The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 1398

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  But in private, Li Heng continued to have his secret guards investigate the matter.

  Though the entire world doubted him, Li Heng still had some outstanding traits, and he quickly found some suspicious points.

  If everything about Wang Chong was really a dream, then it was a dream that was far too detailed. He could even clearly recall many irrelevant routine details.

  Most importantly, while everyone could forget about Wang Chong, it was impossible to wipe out the records in the annals regarding Wang Chong.

  Wang Chong’s resounding achievements were all recorded in the official histories for reference. The dynasties of the Central Plains had always excelled in this aspect, and so long as he could find those records concerning Wang Chong, this farce would fall apart.

  To Li Heng’s consternation, when he sent people to seek out those books, he found that all the records had been modified. The history recorded in the books was completely different from what he remembered.

  The sovereigns of the Great Tang had all been ambitious and wise, mighty and powerful. They constantly vanquished the surrounding countries, and during the Sage Emperor’s reign, the countries of the world had already become obedient, with only Arabia and Goguryeo still rebellious. In order to unite the world, Li Heng had personally led a campaign and defeated Arabia and Goguryeo, ensuring that his reign would stand out in the historical record.

  These two victories caused the people of the Central Plains to celebrate and his deeds to be recorded in the history books. And after these last two wars, all the other countries were awed by the Great Tang and agreed to be annexed, allowing the entire world to be united under one empire.

  After reading these records, Li Heng was flabbergasted. He had no impression of these two campaigns he had personally led, but it was all there in the history books.

  Li Heng found it very difficult to believe. What sort of faction was capable of such a feat? Not only had they wiped everyone’s memories, they had even edited the history books.

  At that moment, Li Heng understood that the truth, whatever it was, was far more complicated than it seemed.

  Li Heng buried this secret deep in his heart and stopped mentioning it entirely. He continued to attend the morning court sessions and review memorials as if nothing had happened. However, he knew deep down that something had changed.

  Li Heng had never imagined that he would see Wang Chong at a time like this.

  “Wonderful! I knew that you would come back.”

  It was possible to hear Li Heng’s excitement in his words.

  Wang Chong also rejoiced. At the very least, there was someone in the capital who remembered him, and this person was the Son of Heaven.

  After exchanging a few pleasantries, Li Heng got straight to the point. The sight of Wang Chong caused many memories to float back to the top of his mind.

  “This was all done by that Celestial God Organization, right? After thinking about it, this is the only faction capable of this.”


  Wang Chong nodded. Rather than hiding anything, he told Li Heng everything that had transpired.

  Li Heng was stunned to hear that Heaven had appeared.

  “So it was him! Imperial Father’s greatest enemy! If it’s him, everything can be explained.”

  If Heaven had taken action, anything was possible.

  After a few moments of silence, Wang Chong said, “But there is one thing that I find extremely strange. The entire capital is under the influence of the Celestial Palace. I’ve checked; all of the Dragon Guards, Zhangchou Jianqiong, and all the others have been affected by the Celestial Palace and have forgotten about my existence. Why is it that only Your Majesty hasn’t forgotten? Why do you still have memories connected to me?”

  “This… We also do not know. In truth, I have no idea what happened, but that Celestial Palace you spoke of has no effect on Us,” Li Heng said. Not even he could explain why he was unaffected.

  The study was quiet as Wang Chong dropped his head and began to think.

  Li Heng didn’t possess a very high cultivation level. Although Wang Chong had performed Blood Reformation for him, as the Son of Heaven, he simply had too many matters to handle. He was also not some peerless talent like the Sage Emperor, so it was foreordained that he would never get too far on the martial arts path. At the very least, there were many experts in the capital and the Imperial Palace stronger than him, but even they had their memories wiped. There was no reason for the weaker Li Heng to be unaffected.

  And in the capital… Li Heng was mediocre and didn’t stand out. As for some low-chance accident, this could happen to anyone else, but Wang Chong didn’t believe that it could happen to the Great Tang’s Son of Heaven.

  “Your Majesty, can you tell me your sleeping routine and what you have been eating in this period?” Wang Chong finally said. After some thought, he had decided that this was the only angle he could start from.

  Wang Chong sensed that if he could find out what had happened with Li Heng, he might be able to develop a way to resist the Celestial Palace’s influence and help everyone in the capital, including his parents, in breaking free from Heaven’s influence.

  It had always been a taboo to ask about the daily routine and diet of a sovereign. There were special people in the palace who recorded it, but major officials were strictly forbidden from inquiring about it. But Li Heng revealed all the details without hesitation.

  Deep down, he also wanted to know why he was the only person out of so many people who was unaffected. Besides that, he also hoped to help Wang Chong find a way to deal with Heaven.

  Chapter 2332 - Li Heng's Dragon Qi!

  Chapter 2332: Li Heng’s Dragon Qi!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Wang Chong frowned even harder upon hearing Li Heng’s recount.

  Li Heng’s daily routine and diet had not changed very much at all. Moreover, Li Heng had always lived a very disciplined life, and there was simply nothing there that could be connected to the phenomenon.

