The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 711

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Duwu Sili was so powerful that he could even stop a falling mountain, but this explosion of energy tore through Duwu Sili’s Stellar Energy like it was made of paper and rushed into his body to strike at his vitals.


  There was a terrible scream as a frightening fountain of blood exploded from Duwu Sili’s body, a dreadful sound that gave everyone a scare. Boom! Duwu Sili’s body plunged like a cannonball to the ground, creating a massive pit in the ground and sending debris flying in every direction.

  Duwu Sili’s helmet was sent more than one hundred feet away, causing his hair to scatter.


  Everyone was stunned by this sight. Ziyad, Huoshu Huicang, Dusong Mangpoje, and even Aybak were all startled and perturbed.

  Although Duwu Sili hadn’t stepped onto the field many times, no one doubted his incredible strength, that he was someone who was not very far from Abu Muslim’s level. No one had expected Wang Chong to so heavily wound him with just a single strike.

  Chapter 1120 - The End of Duwu Sili! (II)

  Chapter 1120: The End of Duwu Sili! (II)

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Every Great General was incredibly strong and the battles between them would never be able to be concluded early. Not even Abu Muslim or Osman at his peak would be able to severely injure an existence like Duwu Sili in a single move.

  This had all happened too abruptly!

  “This is impossible!”

  In the rear of the Arab army, Dalun Ruozan’s face was devoid of blood, his lips trembling.

  Duwu Sili was a crafty old fox who was cautious and paranoid. Even when he was sent to deal with the Wushang Village Chief, he had decided to feign an attack and then run. One could say that he was the person in the best condition on this battlefield.

  But this Duwu Sili had been beaten into such a wretched state by Wang Chong as soon as he stepped onto the battlefield.

  Dalun Ruozan’s first reaction was to suspect that Duwu Sili was pretending, acting out a part. But Dalun Ruozan quickly realized that all of this was authentic, that Duwu Sili truly had been severely injured by Wang Chong.

  His weak and disorderly aura could not be feigned, nor could the blood splattered across his body. If all this was an act, then it was an overplayed one.


  Regardless of what others were thinking, the moment Duwu Sili hit the ground, Wang Chong immediately pursued, smashing like a meteor at Duwu Sili.

  Rumble! The earth rumbled as shockwaves of energy stirred up a massive storm, but Wang Chong’s lethal strike missed. Duwu Sili vanished from where he had fallen, and then reappeared several dozen feet away in a bloody flash of light as he fled at incredible speed.

  “Impossible! This can’t be! No one can break my formation phenomena!

  “Go! Everyone, follow me!”

  Duwu Sili was like a panicked stray dog, his voice awash with fear. Wang Chong’s palm had completely shattered his courage. He simply couldn’t understand how Wang Chong had been so easily able to break through the techniques of someone with as powerful cultivation as his, and his confusion and ignorance filled his heart with terror. He had lost any resolve to fight a decisive battle with Wang Chong.

  As Duwu Sili’s voice rang out through the air, the remaining Western Turkic soldiers, including Shamask and Chekun Benba, immediately fell into chaos.

  Now that their commander had fled, the Western Turks had no morale to speak of. All of them began to madly scatter, panicked, confused, and infused with a deep dread. The fear in Duwu Sili’s voice had spread through them like a plague.

  Gallop! A moment later, the army fell into turmoil as the Western Turkic soldiers cast everything else aside and began to run. Wang Chong was taken aback by this sight, but he did not pursue.

  Alas, I prepared for so long, but I still fell short of success. It seems like this really isn’t the time for his life to end!

  The version of formation phenomena Wang Chong had given Duwu Sili possessed an enormous flaw. The more one cultivated it, the larger this flaw would be, and given the cultivation level Duwu Sili had displayed, it was clear that this problem was now extremely severe. But it was also clear that he hadn’t noticed it yet.

  The Shangyang Point! As long as one attacked Duwu Sili at this acupuncture point, then no matter how high Duwu Sili’s cultivation level was, the attack would annihilate all his defenses and assault his vitals and his core, as could be seen just moments ago.

