The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 854

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  “Everyone, don’t be afraid! The vastness of his body is our greatest advantage!”

  “Attack him from all directions! Everyone, kill him together!”

  The Righteous Alliance disciples came in from all sides, the fear triggering their latent potential. Consecutive explosions could be heard as Stellar Energy surged. These Righteous Alliance disciples were erupting with a strength even greater and more boundless than in the previous battle.


  At almost the same time, the Righteous Alliance Elders also took part in the assault. They had much higher cultivation levels than these ordinary disciples and were much stronger. In just a few moments, the air was rumbling as all kinds of powerful attacks hurtled through the air at the golden giant.

  The golden giant was soon completely surrounded by a dense barrage of attacks.


  The golden giant only disdainfully smiled, and then he fiercely punched.


  Golden light instantly exploded from his right fist, so dense and powerful that it appeared to the Righteous Alliance disciples like a golden wave had appeared in the air and was howling toward them.

  There was a massive boom, and then time seemed to stop. As countless others looked on in fear, the golden wave surged past, and wherever it went, the Stellar Energy unleashed by the Righteous Alliance Elders and disciples seemed to freeze, solidifying into brown stones that dropped to the ground.

  Rumble! After a momentary pause, the golden wave began to radiate outward, striking all the surrounding Righteous Alliance Elders and disciples. As a ray of golden light swept past a Righteous Alliance disciple, he paused, then his hair stiffened, followed by his clothes, skin, nails, and finally, his entire body.


  With a boom, the lifelike statue which this Righteous Alliance disciple had been turned to dropped to the ground and smashed into countless pieces.

  Boom! A second later, another petrified Righteous Alliance disciple smashed into the ground, then a third, a fourth, a fifth… In the blink of an eye, the golden light had turned all the Righteous Alliance disciples and Elders within a fifty-meter radius of the golden giant into stone.

  With one punch, the golden giant had ended all their lives. There were no more bodies of flesh and blood, only stone statues.


  A wind howled across the summit, which had fallen into absolute silence. Countless pairs of eyes stared at this sight, their hair standing on end, their hearts cold, and their faces pale.

  “How… could this be? What evil art is this!?” the Righteous Alliance expert higher up on the mountain muttered, his lips trembling.

  These words voiced the fear in the minds of countless others. No one had ever seen a martial art like this. He had actually turned bodies of flesh and blood into tough stone, and had even turned intangible Stellar Energy into stone. This could no longer be considered a martial art. No words could explain this golden giant’s abilities.

  As that Righteous Alliance expert had said, this was an evil art!

  Righteous Alliance Lord Song Yuanyi and Wang Chong were similarly stunned.

  Even someone as experienced as Song Yuanyi couldn’t help but turn solemn.

  “Just who are these people?”

  Song Yuanyi’s eyes exploded with cold light. Even now, he did not know the reason for this attack from the men in black, and their martial arts were unlike any found in the world of sects. However, the sight of so many disciples being killed caused anger to emerge in Song Yuanyi’s mind.

  “I’ll kill you first! Then I’ll deal with that giant!”

  Song Yuanyi turned his cold eyes on the nearby second bamboo hat man.


  Song Yuanyi flicked his finger, firing off dazzling bolts of energy that shot like lightning toward the man. At the same time, Song Yuanyi’s body swayed and he disappeared.

  This was the first time he had taken the initiative to attack.


  There was a thunderous boom as Song Yuanyi swiftly collided with the second bamboo hat man. The bamboo hat man had already used the Greater Void Step to try and get away, but Song Yuanyi had managed to accurately calculate his movements and force him into a melee.


  In the face of Song Yuanyi’s first proactive assault, the second bamboo hat man trembled and vomited blood. When Song Yuanyi used all his strength, not even he was any match.

  “After killing so many of my disciples, do you really think this one can’t do anything to you?!”

  Song Yuanyi’s icy voice resounded over the mountain, and the air shrieked as sixty to seventy bolts of energy erupted from Song Yuanyi’s body, engulfing the second bamboo hat man. When Song Yuanyi finally went on the offensive, even the second bamboo hat man found it difficult to hold on.

  Meanwhile, no one was more shocked than Wang Chong, because only he understood the most about both the men in black and Song Yuanyi.

  Just what supreme art is this? They seem to have an endless variety of techniques, all of them completely unknown. Just where do these people come from?

  Wang Chong’s mind was whirring, his emotions raging.

  This was not the first time he had interacted with these men in black, and the more he interacted with them, the more confused Wang Chong became. These people were like a cloud of fog, visible yet unable to be grasped. Even for a mysterious faction like the Confucian Sect, Wang Chong could find records on them in the history books to understand their origins, but with these men in black, the more he understood them, the less he understood.

  Up to now, the only book Wang Chong had read that recorded information on them was the Book of Paimon.

  But not even the mythical Paimon of the Seventy-Two Demon Gods of the Sassanid Dynasty and the Arabian Empire had been able to find out their origins, much less their goal.

  They were like ghosts, vague phantoms appearing on the long river of history, but upon closer inspection, there was nothing there. And even now, Wang Chong did not know how these people came to learn of him.

