The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 1368

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Chapter 2278 - The Mysterious Greenish-Black Hand!

  Chapter 2278: The Mysterious Greenish-Black Hand!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr


  There was a deafening rumble, and Wang Chong could sense that it wasn’t just his dimension. The dimension that the Wushang Village Chief and the Demonic Emperor Old Man were in, the one that Zhangchou Jianqiong and the others were in, and even that ancient building at the bottom of the polar sea were all shuddering and showing signs of collapse.

  This was a large-scale dimensional collapse. Once space collapsed, the Demonic Emperor Old Man, Wushang Village Chief, and Zhangchou Jianqiong and the others would all be obliterated.

  Not only that, the Celestial God Organization had clearly left behind some sort of immense seal in this area. When Wang Chong destroyed the giant teleportation gate, the Celestial God Organization’s seal had activated.

  “Let’s go!”

  Time was short, and Wang Chong jumped, disappearing from this space as he made his way toward the Demonic Emperor Old Man and the Wushang Village Chief.

  But just when he was about to vanish, he sensed something and turned his head in shock.


  Just when the teleportation gate was about to collapse, a black and brutal energy that was brimming with the desire to destroy all surged out from the other end of the gate.

  Coupled with intense spacetime ripples, a giant greenish-black hand seething with smoke emerged from the gate.


  That greenish-black hand let out an indistinct roar that was packed with anger and unwillingness. It seemed to be doing all it could to repair this collapsing space.

  But the teleportation gate had already collapsed, and this space was also on its way to oblivion. Anything it tried was too late.

  A few seconds later, a powerful pull came from the other end of the gate, dragging back that giant hand.

  At the final moment, all Wang Chong could see was drifting snowflakes and a silent world, and then not even that.

  This entire process had taken less than a second, so quickly that it seemed like an illusion. But what he had seen in that briefest of moments had left Wang Chong stunned.

  Wang Chong was certain that the giant greenish-black hand had come from the world on the other end of the teleportation gate, a special existence that Wang Chong had never before seen.

  Countless thoughts ran through his mind.

  But he quickly came to his senses. Compared to the origins of that hand, his master, the Wushang Village Chief, Zhangchou Jianqiong, and the others were more important.

  There’s not much time left!

  Wang Chong could tell that this entire dimension was extremely unstable. It would be at most three seconds until this entire place vanished into the void.

  If they couldn’t escape before then, they would all be trapped here and pulverized into oblivion.

  Not daring to stay any longer, Wang Chong disappeared and entered the previous dimension he had been in.

  The moment he appeared, he saw that the Demonic Emperor Old Man and the Wushang Village Chief were surrounded by the six half-step Grotto Heaven experts.

  These six experts had been revived countless times, and under their constant barrage of attacks, the Demonic Emperor Old Man and Wushang Village Chief had consumed a great deal of Stellar Energy.

  But now, the situation was entirely different.

  “Impossible, absolutely impossible!”

  “The cold wave’s origin was protected by the two Venerables and the giant idol. They lost?!”

  The six half-step Grotto Heaven experts were ghastly pale and had completely lost the will to fight.

  Moreover, the six of them were only able to exist because of the formations in this dimension.

  These formations had now shattered, and with their foundation gone, they could no longer remain attached to their physical bodies.

  As their souls parted from their bodies, their Stellar Energies rapidly drained away, their auras faded, and their hands dropped to their sides.

  But unlike before, their souls began to rapidly collapse.

  The moment Wang Chong destroyed the giant teleportation gate, these six peerless experts had lost the ability to fight.

  “Master, go!”

  Wang Chong’s gaze lingered on these six for the briefest of moments before he grabbed the Demonic Emperor Old Man and the Wushang Village Chief and departed the dimension.

  At the same time, in another dimension…

  “This place is about to collapse!”

  “The King of Foreign Lands succeeded?!”

  This large space was full of those bizarre multiplying sea monsters, far more than there had first been.

  Whether it was Zhangchou Jianqiong, Yeon Gaesomun, or anyone else, they were all tired to the bone.

  All of them were sporting injuries, with the fierce Khitan King even laid out unconscious on the floor.

  But even though they were in dire straits and couldn’t escape, none of them feared death.

  On the contrary, they felt relief and joy.

  The space collapsing meant that Wang Chong had succeeded.


  The bizarre sea creatures seemed to sense the oncoming crisis, and they fell into disarray.

  But still, many of them focused on Zhangchou Jianqiong’s group, bestial and bloodthirsty roars coming from their mouths.


  Just when the space was about to collapse, ten-some sea creatures lunged at the group.

  But everyone quickly sensed a familiar energy, and a moment later, they were swept up by silver Stellar Energy.

  “Wang Chong!”

  Everyone was delighted to see that familiar figure within the silver barrier.

  “The teleportation gate has been destroyed and the cold wave has been taken care of. The Celestial God Organization’s seal is devouring this place, so we have to leave at once!”

