The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 694

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)


  There was a mighty rumbling as the six thousand Tongluo Cavalry surged down the hills in a flood. The earth swayed and churned up dust while the warhorses neighed and armor clattered.

  Even the distant Revelation Army was alarmed by this momentum, the soldiers turning their heads in the direction of the Tongluo Cavalry.

  The six thousand Tongluo Cavalry were as fast as lightning. After just a few moments, they had crossed tens of thousands of feet and were only some fifty thousand feet from the Revelation Army.

  “Everyone, hear my order! Kill them!”

  The warhorses of the Revelation Army snorted uneasily as an officer pulled out his sword and aimed it at the Tongluo Cavalry.

  The Revelation Army was powerful and confident. Their pride made them incapable of refusing any challenge, and there was no question that the Tongluo Cavalry were challenging them. Rumble! A moment later, the five thousand Revelation Army soldiers changed directions, their bodies burning with energy as they charged at the Tongluo Cavalry.

  At this moment, Wang Chong breathed a long sigh of relief.

  “Wonderful! They finally arrived!”

  Wang Chong smiled as if he had been relieved of a great burden.


  A few moments later, the six thousand Tongluo Cavalry clashed with the five thousand Revelation Army soldiers.

  In a flash, the air resounded with the clashing of weapons, the clattering of armor, the screams of horses, and the vibrating of halos.

  Swish! A flashing golden sword plunged into the shoulder of a Tongluo horseman. At almost the same time, a bronze-armored Tongluo horseman jolted apart the thick energy barrier around a Revelation Army soldier and stabbed into the chest of his foe.

  The external barriers of energy around these two also scraped against each other. The strength of a Revelation Army soldier was enough to fling a Xuanwu Army soldier into the air with a single sweep of the sword, but they were unable to make any headway against the equally powerful Tongluo Cavalry. As the two horsemen swept past each other, it was clear that they were actually equals, with neither able to gain the upper hand.


  At almost the same time, a bulky Tongluo warhorse slammed into the golden form of a Revelation Army warhorse like two boulders colliding. In the moment of impact, the Stellar Energy barriers around both warhorses instantly shattered, after which the two elite warhorses had their bones pulverized and snapped by the enormous force.

  In this single clash, both warhorses were killed. Meanwhile, the riders on their backs were carried on by the inertia, flying forward until they collided with the ground.


  The sounds of impacts rang incessantly through the air. The attacks of the Revelation Army were all fierce and savage, each one aimed at a lethal point, but the Tongluo Cavalry’s attacks were also finely honed and exquisite to the extreme.

  Qutaybah had trained up the Revelation Army with great difficulty through his decades of campaigning. From their number of five thousand, one could see how much emphasis had been placed on their quality and strength.

  While the Tongluo Cavalry did not have the same kind of experience as the Revelation Army, the skills they had inherited were the skills refined from an era of war. In terms of cruelty and ferocity, the wars of this era surpassed the wars executed by Qutaybah.

  Thudthudthud! In this fierce clash, Tongluo Cavalry and Revelation Army soldiers fell to the ground. This callous battle had resulted in dizzying losses on both sides.

  But this was only the beginning. As the six thousand Tongluo Cavalry battled with the five thousand Revelation Army soldiers, another chorus of neighing cut through the skies.

  This neighing was completely different from that of the Tongluo warhorses. In the blink of an eye, a new force of cavalry appeared, charging out from the rear like a thunderbolt. Purely in terms of strength, this force wasn’t as strong as the Tongluo Cavalry, but the dark golden halos under their feet were as thin as paper knives and peerlessly sharp. They seemed even more frightening than the Tongluo Great Halo.

  “For the War God!”

  “For Senior Su!”

  “For the Great Tang! Kill them!”

  Their howls resounded through the earth. There were only four thousand of these soldiers, and they gave off a somewhat immature feeling, but the extremely composed and nigh unstoppable Revelation Army instantly fell into chaos.

