The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 1041

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  “The game is over. Let me end your life now, Child of Destruction!”

  The Tianfu Divine Lord immediately attacked.


  The Tianfu Divine Lord once more eerily vanished from sight. At the same moment, Wang Chong felt an ill foreboding from his back.

  “Not good!”

  Wang Chong pushed his Greater Void Step to the absolute limit, turning around and thrusting a palm behind him.


  Two palms tougher than steel collided in the air. “Agh!” Wang Chong let out a shriek of pain as he flew backward. A sharp awl seven to eight inches long had been stabbed into the center of his palm. The awl seemed to be made of crystal and glistened with a starry light.


  Wang Chong fiercely raised his head and stared at the Tianfu Divine Lord. Their two palms had clashed a moment ago, but the Tianfu Divine Lord had hidden an awl in his hand. The awl had stabbed into Wang Chong’s palm, and the pain from the point of penetration was almost unbearable.

  “Heh, that’s just because you’re too inexperienced. This is the Star Awl of the Southern Dipper. It’s meant specifically to counter you, Child of Destruction!”

  The Tianfu Divine Lord appeared several dozen meters away, and around him, space began to twist and warp. A moment later, the image of a craggy and uneven celestial object with a surface like dark glass appeared behind him.

  Although it appeared dim and dark within, if one looked carefully, one could see points of light scattered within it.

  “Stop struggling. Whether in strength or speed, you’re no match for me. Without the Origin Immortal Sword, you can’t even defeat my six-armed avatar, let alone my actual body.”

  The Tianfu Divine Lord faintly smiled in derision. He once more attacked, vanishing from the spot.


  The moment the Tianfu Divine Lord vanished, Wang Chong tensed his body and sent his Psychic Energy flooding out around him, covering every inch of space. At the same time, Wang Chong entered the world of energy. This was Wang Chong’s strongest ability, and time instantly slowed to an interminable crawl. Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy and Stellar Energy began to thoroughly scour the area in an attempt to find the Tianfu Divine Lord’s body.

  “It’s useless…”

  The Tianfu Divine Lord’s voice drifted around, impossible to pin down.


  There was a soft and subtle rush of air that immediately made Wang Chong’s blood run cold.

  The Tianfu Divine Lord’s attacks were unfathomable. Wang Chong could clearly hear him, but he couldn’t sense his existence, much less find his exact location. The bizarreness of this attack style surpassed every other martial art in the world.

  Swish! Wang Chong immediately lunged to the side. At the same time, the dazzling Origin Immortal Stellar Energy gushed in the general direction of the danger.

  “Too slow!”

  The Tianfu Divine Lord spoke once more, but it came from another direction, and it seemed to be right in front of his face, spoken straight into his ear. Swish! Another awl whistled down, and a stabbing pain came from his right shoulder. This Southern Dipper Star Awl had stabbed into the Kan point of his right shoulder as swiftly as a bolt of lightning.

  As the awl plunged in, an energy flew through his body, and Wang Chong sensed a layer of ice forming on his Subtle realm energy. A part of his power had been sealed and had become impossible to use.

  Too fast! My speed can’t keep up!

  Wang Chong clenched his teeth. Bursts of pain were coming from the penetration point, as if the awl had stabbed at his soul, not his flesh. His face had become ghastly pale and covered in cold sweat. But Wang Chong maintained an extremely calm state of mind, his thoughts orderly and unpanicked.

  He didn’t know what these Star Awls were made of, but they were extremely vicious, amplifying pain by nearly a hundred times, far exceeding the pain of an ordinary sword or saber. But Wang Chong was more concerned about that unfathomable speed.

  Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy combined with the world of energy had rarely ever failed him. Whether he was facing a ‘god’ or a ‘Buddha’, there was no hiding from him. But this Tianfu Divine Lord was different. However, after a few exchanges, Wang Chong was slowly beginning to understand.

  His energy was primal chaos, unlike that of any ordinary martial artist, and it had almost perfectly fused with the surroundings. Not even through the world of energy could his existence be sensed, or even a human form!

