The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 1251

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)


  As Wang Chong shot a brief glance into the hall, one of the three officials suddenly blinked and turned in Wang Chong’s direction. At the same time, an immense wave of Psychic Energy thundered into Wang Chong’s mind.

  Wang Chong’s mind trembled as a suffocating sense of danger engulfed him. But Wang Chong did not show it, instead restricting all his energy as he continued to walk forward.


  Suddenly, Wang Chong tripped, upon which a gout of Fire of Mara ‘accidentally’ shot out from his body and melted a large swath of snow.

  The official’s brow relaxed as his doubts dissipated, and he turned his head toward the group of men in black.

  Chapter 2068 - Space Contraction! The Earth Official's Pursuit!

  Chapter 2068: Space Contraction! The Earth Official’s Pursuit!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “Speak! What’s the situation with the tribes…” the Water Official suddenly said.

  As the terrifying pressure subsided, Wang Chong let out a sigh of relief.

  As his eyes slowly surveyed the area, he quickly developed an idea.


  As time passed, the group of men in black soon took their leave of the dark golden palace.

  The three officials seemed to be extremely cautious for this operation. They spent the majority of their time surveying the area for several dozen li around them, and all the men in black had very short intervals between their report times.

  Everything remained calm and peaceful.

  Soon, it was the Zi Period (11pm – 1am).


  In the dark golden palace, the eyes of the Water Official suddenly opened.

  “Have the two of you noticed… that something doesn’t seem right?”

  “What’s wrong?”

  The Sky Official and Earth Official remained like statues, seated on the floor, their Psychic Energies radiating outward as they kept watch over the area.

  “I don’t know, but I can’t shake off this feeling that something has happened…”

  The Water Official’s brow creased, his eyes twitching.

  There was a moment of stillness in the palace, even the breathing of the Sky Official and Earth Official disappearing for a moment.

  Finally, with a soft breath, the Sky Official and Earth Official opened their eyes.

  The two of them turned to the Water Official.

  “Is it because of what happened earlier?” the Sky Official said, his brow creased.

  “That person was lucky, and didn’t he still fail because the three of us were here? And in just another three days, Venerable Firmament Supreme will complete the second teleportation gate. We simply need to stand guard here until the formation is complete. When the time comes, even if someone comes again, they won’t be able to affect much,” a somewhat scratchy voice said. When this person spoke, the surrounding ground faintly trembled as if waves were traveling through the earth. The speaker was none other than the Earth Official.

  If one looked carefully, one would notice that the rings of a formation radiated outward from the three officials, their inscriptions shining in the darkness and illuminating the hall.

  And inside the formation was a raging sea of energy.

  In the heart of the formation, right behind the three of them, was an azure crystal, two feet tall and the thickness of an arm.

  The crystal floated in the air, strange golden inscriptions carved onto its surface.

  This was the core of the massive sealing formation covering this entire region!

  The three officials were posted here precisely to guard the formation core and Firmament Supreme.

  The matter was of utmost importance. The six bases, the six gigantic teleportation gates, were crucial to the ‘Purification Plan’, serving as the highest order from ‘Heaven’.

  Both them and ‘Firmament Supreme’ guarding the teleportation gate were carrying out this highest decree.

  Not even Firmament Supreme could afford to make a mistake.

  “…It’s hard to say!”

  The Water Official spoke once more.

  “I sense that the person who infiltrated our ranks that time is not that simple. No one should be able to imitate our arts, but that person’s aura and arts… You all saw it. If he hadn’t exposed himself, we never would have noticed!”

  The Water Official was confident in his intuition.

  Perhaps because of his powerful Water Element abilities, the Water Official had a sharper intuition than the Sky Official and Earth Official. This sharp intuition had helped him many times when he had been in danger.

  Though he had no firm evidence, he had a lingering sense of unease.

  The Sky Official and Earth Official instantly fell silent.

  “Water Official, I advise you not to investigate that matter,” the Sky Official suddenly said. “Venerable Firmament Supreme has already gotten in touch with Venerable Essence Supreme to take care of this matter! Normal people truly cannot disguise themselves as us, but you should also know that there are some people… who don’t need to disguise themselves!”

  The Sky Official’s words were heavy with implication.

  The Water Official didn’t realize what was being said for a moment, his mouth opening to speak, but a moment later, he realized something, and his body shuddered while his eyes flew open in shock.

  “Sky Official, you mean that they… they…”

  The Water Official’s chest began to heave when he mentioned ‘them’. It was clear that he knew who the Sky Official was talking about.

  “If that person was really sent by ‘them’, then it’s best to not look too deep!”

  The Earth Official also added his opinion, his expression solemn.

  “It’s best if we don’t intervene in the affairs between the Venerables. Otherwise…”

  The Earth Official didn’t continue, but the other two understood.

  The hall fell silent.


