The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 699

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Huoba Sangye had already built up a belly full of rage that was growing more furious by the day. Even without Dalun Ruozan’s order, he would have thought up some way of entering the battlefield.

  The battle between Ü-Tsang and the Great Tang, between the Mutri Great Cavalry and the Wushang Cavalry, was far from over.

  On the other end, the two-thousand-some Celestial Wolf Cavalry saw that the Mamelukes and Mutri Great Cavalry were moving, and charged into the fray as well.

  “Kill these infidels!”

  As the Wushang Cavalry began to battle with the three elite cavalry forces of the other empires, there was a furious roar as the battle at the Tang defense line underwent a massive shift.

  Boomboomboom! More and more Arab cavalry were flying through the air like meteors and crashing onto the Tang steel defense line. The pressure on the Great Tang forces was soaring.

  “Mo Saber Unit, attack!”

  Wang Chong coldly observed as more and more Arab cavalry piled in, and waved his hand. Following Wang Chong’s order, the five thousand Mo Saber soldiers raised their Mo Sabers and marched forward like a human wall.

  Both the Great Tang and Arabia had invested many of their elite armies into this battle and both sides had suffered enormous losses. In yesterday’s battle, the Mo Saber Unit had lost five thousand of its ten thousand men.

  But even so, the five thousand Mo Saber soldiers still had a fighting power that could not be underestimated. The impact of their advance could still give the Arabs a terrible nightmare.





  As these orders rang out through the air, the five thousand Mo Saber soldiers swiftly left the defense line and advanced at full speed into the vast sea of Arab cavalry.

  Bangbangbang! In the chilly wind, the Mo Sabers reflected cold light as they swept down again and again. Wherever the edges of their sabers went, men and horses would be cut in two and die miserable deaths. Five thousand, eight thousand, ten thousand… The five thousand Mo Saber soldiers had barely stepped onto the battlefield but were already exhibiting a terrifying killing power. In just two attacks, they had slain nearly ten thousand Arabs and were continuing to add to this count.

  Their terrifying efficiency quickly produced a void on the battlefield. The five thousand Mo Saber soldiers appeared to be the coldest, most efficient, and most emotionless killing machines on the battlefield. From a certain perspective, the Mo Saber Unit was even more lethal than the ballista army.

  The simplest reason was that the Mo Saber Unit didn’t need ballista bolts to work, and their Mo Sabers slashing down were certain to kill with no chance of only heavily injuring the foe.

  “Ziyad, have the Ironblood Army and Fearless Army enter the battle. It’s our turn to send out our armies!” Abu Muslim ordered as he looked into the distance.

  “Yes, Milord!”

  Ziyad assented before quickly turning around.

  The battle was intensifying far faster than yesterday. The Great Tang had already deployed its Mo Saber Unit, so it was now time for Arabia to send its top-class armies. And in a little while longer, Abu Muslim, Osman, and the other top-class Great Generals would attack and end this battle.

  “General Wang, prepare for deployment!”

  Wang Chong had been paying attention to the movements underneath the four black war banners this entire time. The moment Ziyad left, Wang Chong had guessed at what was going to happen.

  After Wang Chong had sent off Wang Sili, he turned to the giant black guard behind him who gripped the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner.

  “General Li, we are only permitted to win this battle. We cannot stop until we have defeated the Arabs. With regards to the banner, I must rely on you!”

  The black-armored guard was shrouded in mysteries. Wang Chong had realized that he had never seen this guard rest, and he never seemed to take off his armor, not even when he ate. He also rarely spoke, only adding his opinion when it came to war or the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner. All Wang Chong knew at this time was that the Sage Emperor had sent him and he was one of the Sage Emperor’s personal guards. He knew nothing else, not even what he looked like.

  The most recent progress he had made was that he had learned that this guard had the surname Li.

  The black-armored guard stepped forward and tersely said, “The banner is with me! It will only fall when I die!”

  At these words, Wang Chong and Gao Xianzhi both trembled, a look of respect in their eyes.