  Regardless, with Duwu Sili fleeing and withdrawing from the battlefield, bringing his Celestial Wolf Cavalry and all the other Western Turkic cavalry with him, the goal has been achieved.

  At this thought, Wang Chong immediately lunged at Aybak.

  “Come, Aybak! Let’s continue our unfinished battle!”

  Wang Chong shot forward like a dragon, his body teeming with Stellar Energy.

  “Great Distortion Art!”

  Light condensed around Wang Chong’s shoulders into the gold and red illusions of the sun and moon. Instantly, space began to blur, an enormous energy twisting everything in its path as it rumbled toward Aybak.

  Now that Wang Chong had comprehended the Dao of Energy, the same Great Distortion Art had a completely different level of strength. This vast energy tore countless black crevices in space, and the technique possessed such mighty attractive force that it pulled all the nearby Arab cavalry toward it.

  Neeeeigh! Even before their warhorses got close, their bodies cracked and groaned, man and horse being crumpled into bleeding balls of flesh and metal that dropped to the ground.

  “Impossible! How did he suddenly get so much stronger!”

  Aybak was greatly alarmed by this sight.

  But there was no time to think. Raaaa! An enormous Pharaoh Halo appeared behind Aybak as he charged at Wang Chong’s Great Distortion Art.


  There was a massive boom as these two enormous energies collided like comets in the air. Fierce winds scoured the earth as Wang Chong swayed and took one step back, but Aybak staggered back three or four steps. His throat tightened as he sensed blood surging up, but he managed to swallow it back down.

  “This is impossible!”

  Aybak’s mind was in turmoil, his face ghastly pale. Wang Chong had already dispelled his God Formation, but even without his formation, he was still exhibiting the power of a Great General, and he wasn’t even using a ritual tool such as the Ocean Ring. This was simply inconceivable.

  In a single night, a single person had somehow managed to become this powerful!

  Wang Chong looked at Aybak and spoke entirely in Arabic. “Aybak, that was then and this is now. Let us now decide who is the superior!”

  Boom! Wang Chong’s body once more transformed into the mighty Godking Yama, its vajra pestle swinging through the air at Aybak. But this time, endless Origin Energy surged in from all around to fuse with Wang Chong’s attack.

  Bolstered by this boundless energy, the vajra pestle became twenty percent more powerful, perhaps even fifty percent. This was the result of Wang Chong’s understanding of the origin of energy.


  There was another massive explosion. This strike forced Aybak several dozen feet back before he was finally able to stabilize himself.

  As Wang Chong battled with Aybak, the Demonic Emperor Old Man battled with Qutaybah, and Gao Xianzhi with Abu Muslim, all the others fighting with their respective opponents… A few moments later, the forces of the two sides clashed in two mighty waves and began to battle.


  Fierce shouts and cries resounded through the heavens as nearly one hundred thousand Arab soldiers crashed into the steel defense line.

  “Release!” Su Hanshan calmly and coldly ordered.

  Whoosh! The ballista bolts were instantly loosed into the Arab ranks, but this time, five thousand ballistae did not fire as one, only one thousand.

  The Great Tang didn’t hav
e many ballista bolts left, so in order to maximize the intimidating power of the ballista army, Su Hanshan had organized his five thousand ballistae into five rows of one thousand. For each volley, only one thousand ballistae would fire. Although this significantly decreased their lethality, it maximized the power of the seven thousand remaining ballista bolts.

  Plushplushplush! Sharp bolts pierced through flesh, cutting down row after row of Arabs. In just a single volley, five to six thousand cavalry were felled, their blood gushing onto the battlefield.

  Su Hanshan’s ballista army wasn’t the only force under attack. The elite Tang armies that had gathered around the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner were also under assault.

  But unlike the ballista army, these elite armies chose to proactively attack the sea of Arab soldiers.


