The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 218

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  However, even among this group, the Duke of Liu Residence was exceptionally low profile. In fact, the Duke of Liu Residence even had trees planted along the perimeter of its residence, seemingly in an attempt to keep it out of sight.

  There were very few in the capital who knew of the existence of the Duke of Liu Residence.

  Thinking of it now, it was probably due to this matter.

  The Duke of Liu's lineage had always been been snubbed by the both the nobility and the officials. Most probably, even though this matter was a secret to those in the bottom layer, it should be common knowledge among those in the royal court.

  It was only out of consideration of Gaozong that no one raised this matter.

  Duke of Liu's lineage was probably aware of this as well, that was why he chose to maintain an extraordinarily low profile.

  "Even though I don't approve of the actions of Duke of Liu's lineage, there is some sense to their words. The grudge between both clans was a matter between their ancestors. Since they were already long gone, and they are already in the third generation, it is about time to put this matter to rest.

  "Besides, even though Su Hanshan's grandfather died of anger, Su Hanshan's father died a normal death. There's no reason for Su Hanshan to get even with the Duke of Liu Residence," Wang Chong said.

  "But Su Hanshan might not necessarily agree with that," Wei Hao said.

  "Nevertheless, compared to that old grudge, I think what worries Su Hanshan the most was another matter. Besides, whether Duke of Liu's lineage is being hypocritical or not, and whether they have truly turned over a new leaf, we will know very soon... Bring me my brush!"

  Wang Chong lifted up his sleeves and reached out for the brush. However, after a moment of hesitation, he smiled bitterly and retracted his hand.

  Wang Chong suddenly turned to Old Eagle and asked, "Old Eagle, how is your handwriting?"

  "Ah?" The latter was abruptly awoken from his daze. Bewilderment crept onto his face.

  "The both of us have poor handwriting, so Wang Chong wants you to write in his stead!" Wei Hao explained.

  "I see... Back then, as I had to deliver information frequently, I spent some time training my calligraphy, so I guess it is passable."

  Old Eagle didn't know whether he should laugh or cry.

  Wang gongzi seemed to be capable in everything, be it his martial arts, business aptitude, and battle formations. It was hard to comprehend how his handwriting could be so bad!

  After all, Duke Jiu was known for being a man of literature!

  Naturally, Wang Chong could tell what Old Eagle was thinking about, and he felt embarrassed about it as well. Thus, he quickly laughed it off and changed the topic.


  Picking up an ink slab and grinding it, Old Eagle wrote as per Wang Chong's recitation, and the seal of the Wang Clan was stamped on the very bottom of the letter. After which, a Wang Family guard delivered the letter straight to the Duke of Liu Residence.

  This was the official way how prestigious clans communicated with one another. The use of communication pigeons was considered disrespectful.

  Whether this letter was written by Wang Chong or not didn't matter. As long as the Wang Clan's seal was stamped on it, the letter would represent the intentions of the entire Wang Clan.

  Wang Chong's letter was simple.

  In the name of the Wang Clan, he requested the Duke of Liu Residence to release Su Hanshan's little sister and hand her over to the Wang Clan.

  The truth would be known once Wang Chong met that young lady. If she had really been abused, there would be nothing Wang Chong could do about this matter.

  The grudge between Su Hanshan and the Duke of Liu Residence would surely persist on.

  Even though the current Su Hanshan might be powerless, it wouldn't be too long before he gained sufficient power to crush the entire Duke of Liu Residence.

  On the other hand, if that young lady was truly treated well, it would mean that Duke of Liu wasn't lying, and there would still be ground to reconcile this grudge.

  After delivering the letter, around a day later, a young lady was sent out of the Duke of Liu Residence.

  Wang Chong didn't see the young lady, as she was escorted by the guards of the Duke of Liu Residence straight to Kunwu Training Camp.

  Accompanying that young lady were two chests of gold ingots and an envelope.

  The two chests of gold were returned, though the envelope was accepted.

