The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 868

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  On the battlefield, Wang Chong was calm and composed, commanding his soldiers to kill one million Arabs. As the highest commander of an army, he had always meant what he said. This sort of bearing was also effective on major players of the martial arts world like Song Yuanyi and the Black Yin Ancestor.

  Song Yuanyi said nothing, but Luo Qiyin, the Black Yin Ancestor, couldn’t help but grimace, his pupils constricting.

  Chapter 1384 - The Demonic Emperor Appears!

  Chapter 1384: The Demonic Emperor Appears!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  The sects resided in a different world from the Imperial Court, neither side interfering with the other. If an official of the court provoked a sect martial artist, these unsociable and detached martial artists would just kill them, and the government offices would be incapable of arresting them.

  But when a conflict started up, no sect could contend against the Imperial Court. Although the people of the sects had formidable martial power and were skilled in fighting, they were too loosely organized and not team players. Organizing ten-some people in sword formations like the Righteous Alliance was already the maximum extent of what was possible.

  But in the army, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of soldiers would work in concert as a cohesive whole.

  Moreover, the generals in the army all cultivated war halos that could further boost the strength of their soldiers, making the army an even more powerful force.

  A single soldier wasn’t comparable to a sect martial artist, but tens of thousands of soldiers working together in formations was something that no sect could stand against.

  Fear appeared in the eyes of the Black Yin Ancestor. This noble of the court was not as easy to deal with as he had imagined.

  “Righteous is righteous and evil is evil. None of the nonsense you say has any meaning. Since you dared to cultivate that evil art and kill countless people, you will die here. There is no point in wasting your energy on such talk.”

  Song Yuanyi slowly stepped forward, his expression callous and cold. As the Righteous Alliance Lord, the leader of the righteous path, he would not be threatened by a few words from Wang Chong.

  “Guangting, don’t let him escape! I will personally execute him!” Song Yuanyi coldly said.


  There was a flash of thick killing intent in his eyes, and then Song Yuanyi exploded forward.


  A vast flood of Stellar Energy poured out of his body. For the first time since he had come to the northwest, Song Yuanyi exerted all the energy within his body.

  Wang Chong was instantly embroiled in an extremely perilous situation. Eternal Spring Stellar Energy was coming at him like a tsunami, a sight that made even him slightly grimace. He had wanted to use the threat of reinforcements to slow down these four, but Song Yuanyi was clearly not that easy to threaten.

  He was a man who meant what he said and struck out with speed and impact. Wang Chong had barely had time to say anything when this titan of the righteous path chose to attack him.

  “Kid, just blame yourself for taking that person as your master!”

  A sinister voice spoke, and then the shrieking of ghosts filled the sky. Pei Luanchang, the Myriad Ghost Ancestor, had also taken action. With a shake of his sleeve, he stirred up a vast wave of black energy that soared into the sky, condensing into countless ghost soldiers, ghost generals, monsters, ghost kings… They howled into the air in their vast multitudes, then turned around and hurtled toward Wang Chong.

  The ground buzzed and groaned as the Myriad Ghost Ancestor’s ‘Myriad Ghosts Pilgrimage Great Yin Art’ pulled out vast quantities of foul energy, corpse energy, and Yin energy from deep beneath the earth.

  “Universe Sundering Art!”

  “The World to Darkness, All Things to Evil!”

  Righteous Alliance Vice Lord Xie Guangting and the Five Ancestor Alliance’s Black Yin Ancestor both surged forward, their bodies surrounded with Stellar Energy as they moved to prevent Wang Chong from escaping.


  These four powerful auras lapped over each other, creating a vast barrier, an immense pressure that locked down Wang Chong and made it difficult to breathe. Everyone who saw this sight couldn’t help but pale.

  That kid’s done for!

  The same thought emerged in all the martial artists who were looking at Wang Chong. No one in the world of sects could fend off the attacks of these four at the same time. Even the Black Yin Ancestor would be doomed, much less others.

  There’s nothing to be done!

