The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 1293

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  “Heh, stop dreaming! You will not be able to learn the secret location of our main base. Every time someone leaves the main base, their minds will automatically produce a seal designed by Heaven. No one can break it, and no matter how strong you are, you are still an ant-like mortal.

  “Mortals can never oppose true gods!”

  Supreme Divine brazenly laughed, blood flowing out of his orifices as the energy drained out of his body. He grew weaker and weaker, and he would soon meet the same fate as Meteor Divine, but Supreme Divine didn’t seem to care.

  He seemed to have gone insane, mockingly staring at Wang Chong as if he was looking at a dead man.

  Foolish mortal!

  He had already seen from how Meteor Divine had been dealt with that Wang Chong sought the highest secrets of the Celestial God Organization, but this was wishful thinking. An organization that had existed for tens of thousands of years, countless epochs, would not leave any sort of weakness.

  No matter how strong humans were, they were far too insignificant.

  “Is that so?”

  Wang Chong coldly laughed, not angered at all.

  “Nightmare Beast, it’s up to you! Master, Village Chief, lend me a hand!”

  As Wang Chong spoke, a Psychic Energy much stronger than Wang Chong’s shot out from his bosom. At the same time, the Wushang Village Chief and Demonic Emperor Old Man placed their hands on Wang Chong’s body.


  A moment later, the combined powers of three humans and one beast blasted into Supreme Divine’s mind.

  Just as expected, with an earthquaking shatter, the golden seal in Supreme Divine’s mind exploded.

  When infiltration of an outside force reached a certain limit within the seal, it would explode. But this time, as the seal exploded, Wang Chong could see golden shards that he had not seen with Meteor Divine.

  These were the core memories that Supreme Divine had sealed.

  “If the Western Turks resist, kill Ishbara! The Purification plan needs to move faster!

  “As for Arabia, the Fulin people will hold them down!

  “In at most ten days, the plan to exterminate the Great Tang can begin!

  “With thirty thousand Yeluohe assisting, An Yaluoshan should be able to succeed!

  “Everything must be obliterated. If it does not succeed, the Celestial Army will be mobilized!”

  A figure stood tall in a massive, dark blue space, his body exuding a storm of energy. Wang Chong had never seen this man before, but he instantly recognized the voice.

  Genesis Supreme!

  He really wasn’t dead!

  And he really had gotten a new body, one that seemed even stronger.


  The golden shard quickly disappeared, and Wang Chong soon gathered more, bits and pieces of information appearing in his mind.

  Wang Chong saw a massive mountain floating in the void, with massive snow-white beasts flying around it, raising their necks and howling to the skies.

  Everything vanished as quickly as it had come.

  After a long while, Wang Chong finally opened his eyes.

  “How was it?” the Demonic Emperor Old Man asked.

  “Still haven’t found it, but I found some clues!”

  As Wang Chong spoke, he snapped Supreme Divine’s neck and threw his corpse down.

  Rumble! Wang Chong circulated the energy through his dantian, and his body immediately began to seethe with frenzied power.

  Around him, space distorted as a black abyss appeared.

  Wang Chong now possessed all of Supreme Divine’s power. But completely digesting the natural divine power would still take some time.

  “Let’s proceed to the next stage of the plan!” Wang Chong coldly said as he raised his head, a frightening glint in his eyes.



  On the northern end of the Tibetan Plateau, closest to the borders of the Western Turkic Khaganate, a group of warhorses peered toward the north.

  At the lead of these horsemen was a muscular general, his body blazing with energy. In Ü-Tsang, there was only one man with such vast and blazing energy: Namri Songtian.

  “Is there still no news?” Namri Songtian suddenly asked.

  Behind him was an army of more than thirty thousand Tibetan elites. Each one had immense energy that made the effects of cold weather almost negligible.

