The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 1021

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Wang Chong’s eyes flashed, and he immediately parted the crowd and made his way up to King Song’s bed, his middle and index fingers touching King Song’s wrist. At the same time, Stellar Energy flowed from them into King Song’s body.

  A few moments later, Wang Chong turned grim.

  At the Great General level, one would have a powerful resistance to many kinds of poisons, but the poison in King Song’s body was different. Its soft exterior concealed extraordinary toughness, and it was able to somehow fuse with King Song’s Stellar Energy and creep into the rest of his body.

  With his Psychic Energy, Wang Chong was able to sense that black strands of viscous poison had already seeped into King Song’s limbs, his cells, and his bone marrow.

  “How could it be like this?”

  Wang Chong felt chills as he explored the situation in King Song’s body. The poison had already deeply rooted itself in King Song.

  If it had stopped at the skin, blood, and organs, there would have been no major problems.

  But now that it was in the marrow, it was incredibly difficult to deal with.

  Even the most ordinary of poisons became incurable once it reached the marrow, with medicines no longer able to treat it, much less a fierce poison like this.

  “How could it be like this?”

  Wang Chong finally understood why the imperial physicians were helpless and why even Zhangchou Jianqiong had said such words.

  But only a little time should have passed since King Song’s collapse. How could this poison have been so fierce that it had already seeped into his marrow like a long-festering poison?

  As this thought flitted through his mind, Wang Chong turned to a man standing motionlessly by the bed, tears streaking down his cold and elderly face.

  “Old butler, what’s going on here?”

  If there was one person who could answer Wang Chong’s questions, it was the old butler.

  Everyone’s eyes focused on the old butler, including Zhangchou Jianqiong’s.

  “I cannot tell you. Before falling unconscious, His Highness forbade me from revealing any information on this matter,” the old butler sternly said.

  Wang Chong’s face froze in astonishment.

  This answer was the exact opposite of what he had hoped for, and the mood in the hall turned oppressive. King Song was seriously ill, but still the old butler kept his mouth shut, essentially helping those people who were plotting against King Song.

  This was simply too illogical.

  But when Wang Chong saw the old butler’s wrinkled face, he took back any words he had planned to say.

  Although the old butler had kept an extremely calm tone, there was a deep pain in his eyes as he looked at the pale and weak King Song.

  He was clearly more pained than anyone else by the attack on King Song, and he clearly wouldn’t have kept silent unless there was a reason for doing so.

  After gazing at the old butler for a few moments, Wang Chong turned back to King Song.

  He could investigate the person who had harmed King Song later. His first priority was treating King Song.

  “How long can King Song maintain his current condition?” Wang Chong suddenly said.

  “Until sunset at most.”

  The leading imperial physician sighed. His clothes were much more luxurious than the other physicians’, and Wang Chong vaguely recalled that this was Divine Physician Zheng of the palace. He had attained an extremely high level of cultivation in the medicinal arts, and even the Sage Emperor had praised his abilities.

  “If there’s a way of removing the poison from his marrow, can you save him?” Wang Chong said.

  “This… King Song’s greatest problem is the poison in his marrow, making medicine ineffective. If we can remove the poison there, King Song’s condition will naturally improve. But doing so is much easier said…”

  Divine Physician Zheng deeply frowned. What Wang Chong had talked about was completely impossible. If it had been that easy, all these imperial physicians of the inner court wouldn’t be standing around so helplessly.

  He naturally knew that the King of Foreign Lands was a supreme martial artist of formidable cultivation, but Stellar Energy could not enter the marrow. There were no meridians there to speak of, so even martial arts masters could do nothing.

  However, Wang Chong cut off Divine Physician Zheng before he could finish.

  “I have an idea for this, but can you cure the poison in the rest of King Song’s body?”

  “Well, with the medicines of the palace, we should be able to,” Divine Physician Zheng hesitantly said.

  “Wang Chong, I can understand what you’re feeling, but this is pointless!”

  Zhangchou Jianqiong came and gave Wang Chong a comforting pat on the shoulder.

  Wang Chong’s reaction was understandable, but not even these imperial physicians could do anything. Wang Chong was being a little too stubborn.

  But Wang Chong didn’t appear to listen. He closed his eyes and began to think.

  A few moments later, Wang Chong seized King Song’s wrist.

  “User confirms using Blood Reformation on target?” A voice rang out in Wang Chong’s mind.

  “Yes!” Wang Chong immediately said.

  “Notice! Blood Reformation does not possess antidote properties and can only expel the part of the poison in target’s blood. Does user still confirm its use?” the Stone of Destiny asked again.

  “Yes!” Wang Chong replied without hesitation.

  Blood Reformation could completely transform the blood in a person’s body and was also able to repair any of the target’s inborn infirmities. Wang Chong had used it to treat Fifth Prince Li Heng.

  But King Song was different. He didn’t have inborn infirmities, but a fierce poison ravaging every part of his body. Blood Reformation’s effects on this were very limited.

  But Wang Chong decided to use it without hesitation.


