The Council of Hhearn Trilogy Box Set

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The Council of Hhearn Trilogy Box Set Page 20

by P F Walsh

  “Zom’s Balls! Doris, this thing is a beast. I love it!”

  All the other Rules Enforcement Officers gathered around Doris and Maja to watch him fire it again and again, tearing the target all apart so that they had to hang another one while Doris reloaded. By the time they were done, all the other Officers wanted to know how they could buy one, and would she handle the purchase from Earth? Doris just smiled and thought “I am twenty-seven light years from Earth and already I am an interplanetary arms dealer.” She chuckled again, and demonstrated the shooting pose for some of the other Officers to shoot. They all agreed that her weapon had the ability to scare the hell out of any perp without even firing it once they had heard about its destructive power.

  “All in all,” Doris thought, “It’s been a really nice day.” As they left the shooting range with a dozen orders for new Smith and Wesson .357's, she adjusted her translator pin which had gone askew while shooting, and they went for lunch.

  As morning broke over Hhearn, Nasht-Mer stood looking at her travel cases, stymied about what to bring. As a woman, of course, she wanted to bring it all, but knew how unprofessional that would look. She was worried about the formal dinners and receptions she was sure would come about as the diplomatic representative of the Council of Worlds, and then recalled with relief, the designer rep from the House of Dior told her he had several gowns they had not shown, and offered those to her for just exactly that circumstance, knowing of course, everyone on Earth would recognize the gowns maker and enhance their standing.

  That led her to reach for her pocketcomm slate to contact Allison. She asked him to talk with the other two Design House reps on the ship and explain she did not want to appear to endorse a single designer house, and to ask, did they have any gowns she could wear while on Earth? Allister contacted each of them and received an enthusiastic response which he conveyed to Nasht-Mer’s delight. They both made sure Allister told her that they would all be on Earth where there were unlimited choices from their collections for her to choose from. She returned her acceptance, imagining herself in a different gown each occasion... she mused “and the affect it would have on Sean?” She turned back to her packing, smiling and feeling a tad predatory as she packed half the number of nightgowns, she thought she would need.

  Later in the day she had endless meetings with her staff and deciding which of those would accompany her to handle documents, interpretations, and translations of all the charter pages that they would have to sign and go through so a new Member would know their rights, benefits, and limitations.

  Sean was planning to spend lots of terminal hours going over each paragraph so he completely understood all of it in case he was called to explain at least what he thought the words meant. Allister, of course, would be converting the charter to English online on the Shipnet, and then printing out multiple copies in English to present to the Earth team.

  Diplomatic Security provided a security team and chose Maja-Ben as team leader since he had established a close connection with the Earth Security person. They felt that substantially limited possible misunderstandings, and would enhance a seamless security operation since everyone knew each other, Maja-Ben was pleased, so was Doris. In Police work, you always wanted to know your assigned partner.

  Most of the diplomatic team was excited to be going to a new planet that no Hhearnian had ever been to. Sean and Doris looked forward to introducing them to Earth’s best.

  Sean invited all the Councilors who would like to come aboard the Ship, on the morning of their departure, for a departing breakfast. A surprising number showed up, lured by the expected delicious food they couldn’t seem to get enough of. At breakfast, they discovered bacon, and kept ordering more. Hhearn did not have pork in its domestic animal supply, so this was an unexpected treat and another area where Earth could supply tons of food supplies. Nasht-Mer was similarly struck by her desire for more bacon. She looked forward to all the morning breakfasts as the earth people called it. On Hhearn it was called first meal, and what were pancakes? She would learn it was another breakfast food that was covered with Maple Syrup? So much to learn and so good.

