The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 72

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  At this moment, even her lips had turned black.

  The Eastern Islands female assassin couldn’t do anything but grab onto her injured ankle which the venomous snake bit with all her might in an attempt to delay the acting up of the poison.

  “Seems like this woman is already at a corner!”

  See the female assassin’s face turn black, everyone immediately realized that what Wang Chong had said was true. Shen Hai and Meng Long could finally put their hearts down. The duo walked forward and placed their swords by the female assassin’s neck.

  “Hack me, kill me, do whatever you please!”

  The Eastern Islands female assassin lifted up her neck and closed her eyes, deciding to give up on resistance. She had already suffered severe internal injuries during the battle with Li Zhuxin, and having been bitten by a lethal snake now, she had already lost all strength to retaliate.

  She felt indignant, but at this point, there was nothing she could say or do anymore.

  “It’s a pity. I still thought of sparing her life! …”

  Suddenly, a deep voice with the hint of a sigh sounded from not too far away. Then, the gray-robed Li Zhuxin walked out from behind a huge camphor tree.

  He was still dressed in the ragged gray-robed that Wang Chong saw him in at the Home of the Adventurers. Not a single trace of that five thousand gold taels appeared on him, and it seemed as though it had disappeared into the abyss.

  “Li Zhuxin, you’ve already returned!!”

  Meng Long suddenly realized this fact, and rage burst forth from him.

  “It’s not that I’m already back, but I’ve never left before. I’ve been waiting in the vicinity for her to return all along.”

  Li Zhuxin spoke calmly as he slowly walked over.

  “Then why didn’t you do anything?!”

  Shen Hai was also seething with rage.

  “Hehe, don’t worry. Since I’ve always been around the area, she isn’t any danger at all. Besides, hasn’t young master been cultivating hard recently? The threat on one’s life could push one’s potential. Don’t you think that she’s a good training target for him?”


  The duo wanted to refute his words, but they were tongue-tied.

  Li Zhuxin smiled silently. But when he glanced at Wang Chong, his heart couldn’t help but skip a beat.

  In truth, Li Zhuxin had known that the other party was just luring him away. Aware that the female assassin would definitely return to deal with Wang Chong, Li Zhuxin intended to remain hidden and interfere only when the group fell into true danger.

  But the results far exceeded his expectations.

  Wang Chong managed to settle this powerful and skilled female assassin without his assistance!

  “Li Zhuxin, I didn’t know you were the type to give in to women!”

  Oblivious to Li Zhuxin’s thoughts, Wang Chong teased him.

  “This isn’t giving in to her. It’s just that it’s useless even if you killed her, the person who wishes you dead will just send other men after you. Doesn’t gongzi want to know who the person who sent her is?”

  Li Zhuxin asked.

  “Haha, there’s no need for it. I already know who’s the one who sent her.”

  Wang Chong replied calmly.

  That single word of his had attracted the gazes of Li Zhuxin and the deeply poisoned female assassin lying on the ground.

  “I see, seems like I’m interfering excessively.”

  Li Zhuxin said before backing down silently to the side. He realized that his employer was much more meticulous than he imagined.

  Hmph, kill me if you please. There’s no need to waste so much words!”

  The Eastern Islands female assassin bellowed furiously in displeasure. However, with this outburst, the poison in her body immediately acted up. Wave after wave of pain struck her body. The vision before her blurred, and before long, she passed out.

  After a period of time which seemed as though an instant yet countless eons, the Eastern Islands female assassin finally slowly roused from the darkness.

  A vague close yet distant voice sounded.

  “Young master, why did you save her? She’s a potential threat!”

  “Killing her serves no purpose. She’s just a tool!”

  “But that doesn’t change the fact that she poses a huge danger! What if she doesn’t give up and assaults you once more?”

  “Hehe, don’t worry! …”

  A young voice chuckled, and the other party seemed to have waved his hands slightly to gesture the end of this discussion.