  After the young lady was sent to the Kunwu Training Camp, she suddenly disappeared from view. Nobody knew where she went.

  "Alright, this matter has finally come to an end. It seems like the second young master of the Duke of Liu Residence wasn't lying. They really didn't abuse the young lady."

  Wang Chong stood up and stretched his back lazily.

  The Duke of Liu Residence's kindness didn't come for free. Since the other party had handed over the young lady, Wang Chong had to reciprocate on behalf of the Wang Clan.

  "Help me arrange an appointment with the eldest son of Duke of Liu, Li Bing!" Wang Chong said.

  Since big brother wasn't around, and second brother was incarcerated in the death prison, Wang Chong would have to take on the responsibility!


  After this matter, Wang Chong met with Li Bing at the Royal Jade Pavilion and expressed his gratitude for their handling of this matter.

  Just like that, a full stop was placed on this matter.


  "Gongzi, I still don't understand. That day, when we were in the Duke of Liu Residence, even my 'scouts' weren't able to tell that it was a trap. How did you know?"

  Gazing upon the field of flowers and the peaceful pond from the corridor in the Wang Family Residence, Old Eagle asked curiously.

  That day, if they had advanced any further, they would surely have been detected.

  The world inside the high walls was different from the world beyond it.

  If Wang Chong had been trapped and killed within the high walls, the Duke of Liu Residence would be able to deny this matter vehemently. After all, why would the grandson of Duke Jiu suddenly appear inside the Duke of Liu Residence?

  As long as they couldn't explain this, not even the Wang Clan or King Song would be able to redress Wang Chong's grievances.

  But fortunately, Wang Chong noticed that something was amiss in advance, and managed to escape a crisis.

  "Old Eagle, the 'scouts' you trained are indeed intelligent, but there are some things that a bird's eye can't see," Wang Chong chuckled. It had been a few days since that matter occurred, but Old Eagle seemed to still be hung up over this matter.

  In truth, it was for an entirely different reason that Wang Chong realized that it was a trap.

  "In Great Tang's two hundred years of history, many people were conferred as nobles, and there were many scions in the capital. It is impossible for anyone to know every single one of these scions. However, by frequently hanging out by the streets, one will hear some gossip or even catch a glimpse of them," Wang Chong explained.

  "The Duke of Liu Residence kept a relatively low profile all along, and the young masters of their clan rarely hung out with the other scions of the capital. However, they still maintain a high profile on some aspects. Take, for example, the time when Wei Hao went to meet Li Nian, the latter had quite a few guards with him.

  "And the guards by their side were very different from the usual guards that protect scions like us. They were true experts that Duke of Liu hired from the pugilistic world. It felt like he was guarded against something constantly, so very few people hung out with him," Wang Chong said.

  Old Eagle nodded as he recalled the two formidable Profound Martial realm experts by Li Bing's side that day in the forest.

  These experts accompanied Li Bing no matter where he went, even when he went to meet with Wang Chong.

  It was the same when Li Nian met Wei Hao, as well.

  It seemed like the rumors were true after all. />
  No one in the capital could have expected that the Duke of Liu Residence was indeed guarded against someone—Su Hanshan!

  "That day, Li Bing's room was brightly lit, but there wasn't even a single guard outside. Considering how they brought Profound Martial realm experts no matter where they went, how could the entrance to their room possibly be unguarded? Since you have already confirmed that it was Li Bing's room, that leaves only one possibility—it was a trap. Think about it, Su Hanshan was able to scout around the Duke of Liu Residence for a few days without being noticed, and he even managed to sneak in and look around easily. What are the odds of this happening?"

  Actually, Wang Chong had been rather perplexed by how Su Hanshan was able to maneuver and search around the Duke of Liu Residence so easily. Thus, upon realizing that the latter had entered Li Bing's room, he immediately retreated.

  And of course, Old Eagle's avian scouts couldn't possibly read all of that.

