The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 923

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  In the blink of an eye, the man had been charred to a crisp, his scorched remains thudding to the ground.

  Fwoosh! Blazing flames ignited from other areas, catching several more martial artists by surprise.

  “Aaaaah!” Wretched screams echoed through the cave.


  “Assume formation! Everyone, be careful!”

  Amidst the fearful shouts, four immense Dragonbeasts lunged into the cave.

  Stellar Energy crisscrossed through the cave as all sorts of attacks were aimed at the Dragonbeasts, but none of them were effective.

  For the Dragonbeasts, these Stellar Energy attacks were like gentle breezes.

  “Hmph, even if you’ve called out these things, you will die all the same!”

  As the Stellar-Piercing Beetles and Dragonbeasts commenced the slaughter, the bamboo hat leader furiously roared and his body began to transform. A few moments later, rocks began to be drawn toward his body, and when they attached to him, they seemed to transform into refined copper.

  In the space of a second, the bamboo hat leader’s body swelled into the form of a thirty-meter-tall Yellow Scarf Warrior.

  The sea of energy surging within his body would impress any martial artist.


  A steely fist shot forward, instantly striking one of the Dragonbeasts and sending it yowling into a cave wall ten-some meters away. The Dragonbeast’s skin even showed a hint of petrification.

  Such terrifying energy startled even the likes of Song Yuanyi and the Black Yin Ancestor. As for Wang Chong, who had clashed several times with the Dragonbeasts, he was well aware of their power, and so he was even more astonished by this sight.

  “So strong! The bamboo hat leader’s martial arts seem to have followed a completely different path. His giant form doesn’t rely on Stellar Energy attacks, but pure physical strength. The Dragonbeast’s Anti-Stellar properties are much less effective against it.”

  Wang Chong was stunned as he observed this sight. Of all the people in this cave, he was in the worst situation. The Dragonbeasts and Stellar-Piercing Beetles were formidable, but he also had the even more formidable Origin Immortal Art successor right behind him. If he made any reckless moves, he might suddenly be attacked from the rear.

  His only advantage was that he was positioned farther back, with the men in black, Five Ancestor Alliance, and Righteous Alliance taking most of the pressure. But it would only be one or two seconds until Wang Chong’s relative ‘safety’ evaporated, at which point Wang Chong would be in more danger than anyone else.


  A large wave of beetles was already rushing in Wang Chong’s direction, attacking all the Righteous Alliance and Five Ancestor Alliance experts in its path.

  In the face of these beetles that had struck fear into the hearts of all the martial artists present, Song Yuanyi was unperturbed. This was not his first time dealing with these bizarre beetles, and while they were formidable, their abilities seemed very limited against the Righteous Alliance Lord.

  Chapter 1481 - Layers of Mystery! (II)

  Chapter 1481: Layers of Mystery! (II)

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr


  Song Yuanyi suddenly stomped down, stirring up a cloud of dust, and then a vast wave of Stellar Energy brimming with vitality burst from his body and blocked the Stellar-Piercing Beetles.

  Hisssss! A few moments later, countless green vines sprouted out from Song Yuanyi’s Stellar Energy and the rocks beneath his feet, enlarging with astonishing speed and coiling together. The beetles lunged at the vines and began to gnaw at them, but the vines were able to grow faster than they were eaten.

  The Immortal Universe Eternal Spring Mantra was the most tenacious and strongest defensive art in the martial arts world. Song Yuanyi had singlehandedly protected the Righteous Alliance group from the attacks of the beetles.

  At the same time, another wave of beetles, their wings vibrating, charged at the Black Yin Ancestor and the Five Ancestor Alliance.

  “Let me!” the taciturn Myriad Ghost Ancestor suddenly said.

  Rumble! The earth quaked as clouds of black mist surged out of the ground, brimming with thick, sinister, and foul energy. Guided by this energy, the mist seemed to have a life of its own and seeped into the bodies of the glowing beetles.