  Exhaustion gushed in from all corners of her body as the Eastern Islands female assassin slowly opened her eyes. A ray of light seeped through the slight crack in her eyes, and at first sight, she saw the busy workers constructing infrastructures and cutting down trees.

  After which, she noticed Wang Chong, who had his hands behind his back, and Meng Long, who was walking behind him. It seemed like the voice she heard previously belonged to those two.

  “You didn’t kill me?”

  The Eastern Islands female assassin was dazed a moment before reality struck her. Shock slowly crept onto her face.

  Her sudden voice attracted the duo’s attention.

  “Hehe, you’re awake.”

  Wang Chong smiled as he walked over.


  The instincts of the Eastern Islands female assassin prompted her to stand up, but she suddenly felt tightness crushing down on her body. She suddenly realized that she was tied firmly to a huge tree.

  “Hmph, try assassinating our young master once more and I’ll kill you with my sword!”

  Meng Long suddenly walked forward with widened strides and pointed his sword straight at the female assassin’s heart. The lightened atmosphere abruptly turned tense once more.

  Silence diffused in all directions, and countless gazes swiftly turned over to watch this commotion.

  “Kill me if you wish, do you think that I’ll be scared of you?”

  The Eastern Islands female assassin harrumphed coldly as she tilted her head to the side.

  “Hmph, do you think I dare not to?”

  As he said those words, Meng Long started pushing the sword in. Even though no one had died under the hands of this woman, everyone had suffered injuries of some kind under her assault.

  This woman was simply too powerful. If not for her attention being centered on the young master, they would have already been reduced to lifeless corpses on the floor.

  “Enough! Let her go!”

  Wang Chong’s voice sounded from behind.

  Meng Long was reluctant, but he swung his sword and cut all of the ropes binding the Eastern Islands female assassin. At this moment, the Eastern Islands female assassin had yet to calm down from the shock. She subconsciously rubbed her arm when she suddenly realized that the snake venom in her body had been neutralized.

  Around her was a huge bunch of medicinal herbs and purple leaves that she couldn’t identify, and there were all kinds of fluids splattered around the place. It seemed like they had gone through a lot of trouble before they managed to neutralize her poison.

  However, the Origin Energy in her body had yet to recover from the trauma yet, and she felt weak all over.

  “You’re letting me go just like that?”

  The Eastern Islands female assassin stared at Wang Chong in disbelief.

  Chapter 134: Miyasame Ayaka’s Submission!

  “Do you think that you’ll still be able to make a move?”

  Misunderstanding the meaning of the female assassin’s words, Meng Long snapped.

  His sudden outburst caused the atmosphere which had just barely alleviated to grow heavy once more.

  At this moment, the Eastern Islands female assassin suddenly noticed that everyone’s gazes were on here, and of which, there was one that felt exceptionally piercing.

  Glancing in the direction from where the piercing gaze came from, the Eastern Islands female assassin
saw a gray-robed man leaning against a tree with his arms crossed before him.

  The depths of the Eastern Islands female assassin’s eyes suddenly darkened. She finally knew why Wang Chong wasn’t worried about letting her free. Given her present state, before this powerful man, she didn’t stand a chance at all.

  “Hurry up and leave, they won’t be so kind to you every time. I believe that you can tell that many of us here are actually very willing to have you stay.”

  Li Zhuxin spoke calmly as he gazed deeply at the Eastern Islands female assassin. There seemed to be some bizarre glint in his eyes.

  After struggling inwardly for a few moments, the Eastern Islands female assassin finally pushed herself up. Glancing at Li Zhuxin doubtfully, she felt a little anxious yet expectant… With a step after another, as though treading on thin ice, she slowly walked away.

  Until she disappeared amidst the trees, no one had moved at all, and no one had laid their hands on her.


  The Eastern Islands female assassin heaved a huge sigh of relief. A kind of indescribable emotion that wasn’t entirely relief nor frustration grasped her heart. Flinging her sleeves, she soon disappeared in the direction toward the bottom of the mountain.

  Finally! ——

  “I didn’t think that you’ll let her go!”