  These Tibetan cavalry had been selected by Namri Songtian from all across Ü-Tsang. According to his original plan, the moment their emissaries sent the signal, he would ride out with his thirty thousand men and assist Western Turkic First Prince Irbis Shiyun in suppressing the ‘rebellion’, thus ensuring that the Western Turks would join the alliance.

  Until then, thirty thousand Tibetan cavalry was far too large of a force, and entering the Turkic steppe too early would cause many problems.

  Ishbara Khagan was not a man to be lightly provoked!

  “Milord, we have not received any word from the north,” a messenger replied.

  “How long has it been since the emissaries sent word?”

  Namri Songtian frowned.

  “Whether they succeeded or failed, the news should arrive within two hours,” the messenger respectfully replied.

  Namri Songtian said nothing, his brows creasing even more. For some reason, he had an extremely bad feeling.


  At this moment, the flapping of wings broke Namri Songtian out of his stupor, and he looked up to see a hunting falcon flying through the snowstorm toward him.

  Namri Songtian received the hunting falcon, opened the letter it carried, and instantly paled.

  “How could this be?

  “How did he appear there?”

  Namri Songtian felt like he had been struck by a lightning bolt, his hands shaking.

  That man’s movements were far too sudden and shocking!

  “Go! Go! Go!

  “Everyone, leave at once! No stopping!”

  Namri Songtian pulled on the reins of his horse and immediately began to ride back into the Tibetan Plateau.

  Chapter 2143 - Hindsight!

  Chapter 2143: Hindsight!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr



  The orderly ranks of cavalry instantly fell into disarray. None of them knew what was happening.

  Everyone in Ü-Tsang knew that Great General Namri Songtian was a composed and steady character. None of them had imagined that a mere letter could frighten him so badly.


  But in response to their shock was Namri Songtian’s furious roar from the distance.

  Namri Songtian had never imagined that Wang Chong would suddenly appear amongst the Western Turks and pacify all parties.

  Even worse was that if Wang Chong had appeared there, it meant that he wasn’t far from Ü-Tsang.

  No one in Ü-Tsang understood Wang Chong’s style more than Namri Songtian.

  This man was already the evil god of the world. It was hard to say if he wouldn’t strike against Ü-Tsang. Even though he had tens of thousands of Tibetan cavalry backing him, Namri Songtian had no confidence in his ability to escape from the War Saint alive.

  Rumble! Under Namri Songtian’s guidance, the Tibetan cavalry fell back like a routed army. This was truly a defeat before a battle had even begun.

  But not long after Namri Songtian had disappeared, several figures on horseback appeared where Namri Songtian had been standing.

  “What a quick reaction!”

  Sun Zhiming dismounted, looked around, and broke out in laughter.

  “Judging by the freshness of the hoofprints, they probably just withdrew, and it seems that they were in great disarray!

  “This Namri Songtian had a rather fast reaction. Who in this continent is not afraid of our liege? For Namri Songtian to immediately retreat without hesitation is an indication that he is a proper general!”

  Softly chuckling, Chen Burang dismounted as well. After inspecting the situation at a crouch, he quickly straightened up.

  In the past, it would have been inconceivable for a minor general to joke about a renowned Great General, but that was then and this was now. After all, they served the mighty War Saint.

  “But it’s thanks to his swift reaction that there are not tens of thousands more corpses on the Tibetan Plateau today,” Chen Burang coldly said.

  In times of trouble, harsh laws were needed. He and Sun Zhiming had just come to scout the situation. If Namri Songtian had not withdrawn, then a great battle would have ensued.

  The Great Tang’s war with Youzhou was imminent, and Ü-Tsang was harboring ill intentions. At this time, their liege was no longer too concerned about appearances.

  “Let’s go!”

  Chen Burang mounted his horse, and together with Sun Zhiming, left the Tibetan Plateau.


  At the same time, far to the northeast, in Youzhou…

  From the sky, one could see that the vast and grandiose Andong Protectorate headquarters, lurking like a crouching behemoth, had a new wall circling it. It was evident that this wall was newly built.