  On this aspect, the time which Wang Chong spent frolicking around as a profligate scion wasn't a complete waste.

  After explaining this matter to Old Eagle, Wang Chong flicked his sleeves and walked to the entrance of the Wang Family Residence. A carriage was waiting for him outside.

  Wang Chong stepped into the carriage before instructing the coachman, who had been waiting for him for some time already, "Let's go!"

  Since he had managed to settle the matters in the capital, it was about time for him to return to Kunwu Training Camp.

  That was where his attention should be at the moment!

  Chapter 295: Wang Chong's Followers!

  Chapter 295: Wang Chong's Followers!

  Kunwu Training Camp was surrounded by towering mountains. Along the perimeter of the training camp, on a path where all who wished to enter it would have to pass by, a tall figure with the air of a recluse stood.

  From afar, he looked like a mountain erected on the spot. Neither speaking nor moving, he seemed to be waiting for someone.

  "Brother Su!"

  This was the first sight Wang Chong saw when he reached the foot of the mountain. Su Hanshan seemed to have been waiting there for him for quite a long time already.

  Ignoring the greeting, Su Hanshan glanced at Wang Chong and uttered two words, "Thank you!"

  "Is your little sister fine?" Wang Chong was taken aback for a moment, but he soon realized that Su Hanshan was here to thank him for his little sister. A small hint of a smile crept onto Wang Chong's lips.

  It was probably impossible to change Su Hanshan's mindset. Regardless of who he was standing before, he would always maintain a distant look. But even so, Wang Chong realized that Su Hanshan's face wasn't as cold as before.

  "I owe you a favor and a life," Su Hanshan said seriously. "If you have any request, tell me. Even if I have to climb up a mountain or blades or descend into a sea of flames, I'll surely do whatever you request of me."

  This was the longest sentence that Su Hanshan had said to Wang Chong in the past three or four months. It seemed like Su Hanshan had to prepare quite a bit before he could say these words.

  A person of Su Hanshan's character would never easily make promises, but if he did, he would surely fulfill his end of the promise.

  Clearly, he had to think for a very long time before coming to this decision. Su Hanshan hated the idea of owing anything to anyone.

  But he couldn't turn down Wang Chong's help. He could be callous to himself, but he couldn't ignore the plight of his little sister.

  She was his only remaining kin in this world.

  "You need not go that far!" Wang Chong was taken aback for a moment before chuckling. Su Hanshan seemed to have only come to this decision after a long period of contemplation, but he seemed to be overthinking his intentions. Wang Chong didn't have anything to request of him.

  But after thinking about it for a moment, Wang Chong suddenly thought of something.

  "If you wish to repay me, you just need to promise me something. To the west of Longxi, there's a place called Mountain Jiji. Promise me that you won't approach that area regardless of whatever happens!"

  "Ridiculous!" Stunned by Wang Chong's request, Su Hanshan flung his sleeves, turned around, and left.

  He never made promises easily, but Wang Chong's request sounded completely meaningless to him. Since Wang Chong was unwilling to say anything, he wouldn't force the other party either.

  Su Hanshan quickly disappeared in the direction of Kunwu Training Camp.

  Watching as Su Hanshan's back slowly disappeared in the distance, the smile lingering on his lips slowly faded, replaced with a frown.

  Su Hanshan could have never imagined that Wang Chong was serious about this matter.

  Naturally, Wang Chong couldn't have told him that the remote Mountain Jiji would be where he would meet his demise in the future.

  After Su Hanshan's death, that mountain was renamed as “Great General Mountain”!

  Of the innumerable battlefields across the entire Central Plains, few could compare in fame with that humble little mountain.


  Exhaling deeply, Wang Chong tossed aside the miscellaneous thoughts in his mind and continued proceeding up the mountain.


  It was extremely lively inside Kunwu Training Camp. After an absence of ten days or so, the interior of the camp felt much more lively than before. Row after row of examinees queued up to shoot a target at the opposite end of the field.

