The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 901

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Wang Chong nodded and closely followed the Demonic Emperor Old Man as they continued down.

  Six hours had already passed since the start of this expedition. As Wang Chong and the Demonic Emperor Old Man ventured deeper, on the surface, more than seven thousand martial artists had ventured into the enormous pit.

  And by now, those martial artists who had given up were beginning to emerge.

  This was the first time in the history of the martial arts world that so many people had taken part in a single activity, with even titans like the Black Yin Ancestor participating.

  “Young Master, this place is too dangerous. Are we really going down?”

  In a place extremely far from the pit, a tall and imposing guard looked to Young Master Qingyang.

  Around four hours ago, some martial artists had climbed out of the pit with some information. One could constantly hear phrases like ‘air too thin’, ‘walls too smooth’, ‘bottomless’, and ‘pull too great’ from their conversations. All of this information indicated that this bottomless pit was far too dangerous and was not the right place for them.

  Although Young Master Qingyang was an erudite scholar of martial arts, he himself did not possess a very high cultivation level. In the eyes of most of these martial artists, he was little different from an ordinary human.

  If even these martial artists could not endure, there was little doubt about how Young Master Qingyang would fare.

  “Sword Dragon, you know what my personality is like. The Origin Immortal Art is the world’s number one art, and the treasury’s opening is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If we don’t go in and see what’s inside, I will be left with a lifelong regret.”

  Young Master Qingyang, in his azure robe, stared with shining eyes at the pit.

  Young Master Qingyang’s movements were eccentric, and he rarely interacted with the martial arts world. No faction had ever been able to recruit him to their side.

  But even though Young Master Qingyang had little desire for status or authority, he had an interest that everyone in the world knew about.

  Young Master Qingyang liked to tour and adventure. Wherever the strange or dangerous could be found, there he would be. Young Master Qingyang spent more than half his time engaged in this pursuit.

  Now that the Origin Immortal Lord’s treasury had been opened, the treasury of one who had truly been the strongest, Young Master Qingyang had to go in and take a look, even if he died inside.

  As Young Master Qingyang’s constant guardian, the man known as ‘Sword Dragon’ could only sigh.

  He had already known what the answer would be, but he had still hoped to persuade Young Master Qingyang otherwise.

  “Sword Dragon understands. No matter where Young Master goes, your subordinate swears to follow,” Sword Dragon sternly said, his eyes determined. No matter how dangerous it was, as long as he was there, he would ensure that not even a hair of the young master was harmed.

  Sword Dragon quickly put Young Master Qingyang on his back and then took some rope to tie himself and Young Master Qingyang together. This was to avoid any unexpected mishaps.

  There were no longer many martial artists around the pit. With Young Master Qingyang on his back, Sword Dragon fearlessly strode toward the pit. But before they could descend, a black stream of energy rushed ahead of them and plunged into the depths.

  At that moment, the two of them clearly sensed an immense aura on this black figure that was on par with the likes of the Black Yin Ancestor and Song Yuanyi.

  “That is…?”

  Sword Dragon shivered as deep apprehension appeared in his eyes.

  “Eastern Turkic King, Bagushidu!”

  Young Master Qingyang’s eyes flashed as he spoke.

  He was a natural scholar, and though he did not have a deep relationship with the factions of the martial arts world, he knew all the martial artists, even the experts of the surrounding foreign countries, like the back of his hand.

  Chapter 1441 - A Storm of Blades!

  Chapter 1441: A Storm of Blades!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind. This Eastern Turkic King offered up the treasure map but chose to be one of the last to go in. He seems to harbor some great ambition.”

  Sword Dragon silently pondered his master’s comment.

  “Young Master, be at ease. I guarantee that he will not harm you!”

  With Young Master Qingyang on his back, Sword Dragon lunged forward, and he was soon making his way down the pit along its smooth walls.

  Time slowly passed, and there seemed to be no additional people appearing around the pit’s edge.

  But at this moment, several figures appeared. They were garbed in cloaks and didn’t seem that different from any other martial artist, but the energy they exuded was identical to the energy of those who had controlled the Origin Immortal Formation.

  “When the gate is open, it’s difficult to close it again. Right now, all the martial artists should have entered the Endless Abyss,” one of the figures suddenly said.

  If those martial artists had been here to listen, they would have undoubtedly been flabbergasted. This was because these Origin Immortal Guardians referred to this seemingly bottomless pit as the Endless Abyss.

  “Based on how much time has passed, those martial artists should have reached that place,” another Origin Immortal Guardian said.

  “It should be another ten minutes at most,” another one of them said.

  “Hmph, prepare to activate the mechanism. This time, they must all die here! Only extreme death and fear can instill awe for the Immortal Lord in these people!” the leading Origin Immortal Guardian declared.


  After gesturing out some sort of spell into the ‘Endless Abyss’, the group departed.


  Clangclangclang! Metallic clattering came from the pit, the sounds of fighting within the darkness. The deeper one went, the more frequent this sound became.

