The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 935

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)


  The Demonic Emperor Old Man and Wushang Village Chief, who were already rushing over, were compelled to stop and call back their Stellar Energy.

  “And that little pet of yours! Did you think I didn’t notice? Have him retreat.”

  This voice, which had a light Hu accent, echoed in everyone’s ears.

  Time seemed to stop. Behind Wang Chong, the third-generation successor seemed to almost angrily step back.

  The distant Lone Silence Ancestor went stiff, so shocked that he couldn’t speak. He had only gone up to look at the stone stele and bridge, never expecting something like this.

  The three of them and the walking corpse were now too afraid to move for fear of the consequences.

  “Bagushidu, what are you up to?!”

  Wang Chong immediately recognized his attacker. Even though he was weak and suppressed, Wang Chong could still use his Psychic Energy.

  “Heh, King of Foreign Lands, you’re really not someone to be underestimated!”

  The man laughed. He was wearing a black robe and had a scholarly and refined appearance. It was impossible to associate him with the man who had been waiting in hiding this entire time and had ambushed the group.

  Bagushidu could be said to have been the most enigmatic character throughout this northwest adventure. From the opening of the Origin Immortal Formation to the opening of the treasury, Wang Chong and the others had not even seen him, and while everyone was fighting for their lives over the Origin Immortal Treasury, Bagushidu seemed to not care at all.

  No one had expected that the inconspicuous and enigmatic Eastern Turkic King would appear here, and he had clearly reached the heart of the Origin Immortal Treasury much earlier than everyone else.

  It was apparent that he had smoothly arrived without alarming either the third- or second-generation successors.

  This was simply unbelievable!

  “It seems like everyone underestimated you. I didn’t think you had the ability to deceive everyone’s senses. Not even the Origin Immortal Art successors were able to notice. It’s no wonder you never seemed to be in any rush,” Wang Chong coldly said.

  Wang Chong rarely made mistakes, but this time, he was forced to admit that he had truly underestimated this man. There were times when one’s true enemy wasn’t necessarily someone who could be seen. The most fatal attack often came from places beyond one’s vision.

  “Heh, the King of Foreign Lands praises me too much. But if you don’t want to die, I would have your master, those two seniors, and that walking corpse stand a little farther away.”

  Bagushidu smiled. Even in this tense and dangerous situation, he continued to maintain his style and grace.

  Wang Chong’s heart shivered. Bagushidu might have appeared pleasant, but his grip on Wang Chong’s neck had never once slackened, and had actually tightened. This was clearly an extremely dangerous man.

  “Bagushidu, if you dare to harm my disciple, this old man will never let you go!”

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man’s face was ashen pale, but despite his threat, he slowly backed away.

  “It’s said that the Demonic Emperor of the Central Plains is a vicious man who always get his way and never bows his head. It seems like you truly adore your disciple!”

  Bagushidu smiled as he confidently strode forward, his hand still gripped around Wang Chong’s neck.

  His pace didn’t slow down at all as he spoke, and at the same time, a wicked black Stellar Energy alien to the Central Plains flowed through his arm and began to creep through Wang Chong’s body.

  Wang Chong mustered all his strength, but he was still powerless to resist. In just a few seconds, all his meridians and acupuncture points were under his enemy’s control.

  This man… What frightening strength!

  Wang Chong’s mind shivered as he stared at the smiling Bagushidu.

  Chapter 1503 - Bagushidu’s Power!

  Chapter 1503: Bagushidu’s Power!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Bagushidu’s attacks were not very showy, but his Stellar Energy was extremely dense, and he seemed even more frightening than members of the Great Tang Imperial Court like Gao Xianzhi and Fumeng Lingcha, or members of the martial arts world like the Black Yin Ancestor, the Bone Devil Ancestor, and even Song Yuanyi.

  Most alarming of all was that Wang Chong sensed the energy of the Subtle realm on Bagushidu. Before this, the energy of the Subtle realm that Wang Chong had encountered had always been as fierce and scorching as the sun.

