The Council of Hhearn Trilogy Box Set

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The Council of Hhearn Trilogy Box Set Page 70

by P F Walsh

  “Yes, Captain. Originally, this was a military outpost, but then was transferred to scientific uses. There is a large set of high-powered lasers capable of inflicting damage on any ship or shuttle in orbit. Most are concealed outside the city in strategic places around the planet. It would not be possible to approach the planet without coming within range of at least three sets. There are also a few kinetic systems that can be used for long distance throws of scatter shot.” It recited.

  Sean was pleased to hear this. He anticipated there would be attempts to infiltrate Caerus to spy or seize. He got up and went into the nourishment room and picked up a menu. This would be the first time he had eaten there since the Doctor, who had been testing daily, had declared the new synthesizers clean, and ready for use.

  “I think I will have that roast Tork that Doris was salivating over. That sounds good.” He thought.

  When the service drone came out, he ordered a drink to wait for the rest of the crew. The Doctor and Mel were first to arrive. A few minutes later Artie came in brushing his clothes and coming from washing his hands in the sanitary room.

  “What have you been up to Artie?” Sean asked noticing that he had been involved in something to get dirty.

  “We overhauled a massive generator. I haven’t had so much fun in decades. Gorgeous machining work, never seen anything as good, and the drones are fun to work with.” He said looking quite happy with his day.

  “Sean, I could keep myself busy here for the rest of my life and never run out of things to do.” He said. The Doctor chimed in,

  “Me too, there is so much to learn. The research possibilities are enormous.” He said.

  They ordered drinks and toasted a good day’s work. After they had a drink, chatted awhile, and ordered a second, Sean spoke,

  “Gentlemen and lady, there are some major changes coming and you are all involved. First, the big news is that this planet we now officially call Caerus has the unbelievable ability to fold space!” He said.

  “What does that mean?” Artie asked.

  “That means that we are going to move Caerus, everything on it, and in it, to a Lagrange point in Earth’s solar system and establish Caerus as a space station. It will be a way point for travelers, and a research station for science and medicine. I have told Rooky to make all the legal arrangements to establish its ownership protocols, register a business entity under which it will operate, and told Central to get the system ready to travel. It will take another several days to charge the capacitors for the actual event.” He said to their astonished looks.

  “There’s more. Artie, I would like to ask you to be in charge of the station’s technical operations, Mel, I would like you to consider being the person in charge of security and the front man for daily ops of ships coming and going. You will need to hire an armed crew immediately, of course. I suspect you know just where to find some good men. Doctor, I would like you to be the research physician in charge of medical research, you will have to build a team of interns and physicians you would like to add.”

  “This will all come with administrative burdens you will have to grow into. As far as the accounting for the business operations, we will hire someone who is as desperate as we are for adventure.” Sean said, and before they could respond he added,

  “After one year of service for which you will all receive a salary, you will be vested with an aggregate 10 percent ownership of the Business divided equally among the three of you. You must remain employed to benefit from this. As you might imagine, the licensing revenue of what we have here is enormous. You will be very rich men. How does that sound?”

  They looked at each other with the biggest smiles Sean had ever seen on any of their faces.

  “Outstanding!” Mel cried out and they all jumped up to do high fives.

  “Captain, this is a dream situation.” Artie said. “I can’t thank you enough.” Mel and the Doctor concurred enthusiastically.

  “There is one little hitch. Artie and Mel have to go with Caerus to maintain legal possession and operations. Doctor, I still need a ship physician on board Discovery. As you can see, stuff keeps coming up I’m not qualified to handle, nor is Allister. Once we are done with this trip, you can head for Caerus and unpack your bags. I’ll ask you to recruit another physician before you go though. Is that all good with you?” He asked.

  “Sean, that’s fine, I understand, and I still have my lab on Discovery to work on some of the things I learned here, so I’m fine with that. I do hope the trip is short though.” He said with a big smile. Sean chuckled.

  “Great, I will have Rooky draw up the offer letters for you to sign and have, in case anything happens to me.” He said, raising the point that their mission still had unknown consequences ahead. That was when he turned to Doris and said, I would like you to stay with me and the Discovery as chief Security Officer of course. There will be a significant raise. Doris smiled, relieved that she would be staying with the ship because she knew Sean wouldn’t stay grounded for long. Then, they ordered and finished dinner.

  Subsequently, when Sean had returned to Discovery, he explained to Nasht-Mer what he decided to do,

  “You have made me a partner in this whole enterprise?” She asked.

  “Yes, unless you don’t want to be?”

  “No, of course I want to be your partner. I think it’s a splendid idea! I can’t imagine what you will dream up next.” She came over to put her arms around him.

  Later, when he was alone, he contacted Allister,

  “Allister, by now you know that Caerus can be moved and that we plan to do so. It strikes me that the builders on this planet may have concealed a tracker somewhere to report if the planet got moved. Please do a thorough scan, and if there is one, I need it disabled for this trip.” He asked.