  “If that’s so…”

  Wang Chong raised his head and stared at Li Heng. After thinking it over and still not finding a reason, he could only seek the reason on Li Heng’s body.

  “Your Majesty, please forgive me.”

  A stream of Stellar Energy flowed into Li Heng’s body. Wang Chong’s eyes flashed as he used both the True World ability and the power of the Archon of Destiny.

  A moment later, the scene before Wang Chong changed, and he was able to instantly see everything going on in Li Heng’s body.

  Upon scanning around, Wang Chong creased his brow.

  Li Heng truly didn’t possess a very high cultivation level. Perhaps because he was so busy and lacked the time to cultivate, Li Heng had only reached the Saint Martial realm, and his Psychic Energy didn’t seem very powerful either.

  Neither of these was enough to protect Li Heng from the effects of the Celestial Palace.

  More importantly, Wang Chong didn’t sense energy pulses from any sort of ritual tool on Li Heng’s body.

  In the True World state, no ritual tool could hide from Wang Chong.

  “What is going on here?”

  Wang Chong was befuddled.

  From what he could see, there was nothing special about Li Heng besides the fact that he was the Emperor of the Great Tang that could make him immune to the effects of the Celestial Palace and preserve his memories.

  Emperor of the Great Tang?


  Wang Chong’s heart thumped, and he suddenly had a flash of insight.

  Yes, Li Heng’s greatest difference from the others was that he was an Emperor!

  Wang Chong raised his head again, his eyes flashing with violet light as he looked at Li Heng again. This time, he saw something completely different.


  As Wang Chong looked at Li Heng, an earth-shaking repulsive force surged toward Wang Chong, and the roar of a dra
gon shook the heavens.

  Wang Chong could now see that the study was full of violet Qi, and a five-clawed true dragon that was much larger than Li Heng was coiled around his haggard body.

  It was an imposing and majestic energy that was shocking to behold.

  Wang Chong could only see a part of the true dragon’s body. Its tail was immersed into the ground, and its body and head penetrated through the roof of the study.

  Not only that, when Wang Chong switched to his ‘energy observation’ perspective, he could see that this giant dragon was connected to the earth veins running beneath the realm. Endless earth energy was being drawn from these earth veins and converging on Li Heng.

  It felt as if the earth itself had risen up in turmoil against the heavens!

  Li Heng had no idea himself, but both the true dragon and the earth energy were doing one thing…

  Protecting Li Heng!

  Protecting the young Lord of Resurgence of the Great Tang!

  At this moment, Wang Chong was deeply shaken.

  Li Heng was still very young and hadn’t been on the throne for long. But that true dragon around his body was not immature in the slightest. On the contrary, its steady maturity was that of a sovereign who had ruled for decades.

  It was the Sage Emperor’s Dragon Qi!

  Wang Chong suddenly understood.

  When the Sage Emperor left this world, he had not left Li Heng any sort of powerful ritual tool or passed onto him some powerful internal energy. The greatest object he had left to Li Heng was his immense Dragon Qi.

  He had provided his Dragon Qi to Li Heng, allowing Li Heng to be the only one in the capital immune to the effects of the Celestial Palace and keep his memories of Wang Chong.

  “How is it?”

  In the study, Li Heng’s voice made Wang Chong blink and come back to his senses.

  Wang Chong fell silent for a few moments, and then without saying anything, he shared his vision with Li Heng.

  Upon seeing that immense Dragon Qi, Li Heng understood and found himself unable to speak for some time.

  “So all of this is because of Imperial Father, because of the Dragon Qi of the Central Plains, right?” Li Heng said.

  Though he was trying his best to keep control of himself, his voice was still trembling with grief and sorrow.

  The love of a father was as heavy as a mountain!

  Even after he was dead, the Sage Emperor was still protecting him in his own way.

  Wang Chong nodded, his heart also melancholy.

  Dragon Qi could restrain the power of the Celestial Palace!

  Moreover, for the master of the world, Dragon Qi should have far more uses than just this.

  But it appeared right now that the Dragon Qi could only protect Li Heng.

  Wang Chong couldn’t think of any way to use it to deal with the Celestial Palace and Heaven.

  “Your Majesty, all of their attention is on me right now,” Wang Chong said after a few moments of silence. “They won’t be paying attention to you. Your Majesty, just like before, pretend that nothing has happened and stop investigating the matter so as to avoid drawing their vigilance.”

  Li Heng’s Dragon Qi made him immune to the Celestial Palace’s effects. This was probably something that not even Heaven could have imagined. Amateurs hid out in the wilderness while masters hid in the court. At this time, remaining in the Imperial Palace was actually the safest option for Li Heng.

  “As for Heaven and the Celestial Palace, Your Majesty does not need to worry. Leave everything to me. No matter what, I will find a way to defeat Heaven.”


  Li Heng didn’t say anything more. He always had absolute trust in Wang Chong, no matter the occasion.

  …Even if his foe was his father’s greatest foe, Heaven.

  Without alarming anyone, Wang Chong departed, leaving behind a strand of his consciousness on one of Li Heng’s possessions.

