The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 1233

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  When the two of them clashed, Wang Chong had converted half of the Rainbow Glass Divine Grass into fine granules that entered through Third Son Xuan’s nose.

  Though this would be far less effective than refining it into a pill, this was the best solution he could think of at the moment.

  Third Son Xuan realized what had happened, his body erupting with anger. For Wang Chong to actually scheme against him was absolute treason!

  “You treacherous subject! We will ensure that you die without a grave today!”


  The ground trembled and the air boomed. Third Son Xuan’s eyes chilled as he once more unleashed his immense Stellar Energy.

  This high-level Stellar Energy transformed into countless golden dragons that hurtled at Wang Chong. At the same time, the Dragon Guards who had broken free of the Nightmare Beast’s control unleashed their various attacks at Wang Chong.

  Wang Chong was once more plunged into extreme danger.

  It still failed!

  Wang Chong’s heart sank, and he felt like there was a dagger pressing up against his back.

  He appeared calm and unperturbed on the surface, but Wang Chong was keenly aware that when he stepped into the palace, he had begun his journey on a road that was as thin as a wire.

  On one side of this road was a steep cliff, and on the other side was an endless abyss!

  But if he did nothing and allowed things in the court to continue, the consequences would be even worse!

  Wang Chong knew that this would be his only chance to suppress Third Son Xuan and get back the real Sage Emperor.

  But even after he had taken this risk, shattering the dragon pearl and releasing the Rainbow Glass Divine Grass, Third Son Xuan still seemed to have control.

  Wang Chong’s eyes dimmed, and his fingers clenched together as the sun and moon of the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art began to manifest behind him.

  Even if the plan had failed, he could never give up so easily!


  Just when Wang Chong was on the verge of being heavily injured by Third Son Xuan again, Third Son Xuan suddenly froze, and those vast, golden torrents of energy similarly came to a stop.

  It was like time had stopped.

  “What’s going on?”

  Third Son Xuan’s eyes flashed with shock as his face paled.

  He immediately attempted several more times to unleash his energy, but he was still incapable of moving. At this moment, he felt like he had lost control of his body.


  “Bastard! What did you do?”

  Third Son Xuan was both shocked and enraged, and he immediately blamed Wang Chong.

  This treacherous subject who had no regard for his sovereign had broken the dragon pearl and then mixed Rainbow Glass Divine Grass into the air so that he breathed it in, and there was no telling what other treasonous acts he had gotten up to!

  “Your Majesty!”

  “Your Majesty!”

  The Dragon Guards and servitors sensed the change in Third Son Xuan’s condition and instantly converged around him, confused as to what to do.

  Wang Chong, who had been preparing for a fight to the death, was even more shocked than Third Son Xuan.

  He had not done anything besides break the dragon pearl and spread the Rainbow Glass Divine Grass.

  However, none of this was important.

  What was important was that a dazzling golden light had gathered behind the frozen Third Son Xuan, and Wang Chong could see another figure in the light.

  It was a tall, majestic, and divine figure. Wang Chong couldn’t see his face, as it was rendered blurry and indistinct by the golden light, but the moment it appeared, Wang Chong sensed a familiar energy, one that he had not sensed for some time.

  Wang Chong trembled in shock as he blurted out in agitation, “Your Majesty!”

  Even though it was extremely sudden, Wang Chong had still instantly recognized it.


  Wang Chong found it hard to describe his excitement.

  He finally understood that all of his efforts had paid off.

  The one who had stopped Third Son Xuan’s attack was none other than the Sage Emperor!



  At this moment, a long sigh filled with many conflicting emotions echoed through the hall.

  The furious Third Son Xuan felt his body go numb, and he went still in understanding.

  “This, this, what is…”

  No one was more confused than the servitors and Dragon Guards. They looked hesitantly between Third Son Xuan and that golden figure in the air.

  The development was sudden, but no one in this hall was a weakling.

  Many people could see that the golden figure in the air had emerged from Third Son Xuan’s body.

  There was something strange going on in the background of this scene. More importantly, they could sense a familiar energy from this golden figure.

  “His Majesty! It’s His Majesty!”

  A cry of delight rang out in the hall. The heavily armored General Li had yelled out in extreme agitation.

  He was the leader of the Dragon Guards, and in this assault against Wang Chong, he was faced with the greatest dilemma. Wang Chong was a pillar of the empire, and there was no reason for him to die here, but the Sage Emperor’s orders could not be defied. General Li found it difficult to choose.

  Fortunately, the Nightmare Beast’s attack had given him an opportunity.

  The Nightmare Beast had quickly taken control of General Li and caused him to fight with the other Dragon Guards. A significant portion of the Dragon Guards’ attacks had been intercepted by General Li.

  Although the golden figure had appeared abruptly, General Li had still recognized it instantly.

  Many things had changed in the palace, and not even General Li knew the truth. But there was no doubt that the Sage Emperor had experienced a major personality shift, making him seem like two different people.

  General Li had been very confused, but when that golden figure appeared, General Li instantly understood that this was the real Sage Emperor whom he had sworn to follow to the death.

  Everyone grew even more hesitant.