  As the winds howled and energy exploded, a single thought ran through Wang Chong’s mind. He could still not properly use the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art, and the previous attack from the Black Yin Ancestor and Song Yuanyi had already caused Wang Chong to suffer internal injuries. Moreover, the Village Chief had cautioned him to use the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art as little as possible.

  But in these circumstances, Wang Chong had no other choice.


  His dantian rumbled as Stellar Energy erupted from it and into his meridians. The images of the sun and moon once more appeared as Wang Chong’s body radiated a vast and imposing aura.

  Wang Chong finally used the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art, sending torrents of Stellar Energy, sharp and tough, sweeping through the skies.

  This was a clash between martial arts ranked in the ten great arts of the Central Plains. Seeing any one of them was an incredibly rare sight, and now, in front of the place where the number one ‘Supreme and Infinite Origin Immortal Art’ was being held, three of these supreme arts had gathered together.


  The world fell silent on the verge of this unprecedented battle. But a moment later, cries of alarm and terror came from the crowd.


  “Look over there!”

  “The Origin Immortal Mountain, the Origin Immortal Mountain… It’s Demonic Emperor Zhang Wenfu!!”

  Song Yuanyi had ignored those cries of alarm at first, focusing his entire mind on killing Wang Chong. But at those final cries from the crowd, Song Yuanyi, Xie Guangting, the Myriad Ghost Ancestor, and the Black Yin Ancestor all fiercely looked up in alarm.

  At this moment, the four of them saw what the crowd was shouting about. As they looked up, they saw that strange protruding section of the Origin Immortal Mountain covered in that dazzling glow.

  But now, the lights and shadows were shifting, that ‘illusion’ in the air seeming to slowly roll up like a curtain. The mountain in the sky was becoming increasingly real, like an ethereal existence residing in another world slowly manifesting in reality.

  Not only that, the world groaned as a hair-thin crack appeared in the sky and began to creep down toward the ground. And as this crack thickened, it appeared as if two giant, invisible hands were pulling on its sides to open the way.

  The Origin Immortal Mountain is about to open!

  A thought flashed through the minds of Song Yuanyi and the others. But this was not Song Yuanyi’s greatest concern. Rather, it was that image of a cold and imposing elder, more than two hundred feet tall, that had appeared in the sky.

  This elder wore a black robe, his eyes brimming with disdain and seeming to exude a light as bright as the sun or moon.

  “Demonic Emperor!!”

  Even someone with as esteemed a status as Song Yuanyi, who was a peak Great General existence who cultivated the formidable Immortal Universe Eternal Spring Mantra, could not help but slightly pale.


  As for the Myriad Ghost Ancestor and Black Yin Ancestor, when they saw that sharp-eyed figure on the mountain, they called out in surprise, their faces twisting in shock. In a flash, these two titans of the evil path became extremely afraid, even terrified.

  A man’s name was like the shade of a tree!

  Even after several years, everyone could still recognize this man a
t a glance. During the reign of the Demonic Emperor over the world of sects, there was no major leader of the righteous or evil path who had not interacted with him.

  However, none of them had ever been able to gain much advantage in front of the Demonic Emperor Old Man. Those of the evil path in particular feared the Demonic Emperor so much that the mere mention of his name would cause them to pale. At the height of his prime, there were some in the world of sects who did not even dare to utter the words ‘Demonic Emperor’ or ‘Zhang Wenfu’. Rather, they called him ‘that man’ in order to soothe the unease in their hearts.


  As the four titans stared in shock at that illusion of Demonic Emperor Zhang Wenfu in the air, all the other martial artists in the region fled in panic like floodwaters breaking through a dam. After so many years, the fear of the Demonic Emperor had bored deeply into their bones.

  “Run! The Demonic Emperor has appeared! He’s going to kill us all!”

  Terror swept through the crowd.

  “Song Yuanyi, Luo Qiyin, you’re quite audacious!

  “Let me see if any of you dare to harm my disciple!”