  As the three of them conversed, the Sky Official suddenly frowned, sensing something. The Earth Official and Water Official soon felt the same thing.

  “Who’s that?! Tell them to take care of it…” the Sky Official said, his brow creased. Just now, the three of them had sensed a strange energy on the edge of their sensory range.

  This base on the shores of the Caspian Sea was extremely important, and no one was allowed to approach. Anyone that tried would die.

  But the Sky Official had barely finished speaking when that unremarkable energy signature which had only been at around the Imperial Martial realm suddenly swelled. In the blink of an eye, it had grown ten times more powerful, instantly reaching the peak Saint Martial realm, the Great General level.

  The three officials paled.

  If an ordinary martial artist had accidentally wandered in, the men in black under the three could handle the problem, but if it was a Great General expert, things weren’t that simple.

  The Sky Official instantly adjusted his orders. “Inform Black Water, Black Fire, and Black Bear to immediately kill him!”

  While Great Generals were powerful, the trio still had powerful subordinates who could deal with them.

  The trio was responsible for guarding the formation, Firmament Supreme, and the teleportation gate. Unless it was absolutely necessary, they would not leave their post.

  But the Sky Official had barely spoken yet again when that strange energy once more erupted in power, rising from the Great General level to the Subtle realm, a blazing pillar of energy that pierced the heavens.

  This was no longer an accidental intrusion, but a blatant challenge.


  At the same time, those nomadic tribes from the north noticed this new existence, and the army of tens of thousands fell into disarray, the war horses shrieking.


  A furious roar came from the side, but it was the Earth Official, not the S
ky Official, who had spoken.

  His face was ashen, and he immediately shot out of the golden palace like a lightning bolt.


  The orderly ranks of the tribes outside the base had long ago fallen into chaos. When the Earth Official emerged, the entire area was awash with chatter and conversation, and hundreds of the nomadic warriors were already heading toward that energy.

  “Damn thing! I’d like to see where you came from, to dare act so impudently before this god!”

  The Earth Official’s eyes flashed with cold killing intent. He quickly looked around and then shot off toward the southeast.

  The Earth Official moved so quickly that he covered tens of thousands of feet with a single step, leaving a long, white trail in his wake.


  In the distance, a red light flashed. The other party had apparently sensed the peak Subtle realm energy of the Earth Official and had turned around to flee.


  The Earth Official coldly snorted. Boom! A gray-brown energy erupted from his feet, and the space around the Earth Official twisted. Around him, the thick energy of the earth erupted from the depths and flowed into the Earth Official’s body, instantly bolstering his speed.

  Space Contraction!

  This was the Earth Official’s unique art, much faster than the Starlight Step. The other party was delusional if they thought they could escape from him.


  The air howled past the Earth Official’s ears, and in a flash, the Earth Official had charged out of the range of the formation. The other party had clearly not expected the Earth Official to come out on his own so doggedly. They seemed to stagger in panic.

  “Isn’t it a little too late to be afraid?”

  The Earth Official coldly laughed as he pursued.

  The distance between the two swiftly contracted to less than ten thousand feet.

  The Earth Official was confident and unpanicked. Although the other party’s actions were suspicious and strange, he was not afraid.

  The arts of the Celestial God Organization were the strongest in the world. There was no one in this human world who could contend against them.

  Humans were ants that barely clung to life. How could they compare to gods that had lived for thousands, if not tens of thousands, of years?

  Those at the Earth Official’s level in the organization could only be threatened by peak experts such as Firmament Supreme.

  Even the strongest of the three officials, the Sky Official, was only capable of defeating the Earth Official, not killing him.

  The distance continued to shrink!

  Ten thousand feet!

  Eight thousand feet!

  Six thousand feet!

  Three thousand feet!

  The Earth Official finally got a clear look at the intruder. This person wore a wide robe from which golden light seeped out. But as the intruder had their back to the Earth Official, it was not possible to see their face.

  The Earth Official’s awesome strength had clearly shocked this person, and their flight was clearly a panicked one.

  Chapter 2069 - Encirclement!

  Chapter 2069: Encirclement!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “Still want to leave? Stay right there!”

  When the two parties were around two thousand feet from each other, the Earth Official’s face chilled, and he unleashed the energy in his dantian.

  “Limitless Earth!”

  With a thunderous bellow, the halos beneath the Earth Official’s feet resonated, unleashing a gray-brown energy containing the domineering power of the mountains. These halos rapidly expanded and soon spanned tens of thousands of feet.

  An invisible pull was exerted on the vast earth, causing the ground to shudder as rings of dust exploded into the air and began to resonate with the Earth Official’s halos. At this moment, the Earth Official’s bones began to crack, and his already immense strength swelled to inconceivable levels.