  How could that figure be the Sage Emperor?

  If he was the Sage Emperor, who was this other man?

  And why would the Sage Emperor take this form?

  But General Li had no reason to lie!

  All the Dragon Guards knew that General Li was devoted to the Sage Emperor, and he would never make this sort of mistake.

  “This lowly subject pays respects to the Sage Emperor.”

  With clattering armor, General Li got down on both knees and prostrated.

  General Li prostrating caused the other Dragon Guards to hastily kneel. The servitors were still confused, but after seeing the Dragon Guards kneel, they soon decided to kneel as well.

  Regardless of which one was real, the Sage Emperor was here, so there was nothing wrong with prostrating.


  In just a few moments, Wang Chong, Third Son Xuan, and that golden figure in the air were the only ones left standing.

  All was quiet as the Dragon Guards and servitors prostrated, not daring to raise their heads.

  Hear no evil!

  See no evil!

  For two Sage Emperors with different energies to appear in Taiji Palace had exceeded the bounds of their imagination.

  Even the slowest, most politically illiterate person could understand that this matter probably involved some shocking secret of the empire.

  This matter involved the supreme Sage Emperor, and no one wanted to willingly throw themselves in. If they made the wrong choice, they might end up in some conspiracy that could up with their heads separated from their necks.

  They were all treading on thin ice and couldn’t help but be panicked and afraid.

  Chapter 2038 - The True and False Sage Emperors!

Chapter 2038: The True and False Sage Emperors!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  The golden figure behind Third Son Xuan paid no attention to the obeisance from all the servitors and soldiers.

  “I gave you a chance…”

  The Sage Emperor’s long-unheard voice, resounding and majestic, imbued with the aura of the master of the world, began to speak.

  “But alas, you did not cherish it!”

  The disappointment in the Sage Emperor’s voice was obvious.

  His back to the Sage Emperor’s manifestation, Third Son Xuan rapidly began to go red in the face.

  “Bastard! We are the Son of Heaven, the master of the empire. Do We need you to give the chance?” Third Son Xuan angrily said.

  He had already lost control over his body and had been frozen in place, but the immense shame and anger he was feeling made him temporarily take back control.


  Third Son Xuan’s body trembled, and he seized his brief moment to turn around and unleash a golden flood of energy that instantly pierced through the golden figure.


  The giant beam of light pierced through the golden figure and crashed into the metal walls of Taiji Palace, making the entire building tremble. Visible waves of sound rippled outward, shaking the fabric of space and traveling tens of thousands of feet.


  Outside, the Golden Guards and Imperial Army soldiers had already surrounded Taiji Palace so tightly that not even a drop of water could hope to get out.

  When they heard this massive explosion, they glanced at each other in fear and unease.

  They had come upon hearing a great shout, and they could see from the situation that some momentous battle was taking place in Taiji Palace.

  The Imperial Army’s duty was to protect the Sage Emperor, but it was also true that Taiji Palace had a special status and that entry was not allowed without the Sage Emperor’s decree.

  “What do we do?”

  The officers of the Imperial Army glanced at each other before eventually turning to the southeast, where Xuanwu Army Marshal Zhao Fengchen stood.

  Although Zhao Fengchen had not been favored ever since Third Son Xuan had taken the throne, Zhao Fengchen was also the only Marshal of the Imperial Army who had participated in two large-scale wars and had battle experience. This endowed him with great status and influence in the Imperial Army.

  “Let’s wait and see for now! Pass on my order! No one is allowed to enter unless explicitly ordered!”

  As Zhao Fengchen spoke, he shot a worried glance at Taiji Palace.

  The gate of the Imperial Palace was still closed by order of the ‘Sage Emperor’, and Zhao Fengchen had already received the messenger bird from King Song and Zhangchou Jianqiong, so he knew that Wang Chong had been ordered to enter the palace to see the Sage Emperor.

  Moreover, he could sense several dozen energies within Taiji Palace, and one of them was Wang Chong’s.

  There was no doubt that of the two sides stalemated in the hall, one was the ‘Sage Emperor’ and the other was Wang Chong. If they went in at this time, should they help the Sage Emperor or Wang Chong?

  Moreover, the Sage Emperor had said before, ‘Come! Execute this traitor!’ It was a line that still made Zhao Fengchen’s skin crawl.

  Wang Chong, all I can do to help is delay them from entering the palace for as long as possible. The rest will depend on you.

  Zhao Fengchen took another worried glance.


  Within Taiji Palace, the doors had shut at some point, and the building had been sealed and made into a world of its own.

  “Give up! You cannot kill me. Everything is over!”

  The rumbling voice of the Sage Emperor echoed through the hall.

  Third Son Xuan’s attack had been majestic and frightening, but it had done no damage to him. On the contrary, the Sage Emperor’s body had solidified more.

  “Damn you! Damn you! We will never lose to you, evil spirit! Die!”

  Third Son Xuan became even more enraged, and explosions rang out as beams of energy pierced through the Sage Emperor’s body and struck the wall behind him.

  The entirety of Taiji Palace shuddered, the thousands of formations embedded in the walls shuddering with it as they erupted with dazzling light.

