The Council of Hhearn Trilogy Box Set

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The Council of Hhearn Trilogy Box Set Page 80

by P F Walsh

Sean watched as the Bettlrig’s lights began to brighten slowly, and then fully.

  “I am heading to the bridge now, to begin systems startup and diagnostics.” Welly sent.

  An hour later,

  “Captain, she’s coming up with several faults, or calls for repair, but none on the navigation and engines, she’s got two engines, by the way. Mighty fancy ship this is. Quick too, I’ll wager. I’ll need Allister to hack the system and set the navigation. It’s all in Mak, and I can’t make it out. Don’t want to go shooting off to a black hole somewhere.” He sent.

  “I copy that Welly. Allister is on it.” Sean answered.

  Allister translated the ship’s system display module and added English and Shrep, the language of the Council of Worlds. All displays now offered a choice of languages for each operating panel throughout the ship. Allister reported that an added memory sink was needed to support multiple panels using various languages all at the same time. For single language use, the system was fine. Once Welly got that, he was able to set up a navigation plan to accompany the fleet back to Earth’s solar system and Caerus.

  The whole fleet moved to the periphery of the system, and transitioned into ‘no-space’.

  “Senior Councilor, your appointment with the Duchess of Cee will be in another hour. Do you require anything for the meeting?” His aid asked.

  “Yes, Dammit! I need to know what to do with her. Our Constitution requires that a State position of some type must be offered to any Noble holding a title. Nan-Cee is now Duchess of Cee. What in the world are we going to do with a woman who was chosen to fill a vacant Duchy based on her collection of shoes?” He snarled.

  “That is a dilemma sir, but I may have an answer.” He said.

  “Well, spit it out, but we can’t have a Duchess in charge of animal control, it would be certain to cause a furor.” The Councilor said.

  “No sir, I can see that. Actually, we have a rather gnarly problem job we’ve posted, and it has been sitting there, unfilled. She might be just the person to send. No one else wants to go.”

  “Where in the fifty-three worlds is that?” He asked.

  “Sir, in the case of Earth, we have a multi-nation charter. There are a few minority Earth charter signers with which we have chosen not to trade. They have been proven that they are not to be trusted, especially with advanced technology. The majority signers agree. However, our charter states in this case that a minority nation may request a direct representative from the Council of Worlds come to their state, and hear any pleadings they raise on our conformance to the Charter. The Charter does not require us to grant any pleading, in this case for trade, but it does require us to show up for the meeting. Her expertise in shoes may be relevant here.” He said with a smile.

  “I can see what you’re driving at. Let me think on that and when she arrives, send her in. Get the big, fancy guest chair.” He said.

  “Yes sir, right away.” And the aid left.

  About an hour later the Duchess arrived,

  “Good Morning Duchess.” The Senior Councilor said as he got up and walked around his desk to help seat her in the fancy chair they brought in from the Ceremonial Hall.

  “Good Morning Councilor. Thank you for seeing me.” She said as she got comfortable in the chair. The Councilor returned to his seat behind his desk.

  “Last week while I was having tea with the other Duchesses, they asked me had I inquired about a State Assignment? You can imagine my surprise when I heard Nobles are to be offered State positions like Nasht-Mer has. I found it unusual that the rest of the ladies had been through this and in all their cases, they turned down the opportunity to serve. That’s why I contacted your office to find out what would be offered to me?” She asked leaning forward.

  “My dear Duchess, not all the ladies are suited for State service and many don’t want to be. I have no criticism of that because there can be extraordinary demands on your time and travel when involved with Council business. Even now, Duchess Nasht-Mer is on a dangerous exploration mission where anything might happen, and the conveniences of her life here are set aside for the austere life and dangers aboard an exploration ship. She is unusually strong and adaptable, never complains.” He said.

  “Do you see yourself in that vein Duchess?” He asked.

  “Well now Councilor, that really would depend on the job, now wouldn’t it?”