  But the energy oozing from Bagushidu’s body was something else entirely. It was dark and sinister, bursting with destructive capacity. It was the exact opposite of the bold and blazing energy of the Subtle realm, but the two were on exactly the same level.

  This was the first time Wang Chong had encountered another kind of high-level energy, and it completely overturned his understanding of the Subtle realm.

  The Great Tang divided the Turkic Khaganate into the Eastern and Western. The Western Turkic Khaganate under Ishbara Khagan has the stronger army, whereas the Eastern Turkic Khaganate under Ozmish Khagan has the more thriving martial tradition and the most experts. In particular, Mount Otuken, the holy land for martial arts in the Eastern Turkic Khaganate, is the place in the Khaganate where one could spot the rising sun the earliest. Thus, it’s also called the Solar Holy Land.

  This lineage of martial arts is completely different from that of the Central Plains, and it can be considered a lineage separate from the Central Plains and the Great Snow Mountain. As Bagushidu is an Eastern Turkic King and given his outstanding martial arts, he must have come from the Solar Holy Mountain! Wang Chong finally determined, countless thoughts rushing through his mind.

  Every martial arts holy land could create an empire. For example, the Great Snow Mountain Holy Temple on the Tibetan Plateau was able to produce one batch of experts after another for the Ü-Tsang Empire. Thus, no matter how many times it waned or how many sovereigns came and went, Ü-Tsang was able to rise again and repeatedly cause problems for the dynasties of the Central Plains.

  The eastern world was home to three holy lands. In Wang Chong’s last life, the only experts Wang Chong had never interacted with were those of the Solar Holy Land.

  Across the empire, the one who most frequently clashed with them was Andong Protector-General Zhang Shougui.

  “Bagushidu, what are you planning? If you want the Origin Immortal Art, no one can stop you now!” Wang Chong quickly said as all these thoughts ran through his mind..

  His expression was calm and devoid of panic.

  “Heh, I naturally want the Origin Immortal Art, but, King of Foreign Lands, you are also my target!”

  Bagushidu lightly chuckled.

  “Everyone says that the Great Tang is a land of heroes, but I never believed it until I met Your Highness. At the age of sixteen, you pacified the southwest, defeating Ü-Tsang and Mengshe Zhao. At the age of seventeen you were made Marquis, and before the age of eighteen, you even defeated the Arabian Empire that swept unstoppably across the western world, slaying one million of its soldiers. If this continues, no one in the world will be a match for Your Highness. It’s no wonder the Great Tang’s Sage Emperor favors you so much and even made you King of Foreign Lands.”


  Wang Chong, the Demonic Emperor Old Man, the Wushang Village Chief, and even the distant Lone Silence Ancestor instantly paled.

  Anyone who appeared here would be after the Supreme and Infinite Origin Immortal Art, and if they all hadn’t been so determined to obtain it, fighting as soon as they saw anyone else, many conflicts could have been avoided. But Bagushidu’s words meant that this incident took on an entirely different character.

  Wang Chong’s heart sank, but as his entire body was sealed at this moment, there was no way he could fight back.

  “King of Foreign Lands, let’s go!”

  Bagushidu smiled and poi
nted ahead.

  The eyes of the others gleamed, but they did not dare to do anything. Despite being surrounded by foes, Bagushidu remained relaxed and fearless.

  He led Wang Chong toward the distant stone bridge.

  At this moment, everyone else was incredibly conflicted. Wang Chong had tried several times to have the third-generation successor make trouble, but the slight clenching of Bagushidu’s fingers was enough for him to dispel those ideas.

  He had also tried several times to attack him with Psychic Energy. But Bagushidu was no ordinary martial artist. He was at least half a step into the Subtle realm, perhaps even higher.

  Moreover, unlike the walking corpses, Bagushidu still had a healthy and tenacious will. A few Psychic Energy attacks were far from enough to deal with him.

  And no one was more conflicted at this point than the Lone Silence Ancestor.