  Surprisingly, these Stellar-Piercing Beetles that were practically immune to Stellar Energy, and could even eat it, began to rapidly darken upon contact with the mist.

  They began to sway and stagger in the air as if their wings had been broken.

  Song Yuanyi and Xie Guangting, the Lord and Vice Lord of the Righteous Alliance, couldn’t help but be surprised by this sight, but they quickly understood what was going on.

  The Myriad Ghost Ancestor was not using Stellar Energy, but the foul Yin energy that had been naturally formed in the depths of the earth.

  The glowing auras of the beetles consisted of extremely fierce Yang energy, the exact opposite of the turbid Yin energy, so they would naturally be affected.

  “My Yin energy can’t hold them for long! Use this chance and attack them with weapons!” The Myriad Ghost Ancestor’s voice resounded in the ears of all the Five Ancestor Alliance disciples.

  The beetles were strongly resistant to Stellar Energy, making such attacks useless against them and in fact only making them stronger. However, while these beetles were terrifying, in the Origin Immortal Formation, everyone had realized that their weapons were effective. This was also their only method of dealing with these Stellar-Piercing Beetles.


  The clanging of weapons filled the air as the Five Ancestor Alliance experts took out their sabers and swords and rushed at the beetles.

  Almost all of the Five Ancestor Alliance experts, whether they were skilled with weapons or not, had a saber or sword on them. It was clear that the Five Ancestor Alliance had made their preparations for this expedition.

  Dingdang! The weapons hacking at the beetles sounded like the clash of metal on metal.

  It had taken only a few moments for the cave to fall into complete chaos.

  At this moment, a buzzing of wings echoed through Wang Chong’s ears, and he saw that three beetles the size of a child’s arm were flying in a row toward him.

  These three beetles caused cold sweat to seep out of his forehead.

  In the past, with his ability and a weapon, he would have been completely capable of dealing with these beetles, but now…

  Wang Chong instinctively moved to battle, a stream of Stellar Energy flowing down his arm toward his fingertip.

  “Don’t move!” The familiar whisper of the Lone Silence Ancestor spoke into his ear. “That walking corpse has already completely locked onto us. If we make any sudden moves, he’ll immediately launch a thunderous assault. And that walking corpse is just standing there, and his energy has already built up to its limit, ready to erupt at the first opportunity. That strike will probably be even more terrifying than the blow that killed the Four Ends Martial Lord!

  “I don’t know the Great Yin Yang Art, so I can’t divide his attack in two, and I see that your energy flow is in disorder. If my guess is right, the art that your master taught you is beginning to go out of control again.”

  The Lone Silence Ancestor’s words caused Wang Chong’s heart to sink, because they were true. Wang Chong’s condition truly was nothing to be happy about. With each battle, he would worsen the disarray in his body.

  The use of the Great Yin Yang Art a few moments ago to divert that lethal attack had thrown his meridians into an unprecedented state of chaos. Wang Chong hadn’t even done anything yet, but he could already feel various critical acupuncture points beginning to ache. His Stellar Energy flow was clearly on the verge of going rampant.

  If this was his condition when he hadn’t even attacked yet, he didn’t even dare to imagine what would happen once he started to fight.

nbsp; Buzz!

  During this conversation, the three beetles were still streaking toward the pair like lightning bolts.

  The air was fraught with tension, and even the Lone Silence Ancestor broke out in a cold sweat.

  “What to do, what to do…” the Lone Silence Ancestor muttered to himself.

  The buzzing of the three beetles in the cave was like thunder in their ears. And behind them, that terrifying gaze was still watching. Even the Lone Silence Ancestor found himself in great danger, truly unable to either advance or retreat.


  The three beetles were like golden streams of light as they got closer and closer. Six steps, five steps, four steps… Wang Chong could even make out the black compound eyes on their little heads and their first pairs of legs, even the little spots and fur covering them.

  There was little time left for Wang Chong.