  Wang Chong stood next to the dragon throne, imperceptibly frowning as he watched Third Son Xuan go insane.

  He was about to move to stop Third Son Xuan, but then he glanced at that golden figure and immediately relaxed.

  While Third Son Xuan’s attacks were powerful and threatening, they clearly couldn’t threaten the Sage Emperor. His seemingly fierce attacks had failed to inflict any consequential damage.

  His Majesty already has control over the situation. There’s no need for me to intervene.

  After some thought, Wang Chong dropped his hands to his sides.

  “It’s time for this farce to end.”

  Wang Chong heard the Sage Emperor’s voice, the calm and even voice of someone who had complete control over the situation. As everyone watched, the Sage Emperor shook his head and raised his hand, taking back control from Third Son Xuan and bringing an end to that salvo of attacks.

  After losing control of his body once more, Third Son Xuan finally showed fear in his eyes.

  But this fear was quickly replaced by anger, and he began to bellow and roar.

  “Li Taiyi! Don’t even think about ordering me around! I will never lose to you!

  “Thirty years! You wasted thirty years of Our life, suppressing Our soul in a lightless world, and you still have the face to threaten Us?

  “You cannot threaten me. I am the Son of Heaven of the Great Tang, the true heir to the House of Li. You are just the wisp of a soul, a shameless outsider. We will never lose to you! Never!”

  With these last words, Third Son Xuan’s body began to violently tremble.

  His eyes were bloodshot with hatred.

  He had lost control over his body at the age of eighteen. At the time, he had been handsome and energetic, enjoying the love of both his imperial father and mother. But when he awoke and took back his body, thirty years had gone by.

  No longer an eighteen-year-old youth, he was now a fifty-some-year-old man nearing old age.

  All of this was his fault, all Li Taiyi’s fault!

  “I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you!

  “Even if I can’t kill you, I’ll destroy everything you love! Anyone who serves you is Our enemy!

  “I’ll kill your woman! Kill your loyal subjects!” Third Son Xuan roared, the flames in his eyes growing fiercer.

  The anger and hatred accumulated over several decades buoyed him, and his body shuddered ever more fiercely as he resisted Li Taiyi.

  What incompetence? What callousness?

  He had the blood of the House of Li, was a mighty eagle that soared across the heavens. An eagle was supposed to wheel in the blue skies, the sun and moon as its companions. Why did it have to set foot on the ground and share it with the common riffraff?!

  He was the one who had destroyed his life, so he would pay the price.

  Wang Chong felt an indescribable feeling as he watched Third Son Xuan rant and rave.

  After several decades, many things were slowly becoming evident. The destroyed records from that period combined with Third Son Xuan’s words immediately made many of the events from that period clear.

  A youth returned as an old man!

  At the time of the incident, Third Son Xuan was only eighteen, at the prime of his youth, but afterward, a different soul took control over his body, and he fell into a deep sleep. When he woke up, he was fifty years old. He had lost decades of time and freedom, and his identity had been supplanted!

  There was no doubt that Third Son Xuan carried a deep hatred for the Sage Emperor, and this could explain all the things he had done.

  Third Son Xuan probably understood what sort of dam
age sowing chaos in the court, banishing the imperial censors, and indulging in pleasure would do to the country.

  But Third Son Xuan did not care, and he did not care because this hatred had twisted his soul.

  However, Wang Chong felt no sympathy. The palace records painted the teenaged Third Son Xuan as a cruel and violent person who regarded human lives like grass. The previous Emperor would not have stripped him of his right of succession if he had not been so deeply disappointed in him.

  If the Sage Emperor had not appeared, then one could extrapolate, based on his personality as Prince and the way he acted after replacing the Sage Emperor, that he would have killed countless people.

  One could say that the Sage Emperor’s appearance was a blessing for the Great Tang!

  With a deep sigh, the Sage Emperor began to speak once more.

  “Do you really think that this was all a coincidence?

  “Do you really think that it was through your own strength that you were able to reawaken and take back control of the body?”


  The furious Third Son Xuan suddenly shivered as if he had been struck by lightning, and he looked up at the Sage Emperor.

  “What do you mean?”

  All the Dragon Guards and servitors went pale with fright, their prostrate bodies trembling. This matter involved the very highest echelons of power in the empire and was something that they had no right to know.

  “I have thought about this matter for a long time and discussed it with Gao Lishi for some time!”

  The Sage Emperor sighed, and then a golden light swept over the hall as he sealed the area.

  Wang Chong could tell that this was a soundproofing barrier.

  “Your personality does not suit a sovereign. The empire in your hands would be utterly destroyed, so Gao Lishi objected. But, in the end, I owed you, so after long consideration, I decided to release you!” the Sage Emperor indifferently said.

  “Bullshit! Bullshit!

  “All of this was through my own efforts! I broke free on my own! I won this!” Third Son Xuan bellowed. His eyes turned even redder, seemingly from rage.

  Chapter 2039 - The Curtain Falls! The Sage Emperor Returns!

  Chapter 2039: The Curtain Falls! The Sage Emperor Returns!


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