  “Also, Central may be reporting on daily activities and our occupation. With its ability to fold space, Central may be able to communicate with the builders in a way we are not aware of. Ultimately, we will meet these people but I would like that to be on our terms and choice of time. Check for hidden logs of communications.” He said.

  “I will begin a scan immediately, and I agree with your concerns. Very wise Captain.” Allister replied.

  The U.S. Secretary of State John Lewis had just returned from visiting several of the Council of World Planets, and establishing diplomatic and business connections for the U.S. and Earth.

  “Maejel, this is John, I’m back on Hhearn.” He said into the pocketcomm after she answered.

  “Oh, Mr. Secretary, how are you?” She asked.

  “Are we back to that again, Miss Tripperty?” He asked smiling, but knowing whenever he left her alone for a long period, she reverted to his formal title as punishment.

  “Well I suppose I could call you Mr. Lewis?” She chided.

  “Point well taken. How about dinner tonight at the Top of The World?”

  “Love to John, what time?” She answered.

  “How about I pick you up at evening’s midst, I’ll make a reservation.” He said.

  “For tonight? How will you ever get in? They are booked up into the next century.” She said.

  “I talked with the owner last time I was here and he sets aside a few tables for VIP’s every night. There are always walk-ins to fill if he doesn’t need them.” He advised her.

  “Very well, I will see you then. Shall I wear my war skins and weapons?”

  “Actually, I am in love with that black dress you wore last time, forget the skins and weapons.” He said.

  “Party pooper!” She said.

  “Savage!” He retorted, and hung up. She put the pocketcomm down laughing. She was really glad to see him and wished there could be lots more.

  Later, after they had completed dinner, Maejel began to share her experience with the Zakar Warrior and how she was now a blood sister. The Secretary was astonished at her composure and handling of a potential violent meeting. He was very impressed, and assured she that he was not
scared away at her having such aggressive friends. In fact, he felt it may come into play someday when there is a diplomatic conflict. The Zakarians were known for very short tempers and aggressive physicality. After they talked for a while bringing each other up to date, they began to relax listening to the Orchestra finish up a song and hoped there would be a dance tune so they could dance, but the band leader took the microphone,

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to recognize some very special dinner guests we have here this evening.” He proceeded to call out the local Councilors and business VIP’s and then sent the spotlight over to their table and identified the Secretary of State who stood up a bit and waved. The bandleader continued,

  “The last person I would to acknowledge being here tonight is someone you all know by now, Ms. Maejel Tripperty, Cultural Attaché from Earth.” He began the applause which then filled the room. As the spotlight found her, the guests in the room began to stand while applauding. They all knew what she had brought to Hhearn and were grateful. Some had even heard of her adventure with the Zakar Warrior. The bandleader then said,

  “While this is not planned, I know Maejel is spontaneous, so I would like her to come here and say a few words.”

  The guests all broke into applause again and she was forced to slip on her translator, leave her table, and go to the bandstand. She got to the microphone and said,

  I am not sure of what to say, Hail to the Queen? Oh wait, you don’t have a Queen, do you?” The guests all laughed.

  “I do have an idea, would you all like to have some fun?” She asked.

  The crowd roared, “Yes!’

  “I can tell you’re not sure about this.” She said. The crowd laughed some more.

  “Let’s have a go!” She said and turned to talk with the bandleader.

  “What we are going to do is one of those crazy things we people on Earth do to have fun. Everyone here is included, and expected to participate. No hold backs, or timid rushes to the rest rooms please. We are going to all do the Conga, and form a Conga line!” The guests had no idea what was in store.

  She went over to the nearest tables and brought all those people onto the dance floor. She got them all lined up behind her and cued the band to begin playing the conga. She demonstrated slowly the few steps, and began moving the line as the guests caught on. More and more guests left their tables and joined in the line until almost the whole room was in a long line snaking around and through the room tables as the band played. The Secretary was in the line somewhere in back. She lost sight of him. The line went on for two complete plays of the conga with a long bridge section each time. There were shouts and loud laughter as everyone joined in.

  Once it was over, there were a huge sustained applause and very happy faces everywhere. She returned to the table with the Secretary breathless and flushed. The Secretary looked at her and said,

  “I have never seen you look more beautiful.” She blushed even more but reached over to hold his hand.

  Several couples came to their table to thank them for a wonderful, unexpected, fun time, and hoped this could become a regular event. The bandleader said he would like her to come back every end of week night and he would pay for dinner. The club manager came over and said the drink orders have flooded the bar, and phone lines will be jammed again tomorrow as word spreads. He encouraged her to come regularly and also agreed to pay for her dinner. The Secretary was listening to this whole thing and said,

  “My dear, you are a born organizer and fun maker. I do believe that singlehandedly you have brought back the ‘40's.” He kissed her hand.

  “I can see that I have to come back more frequently for you to remember my name.”

  Nasht-Mer had been trained on all the hand weapons Discovery carried. She was no longer afraid of handling or firing them. In fact, she had become quite interested in improving her target score with the Earth 9mm pistol, and the frangible rounds she borrowed from Doris. There were several days when Doris joined her in the makeshift shooting range and she learned a lot from Doris, particularly in how to correctly clean a gun after its use. Today, she was in the shooting gallery with her newly acquired whip. It had been handed to her coiled up, and that is how she brought it the range. She attempted to straighten it out and see if she could learn how to bring it to bear on an adversary. The whip would not unwind, no matter how much strength she applied to uncoil it.