  He stood next to the stone stele, the long bridge behind him. He only needed to step onto the stone bridge to find the Supreme and Infinite Origin Immortal Art hidden here by the Origin Immortal Lord.

  Moreover, he clearly did not share as close a relationship with Wang Chong as the Demonic Emperor Old Man and Wushang Village Chief. Bagushidu had taken Wang Chong as a hostage, but this had little effect on the Lone Silence Ancestor.

  “Heh, Lone Silence Ancestor, first come, first served. You got here before me, so why don’t you take the bridge first? The Origin Immortal Art is yours!”

  Bagushidu looked at the Lone Silence Ancestor and smiled.


  The Lone Silence Ancestor was still pondering his options, but Bagushidu’s words made him freeze.

  He who obtained the Origin Immortal Art first would be the world’s number one. In front of such a treasure, who could remain so unperturbed, so yielding?

  Bagushidu’s proposal only made the Lone Silence Ancestor more hesitant and fearful.


  The Lone Silence Ancestor suddenly thrust out a palm, sending a powerful wave of Water Element Stellar Energy at the stone bridge.

  Clang! There was a metallic ring amidst the haze, and then the world fell silent once more.

  The Stellar Energy unleashed by the Lone Silence Ancestor vanished into the darkness.

  “That’s not necessary. Your Highness should go first!”

  The Lone Silence Ancestor immediately stepped to the side.

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man, the Wushang Village Chief, and Wang Chong didn’t understand Bagushidu very well, but the Lone Silence Ancestor resided in the northeast, his territory bordering the Eastern Turkic Khaganate, and there was also the supreme status of this King within the Eastern Turkic Khaganate to consider. Thus, the Lone Silence Ancestor knew much more about him.

  He had long ago surpassed the peak of the Saint Martial realm and reached a higher level. If it wasn’t absolutely necessary, the Lone Silence Ancestor was not willing to fight him. In truth, if they actually fought, the Lone Silence Ancestor would be forced to admit that he was no match for this Eastern Turkic King.

  Most importantly, Bagushidu had outstanding strength and had arrived earlier than them. If the Origin Immortal Art were that easy to obtain, Bagushidu would have taken it for himself and silently departed.

  But this Eastern Turkic King had instead chosen to hide and ambush Wang Chong. There was definitely something fishy going on.

  “Ha, you’ve got a good eye!”

  Bagushidu glanced at the Lone Silence Ancestor and smirked. Holding Wang Chong, he proceeded toward the mysterious stone bridge.


  As he stepped forward, a white dragon made of Stellar Energy suddenly emerged from the ground and attacked his back.

  This white dragon was much larger than any other one, and the Stellar Energy forming it was incredibly dense and packed with destructive power.

  ‘White Dragon Swallows the Sun’!

  The Wushang Village Chief had chosen this moment to launch his sneak attack.

  In the legends of Wushang Village, the ancestor of all dragons was an enormous white dragon who was also the source of the White Dragon Divine Art. The first white dragon was said to have been born from primordial chaos and was capable of devouring the sun.

  This was a move of immense power, but it required an incredible amount of time to use, as one needed to constantly condense the Stellar Energy in one’s body. Thus, it wasn’t practical to use it in battle. But a time like this was perfect.

  This was why the Wushang Village Chief had remained quiet all this time.

  How could he and the Demonic Emperor Old Man possibly sit back and watch as Wang Chong was taken away?


  In an explosion of light, the Demonic Emperor Old Man took action, a massive azure palm descending from the heavens to come down on Bagushidu’s head. The two of them had struck with no warning and with astonishing speed.

  In the blink of an eye, they were less than three feet behind Bagushidu.

  And this was only the beginning. Boom! A tangible wave of Psychic Energy slammed into Bagushidu’s mind. This came so suddenly that even someone of Bagushidu’s ability momentarily paused.

