The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 458

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  "It's naturally impossible for an ordinary city, but perhaps not for a city of steel."

  Wang Chong smiled and waved his hand behind him.

  "Wei Guo, Wei Wu, bring it over!"

  Thump! The main door was pushed open, and Wei Guo and Wei Wu walked in with a large iron box. Zhang Shouzhi glanced at the box and immediately seemed to know its contents. With a laugh, he strode out of his seat and opened the box before it could even be properly put down.

  "Hahaha, my expectations were right on the money! Young Master truly was prepared!"

  Zhang Shouzhi's face turned exultant as he looked at the rolled-up white diagrams in the box. Reaching in with his right hand, he took one of the diagrams and unrolled it. Not one tinge of his previous concern was visible on his face.


  As the diagram was unfurled, a complicated and mysterious design was revealed. In the past, unless Wang Chong personally explained it, not even the most formidable craftsman of the Great Tang would be able to decipher the secrets of this design.

  The majority of them wouldn't even be able to understand what they were making.

  But after working with Wang Chong on the walls of steel, Zhang Shouzhi could tell at a glance that these were designs for a part of a steel wall. However, this was larger and more complex than the steel walls that Wang Chong had used in the southwest.

  "Right, right! Hahaha… This is what it means to have true wealth. Young Master, ever since our time in the southwest, I just knew that you would build a true city of steel. My predictions were correct. Although one month is a little short, if it's a city of steel, I'm willing to do all I can and expend all my strength to complete it!"

  Zhang Shouzhi's eyes were shining bright, his body trembling in excitement. He held the white diagram like it was the world's most precious treasure. The gifts from the great clans were truly rather tempting, but a true architect saw the diagram to a grand building as the most tempting treasure in the world.

  A city of steel!

  Although he had only seen a small portion of an enormous building, starting from this moment, there was no person or thing in this world that could drag Zhang Shouzhi away from this steel city that had never before appeared in this world.

  Not even an imperial decree or attempt on his life would make him give up on this venture, much less withdraw.

  One diagram, two, three… Zhang Shouzhi opened up scroll after scroll, his expression as excited as if he had come upon a hidden cache of treasure.

  Wang Chong quietly sipped his tea as he watched, a smile on his face.

  From the moment he learned that he was receiving a fief, he had placed all his attention on the city of steel to be built on the Silk Road. Time was limited, and the Western Regions would soon be immersed in that war. He did not have two or three years to build a city.

  Thus, using a modular design to build a never-before-seen city of steel was Wang Chong's best option!

  In normal circumstances, even with the use of modular design, building a city in a single month was still an impossible task. This massive and complicated project was not something any great clan, wealthy house, noble, or Imperial Prince could accomplish.

  However, Wang Chong had completed the most complicated part: having all the great clans of the capital invest themselves in the project!

  With these people invested, Wang Chong could borrow the wealth, resources, and manpower of all the clans of the capital, could mobilize the strength of the entire Great Tang to build that 'City of Steel' so vital to his plans!

  With the success of his plan, this was no longer a problem of Wang Chong building his own fief. This was the entire Great Tang, the entire world, helping Wang Chong build his fief!

  This was a matter of mythical proportions, a project requiring a massive amount of resources, capital, and also political power. It was unprecedented in the history of the Great Tang, but now, under Wang Chong's hands, this project that no great clan had ever dared to imagine was about to be realized!

  "All the diagrams for this city of steel are here. I give you full authority over any men, resources, or money required for the construction. In addition, I will have the four great sword-smithing clans and all the sword smiths and shops of the capital work with you. In this task, Wei Guo and Wei Wu will do everything they can to assist you!"

  Wang Chong smiled at the elated look on Zhang Shouzhi's face. Putting down his tea cup, he stood up.

  "In addition, when all the money from the great clans has arrived, I can truly mobilize all the sword shops, smiths, mines, and ore deposits of the world to assist in the construction!"

  "Hahaha, I already had this intention, and I would have done it even if Young Master didn't say anything. Just thinking about this project gets me excited. If Young Master does not mind, I wish to take my leave now and formally begin the preparations," Zhang Shouzhi excitedly said.

  For an architect, construction was life. To create a massive engineering project that would be known for the rest of time was every architect's dream.

  And this massive city of steel on the road to the west that no one had ever imagined before definitely qualified!

  Zhang Shouzhi quickly took his leave, bringing with him that box stuffed with diagrams. He called over more than thirty of the Wang Clan's guards and even requested Miyasame Ayaka to escort him home. It was like the box did not contain diagrams but the world's most priceless treasure.


  Only one thing is left!

  In the reception hall, the now-alone Wang Chong raised his head and begun to rap his fingers on the table as he thought. In order to alter the fate of the empire's western border and the fate of the Anxi Protectorate, it was far from enough to just build a city on the Silk Road.

  Similarly, simply recruiting the warriors of Wushang was also not enough.

  If Wang Chong wanted to resolve the problem of the Anxi Protectorate once and for all, this was far from enough. In Wang Chong's plan, he was still missing the last of the three parts.

  "Take me out of the city!"