  The gigantic image of Zhang Wenfu spoke in a thunderous voice as he turned his cold eyes to Song Yuanyi, Luo Qiyin, Pei Luanchang, and Xie Guangting. As his voice echoed through the air, all the spiritual energy in the area converged into an enormous azure hand that hurtled like a meteor toward Song Yuanyi and the others.

  “Old devil!”

  Song Yuanyi grimaced, but Wang Chong was elated.


  Wang Chong’s lips curled into a smile. And if one looked carefully, he had the composed expression of someone who had already predicted this development.


  Without the slightest hesitation, Wang Chong sent out his Stellar Energy to clash with the Stellar Energy of Song Yuanyi and Luo Qiyin, joining his master in a combined assault. Crack! Kaboom! It seemed as if the earth had been sundered apart. Winds howled and dust plumed several hundred feet into the air. Zhang Wenfu’s attack had been so sudden that all four of these sect leaders were caught off guard.

  “Don’t let the kid escape!” a chilling voice yelled, and then Righteous Alliance Vice Lord Xie Guangting shot out of the dust and lunged at Wang Chong.

  “Universe Sundering Art!”

  Xie Guangting used his supreme art without hesitation. Kacrack! An invisible energy radiated from his body, causing the space in front of him to become tangible. Xie Guangting struck at the center of this solidified space with his palm, causing a web of cracks to spread out from it.

  Chapter 1385 - Scramble, the Treasury Opens!

  Chapter 1385: Scramble, the Treasury Opens!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  The Universe Sundering Art was the number one art in the world when it came to shattering Stellar Energy, and even the most powerful defenses had little to boast about in front of Xie Guangting. But Xie Guangting had only just charged out when Wang Chong soared into the sky like a leaf in a gale, wrapped up in a fierce energy.

  Xie Guangting didn’t have time to stop him. He could only look up into the sky as, in a flash of light, Wang Chong vanished like a popped bubble.


  Even someone as shrewd and experienced as Xie Guangting couldn’t help but be startled by this sight. His vast sea of Stellar Energy roiled around him, not knowing where to go.

  “It’s the Origin Immortal Mountain’s seal!”

  After a moment of thought, Xie Guangting understood what was going on.

  “Demonic Emperor Zhang Wenfu took him into the Origin Immortal Mountain!” Song Yuanyi observed as he stepped forward, his solemn eyes focused on the same point as Xie Guangting. “The seal of the Origin Immortal Mountain has been completely opened!”

  As if in response to Song Yuanyi’s words, the opening of that crack that extended from the middle of the sky down to the ground accelerated. The ground began to shake and sway as the illusions of the Origin Immortal Mountain surrounded by the dazzling glow disappeared, replaced by an ever-widening ripple. At the center of this ripple, a heaven-soaring peak, its surface black and brown, began to slowly emerge from behind that vast fissure in space.

  As that craggy and precipitous mountain slowly emerged, everyone present had a strange feeling that this divine Origin Immortal Mountain had been there the entire time. It had just been concealed in a fold in space.

  Now that the space was unfolding, this mysterious mountain was finally appearing before mortal eyes.

  “Look over there!”

  Someone pointed and shouted, and a moment later, everyone saw what that person had noticed: a gigantic stone stele placed in front of the Origin Immortal Mountain. This stele had been forged from the toughest Xuanwu stone, and two rows of golden words had been chiseled onto it.

  ‘Treasury of the Origin Immortal Art, left behind for the destined ones’!

  Everyone could clearly make out those dazzling words, and the mood of the region instantly changed.

  “It’s the Origin Immortal Art, the Origin Immortal Art… It really is here!”

  An unaffiliated martial artist’s eyes went wide and his breathing became fast and ragged. Other martial artists went red in the eyes, avarice emerging on their faces.

  The Supreme and Infinite Origin Immortal Art was the strongest martial art of the Central Plains. Anyone who knew its name knew just how powerful it was.