  A moment later, the earth for thousands of feet around the Earth Official sundered open. Countless bits of dirt, grass, and rocks were drawn out from the depths of the earth and were drawn by this invisible energy to converge on the Earth Official’s Stellar Energy.

  Moreover, the Earth Official was a powerful Earth Element expert, and with Limitless Earth, he could draw on the power of the earth for the surrounding several dozen li. This massive amount of energy combined with the Earth Official’s Stellar Energy and the surge of soil and rock into a gray-brown flood that swept unstoppably toward that figure.

  The Earth official had a sublime control over his power, and the Earth Official was confident that this blow could heavily injure his foe, but not to a lethal extent. In this way, he could still question his foe and extract secrets from him.

  A basic level Subtle realm expert could not possibly contend against a peak Subtle realm expert. In truth, even if the other party was hiding their strength, the Earth Official was still confident in heavily injuring them.

  But a moment later, the Earth Official was left surprised.


  A dazzling surge of golden light emerged from the other party’s body and slammed into the Earth Official’s attack.

  The two streams of differently colored light collided like two ferocious beasts, the impact creating an explosive shockwave.

  The golden light illuminated the surrounding tens of thousands of feet as brightly as day.

  The Earth Official was even forced to take a step back by the strength of the explosion, his robes flapping around him.



  “This is impossible!”

  The Earth Official’s mind was in turmoil, and his eyes flew open in disbelief.

  Limitless Earth was not his strongest move, but it was in the top three. Even the Sky Official would have had to focus to deal with it. But this other party was so strong that they could block the attack directly.

  A peak Subtle realm expert!

  The Earth Official understood the nature of his foe, and his face turned grave.

  This man was not ordinary!

  “Milord, it’s bad!”

  As the two entered a stalemate, a man in black called out, running up from behind the Earth Official with a panicked expression.

  “There’s been an incident in the rear! Venerable Sky Official has ordered Milord to return to guard the formation and the teleportation gate!”

  That man in black was panting for breath and in a great panic as he rushed toward the Earth Official.


  The Earth Official paled at the man in black’s report.

  The teleportation gate and formation were of utmost importance and could not be lost. The consequences for doing so would be unimaginable!

  But the teleportation gate and formation were still being guarded by the Sky Official and Water Official. How could there be a problem?

  Had there been some error? There were more besides this person, the other party using some other trick to lure away the Sky Official and Water Official?

  But a moment later, the Earth Official’s eyes narrowed and turned icy cold.

  “Where did this scoundrel come from, daring to try and fool this god!”

  Without another word, the Earth Official sent a sundering bolt of energy from his finger at that man in black coming up from the rear.

  He had been using Space Contraction this entire time to chase after the other party. They had both been moving so quickly that they had already covered several dozen li of distance.

  This man in black had disguised his aura well, but did he really think that there would be someone in their base besides the Sky Official and Earth Official who could catch up so quickly and deliver this report?

  “Haha, good! As expected of the Celestial God Organization! I knew I couldn’t deceive you! But I must still say that the time of your death has com

  With loud laughter, the man in black punched, obliterating the Earth Official’s energy bolt. At the same time, his energy swelled to several dozen times its previous, instantly rising to the peak Subtle realm level!


  At the same time, Divine Embryo 2, with which the Earth Official had been in a stalemate before, unleashed dazzling golden light.

  “Origin Immortal Art!

  “Great Destruction Art!”

  Divine Embryos 2 and 3, after drawing out the Earth Official, immediately used their strongest techniques to attack him from both sides!

  “Not good!”

  Despite the Earth Official’s power, even he could only grimace upon sensing two peak Subtle experts attacking him from two sides.

  These two had clearly come prepared!

  Their attacks were so abrupt and clean that he had no chance to respond.

  “Thousand Fathom Cliff!

  “Ceaseless Mountain Range!”

  Though the Earth Official was caught off guard, he immediately summoned all his Stellar Energy and once more used his divine skills, drawing on the power of the earth over an even larger range.

  As the power of the mountains and earth gathered around him, mighty peaks and mountains manifested around him.

  Not only that, as the power of the earth poured into him, his body cracked and groaned as it grew into the size of a giant. On the surface of his body, gray-brown energy condensed into sturdy armor.

  The body of a giant!

  The armor of the earth!

  These were two of the Earth Official’s abilities. They boosted his strength and conferred on him formidable defensive abilities.

  While the Earth Official wasn’t the strongest of the three officials, he was definitely the most tenacious.

  The other party was frighteningly strong and well-prepared, but he was at the peak of the Subtle realm and possessed his own domineering power. With his giant’s body and armor of the earth, he might not have been able to defeat two experts of the same level, but he still had a chance of escaping.

  But for some reason, the Earth Official remained uneasy, a sense of danger hanging over his head.

  Where did these people come from? What are they trying to do? Did they go through such great efforts merely so that they could lure me away and ambush me?


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