  One of the Councilors took Sean aside and warned him,

  “Captain, be aware of the Zakar. Murdering the Senior Councilor was a huge step outside diplomatic bounds, and they are a warlike race that invests heavily in the satisfaction of revenge. The Captain of the Zakar ship you destroyed was the Ambassador’s Clan Brother. Keep your sensors up at full scan all the time you are in route.” He said quietly. Sean thanked him for the advice and assured him Allister would be on alert every minute with defense on standby. Sean ushered all the Councilors and non-traveling staff off the ship, shaking several hands as they left, and closed the ramp.

  Sean looked up at the ceiling and said,

  “Allister you may begin departure.” Allister answered without appearing,

  “Acknowledged, begin departure.” A distant hum could just barely be heard starting as he walked back to the Dining Room.

  The President of the United States was having a series of ugly meetings with the Ambassadors from the other major powers in the world. He felt obligated to tell them the possible fate that Earth might be heading for and pleaded for unity. The Chinese assumed a posture that it was all an American trick to somehow gain advantage and control of a group of nations outside of the UN, which they already knew how to manipulate. The Russians were angry as a hive of wasps since they were not invited to the meeting because of their attempt to assassinate the Secretary of State. They claimed it was all a big mistake, that some unnamed underling issued the wrong instructions that were misinterpreted. The President characterized that excuse as “Hogwash,” but he set aside all plans for retribution since the Secretary was alive and well. The rest of the nations did not believe the alien story at all, further depressing the President’ because of his concern that they might have to fight a superior power. Divided there was no hope, united there was only some.

  The President, frustrated by his inability to bring the nations together, decided to proceed in a different direction, he called Secretary Lewis to his office. The Secretary arrived within the hour and sat across from the President.

  “John, I have decided to go in a different direction. All the other nations, especially the Chinese have the heads stuck up their ass, and I don’t think even one of them believes me about the whole thing. So, let’s move ahead and make plans under the belief and basis that Sean has succeeded, and Earth has been admitted to the Council of Worlds.” He said, as he spread his arms out wide in a grand gesture.

  “That means we will, at least at first, be the prime point of negotiation and interface with the rest of the Galaxy. That places us in the best possible place to secure trade and financial exchanges that suit us first, and the rest of the world can just go and suck a lemon. They will come scrambling in hysteria when they learn it was all true, and accuse us of all sorts of nonexistent subterfuges, but it won’t matter since we will make the first contact and receive the diplomatic entourage, all on worldwide TV. I suspect some people in Russia and China will be shot, or certainly sent to some hideously remote camp to eke out their remaining days in mournful regret.”

  “Now, let’s get to work establishing a whole schedule of receiving a Galactic power to Washington. All stops out, full honors, receptions, state dinners, the whole shebang. You people in State are good at all that stuff, so John, it’s your baby. I know there will be a million questions of who is this for, don’t tell them, they will find out soon enough, and we have to keep a choker on this until we know if Sean was successful. Just tell them it is a state visit, and for security reasons it must be kept classified until they arrive.”

  “Oh, and make sure you include a plan for a Medal of Freedom ceremony for Sean and Doris. Make Sean’s medal awarded with distinction.” The President said as he waved the Secretary out of his office while reaching for the phone.

  The Secretary had his instructions and began havin
g planning meetings and alerting all affected departments that a super major event was coming up and to make sure key people were back in the country and not let off on vacation. It was likely there would be some grumbling about all this. That was a certainty, until they learned what it really was. There seemed to be no question America would own all the honor and benefit of this historical event since the other nations had declined. All, except if Sean failed. That would be a reason for another meeting the President was surely going to be having, with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs.

  “Kastm’n the Elder, why have you come before the Thulk Gild?” Asked the Zakarian Chief of the Clan Grak.

  “Your request is out of order and upsets our schedule.”

  “My regrets, Lord Chief, it is a blood matter.” Said Kastm’n as he maintained his bowed head.

  “Speak, tell us of this Blood matter you seek guidance on.” Commanded the Chief. Kastm’n knew it could be fatal to conceal anything when making a pleading in front of the Gild, so he described his Clan brother’s attempt to seize the Seeker for the benefit of Zakar, and its subsequent destruction by the Captain of the Seeker. He left no detail out.

