The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 917

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)


  As the Wootz Steel dagger flew forward, the entire cavern resounded with sharp clicking. The sixteen pairs of eyes on the Darkshadow Spider all constricted as its mandibles opened and released ten-some threads at the dagger.

  Although the spider was not as intelligent as a human, it still had some intelligence. It had immediately noticed that this human’s dagger could block its white threads, and even while it was hastily retreating up the tree, its sixteen pairs of eyes had still been focused on Wang Chong’s dagger.

  From a certain perspective, this dagger presented more of a threat than Wang Chong himself.

  “Hmph, as expected!”

  Wang Chong coldly chuckled, having already predicted this act.

  He had thought about pouring Stellar Energy into the dagger and using it to kill the spider from a distance, but it was obvious that this cunning spider was guarding against this. And without his Wootz Steel dagger, Wang Chong would have very little at his disposal to deal with the spider.

  The risk was too great, so Wang Chong elected to be more cautious.

  Fortunately, this had never been Wang Chong’s plan from the beginning.


  After hoodwinking yet another wave of attacks out of the Darkshadow Spider, Wang Chong’s Wootz Steel dagger suddenly went horizontal. Using the tough blade of the Wootz Steel dagger as a shield, Wang Chong’s Stellar Energy exploded outward, busting a gap the size of a human through the white threads.

  Crackcrackcrack! Throughout this process, constant cracking could be heard from the Wootz Steel dagger. The smooth Wootz Steel blade, hailed as the king of all swords, was instantly covered in a web of cracks.

  Chapter 1470 - Fierce Battle with the Darkshadow Spider (II)

  Chapter 1470: Fierce Battle with the Darkshadow Spider (II)

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Wang Chong was stunned to see what had happened to the dagger.

  From a certain perspective, this Darkshadow Spider was even more terrifying than the Dragonbeasts or the Nightmare Beast. And given how much the Wootz Steel dagger had already cracked, it wouldn’t be long until it was shattered into hundreds of pieces.

  But for Wang Chong, this was enough.

  He curled up his body and flew in through the small ‘passage’ opened up by the Wootz Steel dagger, hurtling toward the Darkshadow Spider atop the ancient tree.

  The time window was very short and the passage opened up by the Wootz Steel dagger extremely small. As Wang Chong passed through it, his nostrils were filled with the thick stench of death. These translucent white threads were the sharpest and toughest material he had ever encountered.

  The slightest lack of care in this process would have his body cut into pieces by these spider threads.

  As Wang Chong passed through, those sharp and tough threads were only several inches away from his face, and their sharpness alone made his skin prickle.

  Swish! A lower corner of Wang Chong’s clothes was passed over by a thread and silently drifted away, whereupon the other spider threads down below cut it into tiny bits.

  The danger of the situation would have many powerful martial artists feeling hesitant, but for Wang Chong and his abundant combat experience, such danger had become a part of his life. No matter what perils he faced, he would never back down.


  In the blink of an eye, Wang Chong had narrowly made his way through the spider threads.

  Swoosh! Swoosh!

  Wang Chong flicked his fingers, sending several bolts of Sword Qi howling at the head of the Darkshadow Spider.

  At such a close distance, even the Darkshadow Spider and its incredible agility would find it difficult to dodge. Moreover, after long observation, Wang Chong had long ago noticed that though the Darkshadow Spider was large and its threads sharp, striking its head would either kill it or severely wound it.

  But to his surprise, the attack was ineffective. With a whoosh, two tough and hairy legs rose up and just barely managed to block the bolts of Sword Qi.

  Thudthud! The two tough limbs snapped off and dropped to the ground.

  The Darkshadow Spider was stunned and furious. Shrieking in pain, it retreated seven or eight meters along the web, its sixteen pairs of eyes all looking down below at Wang Chong in hatred. And Wang Chong himself was soon left flabbergasted.

  The Darkshadow Spider’s abdomen suddenly cracked open, revealing some sort of bizarre organ.


  A ball of white material shot out from the Darkshadow Spider’s abdomen and transformed mid-air into a tenacious spider web with a diameter of ten-some meters. The threads of this web were so tightly intersected that the holes between them were less than half of an inch. Just looking at it made one’s blood freeze.

  And as this massive web flew forward, the air hissed as if it was being sliced apart.

  Wang Chong instantly felt the warning bells go off in his head, far louder than for the previous spider threads.


  Wang Chong finally paled.

  The spider web covered a massive area and cut off almost every avenue of escape. Moreover, once the spider web had reached its maximum size, Wang Chong saw its edges tremble as if it was preparing to close in.

  If his guess was right, even a light touch would cause the web to rapidly close in around him.

  Even worse was that Wang Chong was in the air, so even if he wanted to run and even if the spider web hadn’t cut off all his routes, he still wouldn’t have been able to run.


  The spider web came with surprising speed, rushing toward him like the giant hand of the death god, ready to tightly embrace Wang Chong and slice him to pieces.

  For a moment, as danger drowned every part of his body, he almost stopped breathing.

  Two meters, one meter, fifty centimeters… Wang Chong was in dire straits.

