The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 715

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

“Hurry! Protect Milord!”

  “Stop those Arabs! Kong Zi-an, hurry and save Lord Marquis!”

  “No matter what, Lord Marquis cannot be allowed to die here! Any one of us can die, but not Lord Marquis!”

  A loud bellow brimming with concern echoed in his ears, and then he could hear the clashing of weapons and shockwaves of energy.

  It’s Li Siye!

  At almost the same time as this thought flashed through Wang Chong’s mind, he heard a brash cry in Arabic. “Kill this Tang. No matter what, he can’t be allowed to return alive!”

  Wang Chong recognized this voice as belonging to Aybak’s deputy Faisal. As these thoughts passed through his mind, Wang Chong slowly began to regain his composure.


  On this other side of the battlefield, Li Siye was leading several hundred Wushang Cavalry elites in a charge against the sea of Arab cavalry. Never in his life had he been so worried. When he had seen Wang Chong plunge from the sky, Li Siye had felt his body turn ice-cold and like the blood was about to pour out of his every orifice.

  He had never respected anyone so much as he did Wang Chong, even being willing to serve him for the rest of his life. Not even his master had ever received such respect.

  “Lord Marquis, no matter what, you have to be okay!”

  Li Siye clenched his fists and shuddered. Wang Chong had been smashed into the ground by Qutaybah’s attack and his condition was unknown.

  The moment Li Siye saw this, he had led his best soldiers charging out of the army, but it was all too late, as everyone else had converged on that spot by now. The only thing Li Siye could be happy about was that the previous battles had left the battlefield strewn with corpses, and Wang Chong had fallen in a place that was practically deserted. The addition of the cover of dust meant that the Arabs had not yet managed to find Wang Chong’s body amidst the piles of corpses.

  But this situation would not be able to persist for long. Li Siye could see that the Mameluke Deputy Commander Faisal was leading a group of cavalry toward the area, and they were moving faster than Li Siye’s force was.

  “Hmph, it’s pointless. That brat is doomed!”

  Faisal’s sneering voice resounded over the battlefield as he sent wave after wave of Arab soldiers at the Wushang Cavalry to slow them down.

  The Mamelukes and the Wushang Cavalry would always be this world’s strongest pair of enemies.

  Wang Chong was the highest commander of the Wushang Cavalry, making him a must-kill target for the Mamelukes. Thus, Faisal had decided not to join Aybak and Huoshu Huicang in attacking the Nine Dragon Blood Formation, instead choosing to search for Wang Chong.

  He would kill him in his heavily injured condition and finish things once and for all.

  “Milord! We found him!”

  At this sudden voice, Faisal turned in shock and saw that there was a trembling figure in the middle of a pile of corpses that seemed to be showing signs of getting up. This alone was proof enough of this person’s identity.

  “Hmph, the rest of you stop those Wushang Cavalry. Leave this brat to me!”

  Vicious killing intent gleamed in Faisal’s eyes as he sent off several hundred Mamelukes to stop Li Siye. At the same time, he led his own force to the piles of corpses. Faisal had already heard too many legends about Wang Chong during this battle.

  The Tang reinforcements, the mysterious old man, the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner… all of it was because of this youth. Arabia had already lost countless men to this youth. Faisal had originally not taken Abu Muslim’s and Ziyad’s words seriously, but now, he had finally realized that this young Tang commander would be Arabia’s greatest foe.

  Just those Wushang Cavalry that had killed numerous Mamelukes meant that this person had to die.

  “Death God’s Scythe!”

  When he was still more than a hundred feet from the moving ‘corpse’, Faisal’s halo unleashed a black flood of energy. He pressed himself against his horse and began to accelerate toward the corpse.

  After traveling some sixty feet, Faisal leaped from his horse, crossing the last sixty-some feet. While upside down in the air, he used his scimitar to stab deeply into the back of the corpse.

  The ‘corpse’s’ head instantly dropped and the body immediately went stiff.