  A Bannerguard!

  This was perhaps the best description of this black-armored guard. His identity, age, and name were all unimportant. He existed entirely to protect the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner.

  Rumble! The warhorses of the several thousand soldiers of the Ironblood Army were getting closer and closer to the battlefield.

  When they were around five hundred feet from the first defense line, Wang Sili suddenly charged out from behind the steel walls with the two thousand soldiers of his Divine Martial Army.

  Plushplushplush! The Big Dipper greatswords were as agile as snakes as they stabbed forward, almost instantly causing innumerable Arab horsemen to fall, their bodies gushing blood that misted the air.

  “Let’s go! It’s the Great Tang’s top-class armies!”

  The appearance of the Divine Martial Army threw the leading Arab cavalry into turmoil, particularly those soldiers who had already experienced the lethality of the Divine Martial Army. The Divine Martial Army had barely stepped onto the battlefield but were already sowing chaos through the Arab ranks.


  Not long after the Divine Martial Army emerged from the defense line, a massive banner was raised up from the rear of the army. The pole, forged from a mixture of Deep Sea Xuan Metal and some other unknown metal, fiercely stabbed into the earth.

  The earth seemed to quake and sway as all the Origin Energy on the battlefield suddenly transformed. A vast, ancient, and incredibly formidable energy immediately swept over the battlefield.

  Invisible ripples of energy began to spread, attaching themselves to the feet of the two thousand Divine Martial Army soldiers.

  Bzzzz! One halo, two, three… six halos in total began to empower the Divine Martial Army. The Divine Martial Army was already a supremely powerful army, and these six halos caused their power to instantly rise to even more incredible heights.


  The cry of a sword resounded through the heavens as a Big Dipper greatsword swept through the air. It was the same sword as before, but it left afterimages in its wake.

  The sword moved with inconceivable speed. Swoosh! A single slash cleaved an Arab horseman in two, and then it continued onward, cleaving apart a second and a third, the enormous power flinging their corpses more than ten meters.


  The two thousand Divine Martial Army soldiers exchanged a silent glance and then immediately lunged forward like dragons. Each of these soldiers now had absurd levels of strength, the six halos allowing them to tear down any opposition in their path.


  Panicked screams resounded in the air as thousands of Arab horsemen were sent flying like pieces of paper. Not even a charging warhorse could stop the unstoppable momentum of the Divine Martial Army.

  There was a deafening roar as countless unsuspecting Arab cavalry charged at the Divine Martial Army.

  But these cavalry were like ants trying to shake the tree of the Divine Martial Army, and were easily knocked away. The two thousand Big Dipper greatswords constantly whistled through the air, mowing down Arab soldiers in twos and threes and showering the earth with severed limbs.

  It took only a few moments for the area around the Divine Martial Army to become a corpse-strewn hell.


  This gruesome sight caused the soldiers of the Ironblood Army who were riding over to pale in fright.

  They had fought with the Divine
Martial Army in yesterday’s pitched battle, but the Divine Martial Army’s strength had been within the bounds of common sense at that time, not at this terrifying level. Only the top-class armies could deal with this level of strength. Ordinary elites would be no match for them.

  “Quicken the pace! Kill them all!”

  The two thousand soldiers of the Ironblood Army began to ride faster toward the Divine Martial Army.

  “Haha, an old foe!”

  The Starving Wolf War General Wang Sili had just finished cutting an Arab horseman in two and tossing his corpse more than a hundred feet away. He now turned to the Ironblood Army and coldly laughed.

  “Everyone, hear my order! Follow me and kill them all!”

  Chapter 1099 - The Dragon Battles Across the Field! (II)

  Chapter 1099: The Dragon Battles Across the Field! (II)

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Wang Sili immediately strode forward to face the Ironblood Army. One hundred feet, eight feet, fifty feet… Boom!

  Two of the world’s best armies fiercely collided. The weapon of an Ironblood Army soldier clashed with the weapon of a Divine Martial Army soldier, but it was immediately thrown back by the tremendous power in the sword.

