The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 469

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  The majority of people would end up being heavily injured or captured before even seeing through the flaws and strengths of this combination.

  "Where did Xiaoyan find these people?"

  "The Halo of Mists and the Gloom Hand aren't that easily seen through. This boy is strange."

  "Everyone be careful! Don't get careless!"


  The Wushang surrounding Wang Chong's group now looked at him with completely different eyes. This seventeen- or eighteen-year-old youth with that ever-present smile on his face might have seemed young, but he gave off the feeling that he could see through all their weaknesses.

  All the Wushang found this absolutely absurd.


  Qin Qicheng jumped off the ground and stood up. His eyes were as sharp as a sword as they locked onto Wang Chong.

  "Impossible! I don't believe it! This is all a coincidence! Let's go again!"

  Qin Qicheng gritted his teeth. Wang Chong's kick had inflamed his anger. With so many people watching, he could not accept such a disgrace.

  You still don't have your future composure.

  Wang Chong inwardly smiled.

  With a gap of twenty-some years, the current Qin Qicheng had still not obtained the maturity and extreme perception of his future self. He was also missing the calm air of command and ability to plan out strategies that he had obtained through his experiences.

  But this Qicheng is more interesting, Wang Chong said to himself.

  To see his old friend, who had always been so calm and composed, now young, rashly running around and taking risks, had its own particular flavor.


  Qin Qicheng had no idea what Wang Chong was thinking. In his eyes, this outsider's smile only made him angrier and more filled with loathing.

  "Divine Ape Art!"

  Qin Qicheng stepped forward, and black smoke began to pour out of his acupuncture points. His energy suddenly began to rise, his body to crack. His strength climbed several levels, and he grew even more nimble, agile, swift, yet he also became as heavy as a mountain.


  With a bellow, Qin Qicheng gathered the smoke at his back, forming it into a black divine ape, more than one zhang tall.

  Chapter 699: Wang Chong Strikes!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Qin Qicheng seemed to have transformed into a completely different person. The aura he gave off had utterly transformed, becoming ruthless, dangerous, and brimming with a desire to attack and assault.

  The Divine Ape Art was a divine technique passed down through Wushang Village for centuries. It was an art developed through observing the great apes living in the mountains, and was capable of greatly boosting a person's strength, dexterity and speed.

  In Wushang Village, this technique was on a much higher level than the Halo of Mists and the Gloom Hand.


  With a wave of his hand, Qin Qicheng fused with the divine ape behind him. Boom! Qin Qicheng grabbed a massive stone that had to weigh around two thousand jin and tossed it at Wang Chong.

  Behind the rock, Qin Qicheng lunged at Wang Chong like a hungry tiger leaping at its prey.

  As the stone thundered down, a scene repeated itself. While the rock was still several zhang away, it was caught and held by an invisible energy, floating in the air as steady as Mount Tai.

  "The Divine Ape Art! With such a severe leakage of Stellar Energy, it's clear that you haven't cultivated it very well."

  Wang Chong half-closed his eyes as he gazed at the lunging Qin Qicheng, no sign of emotion on his face. The madness and ruthlessness of the divine ape that was Qin Qicheng apparently had no effect on him.


  Just when the massive divine ape's arms were about to smash down, Wang Chong's eyes widened and a sharp light flashed. In that moment, Wang Chong had suddenly moved, his finger jabbing into the 'Moji Point' in Qin Qicheng's armpit.

  Qin Qicheng froze, and like a balloon deflating, the energy drained out of him. The black smoke scattered and he quickly returned to his original self.

  "Impossible! Just who are you?"

  Qin Qicheng staggered backward, but his eyes were fixed on Wang Chong, full of fear and disbelief.

  Wushang Village rarely communicated with the outside world, so outsiders had no knowledge of its martial arts. When confronting the martial arts of Wushang Village, the majority of invaders would end up being captured or severely wounded before they even knew what was going on.

  But Wang Chong gave off the feeling that he knew all their secrets and flaws. In front of him, the Divine Ape Art had no secrets to speak of.

  At the start, Qin Qicheng's impression of Wang Chong had been that of an unwelcome outsider, but now, this outsider had already become completely unfathomable.

  "At the end of each month, don't you feel a terrible pain at your Yujing, Yuanchuan, and Longchi Points? This is because your training is poor and your energy is being diverged. Try to move your energy through the Pansha, Yongquan, and Longwei Points. In around three days, you should be able to resolve the problem of your Stellar Energy being diverged and your meridians spasming," Wang Chong said with a faint smile.


  Qin Qicheng's eyes went wide, and his face looked like he had seen a ghost.



  This can't be happening!

  Qin Qicheng felt like a peal of thunder had exploded in his head. Not even Wang Chong seeing through the flaw in his Divine Ape Art with a single finger had given him this great of a shock.

  The Divine Ape Art did have its flaws, and with the different talents, potential, and states of cultivation for each person, the location of the weakness would also be different.

  And no one would ever tell their weakness to someone else, so the location of a person's weakness always remained their personal secret.