  With a loud and crisp order, the soldiers of the Divine Prison Army raised their swords and marched past the steel walls. Swoosh! Their swords cut through the air, and then blood spurted and horses neighed. The charging Arab cavalry seemed to be made of paper, given how swiftly the sharp swords of the Divine Prison Army dispatched them.

  The Divine Martial Army, Dragon Stallion Army, Roaring Tiger Army, and all the other armies followed, confidently and determinedly marching into the Arab ranks.

  Clangclangclang! Halos resonated as the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner made the auras of these soldiers rapidly swell. The finest infantry of the Great Tang immediately became the most terrifying killing machines in the world. No matter how many soldiers tried, nothing could stop their advance.


  “Kill them!”

  “We can’t beat them! Run!”

  Screams filled the air as the army fell into chaos. The formation created by the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner made all the Arab soldiers feel like they were ants trying to shake a tree, grasshoppers trying to stop a carriage.

  The resolve that had filled the hearts of the Arab soldiers instantly transformed into terror. Under the simple swings of the Tang swords, wave after wave of their men were cut down like weeds.

  The Arabs, Tibetans, and Western Turks seemed about to reenact the major defeat of their last battle, but suddenly…



  Several explosions rang out in succession, and the soldiers began to scream.

  Chapter 1121 - Wang Yan in Danger!

  Chapter 1121: Wang Yan in Danger!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Wang Chong, Gao Xianzhi, the Demonic Emperor Old Man, the Wushang Village Chief, and the others had been vigorously working to stop Qutaybah and the others from approaching the Nine Dragon Blood Formation.

  Huoshu Huicang, Dusong Mangpoje, Ziyad, and Osman were all putting their full strength into breaking past their opponents and destroying the Nine Dragon Blood Formation.

  But a moment later, without any warning, the four abandoned their respective targets, enduring a blow from their opponents so that they could aim their strongest attacks at the infantry behind Wang Yan and the Anxi Protectorate army soldiers behind Cheng Qianli.

  The two already didn’t have many soldiers behind them, and this abrupt attack by four top-class Great Generals immediately inflicted horrendous losses. Intense explosions caused limbs to fly through the air as the areas behind Wang Yan and Cheng Qianli became strewn with corpses and the cries of the wounded.

  The soldiers trained by the two were disciplined veterans, but not even they could stand against the assault of four Great Generals.

  A new variable instantly appeared on the battlefield.


  The horrendous losses inflicted on Wang Yan and Cheng Qianli created a chain reaction. In the blink of an eye, the light around Cheng Qianli and Wang Yan faded, the giant figures of the Supreme Desolation God and Mighty Miracle God disappearing. Without the support of these powerful formations, Wang Yan and Cheng Qianli dropped from the sky, their eyes wide open in shock.

  A moment ago, the two had been worried about the enormous losses in their ranks, but a moment later, their God avatars had been extinguished, leaving them dumbfounded and caught off guard.

  “Wang Yan, run!”

  Cheng Qianli immediately gave a deafening roar. Everything had happened too abruptly, but Cheng Qianli soon realized what was going on and realized that they had made the wrong judgment. Everyone believed that the Arabs’ goal was the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner, none of them even imagining that they would target Wang Yan and Cheng Qianli.

  The sudden turn immediately caused the Great Tang to lose two Great Generals. Although Wang Yan and Cheng Qianli were still alive, the Supreme Desolation God and Mighty Miracle God were no more.


  Dalun Ruozan’s eyes flashed with sharp light as he clenched his fists in excitement.

  Although the Celestial Wolf Great General had fled, everything else was going according to plan.

  Cheng Qianli and Wang Yan were the two weakest parts of the Great Tang side and crucial factors in Dalun Ruozan’s plan, critical elements to defeating the Great Tang and reversing the battle.

  Over the long and protracted battles, the soldiers under Wang Yan’s and Cheng Qianli’s commands had dropped to extremely perilous levels.

  The Ten God Formations of the Great Tang had a manpower requirement. To form a God avatar, one had to command a certain number of soldiers, and once the number of soldiers dropped below this level, the God Formation would immediately be dispelled.

