The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 1146

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  But what was most frightening of all was this…


  The World-Destroying Ifrit continued to spew out lava, and at the last moment, everyone could only stare in shock as the Ifrit opened its massive maw and ‘spewed’ its entire body, transforming into a stream of lava flying toward the middle of the Tang army.

  “Not good!”

  Wang Zhongsi and the others immediately sensed something and rushed toward the area.


  A moment later, as everyone stared in disbelief, in the center of the Tang army, a massive claw emerged from that torrent of lava and reached toward the sky.

  With a massive boom, the terrifying form of the Ifrit rose up in the middle of the Tang army.

  Through this method of rapid movement, it had cut off the retreat of the Tang army.

  Boom! The savage Ifrit raised an arm made of lava and flames and swiped. On the ground, several hundred cavalry from the southwest in the middle of retreating instantly vanished amidst the flames, their screams still echoing through the air.

  Meanwhile, those steel walls that had been reinforced through countless inscriptions and formations rapidly melted under the monstrous heat radiating from the Ifrit.

  Fwoosh! The Ifrit opened its mouth and spewed out another gout of lava, instantly vaporizing several hundred Tang soldiers. In fact, just by moving around, without the application of any special ability, the Ifrit caused the losses of the Tang army to skyrocket.

  In front of this world-destroying creature that had destroyed an entire civilization, the strength of mortal armies was insignificant.

  For the Ifrit, even the most elite of soldiers were still puny ants.


  At this crucial moment, the master archer unit under Chen Burang loosed a volley of arrows that whistled through the air toward the Ifrit’s golden eyes.

  The Ifrit’s entire body was covered in flames, so attacking it would be completely ineffective. Chen Burang determined that its two eyes were its only possible weakness.

  But Chen Burang had overestimated himself and his master archers while underestimating the Ifrit’s strength.

  The intense flames around the Ifrit’s body constantly revolved around it at high speeds. When that volley of arrows was still two to three hundred feet away, they were melted into slag by the extreme heat.

  Upon seeing this, Chen Burang felt his heart freeze, but this was only the beginning. Sensing the attacks from the master archers, the Ifrit turned around and swung a massive fist. A gout of dark flame turned into a stream of lava that immediately hurtled toward Chen Burang and his master archers.

  The faces of Chen Burang and his master archers instantly turned ghastly white.

  A casual punch from the Ifrit had a temperature in the tens of thousands of degrees, perhaps even a hundred thousand degrees. This high temperature could even burn away space, let alone their fleshly bodies.

  This one strike was certain to kill them all.


  Just when Chen Burang and the master archers were all about to die, a slender figure appeared in the sky.

  The stream of lava was pulled upon by an invisible force, swerving in a massive arc and crashing down elsewhere.

  Chapter 1883 - The Power of the Ifrit! (II)

  Chapter 1883: The Power of the Ifrit! (II)

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  In the distance, the World-Destroying Ifrit was venting its passion for destruction and constantly attacking the Tang army, but when it saw what had happened, it momentarily froze. It apparently had not expected a human to be able to alter the trajectory of its attacks and make its stream of lava land elsewhere.

  The Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art!

  Only Wang Chong was capable of this feat. After he had reached the Subtle realm, this art had reached a divine and indescribably profound level. It was now even capable of affecting the Ifrit’s stream of lava.


  Wang Chong hovered in the air as he coldly stared at the massive monster.

  Rumble! As the Ifrit was momentarily taken aback, an unexpected development occurred.

  Behind the Ifrit, a massive creature charged with incredible speed and slammed into the Ifrit.

  The massive rhino horn pierced through the Ifrit’s body like a sharp sword, the tip protruding out of the Ifrit’s chest.


  The Ifrit howled in fury at this unexpected attack, its massive body staggering forward two steps under the charge of the rhino Behemoth.

  “What’s going on? Why is our Behemoth attacking the Ifrit?”