  Li Siye gave an earthshaking howl. Splush! His eye sockets fractured and blood shot out. An indescribable sorrow and pain completely drowned his body. Meanwhile, Faisal had a completely different reaction.


  Faisal’s lips curved into a vicious smile. His body was still hovering in the air, frozen in the moment of his final strike, but to Faisal, this was the most exciting moment in his life, his greatest accomplishment.

  No matter how formidable these Wushang Cavalry from the east were, in the end, the Mamelukes had emerged victorious, protecting their invincible reputation. In the future, the Mamelukes would bring the head of the Wushang Cavalry commander back to Baghdad to prove to everyone their dazzling success. They would place it in the Mamelukes’ exhibition hall and make it a part of the legend of the Mamelukes as yet another one of the people they had conquered.


  But just when Faisal was pleased and elated, he suddenly sensed extreme danger. By the time the thought of dodging appeared in his mind, it was too late. A slender palm speckled with blood suddenly reached out of a pile of corpses and grabbed Faisal’s neck.

  As Aybak’s deputy commander, Faisal was a Brigadier General with astonishing cultivation and an extremely fast reaction time. With this strength, he could even dodge a bolt of descending lightning, but even though Faisal could clearly see this palm coming, he was completely incapable of dodging.

  “Not good!”

  Faisal paled in consternation, but it was too late. His foe had been hiding under corpses, choosing for the right time to strike, giving him no chance to counter. Not only that, before Faisal could unleash his energy to force the palm around his throat away, another palm emerged and pressed upon his dantian.

  Boom! Faisal was only able to hold on for a few moments before his Stellar Energy flooded out through his throat and dantian into the two palms.

  “Evil art!”

  Faisal was stunned, his face stricken with fear. He had never in his life encountered such a situation. His peak Brigadier General level of strength was unexpectedly unable to resist his enemy’s dreadful suction and all his energy was being devoured. Besides that, in this entire process, Faisal was unable to move.

  “Protect Milord!”

  “Kill him!”

  This abrupt attack left the Mamelukes stunned. No one had expected that ‘moving’ corpse to not be Wang Chong. The real Wang Chong was actually under the pile of corpses, and with one strike, he had captured Faisal.


  In a flash, ten-some Mameluke soldiers and officers gathered their energy and waved their scimitars as they charged at Wang Chong. But a moment later, Stellar Energy condensed into a sun and moon on Wang Chong’s shoulders. A hurricane of attractive force swept through the area.


  The unstoppable Mamelukes began to scream as their weapons flew out of their hands. Besides that, the terrifying absorption force of the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art began to attract all the men and horses to him.


  The ten-some Mamelukes struck Wang Chong as if they had been magnetically attracted to him. Both men and horses were tightly adhered to his body, all of them having their energy rapidly absorbed.

  Through the power of the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art, these Mamelukes began to wither and deflate like popped balloons.

  Even Faisal could not resist Wang Chong’s absorption, let alone the ordinary Mamelukes.

  “No! Save me!”

  The Mamelukes cried out in fear and tried to struggle free, but only a few moments later, their energy had been completely absorbed. Thumpthumpthump! Their dried-up h
usks dropped to the ground.

  These people had far weaker cultivations than Faisal, so they had died much more quickly.

  And with the power of these Mamelukes, Wang Chong’s strength rapidly swelled, and the injuries from Qutaybah’s attack began to recover.

  This was also one of the strong points of the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art. The same injuries were much less severe on Wang Chong’s body and would recover much faster.

  Faisal had already been completely suppressed by Wang Chong, and now that Wang Chong was even stronger, he was even less capable of resisting.

  Chapter 1128 - Counterattack! The Arab Nightmare!

  Chapter 1128: Counterattack! The Arab Nightmare!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “Barbarian, die!” Wang Chong said viciously, coldly staring at Faisal.

  Crack! Wang Chong snapped Faisal’s neck as the last surge of energy flowed into his body. Thump! Wang Chong threw Faisal’s corpse to the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust.

