The Human Emperor c1-2382

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by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)


  After killing the foes before them, the ten thousand Mo Saber soldiers advanced once more, their seven-foot Mo Sabers swinging down. Chaos ensued once more and the earth groaned as another batch of nearly ten thousand Arab cavalry was felled. In two swings of their sabers, nearly twenty thousand Arab cavalry had been slain. Nothing in the world could be more intimidating.


  At the front of the army, Li Siye gripped his saber with both hands as he led his soldiers to march over the corpses and advance for a third time. This time, many of the Arab cavalry backed up in fear, but there were still many Arab cavalry who charged at the Mo Saber Unit.


  An Arab horseman shot toward a Mo Saber soldier near Li Siye in a streak of light and slashed down with his scimitar. If this scimitar struck true, even a mountain would be sundered.

  But the Mo Saber soldier didn’t even blink in front of this attack. As the Arab horseman charged up, bang! The long Mo Saber struck the Arabian scimitar. The ease with which the Mo Saber slashed was fully displayed here as the Arabian scimitar shattered into pieces with a ringing clang.

  “This is impossible!”

  The Arab horseman’s face was stricken with fear, but it was too late. The sharp saber cut through his flesh, and this Arab horseman that had charged so valiantly forward was cleaved in half along with his armor and horse.


  Chunks of flesh dropped to the ground as the Mo Saber soldier stood with his saber gripped in his hands, a warrior god descended to the earth.


  Two more Arab horsemen who were charging over took fright, pulled on the reins of their horses, and immediately began to fall back.

  This army’s tyrannical fighting style, dreadful killing power, and unique method of advancing had an enormous psychological impact on the Arab elites.


  Li Siye’s voice rang out once more, and the Mo Saber Unit formed back up into their straight and grandiose human wall. Of the four words of ‘Wind, Forest, Fire, Mountain’, ‘Mountain’ was the most unique. It wasn’t merely used for heavy attacks, but also served as a signal for the army to gather and reconsolidate.

  As the Mo Saber Unit advanced, it was certain to run into various problems that would cause shifts in the formation. Thus, at times like this, the ‘Mountain’ order was used to call for a reconsolidation.

  The power of the Mo Saber Unit lay not just in the Mo Sabers, but also in the human wall formation. Without this formation, the Mo Saber Unit would be unable to produce as much psychological impact or exert as much lethal force.

  In the distance, beneath the black Arab war banners, Abu Muslim turned to Osman.

  “Osman, send out your other army. Normal soldiers won’t be able to stop them.”

  The individual strength of the soldiers in the Mo Saber Unit wasn’t very great, at least not when compared to the Blood Beast Army or the Fearless Army. But when they gathered together, not even the Fearless Army was as deadly.


  Osman nodded and waved his arm, after which a messenger quickly rode to the rear.

  The Tiber Army!

  This was the last elite army under Osman’s command, but Osman had far fewer resources than Qutaybah or Osman. As a result, this army was inferior to the Fearless Army in both strength and numbers. Moreover, in a campaign not too long ago, the Tiber Army had come under a powerful ambush and had suffered significant casualties. Thus, Osman had hoped to wait a little longer to deploy this army so as to avoid further losses.

  But now, it was compelled to enter the battlefield. In addition, the strength of the Mo Saber Unit was still not able to compare to the strength of top-class armies. This was the only reason Osman could accept this decision.

  A few moments later, another army rumbled onto the battlefield toward the Mo Saber Unit. At this moment, Abu Muslim, Osman, and Aybak had dispatched all their best soldiers. Even the Mutri Great Cavalry and the Celestial Wolf Cavalry of the Tibetans and Western Turks had entered the field.

  The three empires party to the trilateral alliance had deployed almost all their men to the battlefield.

  Chapter 1086 - Revelation Army!

  Chapter 1086: Revelation Army!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  The battle was growing more and more intense. At every moment, large numbers of cavalry were falling, and a bloody mist was seething in the air, only getting larger and larger.