  With no time to say any more, Wang Chong navigated the silver barrier through the dimensions.


  A great rumbling came from behind them. As Wang Chong was leading the group out, countless dimensions collapsed behind them, the destruction hot on their heels.

  But in the end, Wang Chong was just a bit better.

  After what seemed like an interminable second, Wang Chong led the group out of the maze of dimensions and back into that ancient building beneath the sea.


  Without the slightest hesitation, Wang Chong used a water movement technique to split the water and rapidly move toward the surface.

  They emerged from the water far faster than they had descended.

  A few seconds later, with a massive splash, Wang Chong’s silver barrier appeared on the shores of the ice plain.

  At almost the same time, the surface of the sea intensely shuddered. More than eighteen hundred meters below the surface, that ancient building exploded into countless pieces of debris.

  With this, the Celestial God Organization’s base beneath the polar sea was gone.


  Standing once more on the bleak plain of ice, all of them emotionally sighed as if they had been freed from oppression.

  Only those who had participated in this journey to the north would truly know how extremely dangerous it was.

  All of them had prepared for their lives to end back there.

  But all of that was in the past.

  There was something more important on their mind.

  Within the silver barrier, Zhangchou Jianqiong looked up and said, “The cold wave has really passed.”

  When they first arrived at this polar ice plain, the sky had been completely concealed by a frenzied blizzard, but now, the storm had begun to die down.

  Yeon Gaesomun looked up and sighed. “Those snow tornadoes have also disappeared.”

  Those snow tornadoes that had harried them the entire way h
ere had disappeared, leaving behind only turbulent streams of air as evidence of their existence.

  The others said nothing, but they had the same expressions on their faces.

  The snow and ice had not melted, but all of them could tell that it was much less cold.

  At the very least, the cold wave was no longer ceaselessly pouring into this world.

  The cold wave had truly been resolved!

  They felt like a great burden had been lifted off their shoulders.

  Ice of three feet was not formed in a single day, and it would probably take several months for the continent to start thawing.

  “This matter has now been taken care of. Everyone, thank you for your efforts. We are now returning to Youzhou, as we still have many matters to take care of.”

  Wang Chong waved his sleeve, an indifferent look on his face.

  The teleportation gate had been closed, but the mess the cold wave had left would take a long time to clean up.

  Just as Wang Chong was about to turn and begin the journey back, Eastern Turkic Great General Tiechi Bileli called out, “Your Highness!

  “This matter has been resolved, yes?”

  “What do you want to say?” Wang Chong bluntly asked.

  “Your Highness, you said that the Celestial God Organization is an enormous faction, and Genesis Supreme was simply one of its members. Since we ruined their plan, they won’t be able to enact their Purification plan for at least a little while, yes?”

  Tiechi Bileli looked hopefully at Wang Chong.

  Wang Chong could see a deep unease in his expression.

  Wang Chong slightly frowned, and as he looked around, he saw that Yeon Gaesomun, Ozmish Khagan, the Khitan King, and the Xi Queen were also extremely uneasy.

  Chapter 2279 - Heaven's Attention!

  Chapter 2279: Heaven’s Attention!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Wang Chong fell quiet, cognizant of what was going on.

  For this group, the northern expedition had been extremely perilous. This would have been understandable if this had been all of the Celestial God Organization’s power, but this was merely one of their bases.

  There was no question that the Celestial God Organization’s power had left all of them deeply uneasy, even afraid.

  A powerful organization that could easily create mythical figures, summon cold waves, and command countless experts was undoubtedly an organization to be feared.

  And that wasn’t even considering that there was still someone above the likes of Genesis Supreme who had yet to reveal himself, the unbelievably powerful Heaven.

  Before this, the various sovereigns had always considered imperial authority to be the highest existence, but in front of the Celestial God Organization that could easily wipe away the world and all the civilizations upon it, imperial authority was a lowly and puny toy.

  This was the first time the sovereigns of the other countries had felt such fear.

  “This form of the Purification plan might not happen again, but so long as the Celestial God Organization exists, there will be a second Purification plan, and a third, and a fourth. There will never be an end to it.”

  Wang Chong’s eyes coldly flashed as he callously snuffed out their hopes.

  Wang Chong could clearly tell that the complexions of the sovereigns had grown more defeated.

  But he was entirely unmoved.

  Deceiving oneself about the Celestial God Organization had no point. Only by relinquishing all unrealistic dreams could one contend against this organization and the greater calamity to come.

  Wang Chong didn’t know what other plans the Celestial God Organization had, but he was certain that they would never stop.

  “Come; everyone is still waiting for us in Youzhou.”

  Wang Chong ended the conversation.

  Behind him, Yeon Gaesomun, Ozmish Khagan, the Khitan King, and the Xi Queen glanced at each other, and then something Wang Chong had never expected took place.


  Ozmish Khagan, Yeon Gaesomun, the Xi Queen, and the Khitan King suddenly got down on one knee, respectful looks on their faces.

