The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 1088

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Kaboom! With an earthshaking explosion, the normal flow of time was restored.

  Chapter 1775 - You’ve Already Lost!

  Chapter 1775: You’ve Already Lost!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Thousands of Imperial Army soldiers screamed as they were blasted away and obliterated by the explosion. As the wave of Sword Qi swept through, it scattered blood and severed limbs through the area.



  Piercing and frightened screams resounded through the sky.

  In the end, those statue-like Dragon Guards had still not moved.

  But no one had expected those Dragon Guards to be so frightening.

  Yet this was far from the most frightening thing, because when that Dragon Guard moved, all the Dragon Guards in front of Taiji Palace slowly turned around, their hands gripping their weapons as they glared with cold eyes.


  In the blink of an eye, one wave of Sword Qi after another exploded into the dense ranks of the Imperial Army, raw power erupting into the heavens.


  Howling gales swept out, the area around Taiji Palace began to fiercely quake, and one could hear the plaintive screams of the dead and dying.

  These sounds traveled far into the night, and even though no one could see what was happening there, the screams alone communicated the fear and helplessness those soldiers felt before their imminent deaths.

  “What, what… what in the world happened? Wasn’t the Saint Martial Barracks broken? What’s going on?”

  The Imperial Army soldiers broke out in a cold sweat, their expressions turning panicked.

  Death was common on the battlefield, but the sounds of the dying they had heard before were nothing like this, with the fear far surpassing the pain.

  What had these soldiers encountered that would make them scream like this?

  Everyone felt unsettled by those screams. Miyasame Ayaka and the others looked in the direction of Taiji Palace in alarm and unease. All they could see from their perspective was dazzling waves of Sword Qi piercing through the darkness.

  Even though they didn’t know the exact situation, they had no doubt that Wang Chong’s judgment was correct. While the Saint Martial Barracks had been broken, the First Prince had not yet managed to get into Taiji Palace. He still had one unimaginably powerful barrier in front of him.

  Next to Miyasame Ayaka, Li Heng’s eyes flashed in realization.

  “It’s the Dragon Guards!”

  Hou Junji stared at Wang Chong and suddenly broke the silence.

  “So, your last resort is the Dragon Guards?”

  “Although the Saint Martial Barracks has fallen, Senior has still not won, yes?” Wang Chong indifferently said.

  As he spoke, he took out a piece and slowly placed it behind Hou Junji’s black dragon. The white pieces there were sparse, forming a vague pronged formation that served as one final and fragile barrier.

  Unlike before, this piece landed without a sound, but despite this, one could feel an surging undercurrent that made this piece more dangerous than the others.

  At this stage in the game, only the last step was missing.

  The board was apparently calm, but the actual situation was fraught with danger. A single piece played incorrectly would result in a complete loss. A complete reversal could happen at any moment.

  “Heh, at this stage, you still think you can win?”

  Hou Junji shook his head. The explosions and screams in the distance were only getting louder and louder, but Hou Junji was unperturbed. He apparently did not care how many soldiers of the Imperial Army died.

  “The Dragon Guards are Taiji Palace’s last defense, and there are only several dozen of them. No matter how strong they are, how many people can they kill? Ten thousand, twenty thousand, thirty thousand, one hundred thousand?

  “No matter how strong they are, a point will come where their strength runs out!

  “You want to use the Dragon Guards to buy time so that you can gather more energy from the mountains and rivers to resist my Hundred Thousand God-Devil Execution Formation? But you only put off the inevitable. You cannot alter the difference in strength, much less your eventual defeat!” Hou Junji nonchalantly said.

  His sharp and perceptive eyes had seemingly seen through all of Wang Chong’s plans.

  Wang Chong looked up and calmly said, “Until the last moment has come, how can Senior know who has won?”

  “How truly disappointing. It seems this old man regarded you too highly. The Dragon Guards surround Taiji Palace, so how could this old man not take into account such an obvious factor?”

  Hou Junji could only shake his head in disappointment.

