The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 1327

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  By this time, the pressure had become utterly suffocating.

  Ten meters, eight meters, three meters…


  With a loud cry, the Yeluohe at the front suddenly pulled the reins on its horse and leaped, preparing to charge into the Tang defense line.

  Just when this terrifying force was about to begin its full assault…


  A massive boom came from the imposing steel fortress in the rear, and a massive gale stirred. Before anyone could react, a giant ballista bolt flew overhead and struck that leaping Yeluohe.

  With the sound of cracking bones, the head of the warhorse was crushed into countless shards, and then the head of the Yeluohe rider atop it was similarly obliterated by that terrifying force.

  In no time at all, everything from the chest up of that Yeluohe warrior was obliterated.


  The giant ballista bolt continued into the dense ranks of the Yeluohe.

  Boom! Boom! Boom! In a series of explosions, numerous Yeluohe were blasted to bits by the giant ballista bolt.

  The Yeluohe cavalry under An Lushan were almost unkillable, and no injury they sustained would be fatal. But these were the giant ballistae that had slain Behemoths. Not even the powerful Yeluohe could stop them.

  With the skull obliterated, even the strongest existence would be slain.

  One strike had destroyed at least sixty of the Yeluohe.

  “Fire again!”

  Those on the walls were heartened by this sight, and with another boom, another giant ballista bolt shot out from the walls.

  Several dozen Yeluohe were about to be struck by the giant ballista bolt when the Yeluohe leader suddenly let out a deep roar.

  And then, the unexpected occurred.

  A Yeluohe horseman suddenly jumped into the air, black smoke coiling around it as it raised a hand and grabbed the giant ballista bolt.

  Thump! Thump! Thump! Hundreds of Yeluohe jumped into the air, intersecting their trajectories with the ballista bolt’s trajectory and snatching at it with their hands.

  The giant ballista bolt had a speed and power ten times that of ordinary ballista bolts. In normal circumstances, they would be impossible to grab, and those that attempted would end up with shattered bones.

  But this matter that should have been only theoretically possible was brought into reality.

  A white scar appeared in the air, rapidly vibrating.

  In the middle of this white scar, a long giant ballista bolt was suspended in the air, surrounded by hundreds of Yeluohe.

  These Yeluohe, like cold machines, had firmly seized the giant ballista bolt from all angles.

  These Yeluohe seemed almost rooted to the giant ballista bolt as they were carried along by it. Seven steps, eight steps, twenty steps… even though the giant ballista bolt had an enormous amount of inertia, in the end, the joint effort of the Yeluohe succeeded in stopping it.


  Everyone couldn’t help but gasp in alarm at this sight.

  These giant ballistae Wang Chong had developed were absolutely lethal weapons. No one had ever imagined that the Yeluohe could use such a frightening method to stop their bolts.

  But they didn’t have time to reel in shock. With a frightening neigh, the Yeluohe launched their counterattack, the thousands of Yeluohe charging into the Tang ranks like an arrow loosed from a bow.


  Neighs rang out over the battlefield as the Yeluohe made impact.

  The Nine Heavens Ten Earths God-Devil Annihilation Formation was renowned as the number one formation of the apocalyptic era, and there was no questioning its strength. Not even the constant attacks of Youzhou’s Hundred Thousand God-Devil Execution Formation had been able to shake it, and it had even been pushed back. This was proof enough of its power.

  There was no army in the world stronger than this one!

  But in a flash, boom! Through their terrifying strength, they jammed into the Nine Heavens Ten Earths God-Devil Annihilation Formation like a nail and tore through its defenses.

  Warhorse crashed into warhorse and metal clashed against metal. The clanging of weapons and explosions of Stellar Energy rang out endlessly… Rather than thirty thousand soldiers, it seemed like an army of one million had crashed into the ranks of the Tang force.


  At the front of the battlefield, a massive tower shield was struck by a spear, and the center was instantly covered in cracks, then it crumpled. Moreover, the spear was infused with a freezing Stellar Energy that traveled through the shield.

