The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 836

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  “You bastards!”

  The man in black ground his teeth. Although he was known as sly and crafty, these three bastards were far craftier.

  “You’re smart, I’ll give you that, but even if you’ve seen through it, you’re still doomed!”


  Before anyone could react, energy erupted from his body like lava from a volcano. At that moment, the man’s body went limp, and he slid out of the Demonic Emperor Old Man’s grasp.

  Based purely on the fact that he was able to escape the grip of the Demonic Emperor Old Man, one could see that this man was an extremely capable expert.

  “Kill them!”

  The man in black roared in an icy voice that seethed with killing intent. Whoosh! Without the slightest hesitation, the man in black took off like an arrow loosed from a bow, stirring up a gale in his wake as he shot out of the tavern.


  Wang Chong coldly sneered at this sight. This mysterious organization of black-clothed men truly was rather formidable, and it possessed all sorts of mysterious techniques that even allowed this man to break free of his master’s grasp. But breaking free was one thing and escaping was another.

  With three peerless experts like them here, all of them near the Subtle realm, if he was really able to escape, then he could truly call himself a transcendent expert!

  But if he had truly been that formidable, why would he run?


  The Demonic Emperor Old Man, Wang Chong, and the Wushang Village Chief struck simultaneously. Wang Chong stretched out his five fingers, immediately exerting a powerful absorption force. This caused the wall across from him to immediately crumble and the fleeing man in black to come to a sudden halt.

  After a period of rest and recovery, Wang Chong’s body was much more stable and many of the disorderly energies had been expelled. Although Wang Chong could no longer so recklessly absorb the Stellar Energy of others, it was enough for him to use the power to hold his foes.

  “Not good!”

  As the fleeing man in black felt his body go stiff, he paled. At any other time, this absorption power would have had very little effect on him, but at this moment, it was lethal. The smallest delay would cast him from the heavens and plunge him into hell.


  An immense energy hurtled with mountain-toppling force toward his back.

  Raaa! The black-clothed man roared as he turned around and unleashed all the Stellar Energy in his body to stop the Wushang Village Chief’s attack. Bang! There was a massive explosion that threw the roof of the tavern into the air, sending stones and tiles flying several dozen meters into the sky.

  Boom! A split-second later, the third energy arrived, a milky-white ‘energy arrow’ that was more than ten feet long, formed from thousands of bolts of energy. It pierced through the man’s back, causing him to immediately drop to the ground.

  Wang Chong’s Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art had held him down, the Wushang Village Chief had directly clashed with him and made him reveal a weakness, and then the Demonic Emperor Old Man had delivered the fatal blow that killed him. The three of them worked with sublime teamwork, giving the enemy not even one chance to catch his breath before killing him.

  The number of people that could block the coordinated strike of Wang Chong, the Demonic Emperor Old Man, and the Wushang Village Chief was probably extremely small. That man in black had been a powerful expert, but alas, his abilities had not been enough to save his life.

  Chapter 1330 - Confidently Countered!

  Chapter 1330: Confidently Countered!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr


  “Don’t let them run! Kill them!”

  The moment the man in black fell, cries came from all around. From the shattered roof, the main entrance, behind the walls, by the windows… numerous men in black, their bodies seething with killing intent, charged at the trio from all sides.

  “Hand over your life!”

  There was a mighty roar and an explosion of golden light, and then a massive arm shot out from the tattered roof and toward the trio.

  At this moment, one could clearly see that this massive arm was covered in golden scales, making it appear like the claw of a Qilin. Raaa! There was a bestial roar, cruel and dreadful, and then a moment later, a blazing black flame shot forward. Meanwhile, the Qilin claw continued to descend upon the three.

  Bang! Just when the entire room together with Wang Chong’s group was about to be crushed, a white cane, tiny in comparison to the beast claw, shot upward and slammed against the enormous claw.

  Bzzz! The impact created an enormous shockwave, and then that enormous golden claw infused with destructive energy came to a sudden halt some twenty feet from the ground. It was unable to advance a single inch, as if it had run into some indestructible fortress.

  The Wushang Village Chief had finally taken action.

  “Village Chief, I will leave Chong-er to you. He has still not recovered from his wounds and can’t fight for very long. It’s best if he doesn’t need to fight.”

  The deep and elderly voice of the Demonic Emperor Old Man resounded in everyone’s ears as he opened his hands, unleashing countless dazzling bolts of energy. These bolts of energy were only about as thick as a finger, but they were all incredibly condensed and as sharp as swords.


  With only a thought from the Demonic Emperor Old Man, those milky-white bolts of energy immediately spread apart like a blooming flower, shooting off in all directions and attacking every possible angle.


  Miserable screams came from all around as the men in black were struck by the energy bolts of the Demonic Emperor Old Man and their bodies dropped, trembling, to the ground.

  Although the Myriad Spirit Sea Art had not entered the ranks of the top ten arts, this was merely because no one had ever successfully cultivated it, meaning that no one could experience its might. But in the hands of the Demonic Emperor Old Man, this supreme art could finally show its true power. No matter how many enemies there were, the Myriad Spirit Sea Art was capable of allowing a single person to kill all enemies. One had to be at the same level as the Demonic Emperor Old Man to be capable of blocking the peerlessly sharp energy bolts of the Myriad Spirit Sea Art.

