The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 840

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  The poster was signed at the end with the words ‘Righteous Alliance’, and below that was the symbol of a Yin Yang paired with a white crane.

  This poster immediately made Wang Chong’s expression turn even graver.

  “This Righteous Alliance appeared after Brother Zhang vanished. It needed only a short while to unite all the sects of the north and south together, creating an immense faction. Although Brother Zhang isn’t some good person and truly did kill too many people back then, at least you were open about it. But the people of this Righteous Alliance, hmph! A load of hypocrites!”

  The Formation Elder had walked over, his face covered in disdain. The Formation Elder was very short, so he couldn’t read the poster in Wang Chong’s hand, only look up at the back of it. The two of them, one short and one tall, one in front and one behind, looking at the same poster, made for a rather comical sight.

  “Hmph! Still looking?”

  The Formation Elder wrathfully glared at Wang Chong through the thin paper.

  “Yes, yes… I’m done! I’m done!”

  Wang Chong quietly chuckled to himself. He had only spent a little time with the Formation Elder, but he had already begun to realize that while the Formation Elder had an unforgiving mouth, he didn’t have a bad heart. But because of his height… he was particularly sensitive when anyone was looking in his direction, even if they weren’t actually looking at him.

  “I see you have some sense!”

  The Formation Elder withdrew his gaze.

  “Ahead is the rough area indicated by the treasure map. However, because the treasure map is damaged and missing a lot of information, we can only reduce the area to around one thousand square kilometers. If this large area is not shrunk down some more, we could search for ten years and still find nothing.

  “Right now, all sorts of people have come to this place. I’ve already established a base up ahead where we can observe the entire region. All of you should come with me. We’ll stay around there for a while and avoid our enemies. Besides that, there are so many people wanting your head that I hope you don’t burden this old man and agree to disguise yourselves.”

  The Formation Elder strode forward to a tree by the side of the road. Under the confused gazes of Wang Chong and the others, he reached out and seemingly pulled a cloth bundle out of thin air, which he threw over.

  “There are several sets of sect uniforms in there. Although these are small sects that few people know about, they’re enough to disguise your identities.”

  Even Wang Chong was convinced now. It was apparent that the Formation Elder was extremely familiar with this area and had already planned everything out before their arrival. It was as if he had these concealment formations everywhere, and not even Wang Chong could predict what else he had hidden around this region.

  “Many thanks, Senior.”

  Wang Chong took the bundle.

  “Brat, at least you know how to talk to your elders!”

  The party traveled through the forest, rapidly approaching the base the Formation Elder had set up.

  Around an hour later, the Formation Elder pointed ahead and proudly said, “It’s just up ahead! That green mountain. I’ve already surveyed the area, and though it’s not at the very center, it’s one of the highest points. By standing at the top, you can see more than half the region, which will make it easier for us to move around.”

  Upon hearing the Formation Elder’s words, the group couldn’t help but slow down a little. Wang Chong followed the Formation Elder’s finger and saw a green mountain protruding into the sky, starkly standing out from the surrounding hills.

  That place really isn’t bad… it should be easy to notice any signs of activity very quickly! Wang Chong quietly praised. The Formation Elder really had chosen a good location.


  At this moment, Wang Chong’s ears quivered as he heard a strange sound. A few moments later, a stern voice came from the distance.

  “Who goes there?! This is the Righteous Alliance! State your name!”

  This voice rumbled like a peal of thunder. Wang Chong and the others looked over and saw five or six young men wearing Daoist uniforms with the insignia of the Yin Yang and white crane on their chests. They were coming from a nearby green hill, traveling on the tree branches as they approached Wang Chong’s party.

  “Not good! It’s them!”

  The Formation Elder grimaced as he glanced at the Demonic Emperor Old Man. The wanted posters the Righteous Alliance had made targeting the Demonic Emperor Old Man had been distributed throughout the region. Once these people came over and discovered the Demonic Emperor Old Man, the Righteous Alliance would probably dispatch a large batch of experts to converge on this place.

  Chapter 1337 - Diagram of the Universe!

  Chapter 1337: Diagram of the Universe!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “Zhang Wenfu, old scoundrel, hurry and put on your clothes. You wait here while I go deal with those people. Not many people know about the sect I’ve put you under. If we’re careful, we should be able to deceive them!”

  The Formation Elder was somewhat uneasy, but without much hesitation, he strode toward the Righteous Alliance disciples.


  A cold and aloof voice came from behind, imbued with a heart-chilling majesty. The Formation Elder stopped and turned in surprise. The Demonic Emperor Old Man suddenly stepped forward, passing the Formation Elder, and as he looked at the Righteous Alliance disciples heading toward him, his eyes exuded a dreadful aura.

  “It’s just a few insignificant disciples. There’s no need to go through all that trouble. When this old man was inspiring dread in all the sects, not even the sect masters dared to speak too loudly before this old man. After just a few years, does this old man now have to hide in front of a few nameless juniors?!”