  With Faisal’s energy, Wang Chong’s strength had swelled once more, returning to its original cultivation level and even a little higher, to a more profound and exquisite realm. Wang Chong could sense that he was now only a tiny distance from that realm.


  After a few moments of silence, the Mamelukes charged once more, spurred on by Faisal’s death. In the distance, Arab cavalry that had already been charging at the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner and were rather far from where Wang Chong had fallen also began to charge at him. Countless Arabian scimitars gleamed with cold light as they descended upon him.


  A black figure plunged into their ranks like a tiger into a flock of sheep.

  Screams emerged from the chaos as Arab soldiers and their horses were transformed into showers of blood and mangled limbs.

  Boomboomboom! Furious storms of energy erupted from Wang Chong’s body, sending warhorses high into the air and cutting down swaths of the Arab cavalry like so many weeds. In the blink of an eye, the Arabs had lost two to three thousand men.

  Moreover, Wang Chong was using the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art to its maximum. Wherever he appeared, the Arab soldiers would feel their energy unwillingly break free from their bodies and surge into Wang Chong.

  Wang Chong was getting stronger and stronger, and with his understanding of the origin of energy, he was getting closer and closer to that final realm. His crazed aura was as alarming as it was brutal.

  “Dusong Mangpoje, stop him!”

  A voice came out of the distance.

  From his distant vantage point, Dalun Ruozan watched what was happening in alarm. Wang Chong had already transformed into a bloody silhouette and his strength was only continuing to rise at an astonishing speed.

  And this was not the only thing that Dalun Ruozan was worried about. He had clashed with Wang Chong far too many times and understood him very well, so he almost instinctively felt a deep unease. Any place where Wang Chong was present would be home to countless variables, and Dalun Ruozan had a vague sense that things were about to take a turn for the worst.

  “This bastard! Why is he still alive!”

  The mayhem created was so great that even Aybak was alarmed. It was simply impossible for him to divide his attention while fighting with the Wushang Village Chief and the black-armored guard, but even he was now forced to take notice of the situation.

  Aybak simply couldn’t accept that this boy was somehow still alive and well.

  Everyone had seen Qutaybah’s terrifying power, and yet this boy had managed to survive two of those strikes.

  “Everyone, hear my order! Kill him! Anyone who dares to retreat will be immediately executed!” Aybak savagely roared.

  Wang Chong currently didn’t have enough Wushang Cavalry around him to use the Godking Yama. As long as he wasn’t an Imperial Great General, he was still killable.


  Aybak’s words immediately caused a massive shift on the battlefield. Countless Arab soldiers swept toward Wang Chong, even the soldiers that had been charging at the Divine Martial Army, Divine Prison Army, Dragon Stallion Army, and the other Tang armies.

  “Kill him! He’s already been heavily injured by Lord Qutaybah. He should be at the limits of his strength!”

  “I don’t believe that he can deal with so many of us! If we all go together, he’ll never be able to leave alive!”

  The Arab generals had also noticed Wang Chong and the bloody light around him. They unsheathed their scimitars and led their soldiers surging toward Wang Chong.

  But before these Arab generals could enter the fray, Wang Chong had come to them. Boom! The air resonated with Stellar Energy, and an Arab general instinctively trembled and slashed his scimitar overhead at the approaching Wang Chong.

  This scimitar had a vast and unstoppable momentum, the saber energy rising more than one hundred feet, but this Arab general had still reacted too slowly. After comprehending the origin of energy, Wang Chong could even suppress Faisal, let alone anyone else.

  Kaclack! A palm shot out as fast as lightning, its five fingers firmly clenching around the Arab general’s head as if they were made of steel. A moment later, a fountain of blood and energy flew out of the general’s body like birds taking flight from the forest and surged into Wang Chong.


  A terrible scream erupted from this burly Arab general, more than eight feet tall, as he began to wither. When only skin and bones were left, he dropped from his horse together with his suit of armor.

  The Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art did not require the user to touch the opponent, but if he did, Wang Chong would be able to absorb blood and energy at an even faster speed. And when he seized a vital point of his opponent, they would simply be incapable of resisting.