  Wang Chong, the Demonic Emperor Old Man, and the Wushang Village Chief were grouped together as they rapidly made their way down the smooth pit wall. The auras rising from their bodies made it so that very few people dared to provoke them, but there were inevitably still some people who tried to ambush the group.


  Countless fist-sized caltrops suddenly appeared in the front of the group, liberally scattered in the air.

  The Wushang Village Chief extended his white cane, sending a vast tide of Stellar Energy rumbling forward. It immediately turned into a barrier that blocked and repulsed the caltrops.

  Boomboomboom! In a series of explosions and a wretched scream, a martial artist hidden some seventy feet away was turned into a mangled mess by the caltrops and plunged from the wall.


  With a resounding clang, a brilliant beam of saber energy flew forward, a silver river thirty to forty meters long that shot toward the group of three.

  “Not knowing your own strength!”

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man’s erect body stood at a complete right angle to the wall, and with merely a wave of his sleeve, he began to gather vast amounts of spiritual energy around him.

  At the same time, an imposing energy erupted from his body.

  That mighty saber energy that seemed capable of cleaving apart mountains was frozen in the air some several dozen feet away from the Demonic Emperor Old Man’s head, unable to progress any farther.


  The Demonic Emperor Old Man thrust forward a palm. “Aaaah!” That hidden martial artist some distance away was thrown several hundred meters by the Demonic Emperor Old Man’s palm, vomiting blood as he dropped into the abyss.

  “Hmph, truly a bunch of scoundrels!”

  Wang Chong turned his gaze to elsewhere in the pit.

  Wang Chong thrust forward a palm, striking an area of the wall seven or eight meters above the
group he had noticed. Rocks and debris crashed down, carrying with them the five or six hidden experts who had just been preparing to launch an attack.


  The panicked screams echoed through the pit for some time.

  “Members of the Five Ancestor Alliance and the Righteous Alliance!” the Demonic Emperor Old Man suddenly said as he watched these people plummet downward. As the former number one of the evil path, he was extremely familiar with the energies of these two groups.

  “It’s them. When the Black Yin Ancestor and Song Yuanyi headed down, they probably already thought about how to deal with us.”

  Wang Chong nodded. Song Yuanyi and the Black Yin Ancestor had brought many experts with them when they went down. While going down themselves, they had left their subordinates to lie in ambush.

  If this were the surface, these people would have posed little threat, but in this unique environment, the slightest lack of attention could cause even a peak Great General to lose his footing and be lost to the abyss.

  “Master, Village Chief, you take the front while I scout using Psychic Energy from the back. I’ll immediately notify you if I sense anything.”

  As they advanced, they continued to encounter various attacks, but they managed to block all of them.

  Gradually, they reached a depth of eight thousand meters.


  Suddenly, without any warning, a bizarre sensation appeared in their minds.

  Wang Chong looked ahead.

  A moment later, Wang Chong something very strange in the darkness. These were thousands of gleaming lights, floating in the air like a vast school of fish.


  The moment Wang Chong sent his Psychic Energy to engulf these lights, he instantly sensed danger. Wang Chong could finally ‘see’ that these thousands of glows were actually metal blades.

  These metal blades were evenly spread throughout the pit, and for a moment, not even Wang Chong and his vast amounts of Psychic Energy were able to determine just how many there were and how wide their distribution was.

  “Not good! We can’t trigger these traps!”

  Wang Chong’s mind shivered. His Psychic Energy inspection told him that these metal blades were still in a state of hibernation. As long as one did not touch or alarm these metal blades, there would be no danger.

  “Eh? What’s that?” A stranger’s voice around a thousand meters down below suddenly spoke. It seemed as if a martial artist farther ahead had noticed the metal blades floating in the pit.

  “Hurry and push those things out of the way!” Another faint voice came from down below.

  “Not good!”

  Wang Chong grimaced as that sense of danger multiplied by dozens of times. Wang Chong wanted to call out to stop them, but it was too late. That martial artist down below seemed to have noticed the danger of those metal blades and sent out a burst of Stellar Energy to push aside the nearest blade, pushing it into another one.

  This reaction was understandable. Alas, this martial artist could not have imagined what consequences his instinctive action would have.


  The crisp clang of one metal blade smacking into another resounded through the depths. A moment later, the scattered clanging became a cacophony, one that continued to spread through the pit.


  A moment later, those countless metal blades that extended deep into the darkness awakened like savage beasts and exploded with a grim energy, terrifying the countless martial artists on the pit walls.

  That grim energy rapidly swelled and soon evolved into a dreadful storm.


  In the blink of an eye, the tens of thousands of metal blades began to shriek through the air, turning into a storm of blades that shot upward, leaving terrifying scars in the air.

  “Aaaaah!” Plaintive screams tore through the air. The first several hundred martial artists were unable to block the thousands of blades. Those metal blades simply crushed them to paste like a giant meat grinder, sending hunks of sliced flesh cascading into the abyss.