  “Yes, of course but there must be some willingness to endure inconveniences and difficult people.” He said.

  “Councilor, I have been with my Mate for thirty annuals. No one is more difficult than he is, I assure you of that, yet here we are, thirty annuals later. What do you have that needs doing?” She asked assertively. The Councilor hesitated and then proceeded,

  “Duchess, we have a Council Charter situation on Earth.” He started to explain as her ears perked up when he mentioned Earth. He outlined the situation and the difficulty of placating a charter signer while still denying their request. She fully agreed with the Council’s position after hearing of the attempts to steal technology by force and deceit. After he had explained the dimension of the task, there was no question it was difficult, and likely doomed to heated discourses, personal safety even. The Duchess sat there, silent for a few minutes, as she realized the possible reasons why the rest of the ladies had declined positions. It was actual work, and important at that, but also subject to the humiliation of failure. The Councilor sat there silently as well, knowing what she was weighing in her mind, the sedentary life of playing cards, or the life in jousting among power leaders. Quite Intimidating.

  “Councilor, you will provide me what I need to get this job done?”

  “Of course, you have my word on that.” As he wondered how many shoes she would order for the trip.

  “Very well, I accept.” She reached across the desk to shake his hand firmly closing the decision in an Earth man’s way. The Councilor was surprised but shook it.

  “Thank you, now I have to go and begin my research. I need to know everything about this nation state before I go.” She got up and left his office. After she had been gone for a few minutes, his aid came back in.

  “It appears sir, you have solved that vacancy. I had to spend a few minutes with her to give her the address of Earth’s Ambassador. She mumbled something about lots of research. It’s just possible you have selected the right person for the job. Besides, Earth has been asking when we were going to assign an Ambassador.” He said.

  “Ambassador? I didn’t say anything about Ambassador!”

  “Sorry sir, I thought you had read the official posting. It is for an Ambassador to Earth along with a description of the first assignment!”

  “Zom’s Balls! What have I done?” As he fell back in his chair.

  “Madam Ambassador, Duchess Cee, welcome to the Earth Embassy. I’m afraid it’s a bit unrepresentative but it is temporary, we have one under construction near the two new buildings.” He said as he offered her a chair.

  “How may I be of service to you, have you been to Earth yet?” He asked.

  “No Mr. Ambassador I have not, I just got this position an hour ago.” She said.

  “Really? Then congratulations on your appointment, and please call me “Wally.’ Everyone does, when we’re not all dressed up.” He said, as he smiled, seating himself opposite her.

  “In that case please call me ‘Nan, I am in need of your counsel and information resources. I have a thorny assignment and I would like your opinions on how to approach it.” She said, as she set her purse down on the floor.

  “Of course, how can I help?” He said. She proceeded to explain the problem and when she got done, he sat back in his chair and went thoughtful for a few minutes. Then he said,

  “Nan, the Chinese are difficult to deal with, they are insular and believe the whole universe rotates around their country and their form of government. The level of indoctrination of their government employees is unmatched. They are semi-robots in a way. Their position
will always be to find a way to outwit or, outshoot you, and get what they want. If I were in your shoes, this is how I might consider handling this.” He continued and offered her several approaches and then he said,

  “It will be wise for you to read all the current reports I have, as well as four tomes I have on the Chinese history and culture which is very old, and for centuries, was an isolated primacy on Earth.” He got up and invited her into his study and began piling reports and books on a large table near the window.

  “Have a seat here Nan, the pile shows how much there is to read. The books you could borrow to take with you, but they are printed in Earth English. The reports are as well, and actually are classified, I can’t let them leave here, but you can read them all here since they have all been transcribed onto my computer in Shrep to help me become conversant in your language.” He said, as he pulled out a chair for her. She looked at the computer and knew this would take days, but when she got done, she would know how to implement one of Wally’s suggestions. She dug in.

  “Zeng tea?” He asked.

  “Lots of it.” She responded as she reached for the keyboard. Wally noticed she had slipped off her shoes. He left her to read while he made some tea.