  “Kill them!”

  There was a furious bellow as the men in black launched their own attacks.


  At a window ten-some paces away from Wang Chong’s group, a man in black, wearing a black scarf across his face and a glove of deerskin, began to sprinkle something. A moment later, roiling black fog and dust began to spread outward, creeping toward Wang Chong, the Wushang Village Chief, and the Demonic Emperor Old Man.


  Wang Chong instantly paled. With only a glance, he could tell that this mist of black powder contained extremely powerful poison.


  With no time to think, Wang Chong immediately sealed off all the pores in his body. At the same time, a radiance emerged from his body while images of the sun and moon appeared on his left and right shoulders. With Wang Chong as the center, the air in the room began to spin into a giant vortex that rapidly swept up the black powder and flung it outward.

  Aaaah! More screams could be heard as men in black were caught in the vortex and hurled around the tavern along with the black powder and rubble. This single move from Wang Chong immediately caused him to pale. His cultivation defect had only been temporarily suppressed. Carelessly using Stellar Energy or fighting for too long would cause his injuries to flare up and the state of energy in his body to once more fall into chaos.

  “Forget about those two old men! Deal with the kid first!”

  The leader of the men in black immediately noticed the strangeness of Wang Chong’s body and led his remaining men in charging at Wang Chong.


  A bestial roar, brimming with sav
agery and cruelty, resounded through the sky. A moment later, one of the men in black suddenly began to swell, swiftly turning into a monster that was half-man and half-beast. Surprisingly, it was extremely similar to the Lu Wu that had once appeared in the Wang Family Residence.

  Whoosh! The man in black had barely finished its transformation when its entire body began to blaze with violet flames. It howled, turned its fierce eyes on Wang Chong, and exploded toward him with astonishing speed.

  Roars could be heard from other directions as four or five more people transformed into these half-beast Lu Wu monsters.

  “This is the place where you will be buried! Cease your struggle and obediently accept death!” the leader of the black-clothed men commanded in his deep voice as his arms exploded with immense waves of vitality.

  This energy was different from the energy of Lu Wu. While it contained formidable vitality, it also contained a dark, wicked, and destructive power. Energies of life and death, two entirely opposite energies, actually existed in complete harmony within the leader of the men in black.


  There was a long howl, and then the leader’s feet began to spread apart while his entire body began to grow visibly larger. Black veins emerged from the back of his ear and quickly crawled along the entirety of his body. This black pattern was like a totem, ancient, mysterious, and infused with an unknown power.

  Clackclack! Noises could be heard from within the leader’s body. As the black pattern completed covering his body, his hair burst free of its bindings and his height soared once more, going from seven feet to nine feet. His limbs were incredibly thick and sturdy, and merely by standing there, he seemed like a giant from an ancient era.


  Now that the leader of the men in black had finished his transformation into a human-shaped beast, his energy had more than doubled. Boom! In an explosion of Stellar Energy, the leader vanished like a ghost.

  “Guardian God: Black Flame Asura!”

  More roars could be heard as other men in black harnessed all their energy and transformed into savage black Asuras.

  Bang! The moment they had summoned the Black Flame Asuras, these people shot forward to join their leader in attacking Wang Chong, the Demonic Emperor Old Man, and the Wushang Village Chief.

  The air was fraught with danger, and even Wang Chong couldn’t help but grimace. Given that they had mobilized so many top-class experts at once, it was obvious that these people wanted to deal with him and his master in one fell swoop. But a few moments later, Wang Chong calmed back down.

  “Hmph! I only need to fall into a moat once to learn from my mistakes. Do you really think that the same trick will work on me twice?!”

  Wang Chong coldly sneered.

  The Fire of Lu Wu, the Fire of Ju Bi, and the Fire of Mara were each incredibly tyrannical flames, and they did not tolerate each other. Wang Chong had greatly suffered because of these flames, but this also allowed him to understand these flames like the back of his hand. To try and use these three flames against him again was simply delusional. Not even these men in black understood these flames more than he did.

  “Master, Village Chief, leave those ones who cultivate the Fire of Lu Wu to me!” Wang Chong said.

  In his current condition, each additional kind of Stellar Energy he absorbed would increase his danger of cultivation defect and worsen his injuries. But the Fire of Lu Wu was different. Although this flame was incredibly tyrannical and brimming with destructive energy, it also possessed astonishing vitality. This powerful vitality was precisely what Wang Chong needed. With this power of Lu Wu, Wang Chong could strengthen his body and alleviate the pain brought about by the cultivation defect.


  In a shockwave of energy, Wang Chong vanished. This was the first he had chosen to go on the offensive in this battle.

  Bzzz! Wang Chong appeared several paces from his original position, his foot pressed onto the head of one of the half–Lu Wu monsters. In a flash, the bottom of Wang Chong’s foot seemed to turn into a vortex, erupting with fierce absorptive force. The seething violet flames on the man in black’s body immediately began to flow into Wang Chong.


