The Council of Hhearn Trilogy Box Set

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The Council of Hhearn Trilogy Box Set Page 42

by P F Walsh

  “Well Martin, I will definitely look into that when we get to Hhearn. I want you to be as capable as possible. We are likely to be on missions without predicable outcomes, and not a repetitive delivery run to the same destination, those would require less flexibility.”

  Sean knew the lack of intellect level was holding Martin back, and to be frank with himself, he missed Allister and his adept reliability. He would definitely see what could be done when they got to Hhearn which was only a day away now. Sean wondered what had transpired while they were gone. He had received no incoming courier drones by his own direction. Receiving those in a war zone was way too complicated, with interception a certainty. Courier drones, in general, were used infrequently and restricted by the number on board, always making sure that enough were on standby for chaotic events and requesting rescue. The last one sent, announcing their return, would be sitting at Hhearn, awaiting their return and be recovered.

  The ship’s doctor hadn’t been needed for anything in weeks and he almost forgot he was on a ship of exploration, spending every solar in his lab studying and categorizing mutations of infectious diseases. He didn’t even join the Discovery crew on the first night on Denknish standing on the ramp looking at the Denknish moon rise. This moon was larger than Earth’s and made of rock and metals. It had been mined for a long while but the metals were of low demand and heavily coursed with rock, needing crushing and more processing than newly prospected asteroids which had purer deposits. The result of the wide area scraping of the moon to reveal the metal bearing rock though, left the surface shiny with exposed metal and the light from the local star struck it into multiple colors making it appear like a jewel in the sky, unlike the drab Earth moon. For first time visitors, it was a spectacle. The doctor barely heard the announcement that the ship was approaching Hhearn space. It did remind him he was getting short on incubation supplies.

  Martin the ship’s AI, was anticipating the return as well, he was sure that Captain Flynn meant what he said. As soon as the ship was within contact of Hhearn he would send a greeting to, and ask Allister for his counsel on what the captain wanted to implement. In the meantime, he would send a sustained surge of power to the suite occupied by the Sisters of Mak’am.

  While the others on the ship did not know, he was aware they fed on energy, electrical or humanoid, one was cleaner than the other, or at least the Sisters had told him so, and his power surge was the cleanest. They requested that he keep their communication to him confidential and Martin could not compose a reason why he should not comply. He sent the surge and could feel it being drawn. They were hungry.

  Chapter Eleven

  Book Two

  The Ladies from Hhearn were dashing up and down the hallways in the Blair House, some semi-dressed and all in an emotional swirl on how to dress, how does it look? Is this the right color for me? They were all seeking the counsel of the other ladies who were all in a similar state of unsettlement on the proper assembly for a State Dinner on Earth. Hhearn didn’t have functions like this, and the excitement was almost palpable. Outside Nasht-Mer’s door there was a crowd of ladies all seeking last minute advice because Nasht-Mer had attended a State dinner before and knew what the Earth ladies would be wearing. She finally decided to take things in hand,

  ‘Ladies, ladies! Please all line up in the hall, both sides!” She shouted out in her uncommon ‘take charge’ voice. They all immediately scurried to a spot along the wall in the hall much like a military inspection, Once they were all lined up, she went down the line one by one and inspected each lady making small adjustments here and there, issuing cautions to tend the slight dress train while walking to those who had gowns which had that extra burden. All was going along productively until she came to one lady whose dress top just didn’t look right and her gown was bunched up in back. For a moment, she was perplexed until, she realized the lady had put on the gown with the bag still attached. Once that faux pas was resolved to the immediate embarrassment of the house steward who happened into the hall at just the wrong time, Nasht-Mer pronounced the ladies as the most beautiful that they had ever looked. The ladies burst into miniature applause.

  “Go back to your rooms, put on your translator broaches, get your clutch purses and come back out into the hall and we will go downstairs.”

  Said Nasht-Mer, knowing the stairs would be interesting since this would be the first time some of the ladies had worn high heels. She knew they could take the riser or elevator as it was known on Earth, but some practice was in order in the event they had to deal with stairs in the White House. She recalled her first wearing of them and how unsteady she initially was.

  The ladies had all but bought out the first dress shop in Washington and had to go to two other stores before all the ladies had found a gown that met their imagination and style. The salesgirls were overwhelmed at first and thought it might be a flash and grab mob but as soon as they saw the security people and the two uniformed officers assigned to be with them, they relaxed and looked forward to an Earth day of plenty.

  The ladies all filed down the stairs slowly and carefully to the lobby of the Blair House and when all had come down without falling, they proceeded out the front door onto the sidewalk and under the canopy to enter each limousine in small groups. Nasht-Mer rode in the first group so she would be under the Portico awaiting each group of ladies as they arrived.

  The White House and its grounds were lit up as the guests arrived for the State Dinner. A broadcast camera was stationed under the Portico as well, sending a pool feed to all the networks of the arrivals. The guests of honor were the contingent from Hhearn, the Mates of the ruling Council and the Director General of Interplanetary Affairs, her Highness, the Duchess of Mer. The other attendees were the Secretary of State accompanied by Maejel Tripperty the new Cultural Attaché, some members of Congress, and the usual diplomatic suspects.

