The Council of Hhearn Trilogy Box Set

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The Council of Hhearn Trilogy Box Set Page 32

by P F Walsh

  Sean proceeded to dictate their arrival discoveries and that a state of war existed at Denknish. He included digital images of the debris field, the defense net. He did not include the Doctor’s report on the deceased Admiral. He advised that he was proceeding the next day to attempt to pass through the defense net and make contact with the leadership of Denknish. He issued an order to share this report with the Senior Councilor of Hhearn and Nasht-Mer. He also instructed Wallace not to pass this on to the IRO Earth office just yet, but include the President. Too much to learn yet before any assumptions could be made. He tacked on a remark that the ship was performing perfectly and they were all safe.

  Back on Earth Kastm’n the Elder, the Zakarian clan brother of the Captain of the war ship Sean Flynn partially destroyed, was eating some food in a small dark bar off Interstate 70 near Jefferson City, Missouri. He had arranged covert passage to Earth and was on his way to Palm Springs, California to kill Captain Sean Flynn in a blood pledge. As he was watching the TV news and listening through his translator, it was reporting that Captain Flynn had returned to Hhearn weeks ago and was now on a quest to locate an unknown planet and its people. Kastm’n did not pay attention to the rest of the broadcast but finished his food which he enjoyed immensely. Despite that, he was not about to change his plans. He finished up his food and left the bar to get back on Interstate 70 but in the opposite direction. He now needed to get back to Washington and get on a CW freighter back to Hhearn. Exactly how he was going to do that struck him as no more difficult than getting to where he was already, almost half way across the United States.

  “The Gods will sanction my quest and provide what I need.” He thought as he walked to the land car he had stolen. Since he had been traveling, he had exchanged the license plates on the car three times from cars parked at night. He was confident he would not be stopped for bad land car identity. None of this had diminished his rage or passion for revenge and settlement. He looked at the clock in the land car and saw that in few Earth increments it would be very late. He would find another all-night refueling station. They were usually manned by a single person. He would deactivate that person, fuel up the land car, and stock up on counter snacks while he was there. He made sure to destroy the vid recorders most of them had. Deviousness was considered a valued trait on Zakar. Later, he drove resolutely through the dark, moonless night with a full fuel tank and a seat full of snacks. On his way back he discovered the radio and Earth music.

  “This may turn out to be the most pleasant blood hunt I have ever been on.” He thought, rolling along the Interstate highway at a speed just under the symbol on the road signs.

  Parked alongside the highway in the shadow of some high bushes was a Missouri State Police car. The Officer had been trying to stay awake. Tonight’s traffic was very light and no one was exceeding the speed limit worth chasing. He was checking messages on his phone when another car went by. As he glanced at it, he realized that the car had truck license plates. This was rural Missouri after all. Locals changed plates back and forth to avoid having to buy plates for both vehicles. Chances are the guy couldn’t afford it, and likely he couldn’t afford the traffic fine either. Being local, the deputy decided to let him go and went back to his phone messages. Maybe he could get a date with Marie after all, as he noticed the text was from her. He began to message back.

  Chapter Three

  Book Two

  The next day passed with Sean and Doris listening to translated local broadcast vids and trying to get a feel for the people they were going to meet soon. There was a great deal of video about the war and local distress. The cameras were showing destruction and damage crews struggling to repair infrastructure. The announcers were describing which sections of the city would be allowed power today. It was not a happy picture. In the evening there was a broadcast of an outdoor gathering of several thousand people which appeared like a prayer service. There was an elder who was likely a religious leader and a woman who may have held high office. The program was very solemnly conducted. After it was over, the broadcast went back to nonsensical game shows and they turned it off.

  The morning found all of the crew except Welly who was on bridge watch duty, getting plates full of breakfast food and sitting together at the large table. Sean had made coffee; he didn’t trust the synthesizer yet to do this critical task even though he drank tea. Today was the day they were going to try to approach the defense net, otherwise their mission was at a stalemate. Transmitting an entry request to the planet by radio stood a chance of being picked up by the opposing side and would catch them in the middle, as well as identify them as Denknish. Preferably a quiet approach would be best if they could manage it.

  One of the things that was on Sean’s ‘to do’ list, although it was menial, was also a good non-combative subject for a breakfast meeting. He wanted to establish a name for their AI. So, he threw out a suggestion that he would like to name the ship’s AI ‘Martin.’ It was a simple Earth name that everyone could pronounce even with an accent. Everyone agreed and they called the AI to advise him of the change. The AI was of course quite amenable to have a sentient name like Allister did. Now it felt like they had another crew member instead of talking to the ship (which they were still doing). ‘Martin’ had been trying various images in his holograms and decided that appearing in a neat, nondescript ship suit with the ship name on his breast was appropriate. The Crew all liked what he had done with his ship suit and asked him to fabricate identical suits for the whole crew.

  Martin also decided that in the next courier drone to Hhearn he would include a message to Allister about this change and how much he enjoyed sharing files.

  The ship edged slowly toward the defense net. As they got closer beacon lights on the battle droids lit up with very bright white lights, impossible to ignore. As they got closer, they changed to yellow.