  Just when it seemed like the two were doomed, Wang Chong felt the world slow to a crawl, his mind turning at unprecedented speed.

  A moment later, a bolt of inspiration flashed across his mind.

  “There’s a way!”

  In the darkness, Wang Chong’s eyes seemed to explode with light.

  Just when the three Stellar-Piercing Beetles were about to hit, a tangible Psychic Energy erupted from Wang Chong’s mind and landed on the saber of a distant Five Ancestor Alliance expert.

  A martial artist’s Psychic Energy would normally not be able to affect a weapon, but Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy was now tangible, and this new ability allowed him to completely turn around the situation.


  That saber that was about to strike the left wing of a beetle, with a pull from Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy, suddenly joined several other weapons in striking the center of the beetle. The swords plunged in, causing green blood to burst from the insect’s body.

  Clicking and shrieking, the beetle was brought down to the ground by the combined attack of three experts.


  Like kicking a beehive, the beetle’s cries caused the other Stellar-Piercing Beetles to go into a frenzy, all of them lunging at the three Five Ancestor Alliance experts. Even the three beetles that had been heading toward Wang Chong vibrated their wings and turned to charge at the trio.

  Wang Chong sighed in relief.

  The Stellar-Piercing Beetles were extremely difficult to deal with, particularly when they got into groups. But Wang Chong had realized one of their unique properties. If one of their number was heavily wounded or dying, the other beetles nearby would immediately turn to attack the person who had killed it.

  He had tested out this theory, and just as he had expected, it had resolved his crisis.

  But while Wang Chong was free from danger, the three Five Ancestor Alliance experts on the other side were instantly thrown into disarray.

  “Wh-what happened here?”

  The three of them yelped in alarm. They were strong enough to deal with several beetles at once, but they were no match against this buzzing horde, and instantly panicked.


  As the numerous Stellar-Piercing Beetles approached, a ghastly white palm emerged behind the trio, and a moment later, a vast and supremely evil Stellar Energy exploded forward, sending the three of them flying.

  “Damn things! Stand a little farther!”

  The Black Yin Ancestor’s icy voice resounded in everyone’s ears. When the Black Yin Ancestor needed to act, he would show no mercy, not even to his own subordinates.

  The three of them flew into the cloud of beetles and began to scream. A few seconds later, the beetles had broken through their Stellar Energy barriers, entered their skin, and turned them into flaming torches.

  “Bastard thing, this was your doing!”

  After sending those three men flying to prevent the rest of his forces from being caught in the crossfire, the Black Yin Ancestor turned his furious eyes on Wang Chong. While others might not have realized what had happened, how could an expert on the level of the Black Yin Ancestor not know?

  The Black Yin Ancestor’s eyes seethed with killing intent as he glared at the Lone Silence Ancestor and Wang Chong.

  Wang Chong immediately felt a sense of ill foreboding. As the saying went, he had just gotten out of the wolf cave but ended up waltzing into the tiger’s den. By drawing away the three beetles, he had attracted the fierce tiger of the Black Yin Ancestor.

  A battle between Wang Chong and the Black Yin Ancestor seemed imminent. Meanwhile, the battle between the men in black and the Origin Immortal Villagers had already entered a new phase.

  Chapter 1482 - Layers of Mystery! (III)

  Chapter 1482: Layers of Mystery! (III)

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “Darkshadow Spider, attack!” someone suddenly roared.

  The immense strength of the Yellow Scarf Warrior had clearly made the Origin Immortal Guardians uneasy. A moment later, swish! Crystalline spider threads, thin as hairs, shot out from the dark depths.

  The threads instantly pierced through the immense body of the Yellow Scarf Warrior, and the remaining power in them continued onward to pierce through several Five Ancestor Alliance and Righteous Alliance experts behind it.

  Not even those of the highest cultivation level could completely block these dreadful spider threads!


  One spider thread after another shot out of the cave. The vast majority were aimed at the men in black, but the others in the cave were also caught in the crossfire.