  The half–Lu Wu man in black widened his eyes, which were filled with disbelief. Boom! He raised his arms and tried to attack Wang Chong. In this half–Lu Wu form, his fingernails had become bestial claws that were even sharper than swords.


  An icy voice came from overhead.

  Wang Chong poured energy into his right foot, unleashing a force as heavy as mountains. Owwwooo! With a wretched howl, the half–Lu Wu man in black was slammed into the ground, his head shattering the floorboards and digging into the earth.

  Although these men in black were powerful and cultivated mysterious techniques, a starving camel was still larger than a horse. Although Wang Chong was suffering from cultivation defect, he was still an expert who had nearly reached the Subtle realm. Only those who had reached a similar level would be able to threaten him.

  If that Lu Wu from before appeared again, it would be no match for him, let alone these half–Lu Wu men in black.

  Chapter 1331 - Yang Ren God Art!

  Chapter 1331: Yang Ren God Art!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  After heavily injuring one half–Lu Wu man in black with his foot, Wang Chong lunged toward the next one. As he lunged forward, he could feel a powerful vitality flowing through and healing his body.

  In that single brief clash, Wang Chong had barely even moved and still managed to absorb nearly seventy percent of that black-clothed man’s Lu Wu energy.

  “As expected…”

  The refreshing energy flowing through his body like a clear stream energized Wang Chong into picking up the pace of his attacks.

  “Seize him!”

  A voice resounded through the air, and then the leader of the men in black, who was over nine feet tall and clearly stronger than an Imperial Great General, lunged forward. Of the group of three, Wang Chong was their true target.

  “Junior, who said that you could speak before this old man!?” said an elderly voice, as cold as ice.

  Before the leader could react, a surging energy came from overhead. The black-clothed men’s leader glanced up and immediately paled. What he saw was a massive azure hand, as large and as heavy as a mountain, hurtling down from the heavens.

  “Not good!”

  The leader immediately summoned all his strength and sent a stream of black Fire of Mara into the sky. But the leader had clearly underestimated the power of the Demonic Emperor Old Man’s palm.

  Boom! The earth quaked and dust plumed into the air. As the other men in black watched, the strongest of them, their leader, managed to only hold on for a few moments before his formidable flame collapsed. With a scream, the leader was slammed into the ground.


  The surrounding men in black, who had been brimming with vigor and killing intent just moments before, immediately paled. Their leader was the strongest of their group and their trump card against Wang Chong, the Demonic Emperor Old Man, and the Wushang Village Chief.

  His strength had already reached the apex, and even the powerful Great Generals of the secular world were nothing in his eyes. With the strange energy in his body, he could easily defeat any Great General. The black Flame of Mara could burn all things and could severely counter Stellar Energy. In this world, there was practically no one who could deal with him.

  None of them had expected him to be pressed into the earth in just a single clash, screaming as he was. This was simply unimaginable given the pain tolerance the members of their organization had developed.

  The mood on the battlefield subtly changed as everyone looked in apprehension at the black-robed elder.

  “Even a pile of ants dares to act impudently in front of this old man!”

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man’s hair
was blowing in the wind, his robes flapping around him, his face twisted in wrath. At this moment, an immense energy that inspired dread in all who sensed it was rising from his body.

  At this moment, the Demonic Emperor Old Man had reverted to that supreme master of the evil path whose very name caused all the people of the sects and the martial art world to pale. These men in black had come after his disciple again and again, utterly and completely enraging the Demonic Emperor Old Man.

  Although he had been betrayed by his disciple, everyone in the martial arts world knew that, before this betrayal, the Demonic Emperor Old Man had always tried to defend his disciple’s shortcomings.

  “Save the leader and kill them!” an expert suddenly shouted, pointing the sword in his hand at the Demonic Emperor Old Man. This man was the second strongest of this group of black-clothed men. For this operation, this group had come with three leaders in total.

  The second-ranking leader had immediately taken command now that the first leader was suppressed.

  Bangbangbang! Without the slightest hesitation, the surrounding men in black shot toward the trio, with Wang Chong in particular being their primary target.

  Swish! A pitch-black sword slashed down at Wang Chong’s shoulder while a second man in black appeared behind Wang Chong and threw a fist covered in the violet-black Fire of Ju Bi at his back.


  With a savage roar, a Black Flame Asura used a movement technique to appear right behind the Demonic Emperor Old Man. The six arms of the Black Flame Asura wielded spears, sabers, and halberds made of Stellar Energy and wreathed in black flames, thrusting them with lightning-fast speed at the Demonic Emperor Old Man’s back.

  The others all attacked the Wushang Village Chief.

  “Why are you all so stubborn?”

  The Wushang Village Chief sighed, a hint of helplessness on his face.

  “This old man is not someone who delights in killing, but you’ve forced my hand, so I can’t be blamed.”


  In a burst of wind, a beam of light descended from the heavens and engulfed the Wushang Village Chief. As the Wushang Village Chief blazed with light, a three-eyed god appeared behind him.


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