparkled in the rising heat given off by those areas confirming the planet was heavily populated and settled. Across the face of the planet, hundreds of lights moved through both lower and upper atmosphere as various air and space craft crisscrossed the face of the planet.

  Allister appeared beside them and said,

  “Captain, there has been a change of plans. We have been notified the Director General of Interplanetary Affairs has decided that our arrival shall be a public affair with full diplomatic honors, and has instructed us to land the ship in the main City Platza for the arrival. The entire affair will be telecast throughout the Council of Worlds. This is a complete departure from prior arrivals which were kept very low key. We must arrange the proper garments for you to wear.”

  “Proper garments?” He asked.

  “Yes, it provides you with an opportunity to appear in similar Hhearn garb which will enhance your acceptance and bear your rank.” Said Allister.

  “Rank, what rank?” Asked Sean.

  Allister answered, “You come bearing the rank of diplomat and of Captain. You will bear the rank of Captain until my resolution code has been re-installed, and that may take a while. Let’s get you to the fabricator room, now.”

  Sean and Doris followed Allister to a large room near the shops on another level where the ship could fabricate virtually anything if the base materials were available, and cloth was a simple construct. The typical base garment was an off-white jumpsuit design, one piece, then topped with an open, full length, semi-sheer coat over the suit. The long sleeves of the coat for Sean would bear gold colored insignias on the right sleeve, a circle with a star in the center. This indicated a station of authority or rank, in this case Captain of a starship, the left sleeve would bear the purple insignia of diplomat, four long Lines around the entire cuff with a box symbol in the center of the lines.

  Doris’s arrangement would bear the rank of Personal Security on the right sleeve, a symbol akin to lightening in gold color. Footwear were beige colored shoes made from some undisclosed material that was much more flexible than Earth leathers, and more comfortable.

  Allister had scanned Sean’s service record and reproduced his ribbon boards and metal wings. Sean was proud of those and comforted to see them, he put them both in place on his jumpsuit.

  Since this was a formal occasion, he would also wear the ship’s round medallion, suspended by a gold chain. Allister informed them that this was the first time a Seeker had a Captain, and could wear the medallion of one of the most powerful starships in the realm. There was no question this would receive immediate notice and recognition by all who were there. It also created the impression of a level of pre-acceptance despite the application not having been submitted yet.

  He suspected some level of manipulation by Allister to aid his application, but did not query him about it since he knew all conversations with Allister were entered into the record.

  What Allister did tell him was that the medallion contained a microscopic vid camera, and translator. After all this time with Allister speaking English, Sean had forgotten the language on Hhearn was Shrep, a language he didn’t speak. The medallion would take care of that sending the conversation to his ear communicator simultaneously in English, as well as translating English into Shrep. All the while, keeping Allister informed as to what was transpiring. Doris was given a Security Agent pin that had similar features but hers required her to wear an ear bud.

  Sean looked at himself in the full, length mirror and reflected on how much had happened and what was at stake. He straightened up and held his head a bit higher. He looked official and important as the sole representative from Earth should. Being in uniform was not new to Sean, he had served in the U.S. Air Force, and as an Airline pilot, so this was not the least bit uncomfortable. He understood the impression proper uniforms make in establishing authority and control.

  “Doris, I think Allister is right again. What do you think?” As he turne
d to her when she came into the room with her outfit on.

  “I’m inclined to trust his judgment on a lot of things since his available resource of what is the right thing is huge. It’s also in tune with where we are. We look good, not alien to them, and I think that’s smart.” She followed up with,

  “I had Allister make some additions to my jumpsuit to accommodate Henry,” She said, “It’s perfect, quick access but generally concealed from view.”

  She spun around, but he could not see her gun. He raised his eyebrows at her being armed but realized, there was no way to know what to expect, and there had been no requirement to surrender personal weapons indicated, in fact, as his personal security person she would be expected to be armed, and she was.

  The ship landed very slowly. Its huge size would displace a great deal of air if its descent was too rapid, and that would damage some foliage in the Platza as well as bowl all the onlookers over. It was the first time a Seeker had landed for a public event, and none of the public had seen one on land before. Its huge size dominated fully half of the City Platza. The ship nuzzled up to the receiving platform, settled down the final few feet, and stopped. The platform acted as an elevated stage for the ceremonies. The stairs were covered with gold carpet just like the platform. Once the ship powered down, the dignitaries began to climb the broad steps to the platform.

  The dignitaries assumed their places, with the Director General and her staff on one side, and the Senior Councilor and his staff on the other side of the platform. The ship then opened its cargo door, and deployed its long loading ramp onto the platform extending out to the center. All was in readiness; the cameras were broadcasting and millions awaited.

  The weather on this day was perfect, cool, clear, and dry.

  He stood in the center of the cargo bay door with Doris on his right, one step back. Sean sensing the need to do something, looked directly out into the crowd of what must have been a few thousand, and raised his arm in the Hhearn style of greeting. The crowd responded with cheers and words he did not understand, but could not mistake their enthusiasm as Allister schooled him through his communicator that the response was very positive. He also told Sean which of the dignitaries was who, and which one to greet first according to protocol.

  Sean moved down the ramp to near its end. He was about to step off the ramp and turn to his left to greet the Director General when a man pushed his way through the front few rows of public viewers screaming at him in the language of Hhearn. He was holding what appeared to be a javelin. Someone else also pushed their way through the crowd on the side closer to Sean, and threw a javelin to him. Sean defensively caught and held it as Allister was sending a slew of information into his earpiece.

  “Captain, this person has raised a challenge of honor against you. He claims you have none and you soil the honor of our planet. He has arranged for you to be similarly armed, and will attempt to spear you with the javelin. You are to defend yourself with the javelin his henchman threw to you. This is very dangerous Captain, clearly he means to kill you.” Said Allister quickly.