  On the other side of the battlefield, the Arab soldiers were all struck dumb.

  The Ifrit was clearly on their side, but the Behemoth, which was also on their side, had helped the Tang by attacking the Ifrit.

  “It’s being mentally controlled!”

  On the distant elephant Behemoth, Khatabah coldly turned his gaze on Wang Chong.

  The High Priest had created a Psychic Seal on all the Behemoths precisely so that Talas would not be repeated, but surprisingly, Wang Chong had managed to undo the Psychic Seal and once more take control of the Behemoths.

  On this battlefield, only the High Priest was capable of controlling these beasts. There was no doubt that Wang Chong had obtained this ability from his battle with the High Priest.

  “I will make you and all the east pay for this!”

  Khatabah’s face chilled even more.

  “Ifrit, kill it!”

  Even though Wang Chong had already taken control of the Behemoth and used it against the Ifrit, Khatabah had no intention of coming forward. A monster that had once destroyed an entire civilization was not so easy to deal with.

  If the Ifrit were really that easy to kill, he would have never brought it to the east to serve as his ultimate trump card.


  As if in response to Khatabah’s thoughts, the Ifrit roared, and its right hand made of smoke, flames, and lava turned around and thrust straight through the rhino Behemoth’s massive body.

  Even the rhino Behemoth’s thick armor, reinforced with countless inscriptions and formations, was unable to hold, and a massive scorched hole was blasted straight through it. It was even possible to see the Tibetan Plateau through the other side.

  “What terrifying ability! What is this monster?”

  On the distant Tibetan Plateau, a figure exuding a storm of energy was watching all this take place. When he saw that massive Ifrit punch through the Behemoth, Namri Songtian was deeply shaken, his eyes brimming with shock.

  Both Arabia and the Great Tang were simply too strong.

  With the Ü-Tsang Empire greatly weakened, not even a Great General like Namri Songtian had the power to intervene, or even dare to take advantage of the chaos. When the elephant and lion fought, a wolf trying to interfere would simply be pulverized into dust. This was the state the countries of the northwest were in.

  But what left Namri Songtian the most terrified was the monstrous Ifrit.

  The Behemoths were frightening enough, their peerless strength and immense vitality making it so that even the Great Tang’s giant ballistae and Behemoth Slayers had yet to finish clearing them out. Yet that Ifrit… had punched right through a Behemoth.


  With a pained howl, the rhino Behemoth staggered back two steps and then collapsed to the ground, the earth shuddering once or twice as dust fountained into the air.

  Flames rapidly began to ignite on the Behemoth’s body!

  An elemental body, immense strength, high-temperature flames… Namri Songtian felt his soul shiver in fear. There was no question that this was something Arabia had prepared to conquer the east, and if its target had been Ü-Tsang instead of the Great Tang, the Tibetans would have been utterly crushed!

  And the Arabs had probably not restricted their ambitions to just the Great Tang!

  At this time, Nam
ri Songtian suddenly hoped that the Great Tang could win, because Namri Songtian truly couldn’t think of any faction besides the Great Tang that could deal with this terrifying monster.

  No matter how many armies one had, the strength of mortals could not suppress this monster!

  Namri Songtian was far from the only person with this thought.

  “The World-Destroying Ifrit! It’s actually real!”

  On the western Turkic steppe, Great General Wunu Shibi, his energy completely restrained, had a similarly grave expression. Not far from him, the Tongluo Cavalry were battling with the Arab cavalry, but Wunu Shibi had predicted this and had elected to keep his distance from the battle.

  However, that nearby battle had ceased to attract his attention.

  “What frightening strength! Burning to oblivion all things, blasting through even steel… It all depends on how the Great Tang deals with it. If they fail, today will be the end of the Great Tang!” Wunu Shibi muttered, a strange feeling in his heart.