  With a crackle, a layer of frost rapidly began to spread along the shield soldier’s arm.


  Several dozen heavy shield soldiers and tower shield soldiers at the front of the Nine Heavens Ten Earths God-Devil Annihilation Formation were thrown into the air, the shields in their hands freezing and then shattering. The same took place in multiple areas across the front of the Nine Heavens Ten Earths God-Devil Annihilation Formation. The chilling death energy of the Yeluohe seemed to be extremely effective at destroying shields.


  Screams erupted as the Tang lines began to collapse, the Yeluohe exhibiting an unstoppable and nigh overwhelming momentum. In a flash, the Nine Heavens Ten Earths God-Devil Annihilation Formation was dealt an extremely grave wound.

  More and more Yeluohe were charging out from the rear like floodwaters set free.


  Anxious bellows rang out over the battlefield, and even though this defense line had been able to withstand ceaseless assaults from the Youzhou army, it was easily torn apart by the Yeluohe.

  But they did not panic. Not even one-tenth of the formation was being impacted, and the integrity of the formation was not damaged.


  As the Yeluohe charged, tens of thousands of Tang cavalry charged at the Yeluohe from all sides.

  Offense was the best defense.

  This was a conviction that all of Wang Chong’s soldiers upheld. Thus, in the air, Wang Chong narrowed his eyes and watched, not intending to stop it in any way.

  Chapter 2205 - Fierce Battle Against the Yeluohe!

  Chapter 2205: Fierce Battle Against the Yeluohe!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  The Tang soldiers of this world were not the army Wang Chong had led in the apocalyptic era, those who had survived through battle after battle with the otherworldly invaders and had abundant experience fighting against this kind of foe. But in various aspects, this army was already the peak of what human dynasties could achieve.

  Wang Chong wanted to see, with another war imminent, just how powerful this army was, how effective they could be in the future apocalypse.

  Plush! Plush! Plush!

  After a few moments, as weapons plunged into flesh, Wang Chong’s training began to show its might.

  Weapons stabbed into the Yeluohe and their warhorses from all sides.

  But the sensation of the swords piercing through them felt indescribably bizarre. It was like they were stabbing through some amalgam of cotton and decayed flesh.

  “No blood!”

  “They can still move!”

  A Tang soldier looked at the Yeluohe horseman he had stabbed with a sword, his hair standing on end.

  An alliance soldier would have been slain almost instantly by this sort of attack, but that Yeluohe seemed to be completely fine, its neck even turning so that its eyes could look at him.

  All of the soldiers that were allowed to participate in this battle were battle-hardened men, but these things didn’t seem human.

  “Don’t attack their bodies! Cut off their heads!” a Tang officer roared in the midst of the turmoil.

  This officer was one of Guo Ziyi’s subordinates and had followed him to Youzhou to gather information on the Yeluohe, and he had seen with his own eyes their power.

  Just a few Yeluohe had been enough to contend agains
t twenty-some elite Tang scouts. Now, these Yeluohe had formed an army of tens of thousands, and their power was on a completely different level.

  The smallest error would lead to unimaginable consequences.

  The officer’s warning had come very quickly, but in the end, he was still a few seconds too slow.

  Plush! Plush! Plush! The Yeluohe snapped the swords that were stabbed into their bodies and stabbed their weapons into the nearby Tang soldiers.


  A stalwart Yeluohe swung its hand, using its overwhelming strength to easily send several nearby Tang soldiers flying into the air.

  In just a few short moments, the Great Tang suffered losses in the tens of thousands.

  But they were still elite soldiers, and they quickly reconsolidated. The soldiers swiftly began to slice at the necks of the Yeluohe.

  So long as they were beheaded, not even the tenacious Yeluohe could survive.

  But this task was much more difficult than it seemed. Clangclangclang! Sensing this threat, the Yeluohe raised their arms and just barely managed to block these attacks.