  Wang Chong possessed such immense amounts of Psychic Energy that even though he couldn’t use it to control Bagushidu like he controlled the walking corpse, he could still deliver him a heavy blow that would momentarily daze him.

  In a clash of experts, every second mattered, and for experts of Wang Chong’s level, it was enough time to do many things.


  The three of them had not exchanged a single word, but they worked with such cohesion that Bagushidu was instantly forced into an extremely disadvantageous position.


  Wang Chong’s eyes lit up in delight.

  Bagushidu was not someone who could be easily ambushed. The group’s only opportunity would come when he had succeeded and let down his guard.

  Moreover, Wang Chong had realized that Bagushidu, after capturing him, had placed the majority of his focus on the third-generation successor. He seemed to be very frightened of this former disciple of the Origin Immortal Lord.

  All these factors had come together to give them a chance.

  Bagushidu had started by ambushing this group, and now, the three of them had joined together to ambush Bagushidu. This was called returning like with like.

  In the short time available, even Bagushidu would probably find it hard to fend off this danger, but suddenly—


  Two thunderous explosions resounded, and then destructive shockwaves rippled outward, scattering the dense green haze and clearing out an area with a radius of one hundred feet.

  The two frightening attacks had utterly failed to achieve the desired result.

  Amidst a deafening metal ringing, two black cauldrons about one foot tall emerged to the left and right of Bagushidu. With only a moment to spare, they had blocked those two determined strikes.

  Chapter 1504 - The Earthblood Cauldrons!

  Chapter 1504: The Earthblood Cauldrons!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “How could this be?”

  The Wushang Village Chief’s eyes went wide. He had put all his strength into this attack, but it had been blocked by one small cauldron.

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man was even more shocked than the Wushang Village Chief.

  “Ritual… ritual tools!”

  Unlike the Wushang Village Chief, who had been isolated in his village for many years, the Demonic Emperor Old Man possessed abundant experience, but this experience only made him more shocked.

  He recognized those two objects that had suddenly flown out of Bagushidu’s body.

  Those were two authentic ritual tools!

  In the martial arts world, precious and rare swords were countless, as were treasures with special abilities. For example, the metal box that could recognize the men in black and the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner that had appeared at the Ba
ttle of Talas were treasures, with the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner in particular possessing astonishing power.

  But those treasures that could be called ritual tools were incredibly rare in the martial arts world.

  All rituals tools were constructed from unique materials that made them extremely sturdy, and these treasures all possessed unique powers. Unlike ordinary treasures, these ritual tools could fuse with the martial artist to boost their power and block external attacks.

  But what attracted the Demonic Emperor Old Man’s attention the most was that the surfaces of these ritual tools had dark red streaks like blood vessels across them. This was not some sort of decoration, but rather Bagushidu’s blood flowing from his body into the cauldrons.

  A ritual tool was connected to a martial artist’s life. A martial artist would only ever be able to use one ritual tool for their entire life, and they could never give it up nor have it taken away. Only death through old age or battle could cut off their connection to the ritual tool. Once this occurred, the last bits of vitality, consciousness, and memories would be absorbed into the ritual tool, upon which the ritual tool would begin to look for its next master.

  The most unique aspect of ritual tools was this formidable ability to pass on an energy that grew stronger and stronger through the generations. If an ordinary person got their hands on a ritual tool, they could immediately become an elite expert.

  The forging of a ritual tool required one generation of people after another to give up their lives. This was precisely why they were so rare in the martial arts world.

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man had not imagined that a Hu expert would possess something so rare.

  “The Earthblood Cauldrons!”

  No one was more stunned than the Lone Silence Ancestor.

  Unlike the Demonic Emperor Old Man and Wushang Village Chief, the Lone Silence Ancestor, being also a resident of the northeast, had long ago heard that Bagushidu had some sort of powerful weapon. But not even he had imagined that this weapon would be a ritual tool.

  And it was even the ritual tool that had the Eastern Turkic Khaganate was said to have lost more than two hundred years ago, the Earthblood Cauldrons!


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