The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 341

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  "What's going on?"

  "Has our army arrived?"

  "How can it be so severe? Isn't it just us around here?"


  This sudden quaking took everyone by surprise. The charging Tibetan cavalrymen halted their charge and began to warily look around.

  But before they could find out what was going on, there was a clear screech from the skies. A massive eagle had appeared, flying out from the north.

  This screech was quickly followed by the neighing of horses and a sudden tide of black steel appearing at the peak of the nearest hill. It surged down the hill, swiftly rushing toward the Tibetans.

  "Not good—it's the Tang army!"

  "Take formation, take formation!"

  "Forget them; prepare to receive the enemy!"


  A series of panicked shouts in Tibetan resounded through the air. The true appearance of that tide of steel had thrown the Tibetan cavalry into panic.

  The Annan Protectorate army's 180,000 elites had already been defeated, as had the 60,000 reinforcements. Although Longxi was close, the Big Dipper Great General Geshu Han and his Big Dipper Army were being held down by We Tadra Khonglo. Logically speaking, the Great Tang shouldn't have had any soldiers available.

  No one understood where this wave of Tang soldiers had come from, but the reality before them could not be denied. That pitch-black armor was not the armor of Ü-Tsang, nor was it the armor of Mengshe Zhao.

  And Tibetans did not look like that!


  After a short period of disorder, the Tibetans quickly finished reorganizing. Their halos began to resonate and the warhorses began to line up and face the enemy. Murderous intent began to stir as they aimed their ferocity at the approaching Tang soldiers.

  It was the nature of Tibetans to be ferocious and combative. As long as they could gather more than one hundred soldiers, one hundred Tibetans would dare to fight against three hundred.

  Three hundred to four hundred Tibetans would dare to fight against an army of one thousand!

  After all, the Great Tang had so many armies, and not all of them could be as formidable as Geshu Han's Big Dipper Army!


  "We've already defeated the Great Tang's regular army. These reserve troops are no match for us!"

  "Slaughter them all!"


  The Tibetan cavalry rallied themselves and drew out their scimitars. They completely ignored the ten-some soldiers on the hill and turned to face the Great Tang cavalry charging them from the other end.

  Tibetans were not ones to easily retreat. A more powerful foe only served to stimulate them, and this time was no different!

  In a few moments that black-armored tide of Great Tang cavalry drowned out the three-hundred-some Tibetans.


  In a flash, spear struck armor, saber clashed against sword. There was an incessant series of thumps, like two rocks crashing together.

  The Stellar-Energy-infused scimitars and spears of the Tibetans worked with their resonating halos to slash and cut at the black armor of the Great Tang cavalry. Yet these scimitars that were able to cut through stone bounced off like they were hacking at walls of steel, leaving not a single mark behind.

  "What's going on?"

  "How could this be?"


  In an instant, all the Tibetans were stunned and panicked by the result.

  The Tibetans here had all taken part in at least two battles. They had the sufficient experience, strength, and energy, and they had killed no small number of Great Tang cavalry.

  But no Great Tang elite had been like this, wearing armor that was so impervious. Their scimitars hadn't even been able to dent it, much less slash through it.


  They were given no time to comprehend. Clangclangclang!Sword were raised and slashed through the air, their sharp edges cutting through Stellar Energy and flesh.

  One by one, the Tibetan cavalrymen were cleaved in two by these swords before they could even react, swept away without even being able to block a single blow.

  The majestic and forceful Stellar Energy on their bodies was cut apart like tofu by those strange swords.


  These Tibetan cavalrymen that been full of bluster just a moment before now began to drop to the ground without even a groan, the chunks of their bodies like fallen wooden beams.

  A single exchange had left more than two hundred Tibetan cavalry hacked down like barley stalks.

  "What sort of weapon is this?"

  The remaining Tibetans paled in shock and began to scatter. But before they could get very far, several swords would slash down and they would fall, their wounds glossy with blood.