  Sean looked at the javelin as the young man began to advance to the stairs. Without moving her lips, Doris said just loud enough for him to hear,

  “Sean, I got this.”

  Sean took the Javelin and jammed its metal point down onto the ramp and just stood there, tall, non-evasive and unafraid. The Senior Councilor had moved away from the ramp, a move Sean noticed from the corner of his eyes as the young man rapidly climbed the platform stairs holding the javelin above his head. Security, which was caught completely by surprise and confused on what to do during such a challenge, froze in place.

  As the young man reached the top step and brought his arm back to throw the javelin, Doris pulled her gun and fired twice directly into the center of his chest, blowing two holes through him and flipping him over backward down the stairs, where he rolled to the bottom motionless alongside his javelin. The sound of those two shots were still echoing off the nearby buildings and had startled the crowd with their loudness. Sean remained motionless all during the few seconds it all happened. Then he leaned on the shaft of the javelin he held, turned to the Director General and asked in English loud enough for all to hear but his voice from the translator in Shrep only reached near Nasht-Mer:

  “Do you greet all your diplomatic guests like this, or am I special today?” the crowd was stunned, some began to applaud others were silent. A challenge had been issued and not satisfied. The Senior Councilor, stunned as everyone else, quickly recovered and came close to the ramp and screamed,

  “You have received an honor challenge and you did not accept the challenge. This is required whenever you are on the soil of Hhearn. You may ask for a change of weapons but you cannot take the life of the challenger with a more powerful weapon, that is a serious violation of our laws and you will be judged for his death very harshly.” He said with his face flushed red as he pointed at Sean. Sean remained relaxed and unfazed by this outburst.

  When the Senior Councilor paused, Sean broke in,

  “You are in complete error Councilor. First, I am not on the soil of Hhearn, I am on the ramp of a starship which I command.”, Pointing down to the ramp where he stood. “Therefore, under the rules, this was an assault on not only the Captain of one of Hhearn’s most valuable starships, but a diplomatic representative who brought his own security for whom this was but a small disturbance. Be pleased my response was not more dramatic, did you not notice the ship had opened one of its weapons ports?” Sean pointed at the ship’s ports above him.

  “Since I am Captain, the ship’s AI is bound to defend me and the mission from any and all. Would you like to raise a challenge Councilor?” He asked with a feral smile.

  The Councilor was speechless, and not only knew his gambit had failed, but now he was in danger. He backed away with his head bowed in semblance of apology, while inside he raged having made a fool of himself on a worldwide Vidcast.

  The crowd and Vid cameras could see this was well played by this new and unknown representative, who not only knew the rules of challenge, and was not afraid to be threatened by a javelin He had also embarrassed the Senior Councilor, a man not loved by the people of Hhearn. The crowd began to applaud as Sean waved to the crowd and moved down onto the platform toward the Director General with a pleasant smile on his face. Doris followed having put her gun away.

  “Madam Director General, it is a distinct pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Sean held out his hand to clasp the trembling hand of Nasht-Mer. Her hand may have been trembling, but her smile was legendary. Doris just stood by his side muttering,

  “I’m hungry.”

  The cameras zoomed in to catch this incredible first contact. The media exploded with news and videos of the whole thing, most complimentary to Sean for his unflinching bravery and understanding of the planet’s cultural rules. While Sean held Nasht-Mer’s hand, the cameras again zoomed in on him to cover his rank symbols and catch a glimpse of his strange chest ribbon board which served to increase the mystery of this new person that within hours almost every person on Hhearn would know of.

  After the greetings were exchanged between Sean and the Director General, introductions to the other Councilors who decided to attend began with each clasping the hand of Sean and welcoming him to Hhearn. Each said they were looking forward to his application for membership.

  One Councilor moved closer to his ear and said,

  “Captain, you are half way to acceptance just for how you handled our beloved Senior Councilor.” With a wide smile on his face, and then moved away to the small reception in the lobby of the Council Tower that was to follow. Sean realized, it didn’t matter if you were light years away from home, politics remained the same. Once done with those introductions and a few of the Director General’s staff, Nasht-Mer gently nudged his elbow toward the stairway leading to a walkway to the Council Towers. The walkway was lined with shoulder to shoulder security agents all dressed in black ho
lding back hundreds of public viewers all waiting for a closer look at this stranger from another world that just shrugged off a death challenge.

  As they entered the walkway, Sean surprised everyone as he headed over to the row of security agents and began extending his hand between the agents to shake hands or touch palms with the public standing there. The crowd roared as the cameras zoomed in again and the display of an extended greeting to the public was broadcast over all the monitors in the Platza and across the world. Nasht-Mer’ broke into a huge smile as she stood alongside him with Doris on the other side watching the crowd.

  “Now, this is something Hhearn has never seen before” She thought as she watched the warm outpouring from the people.

  Only a few key Councilors that were watching paid any attention to the Sisters of Mak’am who drew alongside him, the color of their robes remaining unchanged. That key few noticed the truth of his words and thoughts.

  Later, as they arrived in the offices of the Director General, she offered both Sean and Doris refreshments of their choice. None of them were familiar to either Sean or Doris so Sean asked,

  “What are you having, Director General? Whatever that is, I am sure it will be perfect.” as he looked at Doris who nodded affirmatively, though barely perceptible. The Director General told her aid to bring her usual Zeng tea for all. The aid left the room to prepare a tray and closed the door behind her.

  “Mr. Representative, may I say our world has not had such excitement in decades. I would like to offer you an official apology for the challenge incident. On our world, there is no prohibition for raising a challenge at any time, but I must say, this one was one that could well have been put off for another time if we had known of the plans to do so in advance.”


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