  The Great Tang was the eternal foe of the Turks, but Wunu Shibi felt no joy. Khatabah was a legend of Arabia, a legendary invader. The teeth would feel the chill when the lips were gone. Once the Great Tang fell, the remaining countries of the east would be Khatabah’s next target.

  But not all the countries of the east had the King of Foreign Lands and his steel defense line!

  In the southeast and southwest, there were many more people watching this grandiose battle, and what had happened had far surpassed their expectations. The appearance of the Ifrit had made countless people pale in unease.


  A savage roar echoed through the world. The massive Ifrit, after punching through the rhino Behemoth, seemed to be further enraged, the lava flowing across its body beginning to madly surge.

  Boom! The Ifrit opened its mouth and unleashed a torrent of lava and flames, dark smoke belching out and engulfing the area.

  The flames and smoke turned into a giant black curtain that engulfed half the battlefield.

  And the even more shocking development was still to come.


  A ball of viscous lava and flames, dragging a long trail of smoke behind it, plunged from the sky like a meteor. A moment later, there was a savage roar, and out of the lava and flames rose an ‘Ifrit clone’ that was around two meters tall.

  One, two, three… one roar after another rose up over the battlefield, and a few moments later, small Ifrits had emerged in an area of about seventy thousand feet around the Ifrit and swiftly begun to attack the stunned soldiers around them.


  While the sounds of warning were still ringing in their ears, several Tang and Arab soldiers were embraced by the Ifrit clones and died painful and fiery deaths.

  “Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!”

  In the distance, Adnan was alarmed by this sight.

  It was simply impossible to control a world-destroying monster like the Ifrit. Although the Hierophant was already doing his best to suppress it, the Ifrit’s inherent desire to destroy was not possible to restrain. Any Arab that got too close would be annihilated by its attacks like anyone else.

  He now understood why the Hierophant had left this trump card for the very end.

  “How is this possible?!”

  “This beast has an ability like that?!”

  Most shocked of all were the Great Tang soldiers. This Ifrit was as massive as a Behemoth, but it did not have a physical body and could not be harmed by physical objects. Moreover, its strength was immense and it could control extremely hot flames and lava.

  These abilities made it terrifying enough, but to everyone’s consternation, it could split itself into countless ‘burning men’. This was more than enough to annihilate an army.

  “This is terrible! Retreat! All soldiers of insufficient strength should withdraw!”

  Zhangchou Jianqiong, Gao Xianzhi, and An Sishun all turned ghastly pale. The Ifrit itself was hard enough to deal with, and with the addition of the thousands of ‘burning men’, the situation became even worse for the Great Tang.

  Rumble! Waves of heat swept across the battlefield, making it as hot as a furnace, and dark smoke filled the air, obstructing everyone’s vision.

  In the face of this monster of unprecedented power, countless soldiers were in full retreat. The steel defense line that Wang Chong had painstakingly built was useless against the Ifrit and its numerous small clones. And as the Ifrit saw the Tang army retreating, it let out a thunderous roar. The burning men quickly went off in pursuit, and the Ifrit, its eyes ice-cold despite being wreathed in flames, also strode forward in pursuit.

  Chapter 1884 - Working Together!

  Chapter 1884: Working Together!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  But at this moment…


  A blazing red sun as massive as a mountain suddenly appeared, instantly crashing toward the Ifrit’s head the moment it manifested. The terrifying force of this sudden assault sent fire bursting out from the Ifrit’s head and its feet staggering backward.


  The Ifrit howled in pain for the first time since its appearance.

  “Wang Zhongsi, Zhangchou Jianqiong, An Sishun… hurry and help me!”

  Wang Chong’s resounding voice was ice-cold as it rang out in everyone’s ears. What had happened just now left everyone shocked. Even the Arabs had done their best to avoid the Ifrit. Only Wang Chong had remained calm and composed throughout and begun to take countermeasures.


  There was another howl as Wang Chong took control of another Behemoth, this one in the form of a water buffalo, making it raise its hooves and charge at the Ifrit.