  Seeker Number eighteen, assigned to diplomatic service, streaked through ‘no-space’ heading for Earth. Aboard was the Duchess of Cee, now Ambassador to Earth and a group of other Duchesses representing eleven of the fifteen Duchies on Hhearn. While extravagant, regarding clothes and shoes, Nan-Cee was somewhat frugal in other matters. In this regard she couldn’t see traveling to Earth on a Seeker with its commodious accommodations alone, so she invited her fellow Duchesses to come with her for a shopping spree. They were all surprised that she had snagged such a prestigious State position and most were delighted to come along. None were aware of the real task before her. Nan-Cee understood politics and the need to keep some things classified.

  Nan-Cee had made the call for a Seeker, instead of a smaller vessel, based on Wally’s recommendations. After she had read all he had on China and its present governing system, she was certain it was the right way to arrive. Martin, now the Artificial Intelligence that was piloting the ship, was quite comfortable in his managing of the huge vessel. He was enjoying meeting the people he was transporting from time to time, and was beginning to understand all the things that Allister, the former AI, had told him to expect. Martin was very grateful for the upgrades, increased capacities, and eager to please his passengers.

  The next day on Hhearn, the senior Councilor’s aid came into his office.

  “Sir, the Seeker is away with the Duchesses on their way to Earth. My contact at the Earth Embassy advised me, Duchess Cee spent four days there reading all she could on China, the Earth State that is raising issues.” He looked at the Councilor who was just sitting there with his head slightly down.

  “Sir, are you all right?” He asked. The Councilor raised his head nodding affirmatively and said,

  “I’m fine Jemel. Last night I went to another one of those amazing Earth Concerts that Maejel and Millie from the Earth cultural center put together.” He said.

  “And...” The aid posed.

  “It was ...I’m not sure I can explain it other than it was the most moving experience I have ever felt in my life. There was a huge symphony orchestra from Berlin, a city in one of the Charter states, and the largest choir you can imagine.”

  “Sir, what’s a choir?’

  “It was an assembly of more than one hundred singers, both male and female singing in the most marvelous unison. The piece they all performed was called Verdi’s Requiem.”

  “Again sir, what is a requiem?”

  “It is a composition of Earth music written to mourn the death of someone, and performed during a religious ceremony. I can’t imagine who would have been so important to have had this played at their last committal. Must have been an astonishingly great leader.” He said.

  “Quite moving then, sir?” he asked sensing how affected the Councilor was.

  “Moving? All the ladies and some of the men were crying and we weren’t even having a committal. It was a masterpiece. I didn’t understand a word of what they sang but you really didn’t have to,” ...... “you really didn’t have to.” He repeated in a whisper, while staring out the window. The aid left him alone.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Book Three

  The Seeker had arrived at Earth and received approach and custom clearances since it was a diplomatic ship. A Seeker’s shuttle, containing the other Duchesses, left for California and shopping on Rodeo Drive. Nan-Cee warned them not to buy up everything, she would join them after taking care of an official duty she had with one of the nation states that had signed the charter. The shuttle slipped away silently as the big ship began to move East.

  The Seeker bearing Ambassador Nan-Cee had slowly descended onto a plaza in Beijing. This was the first time the leadership of China had seen a Seeker starship close up, and they were overcome at the massive size and ability to float light as a feather at will. It settled down on the plaza and extended the boarding ramp. The Ambassador walked down the ramp with a Sister of Mak’am with her. Surprise rippled through the viewing Chinese officials; they expected a delegation of several people. And they sent a woman and some sort of hologram was it? She walked over to the small group awaiting her. Once she had left the ship, it closed up, initiated shields and hovered one hundred feet above the pavement in a continuing demonstration of raw power that a ship of this massive size could hover endlessly.

  “Huānyíng ó, yúch n de yuán y n” (Welcome oh stupid round eye) He said as he bowed before Ambassador Cee. Her translator picked up the Chinese insult immediately, and without blinking an eye, Nan-Cee replied.