  Only one of the Hhearn security agents would be attending tonight, the whole security team drew straws to see who would be fortunate enough to attend. The ladies’ limousines rolled up one at a time, no buses tonight. A fleet of limos was required, but where else could you find a fleet of limousines available on short notice except in Washington DC?

  In the Dining Room the ladies from Hhearn were noticing everything, it was all new to them. The dimmed lighting, the candles, the sparkling crystal and elegant service settings, and they thought they were in a fantasy land, one lady was overcome and had tears rolling down her cheeks as she wiped them away,

  “It’s all so beautiful, and everyone looks magnificent.” She said as she fingered her handkerchief. “Why can’t we do this at home?” She asked her seat mate. Then the band began to play Ruffles and Flourishes as the President came into the room with the Secretary of State and his dinner companion Maejel Tripperty.

  Across the ‘pond’ Millie Griggs was up watching the satellite feed from the U.S. as her ‘bestie’ Maejel came into the White House dining room with the President and that handsome Secretary of State John Lewis. She could not believe what she was watching and how gorgeous Maejel looked on the arm of the Secretary.

  “I hate you; I hate you!” She yelled at the telly, and then,

  “Oooh look, he’s holding the chair out for her, Oh God I have to book a trip to Washington.” She watched the whole night and knew, fairy tales do come true, but apparently only in the U.S., and not exclusively by Disney.

  The evening was a spectacular success as the ladies basked in the candle glow and dined on the works of one of the nation’s best chefs. When dinner was cleared away and all were left with just their drinks in hand, the band began to play again and this time it was dance music. The President got up and moved over to Nasht-Mer holding out his hand. The ladies wondered what was going to happened next. Nasht-Mer knew, and extended her hand out to the President as she rose from her chair. They both moved out to the dance floor and began to dance. The ladies were swept with emotion and admiration as they watched the two of them slide abou
t the floor. Once around or so, and others began to join them. Soon the floor was full. After playing for a while the band took a break. Everyone was engaged in a conversation; the room was full of the buzz of a large group having a very good time. The President took a minute to coral Maejel,

  “Maejel, it is clear to me that the wonderful people of the Council of Worlds really enjoy Earth’s version of a fancy affair. I would like to support and encourage that. In little over a month, there will be an annual Council Meeting on Hhearn. It will be attended by the leaders of all the fifty worlds. Fifty-one now.” He said. “I would like as your first project, to identify the most fabulous formal event we have on Earth and plan to reproduce that on Hhearn as your first production while the leaders are all there. Whatever it takes, you have my support, don’t worry about the budget, concentrate on creating a huge ‘WOW’ on Hhearn. Can you do that?” He asked.

  “Mr. President you had me when you said ‘don’t worry about the budget.’ Yes, I can do that.” She replied confidently.

  “Great, promise me a dance after the entertainment?” he asked

  “It would be my honor Sir.” She answered with a huge smile.

  The band played a short intro bar to draw attention back to the bandstand,

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present the sultry, amazing, and beautiful Camille Amour!”

  At that, the lights dimmed more, a follow spot lit up and captured a tall, slim woman in a red sequined fishtail gown as she stepped to the microphone. Her hair was black, long, and allowed to drape over the left side of her face so that she always appeared to be peeking from behind the tresses. The band began to play again, a forties tune, “It Had to Be You.” Her silken voice smoothed out the notes of the music and she swept up the room in a haze of nostalgia. The Ladies from Hhearn had never seen a woman perform like this before and were spellbound at her talent and the music.

  One Councilor’s Mate said,

  “By the Gods, if she sang that to my Mate, he’s gone!”

  Camille sang five more songs and left to a standing applause. The band began to play for dancing again and the President came over to Maejel collect his dance promise as the band began to play Glenn Miller’s Moonlight Serenade.

  By now, Millie was well along to being drunk as she watched the satellite broadcast of the evening’s dinner at the White House unfold from her aerie, her preferred room in the top gabled floor of the family home built in 1850 but updated. She had the whole floor; dress racks lined most the floor space and a large vanity was covered with potions of cosmetic magic. Despite all of this, and her seemingly unlimited funds, she was here in England half drunk and Maejel was dancing with the President of the United States.

  “I really need to pay more attention to what Maejel says, and book a trip to Washington.” She woozily thought as picked up her cell, then fell onto the bed again, this time into a deep sleep. She did not get to see Maejel dance with the Secretary again.

  The Discovery arrived back at Hhearn. This time it was being accompanied by a Denknish civilian transport ship bearing two Diplomats, one from each of the twin worlds. They docked at the orbital station and Sean arranged for the two to receive lunar passes. The two Sisters of Mak’am also left the ship to return to the Mill Den and report to Mother Primitia.

  Sean was looking forward to seeing Nasht-Mer as his first item to do. He quickly learned that she was leading a tour of Earth’s ladies’ clothing shops. He thought it might be fun to catch up with them on Earth, He proceeded to meet with Wally Henning the Ambassador from Earth first, and then the Senior Councilor, to bring them up to date. He brought along the diplomats from Denknish and Lotma and made sure they were introduced to as many people as possible. Both seemed to be getting along quite nicely.

