The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 107

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  The female assassin’s voice was calm, but Wang Chong could sense icy killing intent from it. It seemed as though that if she sensed the slightest falsehood in Wang Chong’s words, her blade would immediately come crashing down on him.

  Even so, Wang Chong didn’t panic.

  “Hahaha, regardless of whether you believe it or not, if I say that I am able to, then I am surely able to!”

  Wang Chong laughed heartily. Confidence exuded in his complexion.

  The longer a sword was, the more fragile it was. This was the greatest problem one faced when crafting a long sword. It wasn’t like no one has thought of crafting a long blade before Wang Chong, but putting aside the issue surrounding the weight of the weapon, no one has been able to overcome the problem of the frailty of the sword.

  Just like the female assassin said, it was likely for that sword to break in the midst of combat, and hardening it would just make the sword more brittle. If Wang Chong didn’t resolve this issue, crafting a long sword would just be a pointless act.

  However, this issue wasn’t a problem for Wang Chong.

  Wang Chong knew of a unique forging method which could avoid such a situation. This forging method was known as ‘heat treatment’. This could raise the resilience of a weapon significantly. Coupled with a few other techniques in the crafting process, the problem could be resolved.

  However, Wang Chong wouldn’t tell this to the female assassin.

  Currently, in this world, other than Wang Chong, no one knew of such a forging technique, needless to say, forge a long sword. This was a forging technique unique to Wang Chong only.

  If Wang Chong wasn’t confident, he wouldn’t have designed this kind of 7 chi long narrow blade!

  The black-clothed female assassin stared intently at Wang Chong, seemingly wanting to see through his guts to see if he was lying. Wang Chong returned her stare, not averting her gaze at all.

  “Hmph! Then, the number one swordsmith in the world, I would have to trouble you to follow me. As long as you craft such a weapon for me, I might just give you a painless death. ——Don’t try to retaliate, and don’t try to scream as well. You won’t have the chance to do so! This time, I only threw you against the wall. It won’t be as simple as that the next time!”

  The female assassin spoke as she lifted the broken sword in her right hand. At the same time, she stretched out her left hand, and three cone-shaped daggers were grabbed between her fingers. She seemed to be determined to kidnap Wang Chong to forge a sword for her.

  Even though Wang Chong severed her sword into two, the female assassin wasn’t worried at all. Wang Chong was already severely injured by that palm strike of hers. Even at his peak, he wasn’t a match for her, needless to say, in his present condition.

  Even that broken sword was more than sufficient for her to subdue him.


  With light footsteps, the female assassin slowly walked toward Wang Chong. Her footsteps were light but determined, and it was as though she has determined that Wang Chong was a prey in her grasp.

  “Heh, don’t you know that you aren’t far from death anymore? To think that you would be thinking of having me forge a sword for you.”

  Sitting on the floor, Wang Chong suddenly chuckled.

  “There’s no need to waste your effort. Do you think that I will believe your words?”

  The female assassin mocked. Her footsteps didn’t slow in the slightest, and with each movement, she gradually approached Wang Chong.

  “Heh, I knew you would react in this way. If I’m not wrong, the technique you practice should be the Spectre Steps!”

  Laughing heartily, Wang Chong spoke.


  Just a moment, the female assassin was mocking Wang Chong. However, upon hearing the words ‘Spectre Steps’, her body shuddered and came to a stop.

  “The Spectre Steps allow you to tread through the darkness swiftly as though an apparition. You probably used this technique to sneak into my study. I don’t know where you learned the Spectre Steps from, but do you know that the Spectre Steps is actually incompatible with most cultivation techniques? The greater your mastery of this technique, the closer you are to death.”

  “You already have a foot in the grave, yet you are still working for others to kidnap me to craft a sword. How hilarious!”

  The ridicule in Wang Chong’s eyes was clear. He stared at the female assassin from the Eastern Islands as if he was looking at a corpse.

  The Great Tang was rich and powerful. Like a magnet, it attracted numerous powers and tribes from around the world.