  This was something that had never once happened in Wang Chong’s time with the world of energy.

  The power of the Tianfu Divine Lord had exceeded imagination and reached an entirely new level.

  Chapter 1691 - The Frightening Tianfu Divine Lord!

  Chapter 1691: The Frightening Tianfu Divine Lord!

  The most crucial thing was that the Tianfu Divine Lord was simply too fast, his movement technique several times faster than the Greater Void Step and completely untraceable. One had to realize that the Greater Void Step was already powerful enough to be considered a legendary martial art, but the Tianfu Divine Lord unbelievably had an even faster technique.

  Wang Chong had never imagined that such a powerful martial art or martial artist could exist!

  Even if Wang Chong could sense the existence of the Southern Dipper Star Awl, the man was so fast that the awl seemed to be present at every possible position.

  It was impossible to locate the Star Awl’s true position!

  Too powerful!

  Wang Chong tried his best to calm his breathing. The more urgent the situation was, the more important it was to not panic. Wang Chong was well aware of how grim his situation was. The Tianfu Divine Lord was unbelievably powerful, and the slightest mistake while fighting him would lead to death.

  “Heh, killing the Goat, Deer, and Tiger, and forcing this god to personally come and kill you is already quite decent! Alas, you still must die.”

  The Tianfu Divine Lord’s body was floating in the air, his robes drifting in the wind, and there was a smirk on his face. As he spoke, light and shadow twisted around him, coalescing once more into that massive, glassy star.

  At this moment, Wang Chong suddenly realized that the star that had earlier been manifested had not disappeared.

  Wang Chong seemed to realize something, but he still wasn’t too sure.


  On the other end, the Tianfu Divine Lord attacked again.

  Wang Chong was mentally prepared this time. The Tianfu Divine Lord had just vanished like he was an illusion when Wang Chong jumped forward, using the Greater Void Step to disappear. Boom! There was a metallic clattering as Wang Chong’s Stellar Energy erupted from his body. This time, Wang Chong had decided to use the fortress-like Origin Barrier.

  Wang Chong had relied on the Origin Barrier to block the attacks of nearly one hundred men in black. Not only had he emerged entirely unharmed, he had been able to knock back all his foes.

  “It’s useless! My Southern Dipper Star Awl is unstoppable and can pierce through all the defensive arts and Stellar Energy techniques in the world!” the Tianfu Divine Lord said coldly. A moment later, there was a sharp whistle as the awl’s tip tore through the Origin Barrier like it was made of paper.


  Wang Chong called out in alarm, his body staggering out of the void. And on the Tiandu point on his back, a third crystalline awl had been thrust.

  In front of the Tianfu Divine Lord’s supreme advantage in speed, all of Wang Chong’s struggles were meaningless. He had not been able to dodge these Star Awls even once.

  To think that not even the Origin barrier could block his Star Awl…!

  Cold sweat streaked down Wang Chong’s forehead as intense pain tore at his nerves. Even worse was that with the penetration of the third awl, Wang Chong could see the Origin barrier around him dimming.

  He wants to use this method to restrain and weaken my strength!

Chong finally understood what was going on. Whether it was those three Immortals or this Tianfu Divine Lord, they were all afraid of death. While he might have been weaker than the Tianfu Divine Lord, he was still a Subtle realm expert. The Tianfu Divine Lord was planning to weaken Wang Chong first, and then kill him in a single blow. This would prevent any last-ditch struggles.

  Understanding this, Wang Chong knew that his situation was not as dangerous as it first seemed. But if he couldn’t think of a way to escape this predicament, death was still inevitable. And given the Tianfu Divine Lord’s speed, there wasn’t much time.

  “What? Still thinking of a plan?!”

  Seeing that Wang Chong was remaining silent, the Tianfu Divine Lord seemed to understand what he was thinking. Coldly chuckling, he took out the fourth Star Awl, which whistled into the Shanhuan point on Wang Chong’s right chest.

  Even though Wang Chong was ready, he still failed to dodge it.