  In Zhang Shougui’s era, the Andong Protectorate headquarters had never had a defensive wall around it. The Youzhou army had maintained an extremely aggressive strategy.

  But An Yaluoshan was different. That steel fortress to the south exerted an immense pressure on him.

  “Wang Chong, you won’t be able to stay cocky for too long! Once I settle things with the Western Turks, we’ll have our battle to the death!”

  An Yaluoshan looked southward, and as he thought about what was happening in the Western Turkic Khaganate at this very moment, immense ambition swelled in his heart.

  Everything else was ready. All he lacked was the east wind!

  From the intelligence he had already gathered, it appeared that while Ishbara Khagan was reluctant to make a decision, in some cases, not making a decision was a decision in itself.

  All of the world knew about Wang Chong’s famous letter about hunting on Mount Sanmi. How could someone as proud as Ishbara Khagan swallow his anger?

  All An Yaluoshan had needed to do was add some fuel to the fire and assist Ishbara Khagan in realizing the decision that he had already made.

  Irbis Shiyun, I’ve done all I can to assist you. The rest will depend on your plan! An Yaluoshan internally remarked, narrowing his eyes.

  Probably not even Ishbara Khagan knew that he had been privately working with Irbis Shiyun for some time.

  Looking back on it, the two of them had been working together since the feast of all countries. Once they both returned to their homes from the capital, they had secretly signed a treaty of alliance.

  Not long ago, Irbis Shiyun had revealed all his plans. If all went as expected, Shamul should have attempted to assassinate Ishbara Khagan, forcing the Khagan to execute Barshad.

  “Gao Shang, have you not found anything yet?” asked An Yaluoshan as he stared into the snowstorm.

  The distance between the Western Turkic Khaganate and Youzhou was vast. Even the fastest bird would take several days. But divination did not have this sort of restriction. A powerful strategist and astrologer like Gao Shang would be able to notice any shift amongst the Western Turks.

  In truth, ever since Supreme Divine and Meteor Divine had left, Gao Shang had been observing the heavenly phenomena of the Western Turks.

  The countries around the Great Tang had weaker kingly energies, but the heavens encompassed all things, including the Western Turkic Khaganate. Though it took a little effort, he could still observe the heavenly phenomena of the Western Turks.

  After a brief silence, Gao Shang said, “The heavens are ambiguous, appearing to be suffering from some heavy disruption. I can’t tell what’s going on yet!”

  He was wearing his scholarly robes and a thick robe of fox fur. Seated cross-legged on the wall, he was constantly making motions with his fingers.

  He had spent the last hour constantly calculating.

  “Is the Great Tang’s divination group that powerful?”

  An Yaluoshan’s heart sank, his brow slightly creasing.

  Though Li Heng was young, he was extremely difficult to deal with. After learning of how Dragon Qi had been stolen during the feast of all countries, Li Heng had immediately summoned the world’s best sorcerers and formed them into a divination team who disrupted the heavenly phenomena and prevented Youzhou from learning of their actions.

  Ever since then, An Yaluoshan had been forced to change his opinion of the new Emperor.

  “After all, the Central Plains is currently the reigning sovereign, possessing the power of the world, so the astrologers there will be more efficient. However, the power of humans is nothing compared to the heavens. While they might be able to conceal or disturb minor movements in the heavens, larger movements are like an avalanche. No one can conceal them or stop them,” Gao Shang confidently declared.

  In the end, the Central Plains was home to the reigning power, and considering Wang Chong’s existence, it would be far stranger if it only sat around and did nothing.

  “In addition, Your Excellency should rest easy. Earlier, I saw that the kingly energy of the Western Turks was beginning to fuse with the energy of the other countries. This shows that Ishbara Khagan has already made his decision. All we are doing is pushing the boat along the current. With the assistance from Supreme Divine and Meteor Divine, the Western Turkic Khaganate should eventually join our alliance. There shouldn’t be any surprises that are too big,” Gao Shang said.