  As the battle continued, Wang Chong was waiting, Gao Xianzhi was waiting, and beneath the black war banners, Qutaybah, Abu Muslim, and Dalun Ruozan were all waiting.

  No battle could continue forever. Even the most evenly matched opponents would eventually reach an outcome, and when the battle was decided, it would inevitably result in complete victory for one side and complete defeat for the other.

  Several hours quickly passed and the losses on both sides continued to rise. Thumpthumpthump! Several Tang soldiers became fatigued, and the Arabs took advantage of this moment of weakness. The sharp Arabian scimitars quickly hacked up their armor and plunged into their organs, causing their lifeless bodies to drop to the ground.

  On the other side, ten-some Arab horsemen had their heads cut off and dropped to the ground.

  Neither the Tang nor the Arabs were willing to back down. No matter how many men fell, someone would always be there to take the place of the fallen.

  Under the distant black war banner, Abu Muslim looked away from the battlefield and to a nearby deputy.

  “Pass on my order! Send the Enforcers! Anyone who retreats is to be immediately executed!”


  The stalwart and burly deputy quickly left, and a few moments later, a force of around five thousand Enforcers marched out from the rear in a straight row. Each of them held a bright scimitar in their hand while their eyes viciously looked forward.

  The Enforcers!

  This was not an unfamiliar name in the Arabian Empire. In the early years of the Arabian expansion, the Enforcers were meant to prevent soldiers from escaping, but this force had been disbanded a very long time ago. It was not because the army had changed its policies, but because the Arabs were such brave and pugnacious people that the Enforcers were completely unnecessary.

  As the Arabs conquered empire after empire, they were practically unstoppable. There was no problem of fleeing soldiers.

  But now, the intensity of the Battle of Talas had forced Abu Muslim to take an unusual stance and recreate the Enforcers so that the army would redouble its assault.

  The ferocity and cruelty of this battle far exceeded everyone’s expectations, particularly with regard to the Arabs, who had the overwhelming advantage in numbers. Even the courageous Arabs were beginning to show fear in front of the terrifying lethality of the Tang.

  Behind the first defense line, Xu Keyi turned worriedly to Wang Chong. “Milord, the soldiers can’t hold much longer!”

  Not even the war of the southwest could compare to the intensity and callousness of this battlefield.

  Xu Keyi could see that even the Ultimate Martial Army was showing signs of fatigue; beads of sweat rolled down their faces, seeping into their armor, and flowing into their boots. If even the Ultimate Martial Army was in this state, one could imagine how the rest of the soldiers were faring.

  “We have nowhere to retreat. We can only continue. Retreat is death. And the Arabs definitely aren’t faring much better!” Wang Chong sternly said, his gaze turning to the right side, where Li Siye and the Mo Saber Unit were located.

  The Mo Saber Unit had suffered large casualties. Five thousand of its soldiers had already fallen, their corpses scattered across the field, their armor shattered to pieces.

  Though it had only been established a little more than a month ago, the Mo Saber Unit had lost half of its force in one battle.

  But Osman’s Tiber Army had also suffered sever
e casualties, with three thousand of its soldiers joining the bodies of the Mo Saber Unit. Even elite soldiers like this couldn’t get much advantage in front of the tyrannical fighting style of the Mo Saber Unit. After all, the greatest advantage of the Mo Saber Unit was not in the individual strength of its soldiers, but how it attacked as a single unit.

  “Xu Keyi, pass on my order. Beat the drums!”

  “This subordinate will deliver this order!”

  Xu Keyi bowed and quickly rode off.

  Thump thump thump!

  A few moments later, the loud banging of war drums began to rise from the back of the army. The sound of these drums caused the Tang soldiers to rally and roar as they once more flung themselves at the Arabs.