  "How is it? Are there any survivors?"

  A stalwart giant of a man stopped in front of the last Tibetan corpse and turned to look back.

  "There's no more. All 347 Tibetans are accounted for!"

  Zhao Jingdian reined in his horse, glanced at the pile of corpses behind him, and then cleaned the sword in his hand.

  This was not the first time he and Li Siye had worked together. The pair had deeply cooperated with each other when training the clan experts in Deflecting Blade Manor.

  "Let's clean the place up. Bury the bodies to avoid disease!" Li Siye ordered, and then he swept his gaze over the scattered Tibetan corpses, his heart greatly moved.

  What a sharp saber!

  He was already well aware of the sharpness of the Wootz Steel weapons, but not even he had imagined that a thousand men equipped with Wootz Steel weapons would display such power.

  In normal circumstances, these three hundred Tibetans would need some time to annihilate, even with an advantage of numbers, and a significant price would have had to be paid.

  But against one thousand Wootz Steel swords, these Tibetans hadn't even been able to last a few moments before being utterly defeated. Their side hadn't even suffered a death.

  This disparity in casualties was unimaginable on the bitter grounds of the battlefield.

  In truth, Li Siye was not the only one shocked by the result of this battle. The True Martial realm experts of the great clans were also astonished.

  "It's so sharp!"

  "A good sword, a good sword!"

  "It's truly inconceivable. I've been hearing for a long time that Wootz Steel weapons are all-conquering, but I didn't think that they would be sharper than rumored. Even armor as thick as this was cut open!"

  "This battle was way too easy!"


  Although these experts had experienced their fair share of life-or-death battle, this was still their first actual battle. This result had caused their confidence to swell.

  At this moment, probably only Wang Chong was unsurprised at this result.

  "Congratulations to user for killing 345 Ü-Tsang regular cavalry!"

  "Congratulations to user for killing 346 Ü-Tsang regular cavalry!"

  "Congratulations to user for killing 347 Ü-Tsang regular cavalry!"


  A string of messages flew through his mind, ultimately stopping at 347. And with these voices, an invisible energy began to flow toward him, strengthening Wang Chong.

  His Bane of the Battlefield halo was strengthened once more. Just one battle had equaled Wang Chong's harvest in exterminating the Goguryeon assassins and King Sosurim.

  Wang Chong closed his eyes and sensed the increase in energy within his body. After a few moments of silence, he opened his eyes once more.

  "As expected!"

  A thought flitted through Wang Chong's mind as his gaze swept over the slain Tibetans.

  In his last life, an army of only ten thousand Arabian Mamelukes equipped with Wootz Steel weapons had swept through the entire Great Tang army. The sharp Wootz Steel weapons had been unstoppable, cutting through soldiers like they were melons or vegetables.

  For him to use the same strategy against the
Tibetans had naturally given the same result.

  But at this time, Wang Chong had no mind to ponder these matters. He had more important concerns than this small-scale battle.


  Wang Chong urged the White-hoofed Shadow toward that distant hill, riding through the battlefield toward those ten-some Great Tang soldiers.

  Chapter 494: The Movements in the Southwest!

  Chapter 494: The Movements in the Southwest!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  …If I'm right, I'll have to depend on these people for news of the front lines.

  Wang Chong looked at that motley group of infantry and cavalry. The southwest was in chaos, and this was actually the first group of Great Tang soldiers he had run into since he had set off from the capital.

  Wang Chong rode up to them and asked, "Are you from Li Zhengyi's army?" Although it was a question, his tone showed that he was completely certain of their identity.

  "Might I know Milord's name?"

  Those soldiers on the hill, having just narrowly escaped death, now looked suspiciously at the approaching Wang Chong. This youth was far too young. There was no general of the Great Tang who looked this young.

  But the aura he exuded, the tone he spoke with, the dignity he revealed with each of his movements, clearly indicated that he possessed no ordinary status.