  Sean ordered, “All stop.” He thought for a minute and then said,

  “Martin, was there a ship identification code for this ship?”

  “Yes, Captain there was, the system has been querying me to send it but I thought after one hundred and fifty annuals it is likely not to be accepted anymore.” He said.

  “Martin, give it a try. Sometimes military organizations honor lost ships as still being on patrol, also the same with service people, maintaining their name or identification. Let’s see if it works, send it.” He ordered.

  “Sent.” Said Martin.

  For several minutes nothing happened, and then the lights on the two closest battle droids turned blue.

  “Martin, is that a color indicating to proceed?” He asked.

  “Yes Captain, they have accepted our Identification as being a Denknish ship and we are to proceed between the two battle droids.”

  “Ahead one third thrust through the net.” He said as the ship began to pick up speed and pass through the net. All the crew that was sitting in the bridge chairs breathed a sigh of relief. They had seen what these battle droids could do to warships that had thick armor unlike Discovery which has only shields that were now appropriately down.

  “Captain, shall I shut down our weapons systems?” asked Halkt-Bar the ship’s weapons Officer.

  “No Hal, keep the systems up, but close all the weapons ports. We don’t know what they will do when they suddenly realize we are back from a one hundred and fifty annual trip. Most will assume some kind of charade until they get actual eyes on us. You can be certain the Battle droid forwarded our entrance and ship ID to the ground control. We may still get fired upon.” Sean ordered.

  Hal just nodded and flipped the switch to close the weapons ports even though he could have asked Martin to do it. He liked tactile control.

  On Hhearn, Nasht-Mer was soaking in her large bathroom tub preparing for a long solar. The work demands created by Earth’s new membership had exceeded anyone’s expectations including hers. She lay there enjoying the serenity and had four medium pillar candles she brought back from Earth burning along the
wide rim of the tub as she mused,

  “I wonder why we never thought about candles. With the lights down, they add so much serenity, and the fragrance is wonderful.” She thought.

  “Perhaps we cast open flame aside as being primitive, but when I shared this with Sean, it was magical. They have so many unique approaches to fashion and personal care it is amazing.” She realized how much she wanted to go back to Earth just to shop in the wonderful lady’s stores. She wondered if CW Worldlines had established passenger service to earth yet?

  “While Sean is gone, I could go shopping and bring back some more outfits. My workload is going to be heavy this week but next week is pretty clear.” she thought.

  It was then she had a thought that excited her. She could put together a shopping tour to Earth with the wives of the Councilors and any other ladies that might like to come along. What fun that would be!

  “I will have to make sure that invitations are sent to each of the Member Worlds Embassies. A ladies’ trip!”

  “I don’t believe I have heard of anything like this before.” She resolved to contact CW Worldlines and urge them to begin shuttle service and inquire for a group rate. Coming from her office, she was sure the cost will be nominal.

  She reached for a towel to dry her hand and arm, then picked up her pocketcomm, and put in a reminder for later.

  “It must be the candles that have me so relaxed. I will definitely have to buy more.” She mused with a smile as she slipped deeper into the now warm water and reached for the scented soap from Earth.

  Later, when she was at her Office in the Council Building, she ran into a group of Councilor’s wives that had all met to go to mid-solar meal together. She casually asked them if they would be interested in joining her in a shopping trip to Earth that she was planning. Every single lady insisted on being included. Eight other ladies were now committed. She definitely needed to call CW Worldlines today. It also occurred to her that she should contact Earth Ambassador Henning about establishing a tourist office here on Hhearn. She could see this was going to grow quickly.

  Doreem Nool, Honored Speaker of the Denknish Assembly was trying to prioritize her solar which was promising to be difficult with representatives from every sector of the food industry coming at various times with reports and demands. She just knew it was going to be a solar of bad news and frustrating arguments. So many of the industry managers were intractable, somehow expecting her to use a magic scepter to wash away the very real damages that had been done to the growing fields and food production plants. Her office door opened and her secretary came in holding a flash report.

  “Madam Speaker, I just received this flash report from Orbital Defense control. The Defense Net has allowed a most unusual ship to enter our inner space.” She said breathlessly.

  Her secretary had an ongoing and deep fear of being in the seat of government when unexpected ships were in Denknish space. The past months of orbital bombardment by hundreds of small asteroids shot into their system by the enemy ships in deeper space had created panic and fears that had not abated. Most of the asteroids got fragmented by the battle droids, but some got through and caused civic panic as they streaked down with flames trailing behind them. They were impossible to aim since the battle droid’s kinetic ordinance would push them off course. Still, aerial bombardment weighed heavily on the citizens who couldn’t understand why they could not be stopped.

  “Calm down Mirrana and bring me the report please.” The Speaker asked with her hand held out for the report. She took it with expectation that finally, something she had been secretly planning was coming to pass.

  She began to read the ship that was permitted to pass into their inner orbital space was a Denknish ship called Zilphlyxx. She had never heard that name before but Denknish had many ships.