  The fifth and sixth awls came in quick succession, and one by one, Wang Chong’s critical acupuncture points were struck. In short order, Wang Chong was greatly weakened, and it wouldn’t be long before he fell from the Subtle realm. Not only that, Wang Chong had noticed that the Tianfu Divine Lord’s Star Awls had a special ability that could sever one’s connections to the higher dimension from which the energy of the Subtle realm sprung.

  At the start, Wang Chong had been able to pull energy from this higher dimension, but now, Wang Chong felt as if there was a thin gauze between him and that dimension that loosened his connection.

  The situation was getting worse and worse. Once he fell out of the Subtle realm, the Tianfu Divine Lord would deal the fatal blow.

  What do I do? If this continues, I’m finished!

  The intense pain continued to tear away at Wang Chong, and his clothes were damp with sweat. But Wang Chong remained calm and collected, his mind moving at one hundred times its normal speed.

  Every martial art has a flaw. There’s no such thing as an invincible art. As long as I can find the flaw in his art, I can find his true self and defeat him!

  As Wang Chong’s mind turned, he subconsciously glanced at the walls of the residence.

  “Heh, it’s pointless. You think that the fierce battle here will attract the City Guard, allowing you to be saved?”

  Wang Chong’s simple action immediately earned a response from the Tianfu Divine Lord, whose piercing gaze had immediately peered into the depths of Wang Chong’s mind.

  “You think that this god did not take this into account before attacking you here? And besides, it is not only this god who wishes to kill you!

  “This god could not be sure about any other time, but tonight, the Imperial Army of your Great Tang Imperial Palace has been placed in charge of this area. No matter what happens here, or how much noise is made, no one will come to investigate!”

  The Tianfu Divine Lord’s drifting voice sounded confident and assured, the voice of someone who had complete control over the situation. It was evident that they had meticulously planned out this operation, giving no chance for Wang Chong to escape.

  Wang Chong’s heart instantly sank. There were many residences around the King of Foreign Lands Residence, and to its northeast was the Great Tang’s Imperial Palace. But if this man was so sure about his success, then it was obvious that they had ensured that no reinforcements would be coming.


  As Wang Chong’s heart was heavy and his mind rapidly tried to think of a plan, there was a stampede of hooves from outside, breaking the silence. Wang Chong raised an eyebrow while the Tianfu Divine Lord creased his brow in surprise.

  “Over there!”

  “Everyone, keep up! Don’t let a single one go!”

  “Send a carrier pigeon to inform our superiors!”

  A turmoil could be heard in the distance, the stomping of hooves and the clattering of armor getting closer and closer.

  The City Guard!

  Wang Chong put a hand over one of his wounds as he glanced at the Tianfu Divine Lord. The City Guard seemed to be on its way, a force of fifty to sixty men. The First Prince and the Tianfu Divine Lord had already completely locked the place down, but in their haste, they had apparently left a flaw. A group of soldiers had gotten past the checkpoints and made their way inside.

  The Tianfu Divine Lord seemed to understand this, his eyebrows rising as his face scowled. He had just said that the place had been completely sealed so that no one could get inside, yet this sudden force of soldiers had given him a slap to the face.

  But the awkwardness didn’t persist for long. The force of City Guard soldiers only managed to make it a small distance through the darkness before falling into an abrupt din of screams and neighing. A few moments later, all the sounds came to an abrupt halt.

  Other than the barking of one or two dogs, there was no sound. It was like nothing had happened. The City Guard soldiers had seemingly vanished like a cloud of steam.

  Wang Chong’s heart sank once more. Those people were undoubtedly all dead.

  The Tianfu Divine Lord had not been lying. A great net had been cast over the surroundings, and his men had wiped out that force of cavalry to the last man.

  Wang Chong felt an unprecedented danger, as he now understood that there was no hope of escaping, at least not until daybreak.

  It was unkind to not reciprocate a gift, and Wang Chong’s eyes suddenly turned hard with resolve. This fight was unavoidable, so the only option was to fight to the death. Regardless of whether he was any match for the Tianfu Divine Lord, Wang Chong was not someone who would just wait around and accept his death.