  A moment later, a massive energy flooded out of the Stone of Destiny and into King Song’s body.

  Before anyone could react, all the poisoned blood in King Song’s body, including that which was circulating through the marrow, was renewed.

  In just a few moments, the poison had been driven out of King Song’s blood system.

  Although Blood Reformation couldn’t cure poisons, its effects reached all the way into the marrow, precisely why Wang Chong had chosen to use it.

  “This… how?”

  Zhangchou Jianqiong and the old butler trembled in shock. They possessed the strongest cultivations amongst this group, and they had immediately noticed the change in King Song’s body upon the use of Blood Reformation.

  King Song’s body had been radiating an aura of death and decay, but at this moment, they sensed a sliver of life within him.

  A moment later, there was a cry of alarm as Divine Physician Zheng sensed the change in King Song’s body.

  His complexion had been ghastly pale and his lips purple, but after Wang Chong’s intervention, they were clearly beginning to improve.


  Divine Physician Zheng was overcome with incredulity. Given his understanding of medicine, the scene that had taken place just now made no sense. After all, Wang Chong had simply grabbed King Song’s wrist.

  Wang Chong was not done yet.

  Although the blood system and marrow had been purified of poison, King Song’s condition was still not optimistic.

  The blood system could not reach into the organs, muscles, or the head and nerves. The Stone of Destiny’s Blood Reformation was limited in its uses.


  There was a golden flash of light and then the sound of grinding wheels as Wang Chong used the Supreme and Infinite Origin Immortal Art.

  This supreme art was not merely powerful, it also possessed formidable healing abilities, exactly what was needed for the current King Song.

  Chapter 1657 - King Song Awakens

  Chapter 1657: Kin
g Song Awakens

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  The Supreme and Infinite Origin Immortal Art’s energy was extremely fine and intricate, its Stellar Energy much more penetrative than even the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art. It could seep into every cell in a person’s body, even the complex head and nerves.

  No other art could compare.

  Moreover, as the Supreme and Infinite Origin Immortal Art seeped into the head, it could strengthen the meridians and blood vessels to avoid doing additional damage to King Song’s body.


  A vast energy infused with the law of the world surged into King Song’s meridians and into his head.

  It was only when his energy entered King Song’s head that Wang Chong was able to sense how serious King Song’s condition was. Within his head, his nerves, meridians, and the cortex of his brain were covered in thick ‘ink’.

  This domineering poison had already completely infected the exterior and was seeping deeper into his brain. If the poison truly managed to reach into the depths of King Song’s brain, then even if Wang Chong used all the abilities available to him, including Blood Reformation, nothing would be able to save King Song.

  With no time to think, Wang Chong sent out the Origin Immortal Energy that was brimming with power and vitality to protect King Song. It protected King Song’s meridians while absorbing the black poison and extracting it.


  As everyone else watched, tendrils of black liquid flowed out of King Song’s mouth, nose, and ears, then turned into black mist that evaporated.


  Cries of alarm could be heard as the imperial physicians were struck dumb. Stellar Energy was not omnipotent, or else why would imperial physicians exist? It was very difficult for Stellar Energy to reach the brain, and not even top-class martial artists could accomplish this feat.

  The old butler and Zhangchou Jianqiong had already tried before, but both had failed. It wasn’t because the area was too complicated, but because it was too important and required very fine control. Neither had been confident, so they did not dare to try.

  But Wang Chong had succeeded with a single try in extracting the poison from King Song’s head.

  “Look at that!”

  Amidst the chaos, someone shouted, and everyone immediately turned to King Song, whose complexion and breathing were visibly improving.

  Earlier, King Song had been struggling to breathe and seemed like he would stop at any moment, but now, while his breathing still wasn’t strong, his breaths were steady and long.

  Everyone was dumbfounded.

  But Wang Chong had no time for their reactions.


  As he was extracting the black poison, Wang Chong opened King Song’s mouth and stuffed in a golden pill.

  “Bring water!” Wang Chong said without turning his head.

  “Ah, right!”

  A maid stirred out of her stupor and hastily brought over a cup of water.

  Without another word, Wang Chong poured some of the water in King Song’s mouth and then helped King Song swallow it down. Only now did he exhale.

  “I’ve done all I can. I’ll have to depend on you for the rest.”

  Wang Chong wiped the sweat off his forehead as he spoke. His face was slightly pale from all his efforts, as while it had seemed easy, it had required a great deal of attention and care. Wang Chong had needed to ensure that he didn’t injure any of King Song’s blood vessels, meridians, or nerves as he had been treating him.

  This entire process was far more taxing than it looked.

  “Go, go, go!”

  The imperial physicians in the room awoke from their shock and rushed over.

  After taking King Song’s pulse, the physicians rejoiced.

  “Wonderful! Our medicines can finally work now.”

  Although King Song had yet to wake, the condition of his body now compared to a few moments ago was like the difference between day and night. Wang Chong had opened a path for them and had enabled their medicines to work.