  “What are you doing?” Wang Chong frowned.

  “Your Highness, you do not need to overthink things. We have no other intentions.

  “No one else can understand what we went off to do in this northern expedition, and if we did not speak of it, the common folk would never understand what the Celestial God Organization is or what the significance of this journey was.

  “But none of us will ever forget Your Highness’s kindness.”

  “That’s right. In the future, if Your Highness requires anything, you need only to say the word or show your token. All the Eastern Turks will be at your beck and call!”

  “That is what I wanted to say as well! We Khitans pledge our eternal loyalty to Your Highness. Your Highness is the savior of all Khitans.”

  “Our Goguryeo Empire is also willing to swear fealty to Your Highness, never to betray you.”

  They all lowered their heads as they respectfully spoke.

  This was so sudden that Zhangchou Jianqiong and the other Tang generals were left dumbfounded.

  The other countries had always been untamable, and Zhangchou Jianqiong and the others had truthfully been somewhat worried about what would happen now that this expedition was over.

  The Celestial God Organization was an outside invader, but the entire continent was still plagued by internal conflicts. Dealing with the armies and common folk of other countries would have still presented a very large problem.

  But now, this stance from the other countries was greatly soothing to the Tang generals.

  At the very least, the expressions of submission from their sovereigns to Wang Chong would save the Great Tang a lot of trouble.

  Whether it was Zhangchou Jianqiong or Wang Zhongsi, they could tell that Ozmish Khagan and the other sovereigns were sincere.

  Meanwhile, Ozmish Khagan and the others continued to keep their heads bowed.

  They did not know what Zhangchou Jianqiong and the Tang generals were thinking, but in this northern expedition, they had received the greatest shock in their lives, even greater than the impact of the war in the northeast.

  All living creatures as toys, all of creation like straw dogs!

  This was how the Celestial God Organization acted. If not for Wang Chong, they would have never realized that this world-ending calamity had been brought about by these people.

  Secular imperial authority was far too weak in front of these people. Besides Wang Chong, there was no one else that could save the world.

  Wang Chong had become the hope of the entire world.

  Wang Chong stood silently as the winds howled around him, and after a few moments, he solemnly nodded.


  At the same time, in an unknown and mysterious dimension, two slender and bizarre figures watched what was happening on the polar ice plain through a large crystal.

  These two both wore masks—one that was black on the left and white on the right, the other white on the left and black on the right. Moreover, on their foreheads, at the dividing line, there was a mysterious red symbol.

  If Wang Chong were here, he would have recognized from their auras that these two were Grand Supreme and Radiance Supreme.

  Through the crystal, the pair could see what was going on at the edge of the extreme north and also what was going on at the source of the cold wave.

  Since the dimension had collapsed, cutting off the energy supply, the shark-like creatures in the sea and the savage Hou on the ice plain were losing life force and beginning to petrify.

  This important base of the Celestial God Organization that had existed for tens of thousands of years was in the midst of total collapse.

  “To think that he would really succeed… He even defeated the giant idol left by Heaven. This Child of Destruction is different from all the others,” one of
the pair suddenly said.

  “We underestimated him too much. The same is true for Genesis Supreme, and he paid the price for it,” the other man replied.

  “Genesis Supreme was stronger than the both of us and had a divine tool granted by Heaven. In normal circumstances, this should have been more than enough for the Purification plan. After all, it’s not like this hasn’t happened before. But who could have imagined that…”

  Grand Supreme stopped, unable to continue.

  Some time had passed since Genesis Supreme’s death, but the two of them were still overcome by shock.

  The larger and older an organization was, the stricter the hierarchy. In the Celestial God Organization, every person had their place and duty. These were laws that had been formed over the eons, personally set down by Heaven, and they were the reason the Celestial God Organization had been able to persist for so long!

  When that Sage Emperor of the Great Tang had died, everyone believed that nothing else could threaten the Celestial God Organization. But the war of the northeast had told them otherwise.

  In the Celestial God Organization, the first level of members were irrelevant, as important as ants. They could get as many as they wanted, and those chosen would even be grateful that they had been given the chance.

  But the leadership, the Supremes, were entirely different.

  The longer one lived, the more one cherished life.

  When that giant idol appeared, Grand Supreme and Radiance Supreme could have come out and joined the giant idol in attacking.

  But the two never once considered the idea.

  That youth was too dangerous. Even if there was only a one-in-ten-thousand chance that they might fail, Grand Supreme and Radiance Supreme didn’t dare to take the risk.

  And they also had Genesis Supreme as an example.

  “This person is too powerful. If he’s not stopped now, we’ll have another Li Taiyi on our hands. We have to find some way to suppress him,” Grand Supreme sternly said.

  The dimension fell silent, Radiance Supreme unable to reply.

  Dealing with the Child of Destruction was easier said than done.

  The Child of Destruction had dueled and defeated Genesis Supreme, and he was now even stronger, having destroyed the giant idol. He would be even harder to stop now.


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