  The Chief turned to his seven other sitting Chiefs on the Gild and counseled with them in a cone of silence that enveloped them. Kastm’n could hear nothing of the discussion. After a lengthy discussion, the cone was lifted and the Chief spoke to Kastm’n,

  “Your Clan brother spoke nothing of his plans to us Kastm’n. His action was poorly planned. That places our Membership in the Council of Worlds in jeopardy, since our Charter, which we signed in blood, does not permit us to attack a Member’s Vessel. Even more so if it was a diplomatic vessel, which it was. You yourself have assumed diplomatic protection after you took the life of the Council’s Senior Councilor, did you not?” Asked the Chief

  “Yes, that is true, but the one I took his life breath from was a pledge betrayer, and I ended his days with the dagger of my office as Ambassador. He was not the one I seek now.” Answered Kastm’n.

  The Gild members re-established the cone of silence and conferred again for a hundred breaths. The cone was lifted.

  “Kastm’n we cannot sanction any action which you may consider against another ship of the Membership. To do so would cause us to pass your name to the Hunters to dispose of, and your family cast outside of Zakar, never to return. It would be high treason, your name would be erased from the Scrolls of Redemption, and the Hunters will find you.” Said the Chief sternly.

  “However, we recognize the need for a blood settlement to preserve the honor of your family, what little they have left after your Clan brother has soiled it. You may hunt the person of your blood pledge, but only as a Clan Brother. It must be person to person, Clan face to Clan face, and not utilize any vessel of Zakar or its resources. The blood will be yours alone and need not be shared with us, but you must take it with honor and not as an assassin. Do you understand?” The Chief stated, raising his voice for the last sentence.

  “I understand, I must meet him in personal challenge, and tell him why he must die.” Kastm’n responded.

  “Good, now go and leave us to our business, you have had enough of our time.” Barked the Chief.

  Kastm’n left the Gild Chambers and began to consider how he would confront the Captain and what weapons he would bring.

  “I will take his blood and spread it on the doorstep of my Clan Brother’s home to assuage his spirit, and bring satisfaction to his hearth.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Book One

  The Seeker ship had reached the outer edge of the Hhearn system and was preparing to enter transition. Everyone aboard was safely in their couches except one person. Each couch and bridge chair had a depression sensor in it. Allister knew how many passengers were safely secured by merely counting the couch sensors. One was missing. A scan of the ship revealed Maja-Ben sitting in the lounge with a glass tumbler full of Earth whiskey nervously waiting for the Transition which Allister had now delayed. Allister contacted Sean through his communicator,

  “Captain, Maja-Ben is still in the lounge and has not responded to my instruction to secure for transition. Do you wish to go and speak to him?”

  “No, give this to Doris to handle.”

  “Very well, I will contact Doris and hold transition until all are secured.” Allister said.

  Doris was contacted with the problem and unstrapped herself to go to the lounge. Once there she found Maja sitting there watching the monitors and waiting for transition. She walked over to him and sat down next to him.

  “Maja, why are you not secured in your room couch as Allister announced. We’re getting ready to transition.” She asked sensing that something was holding Maja back.

  “What’s going on Maja? I’m your friend, you can tell me.”

  Maja sat there for a bit with Doris’s question hanging in the air and then finally said,

  “Doris, I have never been in space before and I am terrified of being dis-assembled, but I wouldn’t say that to anyone else but you, and don’t tell anybody I said it!” He growled. Doris smiled and said,

  “Maja, I was creeped out too, in fact, I pissed myself when it happened, how’s that for a big bad police officer? She said with a big grin.

  “Really? You kidding me? Asked Maja.

  “Maja, I don’t joke about stuff like that. True story. I was so embarrassed, but it did happen, and as it turns out, there wasn’t any real reason for it except being scared.” She told him.