  Under the seemingly peaceful surface of the Great Tang capital, countless powers were hidden in the shadows. This female assassin of the Eastern Islands clearly belonged to one of them.

  In order to conceal her own identity and not incur anyone’s doubt, she joined one of these powers and learned a set of assassination techniques.

  The Spectre Steps may be powerful, but it has a fatal flaw.

  Regardless of which organization it was that accepted her, it was clear that they didn’t intend for her to live for long.

  “You’re spouting nonsense!”

  The face of the Eastern Islands female assassin turned cold, and the killing intent in the air suddenly grew much stronger. The temperature in the room dipped, and Wang Chong felt as though he was locked in an ice vault.

  The aura the Eastern Islands female assassin emanated abruptly changed. Not only was it significantly more powerful than before, it felt sharp, just like the edge of a sword.

  Wang Chong’s conjecture was spot-on. This female assassin has hidden her true skills. Her expertise should lie in sabers.

  “I am spouting nonsense? Why don’t you try driving your Origin Energy then? Drive it according to the cultivation method of the Spectre Steps, and propel them toward your zifu and danzhong. See if there’s an aching sensation in your juque and fengze acupoints!”

  Leaning against the wall, Wang Chong sneered.


  Even though the female assassin claimed that she didn’t believe Wang Chong, she subconsciously propelled her Origin Energy according to the method Wang Chong spoke of. Weng, dense dark aura immediately shot out from her body. In an instant, as though an apparition, the female assassin’s figure blurred, melding as one with the darkness.

  But the next moment, with a groan, the dark aura scattered. The female assassin reappeared in the room. Her face was extremely pale, and cold sweat trickled from her body.

  Those cold, impassive, and calm eyes swiftly glanced at Wang Chong. For the first time, fluster could be seen in them.

  ——Wang Chong’s words were true. As she propelled her Origin Energy through her zifu and danzhong, excruciating pain immediately struck her juque and fengze acupoints. The Origin Energy in her entire body almost dissipated entirely.

  “This is a good opportunity!”

  Right when the female assassin panicked, Wang Chong pushed his palm against the floor, propping himself up. Then, with a ‘Dragon Ascending the Clouds’, he abruptly flipped across the window, toward the outside…

  Eastern Islands (dongying) is actually a real name which is used to refer to Japan in history. Actually, by Wu Zetian’s rule, Nippon (Japan, or otherwise known as in China) is already known as its current name.

  [The Great Tang Dynasty (AD618-907) can be split into two. In the midst of the Tang Dynasty, Wu Zetian, a queen, crowned herself as empress regnant and established the Zhou Dynasty (AD690-705). Eventually, when she passed away, the Tang Dynasty resumed.]

  Fun fact: Ze Tian Ji (Way of Choices) is likely to be named after Wu Zetian, and both empresses are rather similar in terms of character.

  The one-inch long daggers should be kunais.

  Chapter 84: The First World Constraint!

  “Where do you think you’re going!”

  The female assassin was astonished. The purpose of her trip was Wang Chong, and regardless of whether it was to kill him or to have
him craft a sword for her, she couldn’t allow him to escape.

  Peng! Enduring the aches in her body, the female assassin stepped against the ground and charged forward to pursue Wang Chong.

  Beneath the bright moon, Wang Chong flitted close to the surface, heading straight toward the treasure vault of the Wang Family Residence.

  The face of the female assassin immediately turned cold. Without even thinking about the matter, she immediately followed him. However, she barely traveled a few zhang when a dark gleam flashed across the sky. A thick metal arrow carrying immense force was cutting through the empty space, bolting toward her.


  In the blink of an eye, the female assassin swiftly shielded herself with the broken sword. When the sword came collided with the large thick metal arrow, she was forcefully sent flying.

  “Tuoba Guiyuan, the two masters, stop her! Don’t allow her to escape! ——”

  As Wang Chong dashed along the grass patch, he roared loudly. The first half of his words was spoken in the Han language whereas the rest was spoken in Sanskrit.