  Everything had happened far too quickly, and there was no time for Wang Chong to think. Not even the Wootz Steel dagger could pull him out of this predicament.

  The moment the Wootz Steel dagger touched the web, the web would contract even faster.

  Death clung to him like a shadow, and as Wang Chong was on the verge of dying to this web, thousands of ideas went through his mind.

  “…the threads are also immune to fire and water, undamaged by even the fiercest flames. They’re simply impervious.”

  Young Master Qingyang’s words regarding the information on these spiders recorded in that ancient text flitted through his mind.

  “If not even fierce flames can stop it, maybe another kind of flame will work!”

  The peril of death could trigger even Wang Chong’s potential.


  Thick flames erupted out of Wang Chong’s body, dividing into three colors, three different traits. These were the Fire of Lu Wu, the Fire of Ju Bi, and the Fire of Mara.

  These fires all exceeded ordinary flames and possessed unbelievable strength.

  Although the spider threads were thin, tough, and unimaginably sharp, they were not actual steel. If not even these three flames could do anything to them, then perhaps nothing in the world could stop them and Wang Chong would soon be dead.

  The searing Fire of Lu Wu and Fire of Ju Bi passed across the white threads, but the high temperature failed to deform them in any way as they exhibited their truly frightening tenacity.

  But a moment later, snap! As the black Fire of Mara howled forward, the white threads of the massive spider web began to snap and burn.

  In a flash, the Fire of Mara had burned a massive hole through the death god’s spider web.


  As the spider web snapped, the massive Darkshadow Spider on the ancient tree retreated even farther up, clicking with its mouth. As its sixteen pairs of eyes reflected the Fire of Mara, fear and terror appeared within them.

  “This beast is afraid of the Fire of Mara!”

  Wang Chong
instantly understood. He extended his left hand, pulled on the giant tree, and then shot through the gap in the spider web.

  As he shot forward, Wang Chong opened both hands and spewed out the black Fire of Mara through both of them, scorching the dense spider webs throughout the cavern. Papapa! The blazing Fire of Mara instantly set the place alight.


  With a sweep of his hands, Wang Chong instantly cleared out a large space at the bottom of the tree.


  The Darkshadow Spider’s calls grew even more urgent now that it saw that its threads at the base of the tree had been cleared out.

  Its eyes stared at Wang Chong in terror. It had already retreated to the very top of the tree, seemingly to get as far away from Wang Chong as possible.

  “Hmph, I finally found your weakness!”

  Wang Chong looked up at the large form of the Darkshadow Spider and laughed.

  This Darkshadow Spider had been far too difficult to deal with, and he had almost died to its threads. Despite all the battles and dangers he had been through over his two lives, this was the first time Wang Chong had encountered such terrifying spider threads.

  But things were different now.

  “The Fire of Mara possesses immense destructive power and is extremely effective against creatures with immense vitality. That’s the key, right?”

  Wang Chong glanced at the top of the tree and smiled.

  Of the three flames he had, the Fires of Lu Wu and Ju Bi had done no damage at all, but the Fire of Mara had instantly burned the threads away. Wang Chong found this very strange.

  “These threads are so tough and sharp because you’ve mixed in your vitality with them!”

  Spider threads created with one’s own vitality could probably be found nowhere else in the natural world. This would also explain why they could so easily cut through weapons.


  The massive Darkshadow Spider seemed to understand Wang Chong’s words and fiercely clicked in hatred. Before Wang Chong could attack again, it turned around, let out a spider thread from the top of the tree, and swiftly fled down it, vanishing into another cave.


  Even from a distance, he could still hear the panicked clicks of the spider.

  Wang Chong was startled, and then he grinned, choosing not to chase it down. The caves here were complex and interconnected. If this beast was wholeheartedly focused on running, he would truly find it very difficult to find it.

  “The first priority is to save these people and then find the Origin Immortal Art.”

  With a flip of his wrist, Wang Chong sent the black Fire of Mara through the cave, cleaning up the many spider webs and the martial artists wrapped up on the giant tree.


  A massive cocoon plunged from the tree.

  With a sweep of his Wootz Steel dagger, Wang Chong cut through the cocoon and immediately saw a familiar figure. It was none other than Young Master Qingyang’s guard, Sword Dragon.

  Chapter 1471 - Surviving a Disaster!

  Chapter 1471: Surviving a Disaster!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Sword Dragon’s eyes were shut and his face was green. His body was motionless except for a weak rising and falling of his chest.

  He’s still conscious! Wang Chong quietly remarked.

  This spider’s poison was truly astonishing. Sword Dragon was a top-class expert, but it seemed like he had fallen prey to the Darkshadow Spider after just a few clashes, unable to use any of his profound strength.

  Wang Chong placed a pill into Sword Dragon’s mouth to help him recover and then called over Young Master Qingyang.

  “How… how could this be?!”

  When Wang Chong appeared before him, Young Master Qingyang believed that after a round of fierce combat, Wang Chong had finally realized that he was no match and decided to escape. What Young Master Qingyang had never expected was that the Darkshadow Spider had actually been driven away.