  There was a heaven-shaking rumble as a dazzling golden pavilion shot up behind Wang Chong, soaring upward like a bamboo stalk. In a flash, his fifteen-floor Trayastrimsa Heaven had been unleashed.

  Wang Chong reached behind him, and the Trayastrimsa Heaven immediately transformed into a silver spear around two meters long.

  The Origin Lance!

  This was an ability that the third-generation successor in the underground palace back in the northwest had used. It transformed the Trayastrimsa Heaven into a spear that gathered together all the power of the Origin Immortal Art, and it possessed immense might!

  “Since that’s the case, let’s fight until the end!”

  Wang Chong fearlessly stared at the Tianfu Divine Lord.

  “Stubborn to the end!”

  The Tianfu Divine Lord’s eyes chilled, as did his face.

  Boom! The Tianfu Divine Lord vanished again, and at the same time, Wang Chong cast out the spear.

  Start a thread

  The speed of the Greater Void Step paired with the lightning-fast Origin Lance produced a speed that was infinitesimally close to the Tianfu Divine Lord’s. This was Wang Chong’s only hope of dealing with this formidable foe.

  Chapter 1692 - The Line of Life and Death!

  Chapter 1692: The Line of Life and Death!


  In a white flash, the silver spear slammed into the earth, obliterating a fake mountain and the garden, pond, and pavilion around it. Great plumes of dust rose into the air as testament to its power.

  But Wang Chong’s determined strike had still missed.


  At almost the same time, a palm lightly pressed against Wang Chong’s chest, upon which an energy howled into his body. Wang Chong was knocked out of the air and smashed into the ground a hundred-some feet from his original position.

  Boom! Boom! Boom! In a series of explosions and great plumes of dust rising several dozen meters into the air, the carved decorations of the King of Foreign Lands Residence were practically all obliterated.


  When the dust scattered, Wang Chong opened his mouth, his chest trembling, and vomited black blood.

  “You’ve been struck by eleven of my Southern Dipper Star Awls. Your strength has already dropped to less than seventy percent. Killing you now is as easy for me as flipping o
ver my palm!”

  Nearby, the Tianfu Divine Lord slowly ambled through the air, his robes drifting around him. He looked down on Wang Chong like he was looking at a dead man. Throughout this entire battle, everything had been under his control, everything entirely to his tempo.

  “Is that so?”

  Wang Chong raised his head and wiped away the blood at the corner of his mouth, his Stellar Energy stirring. Just as he was about to attack again, the Tianfu Divine Lord’s eyes chilled and he attacked again.


  This attack was even fiercer, and before Wang Chong had time to react, a palm had struck his left shoulder and sent him flying into the air. This time, he flew even farther, slamming into the base of a wall.

  “You’re simply no match for me. The greater your resistance, the worse your pain and suffering. Why put yourself through all the trouble?”

  The Tianfu Divine Lord reappeared, lightly patting his hands. His right leg stepped forward and settled onto the ground, while his expression seemed calm and relaxed.

  “Hmph, is that true? Then come and get me!”

  Wang Chong’s hair was disheveled as he half-kneeled on the ground. Even though he couldn’t touch even a corner of the Tianfu Divine Lord’s robe, even though he was being played around with like a toy, his gaze remained cold and brimming with fighting intent, devoid of fear.

  The Tianfu Divine Lord was clearly startled by this sight, but he was in no rush to attack. Despite Wang Chong’s cold smile, his organs were shaken, and the Star Awls in his body and the Tianfu Divine Lord’s two palms had badly injured him.

  But Subtle realm experts had extremely sturdy foundations, far above those of Saint Martial experts. Moreover, as this battle had dragged on, Wang Chong had changed his plan and begun to build up strength in his body for the right moment. If the Tianfu Divine Lord revealed the smallest weakness, he would immediately launch a fierce counterattack.

  This move has clearly had some effect. The Tianfu Divine Lord naturally had a high enough cultivation level to sense the energy building up in Wang Chong’s body. Thus, even though he had the absolute advantage, he had not unleashed the true killing blow and pushed Wang Chong over the edge.


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