  Song Yuanyi’s Immortal Universe Eternal Spring Mantra was unparalleled when it came to recovery ability, repulsing power, and long-term combat. Xie Guangting’s Universe Sundering Art was incomparably powerful when it came to offensive ability, shattering Stellar Energy, and direct combat. The Myriad Ghost Ancestor’s Myriad Ghosts Pilgrimage Great Yin Art and Demonic Emperor Zhang Wenfu’s Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art also belonged to the ranks of the supreme arts of the world.

  If one could learn any one of these techniques, they could become a tyrant or hegemon of the world that others would have to look up to in awe and respect.

  But the above-mentioned arts, no matter how formidable, all paled in comparison to the Supreme and Infinite Origin Immortal Art. Of the ten supreme arts, only the Supreme and Infinite Origin Immortal Art was known as an ‘immortal’ art.

  “The Origin Immortal Art, the Origin Immortal Art… as long as I can find this art, I can surpass Song Yuanyi, the Black Yin Ancestor, and even Demonic Emperor Zhang Wenfu! Haha, the treasury is open! This number one art of the world is mine!” an unaffiliated martial artist muttered to himself, turning insane eyes on the Origin Immortal Mountain. Swoosh! He lunged forward while the others were still immersed in shock, charging toward the mountain.

  Whether it was Song Yuanyi, Xie Guangting, or Demonic Emperor Zhang Wenfu, these were all dreaded hegemons of the world of sects, but at this moment, the enormous temptation of the number one art had made everyone forget their fear. As they said, riches and honor were found in danger, and even if they had to venture through a sea of fire and travel over a mountain of blades, they did not care.

  “Who dares to fight over this with me!? Out of my way!”

  As that first unaffiliated martial artist charged forward, a sword shot with astonishing speed at his back.


  This martial artist was unable to react in time, and the sword pierced through him, dropping him dead to the ground.

  “Out of my way! The Origin Immortal Art is mine! Anyone who stops me will die! The one who obtains the Origin Immortal Art will be the strongest expert in the world!”


  Hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of martial artists charged at the Origin Immortal Mountain.

  The crowd was thrown into a frenzied disarray, and the sight of those people with their red eyes alarmed and frightened many Righteous Alliance disciples. In this situation, not even the Righteous Alliance dared try to stop these people.

  “Alliance Lord, what do we do?

  Sikong Yuanjia and Ouyang Changheng leaped forward to Song Yuanyi’s side. They had come to deal with Demonic Emperor Zhang Wenfu, but the Supreme and Infinite Origin Immortal Art was also one of the Righteous Alliance’s objectives.

  “The Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art has an innate flaw that can only be fixed through the Origin Immortal Art. Given what happened just now, Zhang Wenfu is probably inside the Origin Immortal Mountain already. If he manages to find this art, not only will he completely recover all his lost cultivation, he will simultaneously possess the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art and the Origin Immortal Art. With just one of these, he was able to stir a gruesome storm in the world of sects, making everyone pale at the mention of his name. If we let him cultivate both, no one in the entire martial arts world will be able to hold him down! At that moment, all the sects in the world will be facing a disaster!” Ouyang Changheng said, his eyes brimming with concern. If the Righteous Alliance did not move now, they might lose the chance forever.

  Song Yuanyi looked ahead and solemnly said, “There’s no rush! This sort of treasure can’t be easy to obtain, and getting in first doesn’t necessarily mean obtaining the Origin Immortal Art more quickly. Let’s wait a little!”

  Treasures would come to those who were virtuous. As the Righteous Alliance Lord, Song Yuanyi was well aware that the more formidable a treasure, the more dangerous it was to obtain it.


  As if in response to Song Yuanyi’s conclusion, those martial artists charging forward abruptly vanished when they were about fifty to sixty paces from the Origin Immortal Mountain.

  Sikong Yuanjia and Ouyang Changheng blinked in shock at this sight and grimaced. Even though they were Elders of the Righteous Alliance, they had no idea how those martial artists had vanished. Even their auras had vanished from perception, as if they had popped out of existence.


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