  He had personally experienced the ferocity of its poison, with its dark green mist able to even disrupt Psychic Energy. This, along with its nigh invincible threads, made him truly unable to think of anything that could defeat it.

  But Wang Chong had driven it away.

  This ancient, savage creature had lived for at least one thousand years, and it was extremely obsessed with the prey it had captured. Unless it was absolutely necessary, it would never flee and abandon its nest.

  For a moment, Young Master Qingyang felt like he was in a dream, but when he saw the figure of Sword Dragon slowly recovering in the cavern, his body trembled in agitation.

  “Young Master!”

  Before Young Master Qingyang could speak, Sword Dragon opened his eyes and looked up.

  “Wonderful! You’re still alive!”

  The sight of the still-living Young Master Qingyang had Sword Dragon extremely emotional, and he looked to Wang Chong with utmost gratitude.

  The master and servant had reunited, and both felt like they had had a close shave with death. After all, not long ago, Young Master Qingyang had already accepted his death.

  “Brother Wang, no words can express my gratitude. I owe you a favor for this. In the future, if there is anything you need, please ask! Sword Dragon and I will go through fire to accomplish the task.”

  “Heh, we can talk about that later. Hurry and help me save the others,” Wang Chong said.

  With the help of this pair, he began to take down the hundreds of cocoons and awaken the martial artists within.

  The Darkshadow Spider’s poison was extremely problematic, but fortunately, these people had not been captured for too long. Moreover, the Darkshadow Spider had not intended to poison these people to death, so besides a few martial artists whose organs had been dissolved by the Darkshadow Spider’s poison, leading to their death, the majority of the martial artists were generally okay.

  “Ah! I didn’t think I would survive.”

  “A poisonous spider! I just remembered, there was a massive spider here!”

  “What in the world happened? Where’s the spider?”

  “Ah! I’m still alive! I’m really still alive…”

  The surviving martial artists began to wake up and celebrate, even more blessing their luck when they saw the remnants of the spider threads around them.

  Some of the martial artists picked up branches from the ancient tree and lightly waved them at a still-taut spider thread, upon which the branch would instantly be cut in two. As they stared at the smooth cuts on the branches, they felt their skin crawl. This spider had been the most terrifying creature they had ever encountered. If not for Wang Chong, they didn’t even dare to imagine what would happen to them.

  Everyone looked to Wang Chong. Though he was dressed in simple attire, he stood upright like a pine tree.

  The majority of the people in the cavern had seen Wang Chong before entering the pit. After all, very few people did not know about the Demonic Emperor’s disciple, and before this, many of them even regarded him with deep contempt. But now, they had cast aside these emotions, only feeling utmost gratitude.

  “Young Master Wang!”

  A martial artist of thirty or forty years clasped his hands together and excitedly stepped forward.

  “My gratitude cannot be described in words! This time, I’ve come to represent all my comrades in thanking Young Master for saving us. Young Master is our savior, and in the future, if you have some request, we will fulfill it, even if we must die ten thousand times!”

  The middle-aged martial artist gave Wang Chong a deep bow.

  Wang Chong waved his hand and nonchalantly said, “There’s no need to be so courteous. I just did it in the passing.”

  “Young Master is too humble! No matter what, we all owe Young Master a favor.”

  “Young Master, be at ease! In the future, if anyone dares to strike at you, they will be our enemy. Right, everyone?”

Indeed! Anyone who dares to strike against the Young Master will be making an enemy of us!”

  The other martial artists in the cavern called out in agreement.

  But just when everyone was at their most emotional and excited…

  When Wang Chong was at his least vigilant, that middle-aged martial artist who had represented his fellows in thanking Wang Chong suddenly raised his head, opened his mouth, and spat out a cloud of black poison gas.

  Swish! A poisoned knife so small that it could be considered a silver needle shot out of his mouth, mixing with the black poison gas as it hurtled toward Wang Chong’s face.

  At that moment, the excitement and gratitude on the martial artist’s face turned sinister and eerie.


  This abrupt assault took everyone by surprise.

  “What are you doing?!”

  “Bastard, you dare!”

  The entire crowd was stunned and furious, with even Young Master Qingyang and Sword Dragon scowling.

  Wang Chong had saved all the martial artists here, and all of them felt grateful for it. They were all anxious to protect him and had no thought of even trying to harm him. This was precisely why none had imagined that one of them would attack Wang Chong, and in a situation like this!


  In a flash, a palm slammed into the chest of the middle-aged martial artist and sent him flying. At the same time, Wang Chong used the Void Movement Technique and instantly vanished, barely dodging the assault.


  The small poisoned knife slammed into the wall behind Wang Chong, causing it to partially crumble. A black poison began to ooze across the wall, blackening a large chunk.

  Wang Chong also managed to barely dodge the black poison gas spat out by the martial artist.

  “How could this be?!”

  Several dozen feet away, the middle-aged martial artist flying backward saw this sight and opened his eyes wide in shock and disbelief.

  He had come up to say those words precisely so that Wang Chong would drop his guard, giving him the perfect chance to strike. He had never imagined that he would fail.

  “Hmph, you think too much of yourself!”

  Wang Chong reappeared, a cold light in his eyes.


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