  “Aaaah!” Screams resounded through the air as those Five Ancestor Alliance and Righteous Alliance experts who failed to be careful were cut in half by the threads, their organs spilling to the ground.

  The crisscrossing spider threads had swiftly turned the cave lit by green fire into a deadly trap. These threads together with the Stellar-Piercing Beetles and the Dragonbeasts placed everyone in the cave in grave danger.

  “That thing should have been frightened away!”

  Wang Chong was also surprised to see the Darkshadow Spider appearing again. But the spider truly did seem extremely afraid. It remained hidden in the darkness, using its threads to only attack from a distance.

  Wang Chong knew what the spider was afraid of. It was afraid of him.

  In the battle from before, he had cut off its two forelegs, fought it in close combat, and even used the Fire of Mara to burn away its webs. These had all left a deep impression on the Darkshadow Spider and left it extremely afraid.

  Thus, as it shot out thread after thread, it subconsciously avoided the motionless Wang Chong.

  The Darkshadow Spider clearly wasn’t aware that Wang Chong couldn’t move, which allowed Wang Chong to avoid this additional disaster.

  Alas, these men in black aren’t that easy to deal with…

  Wang Chong looked at the Black Flame Asuras as he commented to himself.

  The Darkshadow Spider’s threads were extremely sharp, but they were directly countered by the Fire of Mara, and Wang Chong had obtained his Fire of Mara from the men in black.

  This meant that the Darkshadow Spider’s threads would have an extremely limited effect in this cave.

  “It’s that spider! Snap for me!”

  With a furious roar, the Yellow Scarf Warrior turned its copper eyes onto the darkness and slammed its arms down. Papapa! The sharp white threads instantly snapped, the fierce black Fire of Mara burning them away.

  “You think there’s any use in just hiding far away? Die!”

  The Yellow Scarf Warrior’s eyes turned cold as he pinched the fingers of his left hand. The cave began to rumble as a vast energy thundered through space toward the distant Darkshadow Spider. This was the same move that had been used against Wang Chong, ‘Fury of the Earth’!


  The distant Darkshadow Spider seemed to sense the danger and shrieked in terror.

  The Darkshadow Spider could only fire its threads eighty meters at
most, but the Yellow Scarf Warrior possessed the power of the earth, so he had a much greater range. It was completely in his power to strike through the earth at the Darkshadow Spider’s body, and in this way, he was a perfect counter for it.

  Just when it seemed like this ancient spider that had lived since ancient times was about to die to the Yellow Scarf Warrior…


  The earth trembled again as another stream of vast energy swept through the area. A moment later, the Yellow Scarf Warrior lost its control over the earth.

  Moreover, an invisible sealing energy had caused the Stellar Energy in every person’s body to suddenly tighten and freeze.


  As if a cold wind had blown through the cave, the flames rising from the Black Flame Asuras weakened. Even the half–Lu Wus could feel their movements slow.

  It was like heavy shackles had been placed on their arms and legs.

  Formation power!

  Wang Chong had immediately sensed that familiar energy.

  The Origin Immortal Lord had laid down numerous formations. Even Wang Chong, whose Psychic Energy was powerful enough to control a Behemoth, could barely make any headway in this place.

  The Origin Immortal Guardians had undoubtedly summoned the power of another formation that was affecting everyone here. It was just that it affected the men in black more severely.


  Soon after, there were two metallic rings at his ear. With his immense Psychic Energy, Wang Chong could sense that the power of two formations had spread to his location.

  Wang Chong could sense that thirty percent of his Stellar Energy had been bound, but from what he could see, the Origin Immortal Guardians were completely unaffected.

  “Kill them!”

  There was a sharp cry as the silver-robed Origin Immortal Village Chief jabbed a finger at the men in black, her body seething with killing intent.


  A milky-white bolt of Sword Qi exploded from her body.

  At that moment, the air behind her shifted and condensed, and a moment later, a golden phoenix appeared.


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