  The six thousand Tongluo Cavalry had already taken up all their attention and strength. The addition of four thousand elite soldiers, all at peak condition, was an unbearable weight for the Revelation Army. But it was already too late for the Revelation Army to do anything about it. The moment they charged into a melee with the Tongluo Cavalry, they had assured that they would not be able to retreat easily.

  Rumble! There was a massive shaking as the soldiers trained by Great Tang War God Su Zhengchen charged into the Revelation Army, shattering the fragile balance between the Revelation Army and the Tongluo Cavalry.

  The five thousand soldiers of the Revelation Army instantly fell into disorder. This was the most powerful fighting force on the Arab side, but the joint assault of ten thousand soldiers was simply too much. After only a few exchanges, the Revelation Army was routed.

  And it was still not over.

  “Ready! Fire!”

  In response to a cold and aloof voice, gears groaned and creaked, and five thousand sharp ballista bolts were fired. Amid enormous crashes and rumbles, large swaths of Arab cavalry were cut down.

  Su Hanshan’s five thousand ballistae had finally defeated Qutaybah’s Earth Shield Army and had arrived to deal with the rest of the Arab soldiers. In a single volley, they had sent more than ten thousand Arab cavalry dropping into pools of blood.

  “Everyone hear my order! One thousand ballistae to a row! Arrange into five rows and wait for my order to advance!”

  Su Hanshan had built up some rage over this battle. A powerful assault force had been gathered behind the ten thousand soldiers of the Earth Shield Army. If they had been able to successfully approach the steel defense line under the cover of the Earth Shield Army, they would have been able to exert significant pressure on the entire army. This was also why Su Hanshan’s five thousand ballistae had been constantly suppressing them.

  But for this purpose, the ballista army had wasted a large number of ballista bolts and had also been unable to suppress any other part of the battlefield. From a certain perspective, this had allowed the Revelation Army to completely crush the left flank.

  In Su Hanshan’s plan, the five thousand ballistae should have been used to suppress an elite army like the Revelation Army.


  A moment later, the concentrated fire of the ballistae thundered over the battlefield. For the first time in this battle, the five thousand ballistae in five neat rows left the shelter of the defense line, emerging through the gaps between the steel walls.

  This was the first time the ballista army had left its ‘trenches’ completely undefended. This sudden shift immediately attracted the attention of countless Arab cavalry.

  The Tang ballistae had killed countless Arabs over the course of the battle. If there was one army that the Arabs wanted to destroy, it was unquestionably the ballista army that had been hiding behind the defense line the entire time.


  In an instant, the Arabs charged forward like sharks sensing blood.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  In a single volley, thousands of Arab cavalry fell lifeless to the ground, their corpses flying backward in clouds of dust. Then a second group, and then a third… Under Su Hanshan’s command, the five rows of ballistae didn’t simply fire forward. Instead, they fired in a rough circle, firing in every direction except directly behind them.

  “Kill them!”

  “Destroy their ballistae and they won’t be able to threaten us anymore!”

  Even though the ballista army’s attack
s were extremely vicious, they were not completely capable of stopping the frenzied Arab assault. One group of Arab cavalry after another surged out of the rear in giant waves.

  Chapter 1090 - Great Generals Move Out!

  Chapter 1090: Great Generals Move Out!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr




  Su Hanshan’s hair was blown about in the blustering wind while his cold and harsh voice rang out in everyone’s ears: composed, confident, and utterly emotionless. Even though the closest Arab horsemen were no less than ten feet from the ballistae, his voice remained as calm and unperturbed as ever.

  Rumble! One wave of Arab cavalry after another collapsed in front of the ballista army. Six thousand, eight thousand, ten thousand, fourteen thousand, eighteen thousand, twenty-six thousand… More than forty thousand Arab cavalry had left their corpses strewn around the ballistae before the seemingly endless shouts and yells finally died away.