  These soldiers couldn't understand where in the Imperial Court such a young general could have come from. Moreover, the standard armor worn by this army was a little strange.

  The soldiers had been in service for a long time, yet none of them had ever seen this sort of strange armor. It was very similar to their own, but also very different.

  Wang Chong's face was emotionless. He said nothing, instead taking the token King Song had given him from his waist and showing it to the soldiers.

  The dragon on that golden token astonished the soldiers on the hill. Although they didn't have much understanding of the Imperial Court, even the least-experienced understood that a dragon token often belied a most esteemed status. If not a king's household, it would be the imperial household!

  Regardless of which, it was something that soldiers of their level couldn't understand or interact with.

  "Paying respects to Your Highness!"

  The soldiers grew anxious and began to kneel. This youth had now become unfathomable and worthy of their respect.


  Wang Chong waved his hand but made no effort to correct their mistake. This was no time to be humble. The southwest was currently in a state of upheaval, plagued by storms and waves. Only by relying on King Song's status in the imperial household could he stabilize morale.

  "Many thanks, Your Highness."

  The soldiers began to stand, but their expressions were now ones of reverence and awe.

  "What is the situation on the front lines?" Wang Chong said.

  "The front lines?"

  The soldiers looked at each other in confusion.

  Wang Chong froze, immediately realizing that he had said something that they didn't understand.

  "I'm asking what the current situation is. Wasn't Li Zhengyi leading you to reinforce the Annan Protectorate army? What's going on? How are the other soldiers doing? How many survivors are there?" Wang Chong seriously asked, changing up the questions he asked.

  His greatest concern was the situation in the southwest. Only by understanding what was going on ahead of him would he be able to decide on a plan of action. 'Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated.' This was the most basic element of the art of war.

  And Wang Chong was also concerned about how many of Li Zhengyi's 60,000 soldiers had survived. Although Wang Chong hadn't been present for that battle and didn't know any details about it, his high attainments in the art of war allowed Wang Chong to conclude one basic fact: Li Zhengyi had not been ambushed on the Erhai plains. This meant that the Tibetan cavalry couldn't completely exterminate them, that Li Zhengyi's army couldn't possibly meet the same fate as the 180,000 Great Tang elites from his last life, completely wiped out on the Erhai plains without any Lion City to protect them!

  "We also don't know the exact situation, only a rough understanding…"

  The soldiers didn't dare neglect Wang Chong's question and began to immediately give a detailed recount of what they knew.

  In reality, Li Zhengyi had left before he had even received an order from the Imperial Court. Speed was crucial in war, and Li Zhengyi's service in Anxi and Beiting had given him a deep understanding of this principle.

  Thus, by the time the Imperial Court had finished discussing and issued the decree, the decree was delivered to an empty camp. Although banners were still flying, only a few old soldiers had been left behind.

  As a result, Li Zhengyi's advance had been much faster than expected.

  But not even Li Zhengyi was aware that the front lines had already been completely routed. When he left, he had only known that the 180,000 elites led by Xianyu Zhongtong had suffered a minor defeat, but by the time he had entered the southwest, Xianyu Zhongtong had already been handed a major defeat.

  And what they faced was not Geluofeng's 300,000 soldiers, but the Ü-Tsang army coming down from the Tibetan Plateau to the east, led by Great General Huoshu Huicang.

  These soldiers had all believed that they were going to fight Mengshe Zhao, so one could easily imagine the chaos when they found an army of Tibetans charging at them.

  Although Li Zhengyi was a renowned general and the leader of the Great Tang army's younger generation of officers, he was still lacking when compared to Ü-Tsang Great General Huoshu Huicang.

  This gap decided the result of the battle.

  But Huoshu Huicang had clearly underestimated Li Zhengyi. Even though Huoshu Huicang had outclassed Li Zhengyi in every aspect and ultimately defeated him, Li Zhengyi had still managed to use his remarkable commanding abilities to make the Tibetans pay a price!