  “Senior Councilor, Captain Flynn and the two diplomats are here to meet.” Said Hekt-Lar the Councilor’s aid.

  The Councilor had spent a few hours going over all Sean’s courier reports that had been shared with him, so he felt he had a sense of the past weeks and the resolution that came about. While the latest events were quite sad, it seemed to have been the critical key to bringing sense to the parties. He had deep admiration for Admiral Andregga and her courageous move to pursue peace.

  “Send them in Hekt.”

  Sean introduced the two diplomats to the Councilor and they presented their credentials to him. This was a procedure that had not happened in his recollection. Usually the newly located world was submitting an application for membership. He accepted the documents gracefully and let Sean proceed.

  “Councilor, I believe we are at an opportune time in our planetary lives. I am convinced that the former Senior Councilor and his associates had rigged the application process for their economic benefit by making virtually certain that a world fell into vassal status. I expressed that concern to Nasht-Mer the very first solar I arrived on Hhearn, and nothing has happened to change that perspective. In fact, as time goes by, it seems statistically true that the possibility for membership declines materially since the aegis is on the applicant to submit benefits he brings to the Council. The more members, the less likely a planet has something the Council does not already have. This seems to me to be a negative progression that will stifle the quality of life on the member planets. Everyone has something to offer.”

  The Councilor was nodding as Sean spoke.

  “What would you propose Sean?”

  “My suggestion would be to use the uniqueness of a two-planet membership petition to create an associate membership and bypass the application process and move directly to trade. Both their planets offer unique building materials and design to Hhearn. I was told there are two new office buildings planned south of the Hhearn City Platza. Denknish and Lotma are ready to submit proposals for their design and include their exceptionally beautiful stone casings that are magical.”

  Sean handed the Councilor photos of the Denknish buildings and the Councilor’s eyes lit up.

  “By the Gods, Sean these buildings are beautiful.” The Councilor continued looking at the photos which were taken carefully to exclude war damage.

  “Gentlemen, if I give you the budget we have set, can you return within a lunar with some renderings for me to present to the rest of the Council?” he asked.

  Traebor Malek the Diplomat from Denknish and Satorn Louks the Diplomat from Lotma both answered “Yes” in unison.

  The Councilor realized that he had been persuaded by the elegant designs to consider using an off-world contractor and architect for two new buildings in the City Center. He then said,

  “I am aware that your two worlds have been at war for over a century, what guarantee can you offer that you will be able to finish this project without interruption by inter-world disputes. This will require intimate cooperation between your designers, engineers, and contractors. We have never used a non-member contractor before.”

  Traebor replied, “Councilor, this project will be the melding of our two worlds together permanently. It is just the thing we need to move peacefully ahead. Our energies will be spent on positive building instead of conflict. We are really ready to put all that behind us and get to work. Busy hands are peaceful hands. We have large military ships that are even now being converted into freighters, there’s no turning back.”

  The Councilor was not quite satisfied. They could tell from the expression of his face. Like all politicians, he would be the lightning rod for accusations and complaints if things did not go well.

  Sean spoke up, “Councilor it is my plan that Earth will underwrite this project and ensure that it will be finished as designed. Does that help?”

  “Sean, that is a major contribution that Earth would be a partner in this project. Let’s get the renderings and preliminary plans started and if they look good you can count on me to present them positively to the Council.” He turned to the diplomats, “Take some time while you are here to get some photos of the nearby buildings and the construction site.”

The trio left the Senior Councilor’s office in an ebullient outlook for the Twin worlds and the project. As they left the Council building Sean said,

  “Now, I will have to go and sell this to Earth. I think we will be fine, but it must be done. I will be leaving for Earth immediately. You two get some photos and learn about the Hhearnian culture, that will play in the design.”

  Sean left the two diplomats walking toward the construction site with their pocketcomms ready to shoot photos of the whole area. After that, they planned to find a place to have dinner and celebrate new beginnings as well as lodging for a week or so.

  As Sean was leaving the Council building area to return to the shuttle port two black clad figures approached him. They stopped a few paces in front and bowed,

  Captain Flynn, you are requested to accompany us. It is a blood matter.”

  “A blood matter?” Who are you?” He asked

  “We are two of the Hunters sent from Zakar to satisfy the soiled honor of Zakar, It is our duty to implement just satisfaction for the injuries to Zakar honor, the honor of the Council of Worlds, and the honor of Captain Flynn, This must be done before injured face or the honor will not be satisfied.” One of the men said.

  “I don’t understand,” said Sean.

  “We are to carry out the commands of the Thulk Gild of Zakar and to render punishment to two sons of Zakar who have broken pledges and honor. Satisfaction cannot be complete unless each of the injured parties stands at the resolution to present clan face to the offenders.”

  “And I am one of the offended?” Asked Sean.

  “Yes Captain, one of the men so charged attacked a ship under your command with intent to board or destroy. He violated the honor of Zakar which signed the Council Charter in blood. He is also charged with destruction of another Seeker ship. There will be another person to offer clan face for that crime.”


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