  From the southwest to the northwest, these people were dogged in their pursuit of him, but Wang Chong had never been able to figure out the true reason for their pursuit.

  Song Yuanyi is in danger!

  As these thoughts flitted through his mind, Wang Chong quickly noticed that the golden giant was striding up toward the summit.

  While his pace seemed to be slow, he was actually moving with incredible speed. Waves of golden energy were surging off his body, turning all the Righteous Alliance disciples they struck into stone statues that thudded to the ground. Meanwhile, the Stellar Energy surging through the air was also turned into gray and brown stone that landed on the slope and marked out the golden giant’s path to the summit.

  Everyone felt fear upon witnessing this giant’s dreadful strength, and all of them began to back away.

  On the summit, Song Yuanyi’s expression gradually turned grave.

  “Stand aside!”

  A thunderous roar came from the lips of the golden giant. The golden giant’s pride did not permit him to work with anyone else when dealing with an opponent of Song Yuanyi’s level.

  Swish! The second bamboo hat man, who had already been at his breaking point, immediately used his Greater Void Step, taking a blow from one of Song Yuanyi’s finger bolts so that he could escape. And the moment the second bamboo hat man withdrew…


  Song Yuanyi and the golden giant clashed in the air. One fist was the size of a regular fist while the other seemed like a mountain, but when they impacted, they unleashed similar levels of power.

  No one could describe the energy unleashed by this clash. All that could be said was that when these two battled, the entire mountain was like a piece of rock being gripped in the hand of a giant. It groaned and shuddered as if on the verge of collapsing.

  * * *

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  Chapter 1361 - Thoughts of Retreat!

  Chapter 1361: Thoughts of Retreat!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Swish! Countless small stones fell from the sky like rain, and a moment later, the two adversaries clashed again. Rumble! Massive booms like peals of thunder resounded through the air, and it seemed like the sky was about to tear itself apart.

  Once, twice, thrice… Song Yuanyi and the golden giant punched at each other again and again, neither yielding ground. One vast golden wave after another surged out from the leader of the men in black, attempting to turn Song Yuanyi to stone.

  But even someone as strong as the golden giant had encountered a tough foe this time. Those petrifying golden waves were constantly converting Song Yuanyi’s Stellar Energy to stone, but they could never even touch the lightning-fast Song Yuanyi and his profound cultivation level. Even the golden giant found him incredibly difficult to defeat.

  Song Yuanyi’s strength is a little less than the golden giant’s, but…

  From his hiding place, Wang Chong began to slowly observe what was going on at the other parts of the mountain. The first and second bamboo hat men had begun to move, inflicting a great slaughter. Even though the elders and experts were putting up a vigorous resistance, they were still no match.

  The Fire of Mara that burned away Stellar Energy was something that many of the Righteous Alliance Elders and experts could not resist.

  Wang Chong swept his eyes over the chaotic mountain and said to himself, It’s about time for me to leave!

  The Righteous Alliance base had now become extremely dangerous for him. Song Yuanyi was in the middle of searching for him, and while the two bamboo hat men were wreaking havoc and killing wherever they went, they were actually also looking for him.

  If he were to reveal his identity, the two forces battling with each other would immediately attack him. He had already seen Song Yuanyi’s Eternal Spring Mantra and developed a deeper understanding of the black-clothed men’s strength. Now was the ideal time to leave.

  I should go and look for Master! Wang Chong said to himself. It was best to quit while one was ahead and not play with fire. Spending one day on the mountain was enough.

  As these thoughts flashed through Wang Chong’s mind, he began to head toward the back of the mountain, where the number of people was smallest.

  “What’s going on? These men in black are too formidable. Why haven’t the vice alliance lord and the others gotten here yet?”

  Wang Chong had barely walked a few steps when he heard a voice in the darkness. The words immediately caused him to stop and frown.

  Vice alliance lord?

  A hint of surprise flashed through Wang Chong’s eyes, and he headed in the direction of that voice. There, two wounded Righteous Alliance experts were talking with each other.

  During his stay with the Righteous Alliance, Wang Chong had seen quite a few elders and experts, but he had never heard of there being any vice alliance lord.

  The two experts continued to talk.

  “Previously, the vice alliance lord said that once he had finished settling the affairs on that side, he would hurry to the northwest to join us in dealing with the Demonic Emperor Old Man. But the vice alliance lord wrapped up that matter ten-some days ago, and there was already a messenger bird with a letter saying that the vice alliance lord was already on his way. There’s no reason for him not to have shown up by now!”

  The second Righteous Alliance expert’s words caused Wang Chong’s heart to tremble.

  Someone who was Vice Lord of the Righteous Alliance was undoubtedly stronger than Ouyang Changheng and Sikong Yuanjia. One Song Yuanyi was hard enough to deal with. If he were joined by the formidable vice alliance lord, this northwest adventure would become extremely dangerous for Wang Chong’s group.

  It seems like the Righteous Alliance is fully mobilizing its forces. Master’s appearance this time has garnered a great deal of their attention. Perhaps even Master underestimated the danger of the trip this time, Wang Chong noted, his mind a little uneasy.