  “Maja, c’mon, let’s go, I have bridge privilege, there’s side by side chairs there, we can do this together and I promise I will not piss myself.”

  Doris led Maja to the bridge which opened for her, and they strapped themselves into two chairs alongside each other.

  Doris asked with a mischievous smile,

  “Do you want to hold my hand?”

  “Zom’s Balls, Doris cut it out. Let’s do this, I’m ready.”

  Doris called out,

  “Allister, we’re all good now, proceed with transition.”

  In the next instant everything came apart as the ship dissolved into ‘no-space’.

  During the time the Ship was traveling in ‘no-space’, the orchestra continued practicing daily after the Conductor told them they would definitely be booked into every major venue in the world when they got back to Earth. Sean and Nasht-Mer attended the rehearsals every chance they had between sessions where Nasht was on her terminal. She was trying to learn all about Earth and a few English words. She was fascinated with the dichotomy of Earth’s wars and achievements, especially her art and creative works and couldn’t seem to get enough of all the information.

  She knew there was hard work ahead, working on the charter, especially with the divisions between states which was unheard of on Hhearn, at least for a few hundred annuals. There was going to be a lot of talking, but she knew Allister had fashioned more translators for her and her staff to wear since Sean would not be attending her many meetings. Those reduced her anxiety over misunderstood words and gestures.

  Her friendship with Sean had grown steadily, but she knew some of that was the inducement of Sashpet, which itself had her amazed. She was in her early Senior years and beyond child bearing. There was no history of Sashpet happening to Seniors that she knew of, but the feelings were so strong and getting stronger each Earth day. There was no mistaking it. It seemed likely that her heart was well in the process of choosing Sean as her life mate. That was a huge worry for a Hhearnian woman. There was always the possibility a woman’s proposal would be turned down. It did happen, though not often, since a mate would know he would receive unrelenting affection from her once she had bonded. Now she knew what almost all the women on Hhearn had known...... ‘Doubt’.

  Doris and Maja occupied themselves in the gym and in the Lounge watching Earth movies. Maja was embarrassed over his fear of the transition, but the issue was soon forgotten as he enjoyed Doris’s company and the fabulous Earth food a
nd drink. He thought he would never get enough of it. So much so, he momentarily wondered if it was addictive? There was no question in his mind that earth foods and fashion would soon be spreading all across the Council of Worlds. Some people are going to make a fortune he realized, and wondered how he might get a piece of that.

  The days in ‘no-space’ were smooth. It was difficult to believe they were moving faster than the speed of light. The ship was stable, and the internal gravity system kept everything at roughly Earth’s level. Unless one looked at the display monitors in the Dining Room, it would be very hard to tell the ship was even underway. There was the faint hum coming from the engines, but that was barely perceptible, and in a room full of noisy passengers, unnoticed. Sean was taking a nap and Doris was cleaning ‘Henry’ in her room. Nasht-Mer was studying short English phrases, all seemed serene.

  The ship suddenly rocked violently to starboard and retro thrusters started screaming. Loose items began sliding about and some people fell while walking. Sean had been rolled out of bed by the sudden lurch and was immediately awake.

  “Allister, report!” He yelled.

  “Captain, I do not know what has caused us to drop out of ‘no-space.’ The auto avoidance system detected an obstacle and shut down our drives as well as initiated the braking thrusters. I am starting scanning now.” He said.

  Sean got up and headed for the bridge at a very fast trot, Doris was right behind him asking

  What the Hell was that?”

  “I don’t know, Allister is checking. Something in our flight path. Let’s get up to the bridge where we can look at the scans and monitor screens.”

  They both arrived at the bridge and had to wait while the bridge battle door opened. It had automatically closed when the auto detect system tripped. They rushed inside. Allister was standing there unmoving as his system scanned for possible equipment failures as well as the object that was responsible for the shutdown. After about a minute Allister became animated again and said,


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