  In the distance, countless gazes stared at the ballista army in the sea of corpses and Su Hanshan in the very center with looks of deep fear. These elite Arab cavalry had fought in the cruelest of battlefields, through which they had forged their steely resolves. But in the face of this group of soldiers that truly seemed to be made out of steel, all of them felt a deep dread. They could sense no emotion in these soldiers, no fear, joy, panic, unease… none of them existed.

  These were once just bandits and brigands of the Silk Road. Who could have imagined that Su Hanshan could train them into such a dauntless and determined army?

  And it was still far from over. The appearance of the Tongluo Cavalry and the power exhibited by Su Hanshan’s ballista army quickly set off a chain reaction. The Divine Martial Army, the Divine Prison Army, the Ultimate Martial Army, the Dragon Stallion Army… all of the elite armies began to rally once more.

  As one side waxed, another side waned. The morale of the Blood Beast Army, Death Army, Fearless Army, and Ironblood Army began to plunge as unease and consternation gripped their minds. Though they had been able to maintain a stalemate just moments ago, their fighting power now dropped and they became incapable of contending against the Tang elite armies.

  No matter how strong an army was, once it lost its will to fight, it would immediately face defeat. Squelchsquelchsquelch!Blades sliced and hacked through flesh as row after row of the Arab elite armies were cut down.

  One thousand, two thousand, three thousand… In their exhausted and demoralized states, the four top-class Arab armies swiftly suffered heavy casualties. Even though the Arabs were a people that lived for battle, even they would find it hard to endure the deaths of so many top-class soldiers.

  At the same time, the one thousand ballistae under Chen Bin’s command were also in the process of displaying their might.

  “Release! Release! Release!”

  One volley after another shrieked through the air. Although Chen Bin’s ballistae did not possess as much killing as power as Su Hanshan’s, they still could not be underestimated. Six thousand, seven thousand, eight thousand… ten thousand. From the moment the Tongluo Cavalry had entered the battle to now, Chen Bin’s ballistae had killed more than ten thousand enemies.

  ‘Pull a hair and move the entire body.’ The rout in three areas was fatal to the Arab forces. Three became four, then five, then six… More and more areas in their army began to crumble under the pressure.

  In the short period after the Tongluo Cavalry had appeared, the Arabs had lost an enormous sixty thousand men!

  The wholesale rout made the Mamelukes, Mutri Great Cavalry, and Celestial Wolf Cavalry fighting with the Wushang Cavalry extremely uneasy. The situation had reversed from ‘major victory’ to ‘major defeat’ far too quickly. It had only taken an eyeblink for the entire army to show signs of complete collapse.

  “This is impossible!!” Governor Osman bellowed, his hands clenching into fists.

  Abu Muslim and Ziyad had equally nasty grimaces on their faces. Each of them had believed that the Great Tang had exerted all their power, that the Tang no longer had any reinforcements. No one had expected this second batch to arrive, and that this wave of reinforcements would be even stronger than the first.

  “Retreat! Retreat!”

  “Blow the horns; order the army to retreat!”


  Abu Muslim had an extremely gloomy face. This battle had gone completely differently from how they had predicted. If they did not retreat now, their army would truly utterly collapse, and the Tang would probably charge straight through it.

  “Aybak, Osman, you must stop them no matter what!”

  A sudden change had resulted in a completely different result from this battle.

  Abu Muslim had planned to move out in the first place, but while the original intention had been to crush the Tang with overwhelming power, they were now moving out to suppress Wang Chong and the others and prevent the army from being completely wiped out.


  The horns sounded the call for retreat, ringing in the ears of the Arabs, Tibetans, and Turks. The Arabs in the rear were the first to retreat, which caused the soldiers on the front line to collapse into disarray as they fell back.

  “Lord Gao, Lord Cheng, now is the time for us to strike!”

  Wang Chong faintly smiled from beneath the Great Tang war banner and flourished his sword. Neeeigh! The White-hoofed Shadow sensed its master’s will and leapt forward, covering more than one hundred feet in a single bound. Like a flashing light, it jumped over the steel walls and landed amongst the Arab troops.