  “Dragons and serpents dance, signifying a changing of ownership in the realm! Did you think that the Eastern Palace decided to take such significant action without even preparing for something like this?”

  As Hou Junji spoke, everyone paled.

  The power of the Dragon Guards was unquestionable, and given what was going on in the depths of the palace, their strength had reached an unbelievable level. But if Hou Junji had already accounted for this, then their defeat was imminent.


  At this moment, a sharp whistle came from the depths of the Imperial Palace, cutting through the darkness.

  “Milord, everyone has arrived as you ordered!” an Imperial Army soldier standing next to Fei Yuhan announced with an abrupt step forward, causing Fei Yuhan to shiver in alarm.

  This man had been standing next to him for so long, but he had not once noticed his presence. This man was undoubtedly one of Hou Junji’s subordinates.

  “I suppose it’s about time!”

  Hou Junji smiled as he took a piece from his jar. Miyasame Ayaka, Li Jingzhong, and Li Heng felt their hearts tighten and their breathing freeze. That tiny piece seemed to weigh more than ten thousand jun and catch the eye more than the sun or moon.

  Everything fell silent, and time slowed to a crawl.


  Everyone watched as that piece no bigger than a thumb slowly descended onto the board.

  It was clearly an ordinary black piece, no world-destroying artifact, but when it hit the board, everyone felt like they could feel the world quake beneath them.


  A shrill whistle penetrated through the darkness, and other whistles came in response.

  A few moments later, powerful and brutal auras began to emerge from various parts of the Imperial Palace and converge on a single location.

  “Look over there!” a soldier from Jinyang Palace called out in alarm, and everyone turned to see what he was looking at.

  In the light of the torches, one could see black silhouettes flying toward the depths of the Imperial Palace, but this was not what was so shocking.

  A man in black flying through the air suddenly paused atop a wall. His body began to twist, and he raised his head up and howled like a monster. His body began to swell like a balloon, cracking and groaning as it grew to several times its original size.

  That terrifying form was not that of a human, and there wasn’t only one…

  More and more of those men in black began to transform, fierce flames erupting from their bodies as they howled. Jumping from the wall, they continued toward the depths of the palace.

  “What is that?!”

  Everyone shivered. Not even the soldiers of the Imperial Army had ever seen such frightening things. Stellar Energy could not modify the body, but the transformations of those men in black had gone beyond the human domain and entered the realm of the bizarre.

  “Plans made in the tent decide victory from one thousand li away! You’ve already lost!”

  Hou Junji finally stood up from the table, unleashing a vast sea of energy from his body.

  As his energy raged and seethed, his eyes turned into those of a supreme hegemon.

  “In ad
dition, I know that you sent men to Taihe Palace, but alas, I’ve already made plans and moved those people away. All your people will find is some soldiers I placed there.

  “In addition, while we were playing chess, the Eastern Palace’s men should have already set off for the Four Quarters Embassy, King Song Residence, and your Wang Clan Residence. Soldiers have also been dispatched to the First Prince’s opponents in court. If you go back now, you might still be in time.

  “Besides that, Zhang Zheng’s army should have arrived at the capital by now and should enter soon. Taiji Palace, the Qian Gate, the Center Gate, the Kun Gate, the capital… You don’t have even the slightest hope.”

  Hou Junji looked down on Wang Chong in contempt. All of Wang Chong’s reactions in this ‘chess game’ had been within his expectations. Like a moth falling into a spider web, despite his endless struggles, he could never escape.

  Wang Chong was simply too lacking compared to him.

  “Your ability in contrast to your age is truly astonishing, but unfortunately, on the battlefield, there is only victory and defeat. Age is irrelevant!”

  Upon saying this, Hou Junji turned around and began to walk away, exuding an enormous pressure that swept over everyone in the area.

  Miyasame Ayaka and the others felt despair sweep over them.

  They had lost! But it couldn’t be! It was impossible!

  Li Jingzhong’s legs gave out, and Li Heng hastily went up to help him. At this time, Li Heng’s face was grave and seemingly extremely weathered and tired.