  In the middle of the army, a Yeluohe warrior suddenly exploded with a frigid storm of Stellar Energy. This Stellar Energy seemed capable of freezing people down to the marrow, and its terrifying power was difficult to block. “Aaaah!” Screams erupted as the surrounding Tang soldiers were blasted back ten-some meters.


  Meanwhile, amidst rumbling hooves, more rows of Yeluohe rode out of the howling winds as swiftly as the wind.

  These Yeluohe moved with unimaginable speed. At first glance, they were several dozen meters away, but in the time it took to blink, they were right in front of the Tang defense line.


  A rusted and ancient saber was raised high in the air and swung down. Boom! The saber had been infused with unbelievable energy, and with one stroke, it sliced through a Tang soldier from his left shoulder to his right belly, cleaving him apart.

  It was such a powerful blow that the two halves of the body went flying in different directions, and even the armor had been sliced in half.

  These Yeluohe were not as simple as they seemed. Whether it was in constitution, strength, or charging speed, these inhuman creatures far surpassed ordinary cavalry. Simply with their charges, they produced an impact that was difficult to defend against.


  The thirty thousand Yeluohe pushed through the formation, sowing chaos in their wake. Three hundred meters, five hundred meters, seven hundred meters… the Yeluohe pushed deeper and deeper into the Nine Heavens Ten Earths God-Devil Annihilation Formation.


  Seeing the ranks crumble, a Tang general swung his sword, his eyes red. All of his Stellar Energy surged out, shattering the frosty Stellar Energy on a Yeluohe. Plush! In a cold flash of light, the head of Yeluohe warrior went flying through the air.

  While the Yeluohe were powerful, this was only compared to ordinary soldiers. In the face of formidable Tang generals, they were still no match.


  Encouraged by this general’s example, the other formidable generals in the army began to make their own attacks. Plush! Plush! Plush! The frighteningly cold hands of the Yeluohe were chopped off, and some of the Yeluohe were even cleaved in two, half their bodies spinning through the air.

  After all, Wang Chong’s soldiers were incredibly well-trained and were able to adapt. Since stabbing the enemy was no good, they would just change things up and use sweeping slashes.

  A single soldier was no match for them, so they mobilized the power of formations, with groups of three, five, or even ten soldiers joining their powers to attack.

  In these circumstances, the Nine Heavens Ten Earths God-Devil Annihilation Formation continued to work. In a frenzied assault, several hundred Yeluohe were slain on the spot, their bodies literally dismembered.

  These Yeluohe were simply too bizarre. They feared that even these methods were not enough to kill them, so they used dismembering to completely remove them from a fight.

  Enough ants could gnaw an elephant to death, and the Yeluohe were not an exception from this principle.


  Strings twanged as Su Hanshan ordered his ballista army to once more fire on the advancing Yeluohe.

  The situation was dire, with the closest Yeluohe less than one thousand feet from the ballista army, but Su Hanshan remained cool and collected. He seemed to be rooted into the earth, as if nothing in the world could shake him, even his own death.


  A thunderous roar resounded over the battlefield. This time, Su Hanshan’s ballista army took aim at the heads of the Yeluohe.


  In the middle of the chaotic battlefield, an icy Yeluohe with red eyes was charging forward with all its strength. Suddenly, seven ballista bolts came in at different angles, and with a giant boom, the Yeluohe’s head vanished.

  The headless body of the Yeluohe continued charging a hundred-some feet before finally dropping from the horse.

  In this fashion, Su Hanshan succeeded in killing several hundred Yeluohe in short order.

  This method was taxing in both time and energy, and the effects were not very obvious, but it was the best method at his disposal for dealing with the Yeluohe.


  Su Hanshan waved his hand, ordering another volley.

  With a mighty boom, another several hundred Yeluohe were slain. This small force of Yeluohe that was only three-hundred-some feet from the ballista army was instantly wiped out, and their deaths even stirred a little chaos in the Yeluohe coming up behind them.