  Then she read this was a ship from Central Explorations. Their ships were often pressed into intelligence services as she suspected, this was a likely reason she had not heard the name. She was feeling comfortable until she read that the ship had left Denknish over one hundred and fifty annuals ago!

  She looked at Mirrana, “Are you sure this report is correct?” She asked.

  “Yes, Madam Speaker, I had them send it twice to be certain. It is a lost ship come home.”

  “Contact Orbital Security and have them escort this ship and establish contact with it, do not fire upon this ship, those are orders directly from me. I want to know everything that happens. This is not the ship I was expecting.” She said.

  Mirrana turned and ran out of her office to get to her comm.

  “What can this be?” She wondered. “Is this even possible?”

  She followed this thought with instructions to Mirrana to cancel her appointments for today while she looked into this unexpected arrival.

  “Miklar, take the port side and look the ship over carefully, I’ll take the other side.” transmitted one of the two Orbital Dart fighters that were dispatched to inspect the arriving ship. They each swing around the Discovery inspecting and identifying the ship.

  “Control, Dart 2 here, this ship is definitely Denknish but I am unable to determine the model. All weapons ports are closed but my sensors say they are on ‘standby’ status. Do you wish me to try to contact the ship?” the pilot sent.

  “That’s affirmative but keep a close eye on those weapons ports.” replied Orbital Control.

  The pilot switched to a hailing frequency used by Denknish,

  “This is Orbital Security to unknown ship; do you copy my transmission?” the Dart pilot sent.

  Martin responded,

  “This is the formerly lost ship known as Zilphlyxx. This ship was critically damaged and left powerless drifting in ‘no-space’ within the registered space zone of Planet Earth. A planet of which you may be unaware. The ship was recovered under the laws of salvage, repaired and renamed Discovery. It is now under the ownership and command of Captain Sean Flynn Senior Field Officer of the Interplanetary Relations Office of the Planet Earth a diplomatic entity.”

  “His mission is a peaceful and a compassionate one. It is first of all to make contact with another unknown planet, secondly to return the personal effects of the deceased Denknish crew, deliver the cargo she was carrying, and share the video of the crew’s committal ceremony. He realizes over one hundred and fifty annuals have transpired since the ship was lost and no one may remember the ship, but your records will confirm. We come from a consortium of fifty-one planets and seek a peaceful conversation and first contact. We request full diplomatic accord, permission to land, and to meet with your leadership.”

  All of this was being monitored by the Speaker in her office after she had the Orbital Security control patch her vidcom into the exchange. She was shocked as she listened and for a minute or two speechless. But Speaker Nool was a quick thinker and perceived that a possible resource for help might be at hand.

  She spoke into the vidcom, “Issue permission to land, agree to diplomatic accords, and instruct all staff this is a diplomatic ship and mission, no one is to board or impede the diplomats! I will meet with their Captain Flynn as soon as convenient after they land. Provide security protection around this ship. This is a matter of State. No one is to interfere, no one. Please have your senior officer on duty to confirm receipt of these instructions immediately. Advise him the Orbital Security Force, as of right now, is under my direct command authorized in wartime rule 567!” She said the last part forcefully. The security officer manning the comm station replied, “Acknowledged.”

  Speaker Nool knew that within her Assembly membership there were those who preferred unending war and may try to leverage this new possible resource into energizing our wartime resources to continue the war. She went to the bathroom suite in her office to check in the closet for something more formal to wear to meet an unknown species from a group of other planets we knew nothing about.

  “In a way, this is not surprising,“ she thought, “we have been so busy at our little war, w
e forgot about the rest of the galaxy. This may be a chance to change all that.”

  Martin turned to Sean, “Captain, we have permission to land, I am receiving coordinates now. The leadership has agreed to meet. I was careful to demand diplomatic accord to our ship and persons but I cannot guarantee they will uphold those principles, they are, after all, at war.”

  “Thank you, Martin, I think we will be alright, if they are intelligent at all they will realize we may have help to offer.” said Sean, “Proceed with landing.”

  The ship began moving slowly toward the coordinates given while escorted by the two Orbital Dart fighters. Sean, sitting in the bridge Captain’s chair, alerted the ship’s company through the all-ship announcement system,

  “Attention all crew, we have been granted permission to land under diplomatic accords. We must maintain our behavior as diplomats. I suspect things are a bit touchy here because of the war they are involved in. Be absolutely polite. We have nothing to hide but we do not wish to offend.”

  “To Rooky: take a quick read on Denknish diplomatic procedures and first-meet rules. Check to see if the ship can download any legal updates especially wartime amendments. All staff to be in ship suits. Doris to my cabin.”

  Sean disconnected the all-ship announcement system and watched the main screen as Discovery began to approach the planet.

  “Martin, while we are here in Denknish space, be constantly running scans for attempts to enter our system software or override my authority, shunt them to the babble file that we discussed. Under no circumstances allow anyone on board that is not part of our crew unless authorized by me. As soon as we leave the ship raise screens, monitor and record the discussions from my communicator implant. Also, set up ear bud communication between you and Rooky. Let him know he will be coming with me to the meeting.”


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