  Squelchsquelchsquelch! Several Ironblood Army soldiers tried to block the attacks of the Divine Martial Army. In the past, when the two armies were of equal strength, this would have been enough to stop the attacks of the Divine Martial Army, but this time, their weapons struck thin air while the Big Dipper greatswords plunged through their chests.

  This… this is impossible! How could their swords be so much faster?

  This was the last thought in the minds of those Ironblood Army soldiers as their vision went dark and their corpses dropped to the ground.

  Thumpthumpthump! The imagined stalemate did not take place, and instead, swaths of the Ironblood Army were being cut down. In a flash, the two thousand members of the Ironblood Army had dropped to fifteen hundred, and this number continued to fall.

  “How could there be something like this?”

  “What did they do!”

  Osman and Aybak were both dumbfounded by this sight. Abu Muslim had hitherto been calm and composed, but at this moment, a look of extreme shock appeared in his eyes. Arab War God Qutaybah, standing far ahead of the others, almost imperceptibly creased his brow.

  Abu Muslim’s brow was deeply furrowed as he swiftly ordered, “Inform the Fearless Army to hurry up and work with the Ironblood Army to kill them!”

  The strength of the Ironblood Army might not have been enough by itself, so he would just use numbers to crush his foe.

  Wang Chong gave his own order. “Pass on my order! Deploy the Dragon Stallion Army!”


  A messenger immediately rode off to deliver the order.

  A few moments later, the eighteen hundred soldiers of the Dragon Stallion Army gripped their swords and took up formation, their bodies seething with powerful energy. Yesterday’s battle had been extremely bitter, causing the Dragon Stallion Army to drop from four thousand soldiers to eighteen hundred. Even so, this army still maintained an extremely frightening fighting power.

  Boom! The Dragon Stallion Army set their eyes forward and began an orderly march onto the battlefield. At this moment, the eighteen hundred soldiers of the Dragon Stallion Army exploded with an energy that was more suited to an army of tens of thousands.

  Whoosh! The black-armored guard holding the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner glanced at the distant Dragon Stallion Army and waved the black and red banner through the air. There was a metallic clattering as a bright halo appeared at the feet of the Dragon Stallion soldiers. This halo caused the strength of the Dragon Stallion Army to rapidly rise.

  And as the banner continued to flap through the air, a second and third halo appeared… Six halos in all appeared under the feet of the Dragon Stallion Army.


  The six different kinds of halos shone together with the halo of the Dragon Stallion Army, all of them resonating and vibrating in harmony. There was a mighty roar as the Dragon Stallion Army marched out from the steel walls like a dragon rising from the ocean.


  Without the slightest hesitation, the swords of the Dragon Stallion Army whistled through the air at the Arab cavalry. Blood gushed and screams filled the air as countless Arab horsemen were flung into the air while severed body parts rained down from the heavens.

  At the front of the Dragon Stallion Army, its commander and Brigadier General of the Beiting Protectorate army, Long Jian, gripped his sword and sternly ordered, “Objective: the Fearless Army!”

  The Fearless Army was the strongest army under Abu Muslim’s command, stronger than the Ironblood Army. In the past, the Dragon Stallion Army would have never been able to fight the Fearless Army.

  In yesterday’s battle, a significant number of the Dragon Stallion Army had lost their lives to the Fearless Army.

  But that was then and this was now. The Dragon Stallion Army had received explosive boosts in every aspect and were on a completely different level of strength.

  “For the governor!”

  “Kill them!”

  The soldiers of the Fearless Army quickly noticed the Dragon Stallion Army emerging from behind the steel walls. They had originally been charging at the Divine Martial Army, but they immediately changed targets and began to make their way toward the Dragon Stallion Army.

  Clang! The edges of their scimitars droned as if they thirsted for blood. The Fearless Army soldiers lowered their bodies and crossed their twin scimitars in front of their chests as they charged.