  “Xièxiè. Dāi zài g u wō li zhēnshi yī zh ng róngxìng” (It is a pleasure to be in the land of dogs!), deeply startling the Chinese diplomat who gambled she could not speak Chinese nor understand it. His face turned red as she switched to English,

  “Do you always start your greetings with an insult, Mr. Chen? I must admit you are a man of great courage or stupidity to do such a thing with my ship now hovering just one hundred feet above your head with laser cannons watching you. Which is it?” She asked, knowing she had pushed him into losing face at the very first step. Another diplomat who was standing behind him pushed him aside and stood there with a white face as he glanced up and saw the laser cannon doors open.

  “A thousand pardons, Mr. Chen is ill and on very strong medications, I believe he is having serious side effects.” He said as he bowed.

  “And you are...” She asked.

  “I am Zhang Yong Madam Ambassador, and I am in great need to apologize on behalf of my Government and to welcome you to China.” He said as he bowed again.

  “Ah yes, Mr. Yong, your last name means ‘courage’, we will see. It appears Mr. Chen and his ‘great personality’ name has failed. Shall I turn him into dust for you?” She asked as she indicated the ship above.

  “No, please no, he is ill and we will make sure he receives rest and treatment.” Two aids frog-marched Mr. Chen from the plaza where Martin had landed the seeker.

  “Very well, Mr. Yong, as you wish.” The laser doors stayed open.

  “I must warn you. My ship is very protective of me. It makes its own decisions.”

  “Yes, of course Madam Ambassador, this way please.” He led her away from the hovering ship and through a double line of heavy tanks arranged on each side to create a walkway covered with a long red carpet. As they walked between them, she stopped and asked,

  “These are strange vehicles, Mr. Yong, what are they used for?” She asked.

  “They are tanks, Madam Ambassador, they bring a large cannon to the field of war. They are very powerful Madam Ambassador.” He said.

  “Really, Mr. Yong? Are you foolishly planning to go to war with the Council of fifty-two worlds, with these toys?“ He was struck silent and could not compose an answer that would satis
fy both her and his Politburo so he kept his mouth shut.

  “You will also find I dislike guns. They display unwelcome aggressiveness.” She said as they continued walking.

  Behind her a few tanks away, the cannon barrels on each tank began glowing white hot and began drooping, as a colorless Seeker laser heated each one to just above melting. Drivers began jumping out of the hatches with smoking clothes as the inside temperatures spiked unbearably. The Ambassador never turned around as she looked at the sights forward, and the large building they were going to. Mr. Yong could hear the clatter behind him, he looked over his shoulder and blanched again as the hatches slammed open, wondering if he was next to fry like rice. He tried to pick up the pace but Nan-Cee continued strolling and taking in the sights. They were still in the long shadow of the Seeker, and only came into the sunshine when they were only fifty feet from the building entrance. There, another group of dignitaries awaited, shuffling their feet, watching their tank’s cannons melt, and appearing quite disturbed.

  “They are full of deceit and anger. They believe it is their right to whatever they ask. They are now a bit frightened of you, for these, it is an advantage you have.” Sister Lamikk whispered into her mind.

  Nan-Cee, on Wally’s recommendation, had brought a Sister of Mak’am with her, and had been gifted with the ability to converse silently with her.

  The apparent Chinese effort to welcome and intimidate at the same time fell on its ‘face,’ as the Senior Diplomat met the Ambassador. He, of course, should have been at the landing site to put full recognition, and respect, forward. The Chinese were subtly polite and arrogant at the same time, something she had learned through her studies of Wally’s books and reports. Today, the level of Chinese confidence had just slid down a long hill of embarrassment. The group standing there, included several ladies. Nan-Cee suspected they were just window dressing to appear inclusive of women. She smiled, as she added another mental note to her plans, and thanked Martin through her new, embedded communicator link.


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