  The beating of drums was a signal that could raise the morale of the army. After this period of sustained fighting, Wang Chong had chosen once more to raise morale by beating the drums. From this, it was clear that the situation of this battle was extremely precarious.

  The Great Tang could not afford to lose, nor could it possibly lose!

  Each soldier could sense the resolve carried by these beating drums. The blood rushed through their veins and their bodies exploded with every last bit of potential as they raised their weapons and brought them down on the Arabs.

  For a moment, the screams of Arabs filled the air as the beating of the Tang war drums effected a subtle change on the situation.


  Mere moments after the Tang war drums began to beat, the Arabs and Tibetans responded with their own rallying cry, the blaring of horns resounding over Talas.

  The horns stimulated the Arabs into attacking with even more ferocity. Roaring and shouting, they blocked the suddenly-vicious attacks of the Tang.

  As the drums beat and the horns blared, the battle became only crueler and more intense. The losses on both sides swelled once more, yet the situation remained a stalemate.


  As time slowly passed and everyone was focused on the intense battle, the divine and dazzling figure of Qutaybah suddenly moved. His mighty Arabian steed, ‘Victor’, trotted two steps forward, its golden hooves stomping down on the ground. In an instant, a powerful energy traveled through the earth and spread in every direction.

  This sudden movement immediately caused Abu Muslim, Aybak, Osman, and Ziyad to tremble and look toward Qutaybah.

  No matter the moment, Qutaybah was always the center of the battlefield.

  Abu Muslim, Osman, and Aybak criticized Qutaybah in private, but without realizing it, the three of them instinctively depended on him whenever it came to war.

  “Pass on my order! Deploy the Revelation Army!”

  A cold voice resounded in everyone’s ears as the golden figure of Qutaybah waved its hand and gave an order.

  This order immediately galvanized everyone around the four black war banners. Even Aybak had a glimmer of irrepressible excitement in his eyes.

  It’s finally being deployed!

  This excited thought flitted through Aybak’s mind.

  The Revelation Army!

  This was the strongest force under Qutaybah’s command and the most terrifying army in the empire. In terms of fighting power, it was far above the Crimson Moon Vanguard, Blood Beast Army, and Death Army. Not even Abu Muslim’s Fearless Army could compare to it. This was an army renowned throughout the empire.


  The ground quaked as if a giant hand had slammed against the ground. A moment later, the last elite force of the Arab army finally took the stage. Bzzz! This army of five thousand golden-armored soldiers equipped with golden swords appeared in the rear of the Arab army.

  In terms of external appearance, this army was quite similar to Qutaybah himself. Even the aura from their bodies seemed to be of the same nature as Qutaybah’s, though this army was far weaker than Qutaybah himself.

  But even so, this army gave off a bright, grandiose, dauntless, and ferocious aura. These five thousand Revelation soldiers didn’t seem like mortal warriors, but warriors of God who had descended from the Kingdom of Heaven!


  The winds howled and the air was somber. The appearance of the five thousand golden-armored soldiers rapidly altered the mood of the battlefield. Even though they were still hundreds of thousands of feet away from the battle, anyone who saw them would immediately feel an immense pressure. The Revelation soldiers had not yet begun to fight, but their mere presence was like a massive boulder weighing down on each person’s heart, making it impossible to breathe.

  The five thousand Revelation soldiers looked down on the battlefield, their eyes extremely callous and cold.


  The five thousand golden-armored Revelation soldiers were as vigorous as dragons, immediately rushing forward in a golden torrent of light. The entire world seemed to be momentarily drained of noise. The energy rising from the five thousand Revelation soldiers seemed to be even more terrifying than the charge of five hundred thousand soldiers.

  The entire world trembled beneath their feet. The dazzling golden light and their avalanche-like momentum made them appear like divine soldiers from Heaven, dealing everyone a massive mental blow. Their strength was far above that of every other elite soldier. Even the Death Army paled in comparison.