  The two experts had still not noticed Wang Chong.

  “The alliance lord also said that the vice alliance lord and the others would arrive over the next two days. They should be here soon. The situation is dire, so we have to at least try and have the vice alliance lord get here as quickly as possible. No one except the vice alliance lord can deal with those other two men in black,” one of the injured Righteous Alliance experts said.

  “There’s nothing to be done except try! Send the signal! We have to get the vice alliance lord to arrive as soon as possible!”

  With their minds made up, the two experts left. A few seconds later, a messenger bird took off and also…


  There was a piercing whistle as a dazzling firework soared into the sky. After rising several hundred meters, it exploded, lighting up the night with the dazzling image of a Yin Yang symbol and a white crane, the symbol of the Righteous Alliance.

  For a moment, the entire mountain was as bright as day, and the exploding firework was visible from several dozen li away.

  Wang Chong was already halfway down the mountain, and when he saw that massive firework in the sky, he couldn’t help but shiver in fear. There was a reason the Righteous Alliance was known as the number one faction of the martial arts world. With this kind of firework, they could quickly send out a plea for help and receive reinforcements.

  At this moment, Wang Chong heard the raspy and deep voice of a man in black coming from twenty to thirty meters away, its owner moving past him.

  “Hurry and find him! I don’t believe that he could have flown away! With the three commanders standing guard down below, there was no way he could have left the mountain! Find him! No matter what, we can’t let him escape!”

  Wang Chong immediately slowed down and hid himself behind an extinguished bonfire, at the same time minimizing his aura as much as possible.

  That person clearly did not notice Wang Chong and swiftly vanished toward another part of the mountain.

  They truly are difficult to deal with, Wang Chong quietly remarked.

  He had believed that Song Yuanyi and the Righteous Alliance had drawn all the attention of the men in black so that they didn’t have any time to worry about him, but it was now apparent that they had taken precautions against his escape. Escaping would not be as easy as he first imagined it to be.


  As he was thinking, a figure crashed into the ground near him.

  “You wicked devils, all of you deserve to be punished! Today, this old man will carry out the will of the heavens and exterminate all you devils!” A Righteous Alliance Elder, his robes flapping in the wind and drenched in blood, arrived in pursuit.

  “Hmph, laughable! You can’t even take care of yourself, and you want to kill me!” mocked a sinister voice from the ground. The man in black who had been knocked down slapped his right hand against the ground and got back up. Using his void movement technique, he swiftly charged forward to meet the assault of the Righteous Alliance Elder.

  At this moment, Blood Eye’s heart was brimming with rage. This operation against the target had gone badly from the start. Putting aside the men who had been killed in Liuyao City, they had lost a large number of men on this mountain. What they had taken to be some minor faction had been a most troublesome force. Even after their three leaders had taken action, they were still finding it difficult to exterminate their foe.

  “Lowly ant, anyone who dares to oppose us only has death to look forward to!”

  Blood Eye’s expression was savage as he pushed his void movement technique to its limits, turning into an indistinct and ever-shifting blur as he rushed at the Righteous Alliance Elder. Every one of his attacks was aimed at a lethal point, and surging black flames were constantly howling toward th
e elder.

  It’s him!

  Meanwhile, Wang Chong had also taken note of the nearby Blood Eye. This was not his first time exchanging blows with this man in black, and Wang Chong had been able to determine at a glance that this man was a person of some status in the organization of men in black.

  Not only that, Wang Chong vaguely recalled that when that eagle flew down from the sky, this man had been the one leading the way.

  More importantly, this person was far too close to him. If Wang Chong made even the slightest move, he would be almost immediately discovered.

  As these thoughts ran through his mind, Wang Chong suddenly had an idea. But he did not act immediately, instead choosing to silently wait.

  Nearby, Blood Eye was completely focused on the Righteous Alliance Elder, failing to notice the motionless figure of Wang Chong on the ground. He was moving faster and faster and getting more and more excited. He could sense that this Righteous Alliance Elder was reaching his breaking point. In these short moments, he was now sporting five or six new wounds, each one so deep that one could see the bone.

  It wouldn’t take long until the Righteous Alliance Elder was finished.

  As the Righteous Alliance Elder dodged left and right and was on the verge of falling to Blood Eye’s attacks, suddenly, a vast stream of Psychic Energy slammed into Blood Eye’s mind.

  Even though Blood Eye was powerful, this attack took him completely off-guard and was tantamount to a hammer pounding into his brain. His mind went completely blank and his body went stiff. In normal circumstances, this kind of momentary pause would have been unimportant, but in the middle of a fierce battle, it was fatal.

  Plush! Plush!

  In a flash, a sword had been thrust through his chest, and then a palm shrouded in immense strength grabbed his head and simply crushed it.

  The headless Blood Eye’s body trembled once or twice before falling to the ground.

  “What… what happened here?”

  Even the Righteous Alliance Elder was stunned over the fact that he had killed this powerful man in black with a single palm. He confusedly scanned the area, but all was quiet and empty. It was like he had just experienced an illusion.


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