  When the Eastern Islands female assassin disappeared in the distance, Li Zhuxin suddenly turned to look at Wang Chong. The female assassin seemed to have thought that it was Li Zhuxin who saved her and let her go, but that wasn’t the case.

  When Wang Chong gathered all of the herbs on the floor, honestly speaking, he was shocked as well.

  “Hehe! I have my own considerations for choosing not to kill her.”

  Rather than explaining the matter, Wang Chong simply chuckled mysteriously.

  Naturally, it wasn’t because he felt sorry for her and his compassion suddenly worked up. Rather, he had other plans in mind. His true goal was the Ten Eastern Islands, as well as the ten female empresses on them.

  Even though Wang Chong had heard of the ten empresses in his previous life, he didn’t have any interactions with them.

  Back then, when the foreign cavalries invaded, the Ten Eastern Islands suffered the least damage.

  According to the rumors Wang Chong heard, some unique events had occurred on those islands.

  Thus, Wang Chong needed someone to serve as a bridge between him and the Ten Eastern Islands. In any case, just like what Li Zhuxin said before, even if he were to kill her, the mastermind behind her would just send another assassin. Moreover… Wang Chong was confident that she would come to look for him.


  Wang Chong had expected the Eastern Islands female assassin to return for him, but never in his wildest dreams did he expect that she would return so quickly!

  Almost as soon as she disappeared into the forest, the Eastern Islands female assassin suddenly staggered and appeared at the edge of the forest once more, into everyone’s sight.

  “Don’t you feel repentant? We’ve already spared your life, how dare you return!”

  Upon seeing the female assassin once more, Shen Hai and Meng Long flew into a rage. Along with the Wang Family Residence guards, they drew their swords and stood in front of Wang Chong, protecting him from the other party.


  Wang Chong waved casually as he stopped the crowd. Somehow, Wang Chong didn’t feel any killing intent from the other party.

  “She isn’t here to kill me.”

  “Speak, what do you want?”

  Walking out of the group, Wang Chong questioned. Her body was still feeble, and given that he had the Single Character Consecutive Slash and that Li Zhuxin was around, Wang Chong didn’t fear her making a move.

  “I… can’t return!”

  The Eastern Islands female assassin’s face paled.

  “When I returned from your Wang Family Residence, the Pavilion Master struck me heavily to punish me for my failure. Now that I’ve failed once more, I can no longer return. There’s no third chance for an assassin! Furthermore, given my Spectre Steps… it’s just a matter of time before I die!”

  “You’ve asked your Pavilion Master on the Spectre Steps?”

  Wang Chong suddenly asked with a bizarre expression. Surely this female assassin couldn’t possibly be so naive as to ask such a question straightforwardly?

  “That’s right!”

  Under the black veil, the Eastern Islands female assassin lowered her head as she bit on her lips.

  This time, Wang Chong was truly impressed. He knew that the people from the Eastern Islands were different from that of the main continent, but Wang Chong didn’t think that she would be so frank about the matter.

  However, it did sound like them to do so.

  “I’ll be dead if I return, and if I don’t, the Pavilion Master would surely send men to assassinate me. I won’t survive out of the capital. Besides… the Spectre Steps has a fatal flaw. Right now, only gongzi can save me!”

  The Eastern Islands female assassin seemed to be struggling internally, and finally, her knees caved in. Putong, she kneeled onto the floor and lowered her prideful head.

  “Regardless of the means, gongzi, please save me!”

  Then, she placed her hands on the floor and kneeled motionlessly, as though she had given up on all resistance.

  At that instant, everyone was dumbstruck. Even Li Zhuxin was stunned as well!

  It wasn’t too long ago that this female assassin was attacking them viciously. Yet, in the blink of an eye, she was kneeling on the floor, begging Wang Chong to save her.

  This change in attitude was truly astounding!

  “To think that this woman would actually kneel before the young master!”

  Shen Hai and Meng Long found themselves at a loss for words. They turned to look at the young master beside them in admiration. Despite have lived more than thirty years, they had only seen such a spectacle from their young master.