  If the Ifrit did not die, all of the Great Tang’s soldiers in the northwest would die!

  The water buffalo Behemoth bellowed as it crashed against the Behemoth’s body. Immediately afterward, Wang Chong seized control of a second Behemoth, and then a third, a fourth… When defeating the High Priest, Wang Chong had devoured his ‘Forbidden Art Sea’, so he had naturally obtained the knowledge within.

  As time passed, Wang Chong digested more and more of this knowledge, so he was able to more quickly take control of the Behemoths.

  “Hurry! Go!”

  “Ordinary attacks are no good, but Stellar Energy still has an effect!”

  With no further hesitation, Wang Zhongsi, Zhangchou Jianqiong, and Gao Xianzhi shot into the air toward the Ifrit. When Wang Chong had attacked earlier, all of them had been able to see that while the sun created through the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art had not been able to kill the Ifrit, its aura had slightly dimmed upon taking Wang Chong’s Subtle realm attack.

  This was completely different from the attacks of the giant ballistae.

  While this Ifrit didn’t have a physical body, it still had weaknesses, could still be defeated.

  This discovery was a shot in the arm for the entire army!


  Neither Wang Zhongsi nor Zhangchou Jianqiong was an ordinary expert. They were the finest commanders of the Great Tang, possessing top-class strength. In the blink of an eye, the Great Generals had appeared around the Ifrit.

  Furious roars continued to be heard as waves of energy pummeled the Ifrit in the center of the battlefield. At the same time, waves of heat swept outward, scorching the very air itself.

  If they were fighting individually, Zhangchou Jianqiong or any of the others would have never been a match for the Ifrit, but as Wang Chong was holding down the front, the rest of them felt less pressure.

  “It’s effective!”

  As the balls of Stellar Energy exploded on the Ifrit, it was clear that it was getting weaker. Exhilarated, Gao Xianzhi and the others redoubled their assault.


  As five of the Great Tang’s major leaders attacked the Behemoth, the blare of a horn came from the rear of the Arab army, a lingering and ancient sound.
Countless Arab generals turned and saw icy-faced Khatabah swing down his arm from atop the elephant Behemoth.

  “Haha, it’s not that easy to retreat in one piece!”

  Adnan coldly laughed as he turned back around, immediately understanding what the Hierophant wanted.

  “All soldiers, attack! Don’t let them run!”

  Adnan immediately urged his horse into a gallop and charged off in pursuit of the retreating Tang army.

  They first retreated so that the Ifrit could hold down the leaders of the Tang army, and then they would attack again. Without the five commanders, the Great Tang would be powerless to stop them.


  The air instantly resounded with war cries as the Arab cavalry transformed into a flood of steel and killing intent, rushing at the Tang army with a mountain-toppling momentum.

  They had all seen the power of the Ifrit. With this ally on their side, the Great Tang was no match.


  “Shield soldiers to the front and spearmen behind! Defensive formation!”

  “Enemy attack! Man the defense line!”

  As the Arab army surged forward, the Tang soldiers instantly grimaced. More than half of the defense line had been lost under the attacks of the Ifrit and its fire men, and the Ifrit was on the verge of punching a hole straight through it.

  Without the steel defense line, stopping the cavalry charge was impossible.

  More importantly, in the current situation, there was no way they could outrun the cavalry.


  The earth trembled and dust churned as tens of thousands of red-eyed Arabs charged over, swiftly riding around the Ifrit. As they got closer and closer, a nervous tension swept over the army.



  At this moment, a cold and aloof voice spoke. Gears groaned, and the air howled as tens of thousands of ballista bolts took flight, a black cloud of locusts that engulfed the Arab cavalry at the very front.

  Plush! Plush! Plush! The ballista bolts pierced through flesh, cutting down tens of thousands of Arab cavalry like stalks of wheat.

  The inertia of their charge continued to carry their corpses forward in clouds of dust.


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