  They were even equipped with chainmail that soldiers would wear on the battlefield.

  Some of the examinees even covered one of their eyes so that they could practice shooting even when their vision was impaired.

  However, in terms of numbers, the archer examinees could hardly compare with the footsoldier examinees. On a field roughly the same size as the archery field, there were around thirty to forty times for examinees fighting against one another.

  Some of the more proficient examinees were even dealing with two, three, or even five opponents at once.

  There was also a clear difference in the material of the weapons used in each spar—bamboo, wooden, blunt metal, copper, and last but not least, steel.

  The stronger the material of the weapon, the greater the danger that the recruit would be putting himself in during training.

  After three to four months, the training camp is starting to take shape!, Wang Chong thought as he walked across the bustling training camp.

  The initial Kunwu Training Camp was nothing more than a few buildings on top of a mountain, but it was slowly developing to the greatness Wang Chong has seen in his previous life.

  Instead of returning back to his dormitory, Wang Chong turned around and walked down the other end of White Tiger Peak.

  His primary preparations within Kunwu Training Camp was roughly ready. It was time to move on to the next step.


  At the midway of the mountain, a group of men had long been waiting for Wang Chong's arrival. Upon seeing him, they immediately greeted him respectfully.

  They were Zhao Jingdian, Zhuang Zhengping, Chi Weisi, Chen Burang, Sun Zhiming, Gao Feng, Nie Yan, Xu Qi, and a few others.

  After receiving a letter from Wang Chong's pigeons, they had been waiting here for some time.

  Every single one of them had a grim expression on their face.

  The atmosphere also felt graver than usual.

  They had noticed the residence which Wang Chong built from the very first day of its construction. Even though Wang Chong didn't say anything, they instinctively knew that Wang Chong intended to build his power in Kunwu Training Camp.

  From this moment forth, everyone here would be on the same ship as Wang Chong.

  Objects can be classified by their type, whereas humans are divided into groups.

  At birth, a person is automatically included into a clan on the basis that he shares the same ancestor with a group of people. Those are called kindred.

  As they grow up, they come under a c
ommon teacher and study together. These are called schoolmates.

  Venturing into a foreign land, fellow peers from the same place of origin will tend to take care of one another. This is called ethnicity.

  And when one enters the royal court as an official or a noble, they meet peers who share the same scope of work. These are called colleagues.

  Everyone has their own group, and this group provides them with protection.

  That was how most sons of prestigious clans grew up. Scions like Zhuang Zhengping and Chi Weisi were exposed to such a system from birth, and they couldn't be any more familiar with it.

  The both of them had initially intended to persuade Wang Chong to create a group within Kunwu Training Camp, but Wang Chong had moved way faster than them.

  Wang Chong glanced at Zhao Jingdian. "Are the preparations ready?"

  The reason why he didn't bring Zhao Jingdian down the mountain with him was because he had another job for him.

  In his previous life, Zhao Jingdian was his ally, as well as his trusty subordinate. It was better to allow him to get used to these types of matters first.

  "Everything is in place. Lieutenant Li has come by several times, and he even dispatched some guards over. The construction and renovation are already complete, and all we are waiting for now is your word," Zhao Jingdian answered.

  Wang Chong nodded.

  The Lieutenant Li whom Zhao Jingdian spoke of referred to Uncle Li Lin, and the latter had been helping him deal with various miscellaneous matters here.

  After greeting one another, Wang Chong marched up to the top of the mountain with the others following behind him. It was already nearing evening, and the sun was slowly setting on the horizon. In the distance, a resplendent courtyard could be seen at the top of another mountain.

  Under the warm glow of the sun, every single tile on the roof was imbued with a golden gleam, creating a breathtaking sight.

  After three to four months of construction and renovation, the residence constructed on the mountain opposite to White Tiger Peak was finally complete. With beautifully-arched roofs and serene gardens, the residence looked both majestic and luxurious.


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