The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 1414

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  In truth, Wang Chong had no idea what was going on.

  On the other side, the giant’s crazed and violent face seemed to almost magically calm down.

  “Little Grass… Are you talking about His Majesty? How do you know about His Majesty… You, you’re Little Nightmare? How could this be!?”

  His lost rationality seemed to slowly return, and the armored giant grew more and more human. As his sense and reason replaced madness, his turbid eyes grew clear.

  “Li Mu, Li Mu! You really are Li Mu! How did you become like this?” Little Nightmare said, its voice tinged with sorrow.

  Wang Chong and Li Xuantu silently exchanged a glance.

  This berserk giant recognized Little Nightmare!

  Little Nightmare had been imprisoned beneath the earth for more than one thousand years. If this armored giant recognized it, did that not mean…

  Wang Chong had a realization that shook his mind.

  Meanwhile, the crazed giant grew increasingly rational.

  “Little Nightmare, we were wrong, we were all wrong. His Majesty, His Majesty, he…”

  The armored giant seemed to think of something that enraged him, and he once more bellowed, his expression turning berserk.


  Wang Chong and Li Xuantu grimaced.

  There was clearly something off about the armored giant. Though Little Nightmare had managed to temporarily bring him to his senses, it appeared that he could fall back into insanity at any time.

  But Little Nightmare seemed to not care, continuing to urgently shout at the giant as he fell back into insanity.

  “Li Mu, Li Mu! What happened to Little Grass? What happened? Hurry! Talk!”

  Little Nightmare constantly sent its Psychic Energy into the depths of Li Mu’s mind.

  The armored giant’s eyes seemed to regain rationality after hearing Little Nightmare’s words, but they soon fell into turmoil once more. The man continued to shift between rationality and insanity.

  In this state, he clearly could not answer Little Nightmare’s questions.

  Wang Chong had been spectating this entire time, and after watching the giant shift struggle between rationality and insanity, he seemed to realize something and strode forward.

  “Let me do it.”


  With a ring, Wang Chong pulled out the Xuanyuan Sword and thrust it down in the air in front of the giant.

  I hope this works! Wang Chong said to himself.

  From the conversation between Li Mu and Little Nightmare, he was sure that this Li Mu was one of Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan’s subordinates. If he could recognize Little Nightmare, then perhaps the Xuanyuan Sword could have the same effect. But Wang Chong wasn’t sure. After all, this giant had spent many years immersed in insanity. Whether or not he could regain his rationality would depend on his own resolve.

  “Li Mu, take a good look. What is this?”

  Wang Chong yelled, sending his Psychic Energy into Li Mu’s mind to project the image of the Xuanyuan Sword.

  Struck by Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy, the giant trembled. Wang Chong stared at his eyes, not daring to be careless. If his guess was wrong and this method didn’t work, then they would have a hard battle ahead of them. The giant had displayed such strength that even if they won, they would have wasted so much Stellar Energy that they wouldn’t have the strength to fight any other battles.

  All was still, and time seemed to slow to a crawl. After what seemed like an interminable second in which the giant’s eyes shifted between sense and madness…


  The armored giant’s eyes passed over the Xuanyuan Sword in Wang Chong’s hand, and that giant trembled and got down on his knees, bowing his head and prostrating to the sword.

  “His Majesty! This is His Majesty’s personal sword!”


  The giant felt the Xuanyuan Sword with both hands and then let out a mournful howl. He dropped his head, large tears of grief beginning to flow.

  This was an expression of immense pain and grief.

  Wang Chong exchanged a glance with Li Xuantu, who had walked up from behind. They felt like they could predict what was going to happen, and their hearts were heavy for it.

  “Little Nightmare, His Majesty, His Majesty, he was tricked!

  “A trap! This was all a trap!”

  The armored giant howled in grief as the tears continued to flow.

  “A trap? What trap!?” Little Nightmare anxiously said, its mind in consternation.

  Chapter 2359 - The Celestial Emperor Palace!

  Chapter 2359: The Celestial Emperor Palace!


  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “All of it! All of it! His Majesty was deceived!”

  Extreme grief and hatred appeared in the giant’s eyes. Just when he was about to explain everything, bzzz! His body shuddered, and the armored giant suddenly paled.

  “There’s no time! It’s too late!”

  He quickly turned his eyes to the holder of the Xuanyuan Sword, Wang Chong.

  “You have His Majesty’s sacred sword. If you were able to get in here, you must be the person His Majesty spoke of. I will open the path for you.”

  A look of immense regret and sorrow appeared on the giant’s face.

  Wang Chong wanted to ask a few more questions, but it was too late!


  The armored giant raised his hand, pointing his arm up to the heavens. A moment later, the immense energy within his body together with the surging tides of energy in this dimension gathered together onto a point high up in the thunderclouds.

  An enormous rumbling shook the world, and the sky seemed on the verge of tearing apart.

  As Wang Chong and Li Xuantu looked on, the thunderclouds in the sky were made to withdraw through some invisible power.

  As if some spatial passage had been opened, an enormous palace appeared in the sky, as bright as the sun.

  Anyone who looked up at this palace would find it hallowed, sacred, and noble beyond compare. This palace seemed like the center of the universe, the overlord that reigned over all living beings from its throne that could not be reached.

  ‘Celestial Emperor Palace’!

  At the very front of this palace complex, atop the lofty gates, Wang Chong saw three large words written in ancient script. Each word was several dozen feet tall and radiated the power of the Great Dao and the laws of the world.

  Though he had mentally prepared himself, Wang Chong still felt stunned by the sight of this enormous floating palace.