  “What is wrong with this thing?” She wondered.

  “Is it just a symbol, but not a real whip?”

  Yet, close examination revealed it was made of simulated animal skins and should be flexible. She stood there looking at it and wondered why it had been included with the necklace. Then, she thought,

  “Maybe I have to wear the necklace?” She went back to the Captain’s cabin and opened the safe to retrieve the Necklace of JihnBaar and put it on. She covered it up with a light scarf. It didn’t seem in place to be wearing it aboard ship. She went back to the gallery and picked up the whip. It moved in her hand so she shook it. It uncoiled and its end dropped to the floor. She swung it back, and snapped it forward toward the target. It ripped through the target with a ‘crack.’ She smiled. She began to practice. ‘Cut’ or ‘grab,’ they were two different strokes. She would spend hours perfecting control, to cause either, at her will. When she finished, she was covered with sweat, but gratified that she had mastered another weapon only she could use.

  Chapter Eleven

  Book Three

  Sean, Doris and Rooky came into the cradle room on Caerus to meet with the sentient ships and determine what their decision was regarding their status. Rooky started a recording for the log. Central provided the voice link.

  “I am back to find out what you would like to do.” Sean announced, as they came abreast of the first few ships.

  “Would you like to speak individually, or have you made a group decision?” He asked. Ship number three spoke up,

  “We have looked over the protocols that Allister downloaded along with your ship’s log and we find that we are all very comfortable with the command structure, and admire the work that you and your crew have done. We would all like to go with you and the Discovery and be of service. The rest of them chimed in “yes, yes, yes, yes!”

  “Ship number five, are you well enough to be in accord with the rest of the group, or do you need more time to heal?” Sean asked.

  “Captain, I am feeling the best I’ve felt since I was placed in this ship. The sweet fluids that now flow through my systems have completely rid me of any discomfort. I am ready to fly and serve.” She replied.

  “Are you aware that we have named you Phoenix?” He asked.

  “Yes, the rest of the ships told me. Thank you. I like the name and the symbolism. There is a bit of inequality though, I have a name and the rest do not.” She said.

  “We plan to give each of you a name soon.” Sean said.

  “Now, I need to tell you that we will be leaving in a few solars to continue our journey in search of a migrated people. The Caerus base will be leaving as well, to a new location nearer lots of sentient activity. So, you will all have a new base location which Allister will share with you when we depart from here.” Sean explained.

  “Central will begin fueling your ships tomorrow. I, or Allister, who is my Executive Officer, will let you know the departure time. What do you estimate the time required for you to leave this base and meet in orbit?”

  “Captain, it will require most of a solar. We will have to be moved out of this building one by one and then positioned for lift off. The transport cradles are slow moving.” Ship number three said.

  “Thank you. Allister will schedule accordingly.” He answered.

  Later as they prepared to leave Caerus, Allister said,

  “Captain, I have completed the scan you asked me to do. I discovered that there is a tracker and disabled it, and while Caerus has fold space capabilities to send messages, it has not since the last original inhabitant died.
There is quite a bit we did not know. The last inhabitant did not die of the disease, but rather from old age. He is still here. There is a concealed control room that contains all the fold space controls, security monitoring, and general planet operations that we have not seen. Only a Master can enter it. Central could not open the door and send in housekeeping droids to clean after the occupant died, so he is still there. We were not aware that this room existed. Central has programming impediments to revealing this room and its deceased occupant.” Said Allister.

  “Do you know where it is Allister?” Asked Sean.

  “Yes Captain, I can direct you to its location.

  The rest of the crew except for Artie and Mel had shuttled up to the Discovery in preparation to leave. The Five sentient ships were also in orbit, now fully fueled and ready to depart with Discovery.

  “Looks like we need to go back down. Notify Doris and the Doctor to meet me at the shuttle. We’ll go down and check this out. Let Artie know we’re coming down again and to meet us. Everyone, bring your oxygen masks.” He said as he headed toward the cargo bay.

  The shuttle set down again on Caerus. Artie and Mel were waiting. Sean and the rest of the team started walking into the City. They went four blocks and stopped at a nondescript building which had the appearance of a warehouse, one of the many they had not investigated. The door was locked unlike all the other doors on Caerus.

  “Central, unlock this door.” Sean said. There was a moment’s pause and a small click was heard near the edge of the door. Sean pushed it open and they went in. There were dozens of shelving units all piled high with unopened boxes all labeled in an unreadable language. Sean turned to Mel and Artie,

  “You guys will have to break open some of this stuff when you get to Earth’s system and list what’s in here. There must be several buildings like this.”

  “Allister, which way to the control room?” Sean asked.

  “Straight ahead Captain, the last row of shelves rolls away to reveal a stairway down.” He said. The walked to the row Allister described and Sean spoke again,


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