  These scimitars shrieked as they slashed down, leaving terrifying wounds in space. The Fearless Army had reached an incredible level in their mastery of the scimitar, and even the steel walls would be cut apart like tofu by their scimitars. In yesterday’s battle, the Fearless Army had managed to wound and kill many of the Great Tang’s top-class soldiers.

  Five paces, three paces, two paces…


  A scimitar cut through the air at the chest of a Dragon Stallion soldier while the other scimitar slashed as fast as lightning at the head. By the time one could see the afterimage of the scimitars, they were already gleaming with cold light only several inches from the Dragon Stallion Army soldier. Only a second more would be needed to cut this soldier into three pieces.

  But just as this Fearless Army soldier was about to succeed, a heavy sword arrived with thunderous speed and struck the scimitar aiming for the head. Meanwhile, the scimitar that had been slashing at the waist was immediately stopped by the sheath of the sword. These two actions were extremely fast and straightforward, leaving the Fearless Army soldiers shocked.

  He had fought against the Dragon Stallion Army in yesterday’s battle, but these soldiers had not displayed such speed. Now, however, they seemed to be even faster than the soldiers of the Fearless Army.

  “Hmph, surprised?”

  The Dragon Stallion Army soldier sneered. Although the two sides didn’t speak the same language, he could clearly communicate his scorn through the look in his eyes.


  A moment later, an explosive energy erupted from the Dragon Stallion Army soldier’s sword, immediately forcing the Fearless Army soldier back. Even though he did his utmost to stop himself, he was still forced back seven steps.

  The Fearless Army soldier instantly grimaced.

  “The time for revenge is here! Kill them!”

  With this roar, the Dragon Stallion Army soldiers became invigorated and charged at the Fearless Army soldiers. Even though they had practiced and drilled many times on Talas’s second training ground, actually seeing the effects in a real battle had made all the Dragon Stallion Army soldiers extremely excited.


  Their heavy swords swung down again and again, showering the air with sparks as they clashed with the Arabian scimitars. The sh
rieks and clangs of metal rang over the battlefield, but the Fearless Army did not suppress the Dragon Stallion Army as Abu Muslim and the other Arab commanders had hoped. On the contrary, it was the outnumbered Dragon Stallion Army that had complete control over the battle and was completely suppressing the Fearless Army.

  Those heavy swords were launching a flurry of attacks that were slowly pushing back the Fearless Army. Plushplushplush! A Fearless Army soldier reacted too slowly and one of his scimitars was knocked away. A sharp sword immediately seized the opportunity, shining in the air as it stabbed through the body of the Fearless Army soldier.


  The Fearless Army soldier gave one last gurgle before his body stiffened and fell. Even in death, he did not dare believe that he had died like this to these Dragon Stallion Army soldiers.

  Chaos was rapidly spreading through the ranks as more and more of the Fearless Army soldiers were slain.

  “Hurry and help the Fearless Army to kill these Tang!”

  A group of Arab cavalry roared as they waved their scimitars and rode over to help avert the defeat of the Fearless Army. But a moment later, a Dragon Stallion Army soldier that had been attacking a Fearless Army soldier suddenly turned around, the stomp of his foot creating a crack in the earth as he lunged like a tiger toward this group of Arab cavalry.

  Boom! The heavy sword cut through the wind, then just as easily cut through a horse and its rider. This Dragon Stallion Army soldier continued, taking another step forward and stabbing through the neck of a warhorse. The tip of his sword penetrated through the back of the horse and through the head of its rider, killing both of them in a single blow.

  Thump! After slaying his second Arab horseman, this soldier moved on to a third, a fourth, a fifth… In just six steps, he had exterminated a group of six Arab horsemen and left their butchered corpses strewn across the ground.

  For a moment, all was silent. All the Arab horsemen looked on in fear and shock as the Dragon Stallion Army soldier slowly wiped the blood off his sword. Even the Fearless Army soldiers were startled.

  That hadn’t been a battle! It had been a massacre!


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