  Leaving the residence, Wang Chong boarded a carriage that took him through the streets of the city and out of the gate, entering a mountain. In the middle of the lush mountains was a mine.

  The perimeter of the mine was heavily guarded by well-equipped and energetic guards.

  Wang Chong's being made a marquis was a major affair for the entire Wang Clan!

  In celebration, all the branches of the Wang lineage had sent gifts. These armored soldiers had been sent by his grandfather's old subordinates. These were elite soldiers, carefully selected, all of them powerful and extremely reliable.

  And behind them was a place that he regarded with the utmost importance.

  "Young Master!"

  The appearance of Wang Chong caused figure after figure to hurriedly come out of the mine. They strode toward Wang Chong's carriage and bowed.

  "Jingdian, there's no need for this much courtesy in front of me."

  Waving his hand, Wang Chong turned to the mine.

  "How are the preparations going?"

  "Reporting to Young Master: all the lime and clay has been prepared. In addition, according to Young Master's order, we have recruited many masons and had them begin mixing," Zhao Jingdian respectfully said.

  "Mm, lead me in to take a look!" Wang Chong said.

  Before he had even finished speaking, he was already striding toward the mine, walking even faster than Zhao Jingdian.

  Chapter 682: Overarching Strategy, Cement! I

  Chapter 682: Overarching Strategy, Cement! (I)

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  The mine was a brand-new one!

  Now that Wang Chong was a marquis, he wielded immense influence in the capital. Coupled with his enormous wealth, it was no problem at all for him to open up a new mine.

  As Wang Chong entered the mine, his vision went dark. After his eyes adjusted, he could clearly make out t
he scene before him.

  Piles of white lime and brown clay were stacked in little mountains, filling the mine. Nearby, a channel of water that flowed from within the mountain traveled past the piles of clay and lime.

  By the water channel stood the forty to fifty experienced masons that the Wang Clan had recruited.

  "Paying respects to the Lord Marquis!"

  Seeing Wang Chong enter, all the masons bowed, their expressions brimming with reverence.

  "There's no need to stand on ceremony!"

  Wang Chong waved his hand as he walked into the mine. The mine was very wide, and though it wasn't as bright as the outside, it wasn't overly dark. In addition, its structure, including the water channel and the air passages, was all done appropriately and up to standard.

  "Not bad!"

  As he surveyed his surroundings, Wang Chong gave a small nod. Although everything had been built according to his plans, this was still his first time visiting this place.

  "Pass on my order to station more guards here! In addition, have the clans that we're working with send some of their experts to stand guard outside," Wang Chong said.

  This was just like the mine provided by Wei Hao's family that he had used to forge Wootz Steel. At that time, no one could have imagined that that mine would produce the world-famous Wootz Steel weapons.

  Merely one thousand Wootz Steel weapons had performed brilliantly during the southwestern war, capturing the attention of the world.

  And though this mine before him looked ordinary, only Wang Chong knew that the product it was to produce would be even more important to the Great Tang than Wootz Steel weapons.

  Because what Wang Chong wanted to 'forge' from this ordinary mine was a product that was certain to alter the entire Central Plains, the entire Great Tang: cement!

  For a time, Wang Chong's mind had been occupied by a single question: in this world, what was the greatest advantage of the Great Tang Empire, or of the Central Plains upon which the Han people dwelled? Without a doubt, it was the vast lands and abundant resources.

  Then what was its greatest disadvantage?

  Although he didn't want to admit it, the answer Wang Chong ultimately came to was still 'vast lands and abundant resources'.

  Everything had two sides. The Great Tang's extensive territory meant that it hosted an enormous population and massive resources, as well as an impressive ability to recover.

  At the same time, the vast land and abundant resources meant that it took a very long time to mobilize all its people and resources.

  'Before the troops and horses can be mobilized, the rations and fodder must be prepared.' 'Three months of war, three years of preparation.' These sayings were manifestations of this enormous disadvantage.

  In the southwestern war, despite the Great Tang's enormous army and numerous Great Generals, when Dalun Ruozan and Huoshu Huicang led two hundred thousand cavalry eastward, the Great Tang found itself with barely a soldier to send as reinforcement.

  Although there was also the factor of all the foreign countries on the border holding soldiers down, a more important problem was that mobilization was not easy in the vast domain of the Tang. Gathering reinforcements became an extremely time-consuming task.

  Even Wang Chong, who was probably the most prepared for this war out of all the elites of the Great Tang, still needed more than a month before he could begin his march to the south.

  But when one looked to the Great Tang's opponents, whether it was Mengshe Zhao or Ü-Tsang, this problem simply did not exist. Geluofeng had definitely not needed three years to prepare for this war.

  As for Dalun Ruozan and Huoshu Huicang, their decision to leave the plateau and go eastward needed only a moment's time. And little time was needed to go from making the decision to entering battle!

  To go even farther, on the northeast border, in the lands of Youzhou, even a powerful and experienced general like Zhang Shougui, skilled in the art of war, found it very difficult to engage in high-intensity war against the Goguryeo Empire under Yeon Gaesomun.