  This immense pressure made Fei Yuhan feel like it was almost impossible to breathe. Hou Junji was like a towering giant, and he blessed his good fortune that they were on the same side.

  Chapter 1776 - White Still Has a Move!

  Chapter 1776: White Still Has a Move!Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: MichyrrHou Junji slowly stepped away as the night winds gusted around him. As Hou Junji departed, countless men in black roared, turning into half–Lu Wus and half–Ju Bis, even transforming into Asuras. All of the monstrosities lunged toward Taiji Palace.On a high palace wall, one of the leaders of these men in black harshly ordered, “Kill them! Don’t leave one alive!”Those transformed men in black roared as they charged through the Imperial Army and attacked the Dragon Guards on the white steps.Boomboomboom!The area within one thousand feet of Taiji Palace had long ago been turned into a gruesome hell. Those several dozen Dragon Guards were a human wall and also the most terrifying harvesting machine in the world. With one slash after another, they reaped the lives of those Imperial Army elites.“Aaaaah!”A dazzling wave of energy exploded against a group of charging Imperial Army elites, blasting them away. Even their suits of armor that had been reinforced with numerous inscriptions could not stand against the Sword Qi, appearing as weak as paper. Amidst the successive explosions, countless Imperial Army soldiers were dying.The Dragon Guards were making these soldiers feel fear and despair like never before. No matter how ferocious their attacks were, the several dozen Dragon Guards remained impregnable.Only now did they realize why the Dragon Guards had never participated in the battle, no matter how dangerous it was or necessary their assistance. It wasn’t merely because of their loyalty, but because that level of battle wasn’t even worth their intervention.The losses continued to mount, but at this moment, awoooo! A half–Lu Wu man in black appeared, black energy seething off his body. He crouched down, and then instantly lunged toward one of the Dragon Guards with terrific speed.Clang!That Dragon Guard’s eyes flashed, but his hands moved without hesitation. There was a resounding clang as a magnificent beam of Sword Qi cleaved through the air and sliced that half–Lu Wu in two.But a moment later, the inconceivable happened.The halved face of that man in black formed an eerie smile and continued to lunge at the Dragon Guard. One half of his body swung out and savagely seized the Dragon Guard’s right hand.“This is…”A hint of shock appeared in the cold and aloof eyes of the Dragon Guard.Although he was incredibly powerful, this was the first time in his life he was seeing something so bizarre. A man being cut in two would die without question, but even though this man in black had been cut in half, a powerful vitality persisted in his body that allowed him to not immediately die and seize the Dragon Guard’s hand.The Dragon Guard’s face twitched as he sensed danger.“Kill him!”As the first man in black grimly clenched the Dragon Guard’s right hand, seven other men in black, variously transformed into half–Lu Wus, half–Ju Bis, and Asuras, lunged at him from various directions.Bang!At this moment, two Dragon Guards came forward and unleashed two waves of Sword Qi at those men in black.Boom! Boom! Boom! A series of explosions rang out, and those men in black dropped to the ground, their bodies cleaved apart. However, with the entry of the men in black, the battlefield gradually began to turn against the Dragon Guards.Awooo!More and more howling men in black joined the battle at Taiji Palace, and still more were coming.These transformed men in black might not have been any match for the Dragon Guards individually, but with their numbers, astonishing vitality, and flames that could burn away Stellar Energy, the Dragon Guards were being rapidly exhausted under their frenzied assault, even if their defensive line had yet to fall.The tens of thousands of Imperial Army elites cried out as they surged forward in great waves.Bang!One of the Dragon Guards, tired out, was knocked over by a man in black, and a moment later, at least eight men in black with reddened eyes lunged at him and finished him off.The surrounding Dragon Guards instantly grimaced at this sight.This was the first Dragon Guard to be killed in this battle, but it would not be the last.Thud! Thud! Thud! Like dominoes, the Dragon Guards began to fall under the assault of the men in black.