  An immense killing machine had begun to turn, and all this was only the beginning.

  Swishswishswish! A thin, sharp, and handleless metal blade whistled forward, instantly striking a martial artist pressed up against a wall seven or eight hundred meters above the storm. This martial artist was no weakling, but his strength was restricted this far underground and the metal blade was able to cut across his spine.


  The martial artist trembled and yelped, instinctively leaning his head back. At this moment, several more metal blades swept across his body. One cut across his neck while four others swept at his limbs and torso. Before the martial artist could even get out a complete scream, his sliced limbs and torso rained down, accompanied by a shower of blood.

  And this was only the prelude.

  The vast storm of thousands of blades exploded upward, and all the martial artists in that pit with a diameter of eight hundred meters, including Wang Chong, the Demonic Emperor Old Man, and the Wushang Village Chief, were caught up in the blast.


  A gruesome slaughter to the tune of ghastly screams commenced. The thousands of martial artists simply had no time to react before that dreadful metal storm sliced them to pieces, showering the pit with their dismembered body parts.

  In the space of a second, the massive pit had turned into hell.

  Chapter 1442 - Wang Chong Strikes!

  Chapter 1442: Wang Chong Strikes!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “Chong-er, careful!”

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man’s beard trembled. He had sensed danger at the first moment, and with bright eyes, he immediately lunged in front of Wang Chong and unleashed his Stellar Energy into a massive barrier to protect the group of three. Bang! Another stream of Stellar Energy surged through his feet and deep into the pit wall, fusing the Demonic Emperor Old Man with the earth.

  At this moment, the Demonic Emperor Old Man was a fortress that was directly enduring the attacks of the metallic storm.


  A split-second after the Demonic Emperor Old Man had done all this, that storm of blades arrived, those countless metal blades incessantly colliding against the Demonic Emperor Old Man’s Stellar Energy fortress. Their constant collisions created a deafening rumble.

  The assault was so frenzied that the Stellar Energy barrier shook constantly.

  While these metal blades truly did have a lot of power, they should not have been able to pose much of a threat to an existence like the Demonic Emperor Old Man. However, the tens of thousands of them endlessly attacking and the restrictions imposed by the environment could even pressure someone as powerful as him.


  Standing within the Stellar Energy barrier, Wang Chong could still sense the danger. The constant bangs and thumps were like meteor impacts. Moreover, the wall beneath was shuddering and shivering. The moment it reached its breaking point, it would crumble, taking them down with it.

  One second, two seconds, three seconds… that howling storm of blades seemed like it would never end. After ten-some seconds, Wang Chong’s group was already nearing its breaking point. But this storm seemed to only be getting started.

  It’s no good! if this continues, Master’s energy will be pointlessly wasted here! And by the end, we’ll still find it difficult to fend it off!

  The imposing figure of his master seemed invincible and capable of stopping any danger, but Wang Chong could clearly sense the Stellar Energy in his master’s body rapidly being consumed. Although Song Yuanyi and the others might not have realized, Wang Chong was keenly aware that his master could not fight long battles.

  Just constantly enduring this kind of endless attack would quickly take up his Stellar Energy, causing him to either fall or to have no strength to counter any other danger.

  I have to think of a way to de
al with this wave!

  Wang Chong lowered his head and began to think.

  Screams were ringing in his ears, and countless martial artists were dropping down from above. This was nothing but a massacre. Several hundred martial artists had already been sliced into chunks by this metallic storm.

  This dreadful and large-scale storm could render the strength of any single martial artist insignificant. Although Wang Chong’s group was safe for now due to the Demonic Emperor, if they didn’t think of a solution, their safety would not last for long.


  Suddenly, Wang Chong opened his eyes and began to scan his surroundings. A moment later, his eyes flashed and he punched.

  Boom! The pit wall beneath the feet of Wang Chong’s group collapsed inward, sending a shower of debris down below.

  Wang Chong’s punch had excavated a ten-meter hole into the pit wall.

  “Master, Village Chief, go in!”

  Wang Chong extended his left palm, exerting a pull on the depths of the hole. Meanwhile, his other hand pulled on the Wushang Village Chief and his master. Whoosh! They flew into the hole created by the punch. Although this did not directly free them from the danger, it would at least reduce the amount of attacks they were facing by a third.

  After doing this, Wang Chong sent out his Psychic Energy into the seemingly endless void before him.

  Wang Chong’s body became motionless, but as the tens of thousands of blades flew through the air, they were all reflected in Wang Chong’s mind. Through his Psychic Energy, Wang Chong slowly began to grasp their trajectories.

  These trajectories were not clear at first, and he was only able to grasp a few of the blades, but he was gradually able to clarify the trajectories of more and more blades.

  Wang Chong seemed to have returned to the Origin Immortal Formation, his mind making millions of calculations. Just as he had attempted to calculate the rules governing the formation, he was now trying to find the flaw in this metallic storm.


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