  Yeon Gaesomun didn't need to stockpile supplies for three years. If a problem occurred at some place, the other places could send reinforcements at any time. Although this still required some time, it definitely didn't require several months.

  In contrast, the Andong Protectorate could only rely on the strength of a single protectorate to deal with an empire!

  Although the Great Tang was strong, it was hindered by its vast territory. Mobilization was inconvenient, meaning that in its battles with the various foreign countries, it was always in a passive position. The transportation of provisions over vast distances made it very difficult for the empire to fully exert its strength against its foes.

  This was the case against Mengshe Zhao, Ü-Tsang, the Eastern and Western Turks, and Goguryeo, and so it would be against the distant Abbasid Caliphate…

  In order to resolve this problem that had plagued the dynasties of the Central Plains for millennia, one had to resolve this problem of transportation over long distances and difficult terrain. 'Cement' was the solution Wang Chong had thought of to resolve this world's problem.

  A smooth and wide path was far easier to traverse than a steep mountain path. It could save time, allowing the Great Tang's armies to move faster from place to place and making it easier for the circuits and prefectures of the Great Tang to send supplies to the capital, where they could then be sent to where they were required.

  An extensive network of roads that were easy to traverse would transform the Great Tang from a man too fat to move into an agile athlete. It would also serve to intimidate the countries on the border.

  No martial art or technique could replace it.

  Martial arts were a product of an individual's strength and courage, but strategy was focused on the overarching situation. In any generation, a strategic view of the overarching situation could not be replaced!

  Martial arts could be used to fight ten foes, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand foes; but a strategic view could be used to oppose one hundred thousand foes, one million foes, perhaps even affect events thousands of years in the future. This sort of thing was irreplaceable.

  Wang Chong aimed to establish a massive network of roads and remove the disadvantage of vast lands that restricted this powerful empire. He wanted to increase the speed at which resources and soldiers could be transported by several times, wanted all its enemies to be intimidated, wanted to remove this flaw that limited the dynasties of the Central Plains to only ever giving 'one punch' to the enemies lining its borders.

  Wang Chong turned his head and asked, "How is the mixing going for the thing I described?"

  "Reporting to Young Master: I have already ordered the masons to mix the clay and lime as you ordered… Young Master can see the results yourself."

  Zhao Jingdian led Wang Chong down an inconspicuous side tunnel. Small piles of 'dirt' were littered around this area, and each pile was of a slightly different color.

  Wang Chong's gaze flitted toward the ground near these 'dirt piles'. A kind of slurry that had already hardened had been gathered there.

  "Young Master, according to your orders, I had the masons mix the lime and clay in different ratios to create different kinds of 'slurry', but none of the results have been satisfactory. Young Master can see this at a glance," Zhao Jingdian said.

  Zhao Jingdian didn't know why Wang Chong, a scion of a clan of ministers and generals, the Young Marquis of the Great Tang and a favorite of the Sage Emperor, was so worried about something like 'slurry', even digging out a new mine and having him supervise it, when he clearly had much more important things to do. However, Zhao Jingdian was well aware that Wang Chong never did anything without reason. The unremarkable 'slurry' before him was inevitably of extreme importance to Wang Chong, perhaps even formed an important part of some future plan.

  Thus, even though he had been dispatched to this small mine, Zhao Jingdian still carried out his duty very conscientiously
and had no complaints.

  Wang Chong said nothing, only walked over and bent down to pick up the hardened slurry. A pile of powder soon filtered through his fingers. Wang Chong instantly frowned at this sight.

  This fine powder, this fragility—even a person stepping on this hardened slurry would cause it to crumble, much less the weight of a carriage. The quality of this 'cement' was unacceptable for the roads he envisioned, and it certainly couldn't be used to accomplish his plan of decreasing the time needed to traverse the empire.

  After silently thinking for a few moments, Wang Chong proceeded to the second pile of hardened slurry. This time, the result was much better. The second pile was much tougher than the first, but it still wasn't enough. A light exertion caused it to crumble, and Wang Chong hadn't even needed to use Stellar Energy.

  He proceeded to the third pile, the fourth, the fifth… Each of these piles of hardened slurry had their own problems. Some were too brittle, others too loose. Regardless, almost all of them were a far cry from what Wang Chong wanted.

  Zhao Jingdian's voice rang out at his ear. "I've already had those experienced masons try out different ratios, adding lime, or adding clay, or changing the amount of water used. We've currently tried several hundred different mixes, but none of them have been satisfactory. The toughness of these things is too lacking. In at most two days, they'll start to crack and let out powder, just like Young Master sees now."

  Wang Chong instantly fell silent. The development of 'cement' was far more complicated than he had imagined. Although the ingredients required for cement were plentiful in this era and he logically should have been able to develop it, the task was easier said than done, with the actual implementation proving quite difficult.

  While Wang Chong was downcast, Zhao Jingdian spoke once more. "…However, although the majority of the slurry is useless, the masons still managed to find the best ratio of lime and clay, the greatest harvest in this period of time."

  Wang Chong's eyes brightened as he vigorously raised his head and looked at Zhao Jingdian.


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