  Regrettably, the fierce fighting had caused Wang Yan and Cheng Qianli to forget this detail.

  This detail had become their Achilles’ heel!

  What comes next is extremely important! It all depends on how they do!

  Time was short, and a hint of tension appeared on Dalun Ruozan’s face. With both Wang Yan and Cheng Qianli removed as Great Generals, the Arabs had a massive upper hand. An advantage of two Great Generals posed an enormous threat to the Great Tang’s Nine Dragon Blood Formation.

  As Dalun Ruozan mused to himself, the Great Tang army fell into an extremely disadvantageous situation.

  “Father!” Wang Chong called out, his eyes bloodshot.

  Everything had happened far too quickly. With the disappearance of the two God avatars, the Great Tang’s situation rapidly reversed, and by the time Wang Chong had turned his head to see what was going on, he could already see Huoshu Huicang, Dusong Mangpoje, and Osman attacking Wang Yan together.

  Even at his peak, Wang Yan wouldn’t have been able to hold against the attacks of three Great Generals, much less after his God avatar had been broken.


  Wang Yan appeared doomed, but as a renowned general and a descendant of a great clan, Wang Yan fearlessly gripped his sword.

  For a true man, what joy was there to be had in life, and what fear was there to be had in death?

  Wang Yan’s eyes clearly showed that he had resolved himself to die.


  Wang Yan’s bones groaned as he gripped his sword and lunged forward at the three Great Generals.

  “Wang Yan, hand over your life!”

  Huoshu Huicang’s eyes were vicious, his entire body exploding with killing intent.

  In the war of the southwest, two hundred thousand warriors of the Ngari Royal Lineage had become naught but dust and scorched earth. Although Huoshu Huicang had never said anything about this before, this had always been a deep ache in his heart. Now, he could finally take revenge for those warriors.


  In a golden flash of light, Huoshu Huicang transformed into a massive golden Buddha, one of his hands clenching into a fist and punching at Wang Yan. At the same time, Osman and Dusong Mangpoje launched their own attacks.

  The winds howled and the earth groaned as the Stellar Energy raged through the air.

  Just when Wang Yan seemed about to die under the attacks of the three Great Generals, a powerful mental ripple caused
the world to pale.

  In a flash, this ripple collided with Huoshu Huicang’s body. Huoshu Huicang was a powerful Great General who was further empowered by the Vairocana Buddha, but this blow immediately caused his body to tremble and halted his momentum.

  The unthinkable art, the Blazing Sun!

  Wang Chong had immediately used the supreme technique he had used against Masil, the manifestation of the sun.

  Great Generals all had mighty Psychic Energies that were as sturdy as fortresses. Psychic Energy Arts used against them would be halved in effectiveness.

  Thus, Wang Chong had not used this move in the previous battles. But in his frenzied rage, Wang Chong had exploded with a power far above normal. Even someone of Huoshu Huicang’s abilities couldn’t help but groan under this Psychic Energy Art.

  Yet this was far from over. As the mental assault hindered Huoshu Huicang, another vast energy exploded from Wang Chong’s body.

  “Great Distortion Art!”

  A vast storm of dust immediately rose into the sky.

  The images of the sun and moon condensed on Wang Chong’s shoulders.

  But Wang Chong’s Great Distortion Art this time was not meant for attacking. Instead, he aimed the powerful attractive force of the technique at the distant Osman.


  Osman was midway to reaching Wang Yan when the Great Distortion Art began to affect him. Not only did his body begin to be pulled toward Wang Chong, but even his attack was pulled to the side by Wang Chong’s technique.

  “How could it be like this!”

  Osman was scared out of his wits.

  After being injured by the black-armored guard, he was still far from his peak strength, not even reaching the level of a Great General. If not for the importance of this battle, he would have never entered the field.

  And Wang Chong’s Great Distortion Art was inconceivably powerful. Ever since Wang Chong had comprehended the origin of energy, the Great Distortion Art had reached a frightening level of power.


  Before Osman had time to think, he had been pulled over to Wang Chong, and their palms collided with each other.


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