  The room became somewhat chaotic as the physicians began to use their various skills, placing needles, administering medicine, and transferring energy. Wang Chong’s help had allowed them to get past the most difficult point, and the wisest physicians of the Central Plains were now able to exhibit their full abilities.


  A few moments later, as the final golden needle was inserted in King Song’s head, everyone heard an extremely weak and long groan. Everyone watched with excitement as King Song’s fingers suddenly trembled and his eyes began to shakily open.

  “Wonderful! King Song is awake! King Song is awake!”

  Cheers filled the room as King Song slowly opened his eyes, but these were extremely suppressed cheers for fear of disturbing King Song.

  Wang Chong’s seized-up heart finally began to relax.

  This was the first time Wang Chong had seen King Song open his eyes since his arrival at the estate.

  All the maids, physicians, and visiting court officials celebrated.

  “King Song, how are you doing now?”

  Now that King Song was awake, everyone converged around him. In both the court and the military, King Song wielded immense influence, and when the court officials had heard that he was in a coma, they had all panicked.

  But as long as King Song was fine, the empire would remain stable.

  King Song was still extremely weak, but his mouth was moving as if he was trying to say something, and then he softly groaned.

  This minor action immediately caused King Song to break out in a sweat. Although his face was extremely calm, the trembling veins beneath his skin indicated that he was in pain.

  “Please leave! King Song needs to rest. If you have anything to talk about, please save it for later,” Wang Chong suddenly said.

  The clamorous room fell silent. The court officials who had been inquiring after King Song’s health suddenly shut up with fear in their eyes.

  Wang Chong was no longer the Advisor-in-Waiting and had no right to participate in court debates, but he was still one of the most powerful officials in the empire.

  Even if this immense power was not in the Imperial Court, he could still influence its decisions. He could even set up his Public Order Squads, assuming the functions and powers of the Imperial Court without its approval.

  No one except Wang Chong dared to do such a thing.

  From this, one could see that the King of Foreign Lands who had been ‘kicked’ out of the court still possessed an immense power that was difficult to contend against.

  Moreover, even the First Prince, the current regent and first in line to the throne, had failed multiple times to deal with him. Purely in terms of authority, the de facto power that Wang Chong wielded placed him at the very apex of the empire.

  He wasn’t even that far below the First Prince.

  The countless officials soon took their leave without even a word of opposition.

  Zhangchou Jianqiong and the old butler remained motionless. Wang Chong naturally hadn’t been talking to them. And in truth, as King Song had only recently awoken and was still very weak, he was in no condition to see all his guests.

  The room was soon quiet, with only Wang Chong and the other two left behind.

  Wang Chong walked up and asked, “Your Highness, how are you doing? Feeling a little better?”

  King Song said nothing, only gave a slight nod and blinked, but this immediately caused his face to twist in pain.

  “Your Highness, there’s no need to speak. Just blink or keep your eyes open. If I’m correct, please blink once,” Wang Chong said.

  “Who poisoned you? Is it related to the First Prince?”

  Zhangchou Jianqiong and the old butler both paled, and even King Song seemed rather taken aback. No one had expected Wang Chong to be so direct, immediately speculating that the First Prince might be behind this.

  It was
a good thing that Wang Chong had driven the other officials away, as his words would otherwise have stirred up a great storm.

  Wang Chong said nothing, only solemnly stared at King Song.

  Although he didn’t know the exact details, and the old butler was remaining silent on orders from King Song, Wang Chong could already make many educated guesses from the information available to him.

  The number of people who had the motive and means to attack King Song, but who would also cause King Song to so fiercely guard their identity, could be counted on one hand. And amongst these people, the one who benefited the most from King Song’s death was unquestionably the First Prince.

  King Song simply had too much influence in the court, but he was also not under the First Prince’s control. The First Prince’s allies were King Qi, the Confucian Sect, and Prime Minister Li Linfu. If King Song died, the First Prince would be able to exert his power as regent to even more firmly grasp the reins of power.

  Chapter 1658 - New Information!

  Chapter 1658: New Information!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Wang Chong stared at King Song, waiting for the answer.

  Hesitation appeared in King Song’s eyes, and his eyelashes trembled as if they wanted to blink. But they did not, perhaps out of fear or uncertainty.

  The room was deathly still, neither the old butler or Zhangchou Jianqiong saying a word.

  The attempt on King Song’s life was of grave importance, and if not handled properly, it would set off a tempest in the court. No one dared to recklessly spout off at a time like this.

  The seconds slowly passed.

  On the bed, King Song’s lips began to move as if trying to say something, but no sound came out. He simply stared at the nearby Wang Chong.

  The look in King Song’s eyes took even Zhangchou Jianqiong aback.

  Whether for official business or private affairs, he had interacted with King Song many times, but he had rarely seen such a complicated expression in his eyes.

  King Song’s expression was heavy, but he seemed to not care too much about his own condition. On the contrary, his eyes had an indescribable anticipation and solemnity, as if he was trying to tell Wang Chong something.


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