  “Roar! Patroness, why don’t you rest here for a while!”

  Arloja and Ablonodan roared furiously. Black smoke gushed from them as they sprung straight toward the female assassin, as though an arrow released from a bow.

  Peng peng!

  The three powerful might encountered one another violently, and the explosion of the air even reached Wang Chong, who was around a dozen zhang away.


  When Wang Chong turned around to take a look, Arloja and Ablonodan’s cassocks were flying in the wind. Unable to keep their balance, they retreated several steps. At the same time, the female assassin made use of this opportunity to dash outward. In midair, she deflected another one of Tuoba Guiyuan’s thick arrows with her sword before she executed the Spectre Steps, causing her body to blur swiftly and meld along with the shadows beneath the wall.

  “Brat! This isn’t over yet! ——”

  A resentful voice echoed across the night sky. She sounded so infuriated that her silver teeth had probably chipped from the immense force pushing them together. In the blink of an eye, the Eastern Islands female assassin disappeared without a trace.

  “That fellow is powerful!”

  Upon seeing this sight, Wang Chong was astonished. He was aware of Arloja and Ablonodan’s strength, yet the female assassin was able to fend the both of them off at once, pushing them backward.

  “Gongzi, who’s that woman? She’s so powerful that even my arrows were useless against her!”

  With a quiver of arrows behind him, Tuoba Guiyuan rushed over.

  The fundamental requirement for archers was to have outstanding eyes, and Tuoba Guiyuan was a master archer. Even so, when the other party executed the Spectre Steps, he was unable to discern between her and her shadows.

  “Is it the Western Regions merchant Mosaide? That fellow sure is sly. To think that he sent such a powerful assassin on top of those masked men.”

  Shen Hai and Meng Long rushed over with swords in their hands.

  “It’s not Mosaide!”

  Wang Chong shook his head.


  The group stared at him in shock,

  “That person is an Eastern Islands assassin. No matter how influential Mosaide may be, it’s impossible for him to hire an Eastern Islands assassin to deal with me. Besides… She didn’t recognize the Wootz steel sword in my hand at all.”

  Wang Chong said as he lifted the Wootz steel sword to look at it.

  There were too many flaws in the Eastern Islands female assassin’s identity. Initially, Wang Chong was misled by her into thinking that she was sent by Mosaide. However, what Mosaide wanted was his Wootz steel sword whereas that person wanted his life.

  If not for her noticing the seven chi blade draft he left on the table, and that the assassin, skilled in swordsmanship, was attracted by the novelty, she would have killed him long ago!

  “Then, who was the one who sent the assassin?”

  A deep crease appeared on the foreheads of Meng Long and Shen Hai.

  Wang Chong simply shook his head. Even though he didn’t know who sent her after him, given the circumstances and the strength of the assassin, he reckoned that it was likely to be Yao Feng or Su Bai.

  Su Bai was currently locked in the Court of Judicial Review, and no matter how capable he could be, it was impossible for him to send out an order from there to have his subordinate hire an assassin. If so, the only possible candidate was…

  Thinking as such, a dark shadow flashed across Wang Chong’s glabella.

  “We’ll talk about this matter in the future. Reinforce our defenses for the next few days, that person would probably return.”

  Shen Hai, Meng Long, and Tuoba Guiyuan nodded in response. Even now, they still felt frightened by the situation.

  If not for Wang Chong’s wits to have Tuoba Guiyuan and the two Sindhi monks to deliver those machetes to the hands of Shen Hai and Meng Long, no one would have thought that Wang Chong was in danger.

  The female assassin probably could never imagine that there was no weapon rack in the corner of the Wang Family vault. Taking into account the fact that Wang Chong didn’t open the doors while speaking, they immediately realized that something was amiss, so they immediately brought Tuoba Guiyuan, Ablonodan, and Arloja back to Wang Chong’s study.

  “Masters, I’ll be troubling you for the next few days.”

  Wang Chong turned around and spoke to the two Sindhi monks in Sanskrit.

  “Don’t worry, gongzi. We’ll stay right next to you for the next few days to ensure your safety.”