  If it was anyone else, they would have probably died ten times over, needless to say, have this assassin kneel before them, begging for help.

  But Shen Hai and Meng Long didn’t know that the thoughts Wang Chong harbored were completely different from theirs.

  “This woman is sure is decisive and practical!”

  Wang Chong thought.

  Spectre Steps had a fatal flaw. On this aspect, Wang Chong didn’t lie to her. The more advanced one’s mastery of the technique, the greater the harm it dealt.

  If she wanted to live, she would have to stop cultivating and stop pursuing greater strength. But even so, given her enemies in the capital, it would be difficult for her to survive their wrath. She could escape for a moment, but she couldn’t hide for an eternity

  Wang Chong didn’t know what happened to the Eastern Islands female assassin after she returned to her assassin organization, but from the looks of it, the side effect of her Spectre Steps had worsened.

  Others might not be aware of this, but she should be clear of it. This was probably the reason why she decided to give in and kneel before him.

  “What do I stand to earn from helping you?”

  Wang Chong asked impassively.

  “I have nothing to offer you. However, if you teach me how to solve the weakness in the Spectre Steps, I am willing to pledge my eternal loyalty to you!”

  Kneeling on the floor, the Eastern Islands female assassin gritted her teeth, whipped out a short dagger, and with a chi sound, sliced the edge of her index finger. Crimson blood flowed out from the wounded tip.

  “In the name of the Black Dragon, I, Miyasame Ayaka, am willing to pledge eternal loyalty to gongzi! I’ll serve as gongzi‘s limbs and strike down any enemies that stand in gongzi‘s way!”

  The Eastern Islands female assassin used her fresh blood to draw a talisman before eventually pointing her finger straight at the purple dot at her glabella.


  The surroundings were obviously calm,
but a bizarre wind suddenly whipped up within dozens of zhang around them. It flew from the direction of the Eastern Islands female assassin, Miyasame Ayaka, to Wang Chong.

  Then, in the next instant, the bizarre wind disappeared without a trace. The crowd buzzed into commotion, unable to comprehend what had just occurred before them.

  Wang Chong also couldn’t really explain the sensation he was feeling now. It felt as though something had appeared in him, yet at the same time, nothing seemed to have changed. Just that, when he looked at Miyasame Ayaka, he felt as though there was a bizarre connection between the two of them.

  “It’s a spirit-type secret art!”

  A thought suddenly flashed across Wang Chong’s mind. As his soul had yet to fully recover, he couldn’t sense it clearly.

  Even so, he was certain that it was some kind of spirit-type secret art.

  “What in the world are you up to? What black dragon or white dragon! Hurry up and leave! …”

  Shen Hai couldn’t stand it anymore. After looking at the situation for so long, he wasn’t able to comprehend anything. In the end, he could only attribute it to the other party trying to bewilder them with a bunch of nonsensical stuff.

  “Wait a moment! Miyasame Ayaka, right? Stand up! I’ll help you!”


  Shen Hai and Meng Long were horrified.

  “Don’t worry, there’s no problem here.”

  Shaking his hands casually, Wang Chong walked over to Miyasame Ayaka, stretched out his hand, and said:

  “I’ll accept your request. Stand up and rest over there. You’ll realize that your rate of recovery is much faster there than anywhere else.”

  Miyasame Ayaka subconsciously stretched out her hand to grab Wang Chong’s hand, but at the next moment, she suddenly jolted and pulled back her hand, as though escaping from something frightening. It was an extremely unnatural reaction, and it seemed as though she wasn’t used to having physical contact with anyone.

  “Yes, gong… Yes, master!”

  Miyasame Ayaka lowered her head and replied respectfully. It was completely different from her arrogant and disdainful self from before.

  Despite his initial surprise, Wang Chong soon nodded in comprehension. As an assassin, it wasn’t too surprising that she wouldn’t be used to physical touch. Most likely, she was brought up in such a way.


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