  Moreover, Qin Qicheng had not even told his closest confidants about the problem with his Yujing, Yuanchuan, and Longchi acupuncture points, so just how did this teenager know about it?

  In addition, these three points would only ache at the end of the month, and this was something only people who cultivated the Divine Ape Art would know. How did he know about this fact as well?

  Qin Qicheng suddenly felt like his head was about to burst.

  Before Qin Qicheng could say anything, another person angrily roared, "You dare attack Brother Qi! Everyone, let's kill them all!" The people of Wushang Village were extremely united, and seeing Qin Qicheng be beaten back twice by Wang Chong had left the villagers fuming with rage.

  Bzzt! Whichever one charged forward first, he was quickly followed by a second, a third, a fourth… People charged in from all sides.

  Black mists roiled and metal clattered. Halos that the outside world knew nothing about began to emerge from the bodies of the Wushang.

  The Halo of Mists, the Gloom Hand, the Divine Ape Art, the Climbing Ivy Art, the Boulder Halo… different halos accompanied by their respective Stellar Energies began to rise from the Wushang.

  "Careful! Protect Young Master!"

  Gao Feng, Nie Yan, and the other guards gripped their weapons and nervously stood guard around Wang Chong.


  Roars came from all around, but the first wave of attacks was already here: massive rocks weighing thousands of jin. These rocks hurtled through the air with incredible speed, crashing toward the soldiers.

  These guards who had lived through the southwestern war were nervous to the extreme.

  Even to them, the Wushang were extremely powerful opponents. This many Wushang working together to attack them instantly placed a massive pressure on them.

  All of them could smell the thick stench of death.

  This obscure and remote place on the Silk Road was definitely a lair of dragons and tigers.

  "Gao Feng, Nie Yan, all of you just need to protect yourselves. Let me handle these people." When things we
re at their most tense, Wang Chong spoke in his calm and confident voice, instantly bolstering their confidence.


  A powerful wave of energy erupted from Wang Chong's body, sweeping in every direction. Just like before, those massive rocks were frozen in the air while they were still several zhang away.

  "Kill him!"

  "To be so bold as to barge into our Wushang and even dare to attack Brother Qi, does he really think we can't deal with him?"

  "Don't be impulsive! Seize him and hand him over to the chief!"


  Furious cries filled the air as the powerful and courageous Wushang charged at Wang Chong. Although they held no weapons, their fingers, palms, arms, and bodies were trained to be as tough as steel.

  "Young Master!"

  Gao Feng's panicked voice came from behind Wang Chong.

  "Don't worry."

  Wang Chong's voice was as calm as ever, the corners of his lips curling into a relaxed and confident smile as he gazed at the lunging Wushang.

  "Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art!"

  A voice that was neither loud nor soft rang out in everyone's ears. Without the slightest hesitation, Wang Chong used the legendary evil art of the Central Plains!

  "Ah!" With cries of alarm, those powerful Wushang were suddenly caught by a powerful attractive force and began to spin in the air.

  None of the Wushang could land, and none of them could escape the attractive force!

  Forty-some Wushang floated in the air, moving like they were puppets on strings and crying in surprise. Even Wang Chong's guards were struck dumb by this scene.

  Since the war of the southwest, Wang Chong's strength had become even more refined and powerful, even more unfathomable.

  These forty-some Wushang who were at the True Martial or Profound Martial realm floated in the air, spinning in circles faster and faster, unable to control themselves. This sight was truly astounding to witness.

  "Lord Marquis truly is getting stronger and stronger!"

  As the guards Wang Chong had brought from the capital looked at this sight, their hearts were filled with deep shock.

  They had seen those people traversing cliffs like they were flat terrain, seeming to fly through the mountains, and had seen how they trained with stones weighing thousands of jin. Now that these Wushang had gathered and were about to attack, these guards had prepared themselves for a fierce battle.

  But no one had expected Wang Chong to send these valiant warriors spinning in the air with a single move. They had all been stopped, with not a single person able to reach him.

  They had prepared themselves for a pitched melee, but Wang Chong had resolved it singlehandedly.

  "Lord Marquis's strength… truly is unfathomable, crossing a thousand li in a single day!"

  The guards watched in awe.



  Meanwhile, Wang Chong was standing with his face to the sky, the smile on his face growing wider and wider. Bangbangbang!Wang Chong had extended two fingers, placing them together and stirring the air. In an instant, the energy in the air fell into turmoil, and the panicked Wushang were slammed against each other by the energy of the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art and thrown to the ground.

  The Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art could not only be used to absorb an opponent's energy. It could also serve as a powerful martial art technique. Its enormous attractive force could push around any martial artist weaker than the user, allowing the user to play around with them as the user pleased.

  The Wushang were innately fierce, ideal warriors for the battlefield. Wang Chong had his plans for them, so he naturally wouldn't absorb their energy or heavily wound them.

  "My leg!"

  "Damn it, my internal energy is in chaos! I can't even move!"

  "I'm the same. My internal energy is diverging to random places. Bastard, just what devilish art did you learn?"