  Once he was out of the palace, Wang Chong exhaled.

  So long as Li Heng was safe, the realm would not fall into too great a turmoil. He now needed to find a way to defeat Heaven and his Celestial Palace.

  Wang Chong decided on a direction and quickly departed the capital.


  Just as he was leaving the capital, he felt a strange sensation.

  After a moment, he paled. That pulse of energy had come from the halo divine tool, from the seal he had placed over the Wang Family Residence.

  With no time to think, Wang Chong swiftly opened the halo divine tool and entered.

  In a flash, Wang Chong arrived at the Wang Family Residence.

  An invisible barrier covered the entire estate, and within the barrier, it was eerily still.

  Wang Chong immediately went through the barrier and looked inside, upon which he paled.

  The servants of the Wang family were even weaker now, some of their souls even beginning to disappear.

  There were even some maids and servants who had black trickles of blood seeping out from the corners of their mouths.


  Wang Chong’s heart trembled. He immediately went to his mother’s side. In the study, his mother still remained in the same place she had been when she was conversing with Wang Chong. Her expression was calm and gentle, but her face was slightly pale and there was also a trickle of black blood seeping out from her mouth.

  “Mother!” Wang Chong called out, his heart cold.

  “The situation isn’t good! Madam Wang won’t be able to last for very long!” a voice said. At some point, Li Xuantu had also entered the halo divine tool, appearing behind Wang Chong.

  Wang Chong had granted Li Xuantu the right to freely enter and exit the halo divine tool.

  Li Xuantu had sensed the abnormal pulse of energy from the halo divine tool and hurried over.

  “There’s not much time. We have to think of a way to deal with the Celestial Palace.”

  Li Xuantu turned to Wang Chong.


  Three days went by. Within the halo divine tool, Wang Chong’s mother and everyone else in the estate worsened, but Heaven and Essence Supreme continued to remain in hiding.

  Even though Wang Chong had tried everything he could think of, he had still failed to find the Celestial Palace’s location. The capital was huge and contained millions of people, but the Celestial Palace had been able to wipe away all their memories and even influence the rest of the realm.

  Logically, since the Celestial Palace covered such a large range and was still in operation, it should have been very large and very easy to discover. It should have been as obvious as the moon or sun.

  But let alone see it, he hadn’t even found a trace of its existence. It simply didn’t make sense.


  The winds whistled as Wang Chong sat atop the roof of a restaurant in the capital.

  From this position, he could see the resplendent Imperial Palace to the north, and to the west, he could see the nearby King of Foreign Lands Residence, though it could no longer be called that. Heaven had already modified it into some sort of state bureau.

  The original guards of the estate had become guards of the bureau. As for Old Eagle and the others, Heaven was seemingly too lazy to handle these ‘small people’, so he simply made them officials in the bureau.

  When Wang Chong looked at their blank faces as they aimlessly walked the grounds of the estate, he had no idea what he should do.

  Wang Chong almost wanted to take them away, but in the end, he managed to suppress the urge.

  There was a delicate balance between him and Heaven. Moreover, Heaven was extremely arrogant, regarding himself as a god, so he would not lower himself to act against these ‘small people’.

  If Wang Chong didn’t touch it, Heaven would not pay any particular attention to this place. On the contrary, if he tried to interfere, Old Eagle and the others would be in more danger.

  Moreover, Wang Chong didn’t have much time left.

  “Mother…” Wang Chong muttered, his voice thick with concern.


  Wang Chong took in a deep breath and quickly focused.

  He had spent the last several days sitting here, thinking of a solution.

  All the information he had gathered about Heaven, from the information the Sage Emperor had left behind to what he had gathered on his trip to the steppe, and even the information he had gathered from his clash with Heaven, appeared in Wang Chong’s mind.

  Wang Chong had always analyzed and filtered information in this extremely calm and collected matter, attempting to find even the smallest useful clue.

  Wang Chong had already exerted all his strength, but he had still made no progress on Heaven and the Celestial Palace.

  “No, I’ll definitely find a way.”

  Chapter 2333 - The Origin Immortal Lord's Silk Bag!

  Chapter 2333: The Origin Immortal Lord’s Silk Bag!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Though Wang Chong’s mind was seething, he didn’t lose himself and remained calm and collected.

  Wang Chong once more sorted through all the details in his mind.


  Wang Chong’s eyes passed over the Xuanyuan Sword on his waist, and his body suddenly trembled in shock.

  Luo Supreme’s parting words suddenly appeared in his mind. ‘Since the Origin Immortal Lord gave you the Xuanyuan Sword, I trust that he told you much more, including how to deal with this crisis.’

  Wang Chong hadn’t paid much attention to those words at the time, but now, Wang Chong recalled something.

  The Origin Immortal Lord was a master of divination, and before his death, he had told Wang Chong several prophecies, including the third lunar eclipse and the matter of the Celestial Palace. But he had not told him any specific solution to them. However, Wang Chong did recall that before their final parting, the Origin Immortal Lord had given him a silk bag and told him that when the final danger came, at the moment when light and shadow intersected, he should open the bag.


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