  Wang Chong raised his sword, unleashing the Art of God and Demon Obliteration. In a flash, thousands of strands of Sword Qi, as thin as fingers, shot in every direction. Swooshswooshswoosh! Rows of Arab cavalry were felled before they even had time to react, while Wang Chong continued onward without even stopping.

  “Great Yin Yang Art!”

  As Wang Chong rode forward, he raised his right hand in a fist, unleashing a crimson flash. “Aaaah!” An Arab horseman more than one hundred feet away screamed as he was suddenly caught by an invisible string. Pulled from his horse, he shot backward through the air.

  Bang! While he was still in the air, his blood energy exploded out of his body and flowed into Wang Chong. This same scene occurred all around Wang Chong as one Arab horseman after another had their blood explode out of their body and stream into Wang Chong as if it had a life of its own.

  Thumpthumpthump! With a chorus of thuds and the panicked neighing of horses, three hundred Arab cavalry died and dropped to the ground. Even their warhorses had the blood gush out of their bodies and collapsed onto the earth.

  But all this was merely the beginning. Wang Chong raised his fists into the air and punched. The blood and various kinds of energy that Wang Chong had just absorbed from the Arab cavalry condensed into two massive spheres of blood-colored energy. They shot through the air like lightning bolts, catching up and exploding in the middle of the fleeing Arab cavalry.


  A massive shockwave of energy sent tiny pieces of gravel and stone shooting through the air like sharp arrows. “Aaaah!” There was another chorus of screams as the hundreds of Arab cavalry were blown into the air, their mangled limbs and body parts raining down.


  The White-hoofed Shadow continued to fly forward like a lightning bolt, finally reaching the Arab cavalry in the very rear.

  Fwoooom! Explosive Stellar Energy erupted from Wang Chong’s body and swept over the earth, sending four to five hundred elite Arab cavalry flying more than three hundred feet into the air. By the time they fell back down, they were already dead.

  “Run! Their Great Generals are moving out!”

  The hundreds of thousands of Arab cavalry were in complete disarray, fleeing to the west like gazelles fleeing a pack of lions. However, Wang Chong did not continu
e pursuing. His gaze quickly locked onto the one thousand silver siege weapons and the Blood Beast Army, Fearless Army, Ironblood Army, and Death Army stationed behind them.


  Wang Chong urged his horse into a gallop.

  “Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!”

  The Blood Beast Army, Fearless Army, Ironblood Army, and Death Army were also in disarray. They had almost instinctively sensed danger when the Tongluo Cavalry had appeared to suppress the Revelation Army, but it was too late.

  “Hold them down!”

  The morale of all the Great Tang elite armies soared as they immediately rushed at their foes.

  “Six Ultimate Majesties God Technique!”

  As the two sides fought against each other, a majestic voice resounded through the sky. A second later, a majestic and fierce ray of Sword Qi shot down from the heavens. Boom! In an explosion of debris and dust, the Sword Qi bored out a massive pit one hundred feet wide and threw all the Death Army soldiers in this area into the sky.

  They appeared unharmed on the surface, but their organs had already been pulped.

  From a certain perspective, these Death Army soldiers were even stronger than the Ultimate Martial Army soldiers, but they were still just lambs to the slaughter for a Great General like Gao Xianzhi.


  At almost the same time, a black ball of energy landed in the center of the Death Army. Shrill screams rang through the air as the black ball exploded, throwing hundreds of Death Army soldiers into the sky and showering the land with gore and blood.

  Cheng Qianli’s Supreme Desolation God had also entered the field.

  Chapter 1091 - Arabia Retreats in Defeat!

  Chapter 1091: Arabia Retreats in Defeat!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “Retreat! All generals, cover the retreat! Everyone, disperse and fall back as quickly as possible! Don’t let yourself get held down!”

  After shouting in panicked Arabic, the Brigadier General of the Blood Beast Army flourished his scimitar and charged at Wang Sili and the Divine Martial Army. Boom! Just as Wang Sili was preparing to receive this blow, a crimson Stellar Energy shot in front of Wang Sili and blocked the attack.


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