“Hahaha, kill them! Kill them! Kill them all!”Far in the back, the First Prince spread apart his arms and loudly laughed as he watched the Dragon Guards fall from atop the palace wall.Blood could stimulate a person’s inner beast, and while he had managed to maintain his warm and gentle demeanor in front of others, once success was imminent, Li Ying was no longer prepared to restrain himself.The Dragon Guards were the greatest barrier to the throne. He could persuade the Confucian Sect, King Qi, and the Grand Marshals, but he could not persuade the Dragon Guards.Li Ying would no longer waste any words on them. Since they would not submit, death would be their final home.“Ah!”The Dragon Guards screamed as they fell, but the men in black were also paying a gruesome price. For each Dragon Guard, many men in black would be cleaved in two, but the First Prince did not care how many people were lost. A man of great ambitions did not worry over minor details, and besides, these men in black weren’t even his subordinates.“Imperial Father, my day has finally come!”The First Prince stared at Taiji Palace, an intimidating light in his eyes. Once all the Dragon Guards were dead, no one would be left to stop him, and he could finally realize his dreams.“Get ready. I’m going over personally.”“Yes!”The Eastern Palace guards around him quickly left to relay these orders.……The winds carried thick plumes of smoke and the sounds of fighting and dying within and without the Imperial City.“Wait!”When everyone was in despair, a voice resounded through the darkness.This voice was neither too loud nor too soft, containing little power, but it was enough to make Hou Junji stop.“What? You still have something to say?” Hou Junji indifferently asked, his expression cold. Although he had stopped, he had not turned his head.No matter what Wang Chong said, nothing could alter the final conclusion. All of this was pointless struggle.“Heh, Senior, you seem to have forgotten that I have yet to make my move.”As Wang Chong spoke, he thrust a finger into his jar and removed a white piece.Whoosh!Upon hearing Wang Chong’s words and seeing him take that piece, everyone grimaced. And Hou Junji, who had already walked a hundred-some feet, suddenly frowned in uncertainty.“Could it be… He still has another move!”Fei Yuhan stared at Wang Chong in shock, his heart in turmoil.At this stage in the battle, his side was in firm control and was only one step away from seizing Taiji Palace. He truly couldn’t think of any way that Wang Chong could win.But no one dared to take Wang Chong�
�s words lightly.Not now, at any rate.“What do you mean?”Hou Junji finally turned around and stared at Wang Chong.“Heh, Senior, did you forget that, in this game, black moved first? Senior has made your move, but I haven’t!”Wang Chong raised the piece in his fingers and smiled.Only now did everyone realize that Wang Chong’s expression was still relaxed and confident, his eyes gleaming and his mouth curled into a faint smile. Even at this most dire moment, he showed no sign of panic. It was like everything was still under his control.Upon seeing this, Hou Junji paled.But Wang Chong quickly looked away from Hou Junji, and everyone instinctively followed his gaze to the northwest.Rumble!After what seemed like a second dragged out for eternity, a giant firework exploded from the northwest, sweeping through the darkness and high into the heavens before fiercely erupting.The dazzling light was so bright that it could be seen from several dozen li.“Finally here!”A look of anticipation appeared on Wang Chong’s face.“Senior, it’s my turn now!”

  Wang Chong’s relaxed voice resounded through the night as the white piece slowly began to descend. Time began to slow down and sound drained away. Everyone followed that piece as it slowly approached that golden chess board.

  Chapter 1777 - The Formation Is Broken!

  Chapter 1777: The Formation Is Broken!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr


  With the addition of Wang Chong’s white piece, the world shook and groaned, and a battle that had seemed settled also became turbulent and uncertain.

  Rumble! The earth shuddered so fiercely that the chess board and the pieces upon it began to tremble.

  Not only that, Wang Chong’s Origin Immortal Formation and Hou Junji’s Hundred Thousand God-Devil Execution Formation, which had been like two grinding gears constantly wearing each other out, suddenly began to fuse together!

  If one could look down from the sky, they would see that the Origin Immortal Formation based on the Qian, Center, and Kun gates was beginning to slowly transform. It was fusing with the energies of the soldiers stationed at the East, West, and North Gates, creating an enormous and slowly turning ring.


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