  Recalling the previous situation left the duo fearful. The current Wang Chong was of tremendous importance to them and Sindhu. No matter what, they couldn’t allow anything to happen to him.

  The guarantee of the two Sindhi monks reassured Wang Chong. With Ablonodan, Arloja, and Tuoba Guiyuan, he wouldn’t have to worry about the female assassin within this period of time.

  “Perhaps, it’s time to find some assistants…”

  Wang Chong’s eyes twinkled as a thought flashed through his head.

  This situation had given Wang Chong a wake-up call. If it was back then, given his standing and strength as the Grand Marshal of the Central Plains, an assassin of such strength wouldn’t mean a single thing to him.

  However, everything had changed. Wang Chong had no choice but to remind himself repeatedly that he was no longer the Grand Marshal of the Central Plains. He was only a weak Origin Energy Tier 5 scion.

  While he retained the knowledge of the top-notch cultivation techniques and martial arts from his previous life, before he successfully cultivates them so as to utilize them, he wasn’t able to use any of them.

  It was also impossible for Ablonodan, Arloja, and Tuoba Guiyuan to be by his side all the time, warding off dangers for him. Given his temporary lack of strength, he needed powerful ‘bodyguards’ to prevent such a matter from happening again!

  This wasn’t an easy matter to deal with, but Wang Chong had a few candidates in mind.

  “However, I should put this matter aside for now. At least, I should focus my attention on grandfather’s birthday first.”

  Wang Chong thought.

  It was just a few days till grandfather’s birthday. With Ablonodan and Arloja beside him, he shouldn’t have to worry for the next few days. Furthermore, if that female assassin recalled what he told her about the ‘Spectre Steps’, she probably wouldn’t have the time to harass him in the short run.

  “Masters, I’ll have to trouble you to live beside me for the next few days then!”

  After which, Wang Chong turned to Shen Hai and Meng Long:

  “Shen Hai and Meng Long, bring little sister over here tomorrow. Also, tell my cousin, Wang Zhu Yan, to have big uncle dispatch a few experts here to guard my mother’s living quarters. I fear that there might be someone who would target my mother.”

  “Also, info
rm the Imperial Guards of the matter and have them send some men to patrol the area. Right, it’s best to get to them through Uncle Li Lin and have him settle this matter personally.”

  Rather than hiring more guards to the residence, it was safer to have the Imperial Army patrol the area frequently. After all, the Imperial Army was filled with experts of True Martial Realm and above.

  With such powerful people patrolling the area, the female assassin would have to consider the risks involved if she were to carry out the operation.

  “Yes, we will go and settle the matter now.”

  Shen Hai and Meng Long replied.

  After making arrangements, Wang Chong heaved a sigh of relief. For now, the Wang Family Residence should finally become a safe sanctuary in the truest sense. At the very least, he didn’t have to worry about an attack of this level anymore.

  After settling Ablonodan and Arloja into the room beside his, Wang Chong returned to his room.

  Peace gradually returned to the Wang Family Residence.


  Just as Wang Chong pushed open the door and stepped through the doorway, the world around him shuddered abruptly. Intense vertigo overwhelmed his mind.

  Before Wang Chong could make sense of what was happening, the world around him changed. Suddenly, he felt as if he was being crushed by countless objects.

  The immense pressure left him completely breathless.



  【The first World Constraint is incoming!】


  Before Wang Chong could react, a storm whipped up within the world before him. Countless daunting waves towered before him, gushing to him at an unbelievable speed.

  Before the towering torrent of the world, Wang Chong felt as insignificant as an ant.


  His right knee caved in, and he knelt onto the floor. At the same moment, he vaguely heard a bizarre call within his body. Despite the faint sound, an extremely powerful strength surged from his body, shielding him with a faint yellow barrier of light.


  The torrent of the world gushed past Wang Chong’s body. Simultaneously, the faint yellow barrier of light shrouding Wang Chong’s body cracked and dissipated, taking along all of his stamina along with him.


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