  A moment later, the Demonic Emperor Old Man stopped, brought the index and middle fingers of his right hand together like a sword, and fired off a vast wave of energy into the sky. Bzzzz! A vast shockwave rippled out, sweeping in all directions.

  “Zhang Wenfu, you’re crazy!”

  The Formation Elder was both shocked and infuriated. He had originally intended for the Demonic Emperor Old Man to hide his identity and not draw the attention of the Righteous Alliance, but the Demonic Emperor Old Man’s actions were doing the exact opposite. Once the experts of the Righteous Alliance converged on this place, they would have a major problem on their hands.

  “Hold your anger for a moment. Look!” the Demonic Emperor Old Man nonchalantly said.

  The Formation Elder subconsciously turned to look, and what he saw made his eyes go slack. The Righteous Alliance disciples who had been heading this way came to a sudden stop, all of them startled by that wave of energy arising from the Demonic Emperor Old Man’s location.


  Just when the Formation Elder thought that they would charge over, these people paled and fled into the distance faster than they had come, not even turning their heads to look back.


  The Formation Elder was left wide-eyed and slack-jawed.

  “In the world of sects, the strong eat the weak. These so-called righteous disciples are also inclined to only pick the soft persimmons from the tree. Relax. When they get back, they won’t even dare to mention what happened today,” the Demonic Emperor Old Man lightly said, and before anyone could react, he turned around and began to walk away.

  “Hey! Wait a moment!”

  The Formation Elder shouted and hurried to follow. Only Wang Chong remained staring at the direction those Righteous Alliance disciples had left, his brow slightly creased in thought.

  Wang Chong had only ever interacted with the court and the battlefield. He was completely unaware of the world of sects and its rules of conduct. There was no question that in just a few moments, the Demonic Emperor Old Man had
given him an extremely long-lasting lesson.


  With a shake of his robes, Wang Chong went to catch up.


  The group stopped at the summit of the mountain.

  Gentle breezes blew patches of fog across the summit, creating a cool and refreshing air.

  “Old rascal, it seems like you picked out a good place this time.”

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man and Wushang Village Chief exchanged a glance and nodded.

  “This place really is pretty good.”

  Wang Chong also walked forward, his eyes gazing into the distance. After traveling for so long, he was getting a clear view of the area for the first time. The region indicated by the treasure map was to the north of Qixi, between the Western Regions and the Western Turkic Khaganate. The eastern part of this region was lush with trees and green mountains, but when standing on this mountain and looking to the west, one could see a vast desert on the horizon, radiating waves of heat that were visible to the naked eye.

  That was the northern edge of the Moheyan Desert. The Moheyan Desert was purported to extend eight hundred li, but the Moheyan Desert of this world was much larger than the one Wang Chong remembered. This place was uninhabited, and even the tribes of the Western Turkic Khaganate and the Western Regions rarely wandered over to this place.

  But while standing on the summit, Wang Chong could see numerous figures moving around in the region between the green hills and desert. At a glance, Wang Chong could see thirty to forty banners flying in the wind, indicating the identities of these people. Of these, the banner of the Righteous Alliance, the Yin Yang symbol topped by a white crane, was the most obvious. A rough estimate put the Righteous Alliance’s numbers at around one thousand, and Wang Chong could also sense that the Righteous Alliance was a gathering of many experts. There were ten-some auras within their ranks that even Wang Chong would have to treat cautiously.

  “Hehe, some lone martial artists, sect disciples, and a random mishmash of factions; they look all peaceful and harmonious now, but in a few days, who knows how many people will have died here?”

  The Formation Elder walked forward from the rear and chuckled. As a spectator, the Formation Elder had a desire to fuel the flames, as the Formation Elder considered himself to only half-belong to the world of sects. This was also why he could travel together with that great demon of the martial arts world who made countless people pale in fear.

  “Old rascal, let’s not talk about that. There are more important matters to discuss,” the Demonic Emperor Old Man suddenly said.


  The Formation Elder chuckled and did not argue. He walked forward, picked up a nearby rock, and thrust it into the ground. Rumble! The world began to quake and the air began to ripple as a stone formation even larger than the one from before appeared. This stone formation was like a medium-sized stone house, and the Formation Elder had even laid out a blanket on the ground and furnished it with several tables and chairs. Most importantly, the Formation Elder had also prepared large quantities of food. There were various kinds of dry cereals, meat, fruit, and even wine. This was essentially a very comfortable base.

  “Old rascal, you’ve put in quite the effort.”

  Even the Demonic Emperor Old Man’s eyes flashed with surprise. With the ample preparations and supplies of the Formation Elder, the group could stay here for two to three months.

  The group quickly set about tidying the place up.

  Feeling a little hungry after their journey, they also took some dry rations and fruit to replenish themselves.

  After eating their fill, they finally began to discuss their main objective.

  Wang Chong took a drink from a water bag before finally voicing his doubts. “Master, is this Supreme and Infinite Origin Immortal Art treasure map real? So many people have found this treasure map over the years, but none of them have ever been able to find the treasure. Are you sure that this is really the place?”