  In this battle, Huoshu Huicang ended up beheading Li Zhengyi!

  But there were some things that not even Huoshu Huicang could control.

  The geography of the southwest was complicated, so even though Huoshu Huicang defeated Li Zhengyi and his 60,000 soldiers, Li Zhengyi had offered himself up as bait while ordering the rest of his soldiers to scatter. Not even Huoshu Huicang had been able to catch them all.

  If those 60,000 infantry and cavalry had fled as a single group, the Tibetan cavalry would have run them down. But if tens of thousands of soldiers fled in every direction, the situation would be completely different.

  Even though the Tibetans had Geluofeng's scouts embedded in their army, they still didn't have enough soldiers!

  Consequently, though Li Zhengyi had lost, a good portion of his army had managed to escape.

  "…The Tibetans are too numerous and too strong, and they're all heavy cavalry, so we all fled. When I fled, it was only with two or three of my brothers. The rest were people we ran into while fleeing north. Although I don't know how everyone else is doing, I'm certain that there are still many of my brothers in the surrounding area.

  "Right now, most of the Tibetan army has already withdrawn, probably to besiege the Annan Protectorate army. The rest of them are hunting us down, probably about six or seven thousand! If we can meet up with the rest of our brothers, then with Milord's army, we might be able to defeat them.

  "It's just too bad about Lord Li. He was so young…"


  When their young general was mentioned, all the soldiers turned gloomy, causing Wang Chong himself to mentally sigh.

  Everyone in his last life had known of Li Zhengyi's defeat, but everyone only knew that Li Zhengyi had let the Imperial Court down and had thrown away 60,000 men and countless supplies.

  They had all been focused only on victory and defeat.

  Wang Chong now understood all the twists and turns of this ordeal.

  Although Li Zhengyi had lost, he
did not let down his reputation as a renowned general. While surrounded, he had made the moving decision to sacrifice himself. Alas, he was simply too young. It was too early for him to encounter a foreign Great General like Huoshu Huicang.

  If he had been able to survive to meet Huoshu Huicang in the future, their battle definitely wouldn't have the same result.

  Unfortunately, the words of a man of low status carried little weight. In past or present, Li Zhengyi would never have listened to Wang Chong's advice… No one would have listened to him.

  A bearded and swarthy-faced man suddenly said, "That's right, I heard that Commandant Xu didn't retreat to the north. He's apparently set up a camp in the southeast, where he's gathering troops and rallying the army. I've heard that he's already gathered around one thousand people, perhaps even more now. He also has a large amount of supplies with him."

  "That's right, Commandant Xu is strong and also a master strategist. If His Highness can get his help, it would be a massive boon and well worth it. You might even be able to save a few more of our brothers!"

  Another True Martial realm soldier spoke up, seemingly energized at the mention of this 'Commandant Xu'. It was like the Commandant Xu that swarthy man had spoken of was some omnipotent savior.

  "Right! Right! Commandant Xu!"


  Other people began to voice their agreement, the exhaustion gone from their faces. They seemed to hold great trust in this Commandant Xu.

  Wang Chong furrowed his brow, a look of doubt in his eyes.

  He truly knew nothing about this Commandant Xu that was on the lips of all these soldiers, and he certainly didn't understand why they trusted him so.

  "It's very normal for Milord not to know. Although he's not famous outside the army, he has quite the name among the soldiers. He's an old officer, and everyone has a lot of faith in him. Before this battle, only Commandant Xu was able to tell from some surrounding clues that something wasn't right, and he even warned General Li. Alas, General Li was still too young…"

  The swarthy-faced man stopped in the middle of his sentence.

  Wang Chong nodded, understanding what he meant. Every person had their own merits, but also their own flaws. Li Zhengyi might not have been an outstanding general, but he was at least a competent one.


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