  "Tell the chief! Inform the chief and tell Granduncle Jiu and the others to come over. These people are too strong! They're not people we can deal with!"


  The forty-some Wushang on the ground were filled with fear. Their injuries were not severe, but their internal energy was in complete disarray. This made them more shocked and uneasy than if Wang Chong had heavily wounded them.

  This completely surpassed their understanding of martial arts.

  "Bastard! Who are you! What do you plan to do in our village?"

  Qin Qicheng clenched his fists, his knuckles cracking. He was the only person left standing, and his face was contorted into a nasty grimace. He had just been a little slow and failed to stop them, but never had he expected that all his fellow villagers would be left lying on the ground.

  Chapter 700: Stone General, Huang Botian

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  "What do I want to do? Didn't I already say I came to find my friends?"

  Wang Chong gave a faint smile.

  Although Qin Qicheng was currently a decent martial artist, he still wasn't the Qin Qicheng of the future. Of the ten commanders of the Wushang Cavalry, he had been ranked as the last. If the current Qin Qicheng wanted to mature into that farsighted 'Lord Qi', he would probably still need some time.

  And this wasn't the right time or place to converse too deeply with him.

  "Let's go!"

  Wang Chong waved his hand and began to proceed forward, stepping over the Wushang villagers.

  If he wanted to recruit the Wushang, he had to go through the Wushang Village Chief, the 'Grandpa' that Fang Xiaoyan had spoken of.

  "You dare to act so brashly in our Wushang Village! Do you really think this is your land?"

  Wang Chong had barely stepped over a few Wushang villagers and was preparing to head deeper into the village when a bone-chilling voice rang out in his ear. It suddenly felt like he was walking from the scorching summer into the frigid winter, and everyone began to shiver. And then, they noticed that a massive 'stone' was dropping out of the sky, smashing toward Wang Chong.

  "What is that!" a guard yelled out in surprise.

  At first glance, everyone had taken it to be a massive stone, but when that stone suddenly unfurled five fingers, they realized that it wasn't a stone, but a giant stone hand.


  The stone fist smashed down, causing the earth to shake and dust to plume into the sky. In front of the stone fist, Wang Chong's robes were flapping in the wind. He was standing nearby, having managed to avoid the strike by a hair.

  It's him!

  Wang Chong's eyes narrowed as he looked gravely up at the sky. None of that previous sense of ease and relaxation could be seen.

  At this moment, everyone could clearly see that what had appeared in front of Wang Chong was not some massive stone, but a stone giant, thirty meters high and with the appearance of a general. When they first saw it, that giant still had only one hand and one foot.

  But immediately afterward, the cliffs on both sides began to rumble and crack. As if cleaved apart by axes and hatchets, large stones began to be pulled from the cliffs by some invisible energy, traveling along with countless bits of gravel toward the stone giant's right shoulder.

  In the blink of an eye, a stone arm manifested out of thin air, followed by the right foot and the left ear. In a few short moments, the stone giant had fully formed.

  Raising their heads, everyone could see that this was a giant with the appearance of a general. His body was equipped with stone armor, and his expression was dignified and dreadful. His height of more than thirty meters made everyone at his feet seem like insignificant ants.

  Stone General!

  In a flash, Wang Chong recognized this general.

  'Stone General' was one of Wushang Village's most elite martial arts. It could control all stone in a radius of several hundred zhang and transform the user into a stone giant with the appearance of a general from an ancient era, the 'Stone General'

  This martial art was extremely powerful, with the Stone General created containing the strength of the Imperial Martial realm. Moreover, as long as one had abundant stone in the surroundings, the Stone General could endlessly repair itself, meaning that the person cultivating the Stone General essentially could not be defeated.

  In addition, the thick stone armor meant that weapons would find it very difficult to harm the martial artist within the Stone General, one of the great advantages of the Stone General technique.

  Wushang Village was surrounded by mountains and lofty peaks, so what they had in greatest supply was stones.

  Thus, in this environment, the Stone General could display the full extent of its capabilities.

  But this was not the only thing Wang Chong cared about. Wushang Village did not have many people capable of using the Stone General, and at a place like this, Wang Chong could only think of one person that could use it:

  Huang Botian!

  One of the Protectors of Wushang Village's outermost perimeter!

  Before the great calamity, anyone who attempted to intrude into the heart of the village would first encounter Huang Botian. Of Wushang Village's many protectors, he had reached a superb mastery of the Stone General. He was the model of an Imperial Martial expert, and his strength was far greater than Qin Qicheng's.

  He could be considered as part of the backbone of Wushang Village's strength.

  When the otherworldly invaders attacked Wushang Village, he had borrowed the particular geography of the village to block five or six thousand of them, almost singlehandedly holding a defensive position. In Wushang Village, this person was very difficult to deal with.

  Alas, Huang Botian ended up dying in battle during the calamity, the first of Wushang Village's core force to die.

  I didn't think that I would run into this martial maniac!

  Wang Chong raised his head to that imposing and powerful Stone General and squinted, no fear in his eyes.


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