  Bangbangbang! Wang Chong roved through the Arab generals like a starving wolf, the gold and red images of the sun and moon constantly resonating on his shoulders. In just a few moments, all these powerful Arab generals had been devoured.

  “Lord Marquis!”

  The sight of Wang Chong’s display of divine strength had Li Siye and the Wushang Cavalry cheering in exultation, with Li Siye being particularly agitated.

  “Wonderful! Wonderful!”

  His two hands gripping his giant sword were trembling in excitement. For a spell, he had believed Wang Chong to already be dead, and so Li Siye had already prepared himself to enter an eternal sleep together with the Great Tang’s youngest, most passionate, and most heroic commander.

  To fight alongside and die together with this hero of the Great Tang was the greatest glory to Li Siye.

  But Wang Chong was still not dead. His body seemed to contain an inextinguishable flame, and it seemed like nothing in the world could ever crush his iron resolve.


  Li Siye’s eyes moistened as he slashed down with his sword.

  Boom! The nearly one hundred Arab cavalry in front of Li Siye were thrown into the air by his mighty Sword Qi. This Sword Qi left a scar in the earth that extended for hundreds of feet. It was like a rallying cry for the Wushang Cavalry, and they immediately charged together with Li Siye toward Wang Chong.

  The courageous were invincible! Li Siye had only brought several hundred people with him, but they had come with the resolve to die. This allowed them to erupt with a lethal power that far surpassed the imagination. These mere several hundred people charged through the Arab army as if there was nothing in their way. Scimitars hacked and slashed at the Wushang Cavalry, but they all bounced off.

  The superb weapons and armor Wang Chong had prepared for the Wushang Cavalry were playing a crucial role on this battlefield.


  The Wushang Cavalry were uninjured by the enemy attacks, but the fierce slashes of their swords were cleaving the armor and weapons of the surrounding Arab cavalry in two. Unable to react in time, an Arab horseman was instantly beheaded by a W
ootz Steel sword, his eyes going wide. The headless corpse atop the Arabian horse sat for a long time before finally falling over.

  “Lord Marquis!”

  Li Siye and his scarlet steed quickly led his men up to Wang Chong’s side.

  “Li Siye, there’s no need to worry about me. Lead your Wushang Cavalry back to the formation and help Su Hanshan and the ballista army hold their ground!”

  Wang Chong had his blood-drenched back to Li Siye, yet his voice was unusually calm.

  Li Siye’s mind trembled as he suddenly sensed something. He followed Wang Chong’s gaze past the countless Arab soldiers and clearly spotted a tall and muscular figure surrounded by a storm of energy.

  Dusong Mangpoje!

  Li Siye shivered as he finally understood. The slaughter inflicted by Wang Chong had finally caused Dusong Mangpoje to rise from the ground, the prodigious energy around him locking onto Wang Chong.

  The sounds of fighting resounded in the air, but the place where Li Siye and Wang Chong were standing was deathly silent. If Wang Chong had his seven thousand Wushang Cavalry, he would have been able to take the form of the Godking Yama and would have had nothing to fear from Dusong Mangpoje, but Wang Chong only had a measly several hundred.

  “Lord Marquis, I’ll fight him together with you!”

  Li Siye tightened his grip on his Wootz Steel sword.

  “There’s no need! I will deal with Dusong Mangpoje!”

  Wang Chong viciously stared ahead, an unusual tone in his voice. Before Li Siye could react, bang! Wang Chong stomped forward and began to stride ahead.


  The surrounding Arab cavalry were alarmed and afraid, but seeing that they had the advantage in numbers, they lunged at him like wolves.


  Wang Chong’s Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art spread outward, gusts of wind surging through the battlefield. Before the Arab cavalry could even get close, their armor began to twist while their blood boiled out of their bodies and condensed into a surging river that vanished into Wang Chong’s body.

  Bang! Wang Chong’s hair flew and his clothes flapped as he took another stomp forward. A moment later, a destructive energy erupted from beneath the earth.


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