  But Su Hanshan could not relax. Ballistae were not meant to be used this way, and there were many handicaps to firing accurately at such small targets. Su Hanshan had to make sure that the ballista bolts did not strike his allies, because a ballista bolt could pierce through a Yeluohe’s head and then strike his own soldiers.

  In addition, Su Hanshan had to have eight ballistae fire together on a single target, and the bolts had to arrive at the Yeluohe’s head at the same time. If they did not arrive simultaneously, there was a high chance that the Yeluohe could block them, resulting in failure.

  These were dire circumstances. The Yeluohe were far more frightening than he had anticipated.

  “It seems they’ve reached their limit.”

  Looking down from the sky, Wang Chong turned grim.

  At this point in the battle, the Great Tang had killed around seven hundred Yeluohe. Compared to the apocalyptic era in his past life, this kill ratio on these semi-otherworldly invaders was rather impressive. But for the thirty thousand Yeluohe, seven hundred deaths was a meager number.

  Regardless of what the truth is, those otherworldly invaders must be closely connected to the men in black. Perhaps they were even drawn here by the men in black!

  Several thoughts flashed through Wang Chong’s mind.

  Many things in his last life had been shrouded in mystery. For instance, even though the Great Tang from his last life had been defeated multiple times, a starving camel was still larger than a horse. Could An Lushan and his paltry army have sowed so much chaos within the Great Tang and defeated its armies again and again?

  At the time, Wang Chong had not understood, believing that An Lushan’s soldiers were just too valiant and fierce. But now, it appeared that it was all due to those several thousand Yeluohe that everyone had disregarded, not the valor of the Youzhou soldiers.


  Wang Chong’s eyes coldly glinted as he ordered the retreat.

  This army would still be very useful in the future, and it could not be lost here. Having them experience the power of the Yeluohe would be a great boon to the Great Tang and the entire continent.

  At the very least, they would not be so panicked and disorderly, thus averting an even greater tragedy in the future.

  Chapter 2206 - The King Ape Takes the Stage!

; Chapter 2206: The King Ape Takes the Stage!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr


  Wang Chong waved his hand, sending a wave of Stellar Energy howling into the Yeluohe.

  With a massive boom, hundreds of Yeluohe were instantly blasted away, those at the center of the explosion obliterated.

  But before Wang Chong could continue his assault on the Yeluohe, swish! Several strangely shaped sabers sliced at Wang Chong’s vital points, and he only barely managed to dodge.

  “Haha, Child of Destruction, put aside any thought of attacking the Yeluohe. We won’t let you get what you want.” A sinister voice entered his ear, and a moment later, those pitch-black and poisonous sabers arced through the air and back into the hands of the Divine Lords standing across from Wang Chong.

  “It is time for things to end. You will not get another chance to resist us.”

  “Not just you. This entire world must be thoroughly reshuffled. The decrees of ‘Heaven’ cannot be defied. Annihilation will be the end for all you ants,” another Divine Lord imposingly declared.

  “Is that so? There has never been such a thing as a heavenly deree to me, and even if you have Heaven behind you, one day, I will kill him as well!”

  Wang Chong coldly laughed.


  Without the slightest hesitation, Wang Chong used the Shadow Fiend Art and disappeared, attacking the two Divine Lords Genesis Supreme had brought with him.

  But these two instantly disappeared, using a movement technique that was no less effective than the Shadow Fiend Art.

  Their goal in this battle was extremely clear. They simply needed to hold down this clone of Wang Chong, not fiercely battle with it.

  “There is no need to keep resisting. Today, all of the Great Tang will be destroyed!”

  The voices of the Divine Lords rang out over the battlefield. In all of the human world, the only thing that could resist An Lushan, the Child of the World, was this million-man Tang army. Once this Tang army was wiped out, the prosperous Tang Empire would be wiped away.

  The battle had only just begun.

  “Is that so? Do you really think that thirty thousand Yeluohe can alter the course of this battle?”


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