  With the deployment of the Revelation Army, the Arab side had dispatched its final elite force.

  The Arabs had now committed the entirety of their vast army. Not even Qutaybah had any more soldiers to send!

  Both sides had now committed all their forces to the battle, and the battle was now beginning to lean in favor of the Arabs.

  At this moment, the entrance of the Revelation Army had suddenly made the Great Tang’s situation extremely perilous.

  Chapter 1087 - The Invincible Revelation, the Terrifying Army!

  Chapter 1087: The Invincible Revelation, the Terrifying Army!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr


  Behind the first defense line, Zhang Que turned to Wang Chong, his expression extremely worried. At the same time, the other generals also looked over, their eyes tinged with despair. The Great Tang had already committed all its available forces to this battle. Andong, Beiting, Longxi… they had all sent reinforcements, and even soldiers of the Imperial Army had been transferred from the capital.

  The Great Tang had already deployed all its soldiers to the battle, scarcely imagining that the Arabs still had such a destructively powerful force in reserve. This army’s aura was sharp, savage, and as vast as an ocean. Although it had still not entered the battle, merely looking at it from a distance was enough to understand its tremendous power.

  The Divine Martial Army, the Roaring Tiger Army, the Divine Prison Army, the Ultimate Martial Army… none of them could compare!

  This was the true supreme force of the Arab side!

  The situation would have been manageable if the battle had just begun, but now, all the elite armies had entered the field and were locked in combat with the Arabs, and all of them were extremely fatigued. In this situation, the abrupt appearance on the Arab side of an army that was even stronger than the Death Army was a destructive blow to the Great Tang.

  There was no force left on the Great Tang’s side that could contend against the Revelation Army.


  The five thousand soldiers of the Revelation Army were getting closer, the fierce neighing of their horses beating upon everyone’s heart.

  Unease was rapidly spreading through the battlefield, and even the four elite armies battling with the Death Army felt tremendous anxiety. Contending with the four elite Arab armies had already taxed their strength. They could not deal with any more opponents.

  There were only five thousand warriors in the Revelation Army, but this was fatal enough for the Great Tang. The Tang army was instantly standing on the verge of annihilation.


  Gao Xianzhi had a co
mplicated expression on his face as he sighed and pulled out his sword.

  “Wang Chong, there’s nothing to be done. We don’t have any more soldiers to send. No matter how this battle turns out, we’ve maintained the dignity of the Great Tang. At the very least, the Arabs now know that they are not invincible in this world.

  “Everyone, get ready! It’s our turn to enter the fray!”

  The entrance of the Imperial Great Generals was exactly what Gao Xianzhi and Wang Chong had been strenuously trying to avoid. At the very least, they had not planned to send out the Great Generals until the Arab army was on the verge of defeat. But they could no longer hope for such a situation. The Revelation Army posed an existential threat to the Tang army.

  “Wait a moment!”

  Underneath the Tang war banner, Wang Chong stared at the battlefield. The fierce winds caused his hair to toss and turn in the air, making it just as disheveled as his emotional state, but he showed no emotions on his face.

  Using the strength of Great Generals to deal with the Revelation Army simply wasn’t plausible. While the Great Tang was observing the battlefield, Qutaybah was observing the Great Tang. This battle was intense, with both sides having committed all their soldiers, but Qutaybah, Abu Muslim, and the other commanders had yet to enter the battlefield, maintaining an uneasy balance. Once the Great Tang broke this balance, once Gao Xianzhi pulled out his sword and entered the fray, he would inevitably cause Qutaybah and the others to mobilize.

  The final result would not necessarily be what Gao Xianzhi hoped to see!

  Rumble! The thundering of hooves intensified as the Revelation Army rode in a straight line onto the battlefield. They ignored the intense clash of the Wushang Cavalry and the Mamelukes.

  The pride of the Revelation Army made them view this sort of cavalry melee with disdain. Instead, they chose to charge at the Tang left flank.


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