  Although Wang Chong believed that the map he had given to his master was the real deal, having the map was entirely different from exposing its secrets. Even now, Wang Chong wasn’t sure if this place was the one indicated by the treasure map.

  “Hah, kid, you don’t get it. What does the ‘infinite’ of the Supreme and Infinite Origin Immortal Art mean? ‘Infinite’ means the universe!”

  The Formation Elder stroked his wine-stained beard and began to pontificate.

  “Look carefully at this region. Over to the west is the Moheyan Desert, covered in sand, wind, and waves of heat. Its attribute is Yang. Here, in the east, we have green hills and cool weather. In terms of Fengshui, it is considered Yin. These qualities precisely match the ‘Infinite’ of the Origin Immortal Sect. This kind of geography can be considered the lesser Yin Yang diagram. As for the greater Yin Yang diagram, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, which are associated with Yin and Yang respectively.

  “When the lesser Yin Yang and greater Yin Yang are reversed yet resonate with the Yin Yang of the natural terrain, we have the true diagram of the universe. More importantly, if you look carefully, if you examine the intersection of the desert and the green hills, you will find that it is exactly the boundary line of Yin and Yang!”

  As the Formation Elder spoke, he drew out an ‘S’ on the ground.

  “This sort of universe diagram is not something the Origin Immortal Sect could ignore, and the treasure map also seems to indicate that this is the region. Thus, the Supreme and Infinite Origin Immortal Art is definitely buried here. It’s just that this is a dangerous region and we don’t know where exactly it is buried.”

  Wang Chong was startled. It was apparent that the Formation Elder wasn’t just skilled in formations, but also in understanding of Fengshui and the terrain. ‘Lesser Yin Yang’, ‘greater Yin Yang’, ‘diagram of the universe’—upon careful inspection, this region truly did match up with what the Formation Elder had said.

  “This natural universe diagram should logically be a place rich with spiritual energy. If you cultivate in this place, you should be able to achieve double the progress with half the effort. But if you sense for yourself, you’ll notice that there’s not much energy in the air at all. If my guess is correct, someone has used a special method to draw in this energy for another use, which I suspect to be some incredibly powerful concealment array. Thus, the Supreme and Infinite Origin Immortal Art must be here!” the Formation Elder firmly declared.

  Wang Chong fell silent. He had been forced to come along on this trip to the northwest by his master, but he had always been dubious about whether the Supreme and Infinite Origin Immortal Art was actually here. However, after hearing the Formation Elder’s explanation, he was now much more convinced.

  The Formation Elder might not have been as powerful a martial artist, and he might not have been able to comprehend everything on that treasure map, but his analysis of formations and the terrain were far more convincing.

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man suddenly said, “Chong-er, I’ve already talked things over with the Village Chief. On our last visit, there was still one place that we weren’t able to scout. There was a strange array there that only Senior Zhou knows the secrets to. We will only be able to understand how to proceed once we can investigate this array. In a little while, I will act as Senior Zhou’s protector and take him to investigate the array. After that, we’ll meet back up and discuss what to do next.”

  Chapter 1338 - Pursued by a Sect!

  Chapter 1338: Pursued by a Sect!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “Your disciple understands. Let us do as Master says,” Wang Chong said, not caring very much.

  He had never been to this region before, so he was naturally not familiar with it. In contrast, his master and the Wushang Village Chief had been here many times and were extremely familiar with the area. And now that so many different factions were present, it was not good to act reckles


  The Demonic Emperor Old Man nodded and then turned to the Wushang Village Chief.

  “Village Chief, Chong-er’s injuries are still not healed, and there will be a flare-up around every twenty hours. In a little while, you will remain in the formation to look after him. When there’s a flare-up, assist him in pacifying his disorderly Stellar Energies.”

  The Wushang Village Chief said nothing, only slightly nodded.

  Only now did the Demonic Emperor Old Man sigh in relief. There were many reasons that he was going alone with the Formation Elder, and the most important was that he could not let his final disciple be.

  Wang Chong’s injuries were much more stable, and he could even fight for an hour without any major problems. But the ‘cultivation defect’ of the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art had never been easy to deal with. Even if Wang Chong was even more careful and did not recklessly use his Stellar Energy, he would still suffer a flare-up every twenty hours, each time suffering a pain that cut to the bone. If he were to meet a powerful foe, this flaw would become even more likely to be fatal.

  This was why the Demonic Emperor Old Man had asked the Wushang Village Chief to remain.

  Swoosh! Swoosh!

  A few moments later, the Demonic Emperor Old Man and the Formation Elder left, their robes flapping in the wind as they departed the formation and vanished from the mountaintop. Wang Chong watched them leave before thrusting a piece of stone into the ground.

  With a rumble, the stone formation was activated once more, quickly causing Wang Chong and everything else within it to vanish.


  Once he was hidden within the stone formation, Wang Chong sat cross-legged on the ground and began to meditate. Those different kinds of Stellar Energy in his body began to slowly flow through his body and out through various acupuncture points.


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