  An Yaluoshan nodded, his eyes brightening.

  Gao Shang was a superb diviner, and if he said that there wouldn’t be any major problems, then it had to be the case.

  “Cui Qianyou, Tian Qianzhen, how are your preparations going?” An Yaluoshan suddenly said.

  Cui Qianyou and Tian Qianzhen bowed and reported, “Your Excellency, all the recruits have finished training and the armories are complete. We can go into battle at any time!

  “The discussions with the other countries are all done, and all the countries have agreed to the terms of the alliance. Once we begin the war against the Great Tang, Your Excellency will take the lead. Everyone will follow your orders!

  “In addition, we have already finished planning out all the battle routes!”


  An Yaluoshan couldn’t help but feel a little pride.

  “All we need is the news from the Western Turks. Then, the army can set out and crush the Great Tang!”

  An Yaluoshan looked toward the south as he spoke, but he kept one last comment to himself.

  …And we can tear that brat to pieces!


  Just then, a horseman galloped in from the western side of the Andong Protectorate headquarters. The rider had a panicked expression as he held a letter and rode frantically through the snowstorm.

  This sudden movement drew the attention of the group gathered on the wall tower. An Yaluoshan, Cui Qianyou, Tian Qianzhen… they all turned to the rider.

  “Cui Qianyou, go and see what’s going on. Such a frantic appearance is no good for morale!” An Yaluoshan coldly barked.

  An Yaluoshan was growing stricter and stricter on his army. Youzhou now had an army of six hundred thousand soldiers, and when joined with the armies of the other countries, it was an army of millions. Nothing could get done without law and order, and if they ran around in this sort of panic with everything they did, the army would fall apart.

  “Not good!”

  Suddenly, Gao Shang cried out, his body trembling as if he had been struck by lightning, and his face went ghastly pale!

  “A shift in the Western Turks! The Khagan has changed! It is not Irbis Shiyun, but Barshad!

  “The Western Turks have gone over to the Great Tang!”


  Gao Shang’s words exploded like a thun
derclap in everyone’s ears. All of the Youzhou generals were left dumbfounded.

  “Barshad was enthroned?”

  “The Western Turks joined the Great Tang?”

  “How could this be!?”

  Two peerless experts in Supreme Divine and Meteor Divine had gone to assist, Irbis Shiyun was acting as their insider, and even Ishbara Khagan had favored the alliance. Was all this still not enough to get the Western Turkic Khaganate on their side?


  Gao Shang had no time for their reactions, for his mind was reeling.

  An Yaluoshan and his generals did not understand divination, so they couldn’t see, but in Gao Shang’s eyes, the heavens were in complete turmoil, the world tossing and turning as if swept up in a storm.

  Chapter 2144 - The Third Batch of Yeluohe Arrives!

  Chapter 2144: The Third Batch of Yeluohe Arrives!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Far in the west, in the direction that represented the Western Turkic Khaganate, Ishbara Khagan’s star dimmed, and at the same time, another star brightened. This was not Irbis Shiyun’s star, but Barshad’s.

  Not only that, the moment Barshad was enthroned, the earthly energies and the Dragon Qi of the world changed. The kingly energies of the other countries also shifted. The Dragon Qi of the Great Tang to the south brightened while the Eastern Turks’ Dragon Qi fell into turmoil.

  Even the clear heavens above Youzhou showed signs of disturbance.

  The heavens had changed far too much, far too quickly, transforming into a stormy sea.

  Even an experienced strategist like Gao Shang felt an indescribable shock at this development.

  Moments after Gao Shang had finished speaking, the messenger called out.

  “Your Excellency! Bad news! The Western Turks have sent a message! Fourth Prince Barshad has ascended to the throne and allied with the Great Tang against the Goguryeo Empire!

  “In addition, the Western Turkic Khaganate has declared war against the Eastern Turkic Khaganate and has already begun to battle it!”





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