  The Celestial Palace’s core should be in there, Wang Chong said to himself.

  If he had not known the truth that all of this was a trap, a scheme concocted by Heaven, Wang Chong would have definitely taken this place to be dwelling of the Celestial Emperor. Perhaps he would have believed that by ascending to the Celestial Emperor Palace, he could become the hegemon of the world and possess supreme authority.


  Wang Chong stopped this train of thought there.

  “Go. His Majesty is waiting for you.”

  The armored giant’s power was fading very quickly.

  The armored giant turned to Wang Chong as he spoke his final words. “Prophesied one, I will leave Little Nightmare in your care. I hope that you are the right one. Do not disappoint me and all the others.”


  After saying these final words, the armored giant gathered the last of his energy into a black thundercloud that closed around Wang Chong, Li Xuantu, and Little Nightmare.


  Ancient symbols appeared at the four corners of the cloud, and then a powerful energy came from overhead, pulling Wang Chong’s group up to the Celestial Emperor Palace.

  At the final moment, Wang Chong glanced down and saw that the enormous figure of the armored giant had dropped his head and was lying motionless, as if he had completed his mission.

The energy in his body completely scattered, and that enormous body slowly sank into the endless ocean.


  Wang Chong watched as the armored giant slowly disappeared, mentally sighing.

  Though the armored giant had a massive body, Wang Chong had been able to use the True World ability to find that the basic form of this giant was actually just a human.

  It had been more than one thousand years since the ancient era, and this armored giant was not a mental lifeform like Little Nightmare, nor did he have an immortal soul like Heaven or secret arts of countless civilizations that allowed him to constantly change bodies and extend his lifespan.

  He should have vanished long ago, and he had only been able to survive because he had used some special art to bring together the energy of countless people.

  This accumulated energy in his body existed to fulfill a mission, and once this mission was over, the energy had faded away, ending his life.

  Wang Chong turned his head to Little Nightmare.

  Little Nightmare didn’t lower its head, nor did it look at the armored giant. But it was clear that it had understood what the giant’s fate would be.

  Wang Chong could feel deep sorrow from Little Nightmare, but it had suppressed it all and made sure that it didn’t get out.

  Wang Chong mentally sighed. Little Nightmare must have shared a very deep relationship with that armored giant, and Wang Chong didn’t know what to say to comfort it.

  He could already predict that an even crueler matter might be waiting ahead.


  They moved very quickly, and in just a few seconds, they were above the thunderclouds.

  With a massive boom, space trembled, and the Celestial Emperor Palace appeared before them.

  At first glance, Wang Chong could tell that a massive golden barrier covered the Celestial Emperor Palace.

  Wang Chong had encountered all sorts of barriers in the Celestial Palace, but this barrier seemed very different from all the others.

  “What powerful energy!” Li Xuantu said, also sensing how peculiar this barrier was.

  Even though they had seen it from far below, only close up could they sense the immense energy contained in the barrier.

  This golden barrier sealed all the energy within it so that it appeared calm on the surface. But a terrifying storm raged beneath.

  Moreover, this barrier contained extremely powerful spacetime energy, far above the level of Wang Chong and Li Xuantu.

  There was no doubt that the person who had made this barrier was far stronger than Wang Chong and Li Xuantu.

  “This isn’t the original barrier.”

  Li Xuantu mentally communicated to Wang Chong.

  “Mm, someone changed the barrier.”

  Wang Chong nodded.

  Wang Chong and Li Xuantu had fought with Heaven before, but they could not sense any of Heaven’s energy in this barrier. Someone who could break the original barrier in the center of the Celestial Palace and set up their own had to be absurdly powerful.

  “I suddenly somewhat understand!” Li Xuantu said, a look of enlightenment on his face.

  “While the Celestial Palace was built by Heaven, long ago, the Celestial Palace fell out of his control, at least half of it. This is why he didn’t use this ritual tool while we were in Luo Supreme’s dimension.

  “After Heaven’s ritual tool was occupied by someone else, those people intruded into the Celestial Palace: the Qin First Emperor, Huo Qubing, Ge Zhu… These people shouldn’t have been able to get in. Heaven wanted to borrow their power to resolve the problem in the Celestial Palace.”

  Wang Chong slightly nodded and said no more.

  Li Xuantu’s judgment was not wrong, but it wasn’t completely correct, at least when it came to the Qin First Emperor and Huo Qubing. However, the matter of the Stone of Destiny was too important for Wang Chong to tell Li Xuantu.


  Suddenly, the Stone of Destiny’s voice rang out in Wang Chong’s mind.

  “Special Event! Energy signal of a Destiny Experimental Body detected! An additional reward will be granted to user based on what is collected!”

  The voice made Wang Chong’s heart thump in surprise, but he quickly calmed down.

  Even before he had gotten very deep into this place, Wang Chong had reached this conclusion through numerous clues. He could guess who the person inside the Celestial Emperor Palace was.

  Wang Chong once more glanced at Little Nightmare, and he saw sorrow on its face. It was clear that it had sensed something in the barrier.

  “Stone of Destiny, in the name of the Archon of Destiny, answer me. Does this Destiny Experimental Body in the Celestial Emperor Palace have any signs of life?” Wang Chong said after a few moments of silence.

  After another moment of silence, the Stone of Destiny spoke.

  “Region scanned. Destiny Experimental Body is already deceased. No signs of life detected!”

  The Stone of Destiny’s voice was cold and emotionless.

  Even though he had expected this, Wang Chong couldn’t help but sigh at this answer.

  He had held onto a tiny hope, but from the sight of this barrier, he could see that there was no changing this result. What had happened had happened, and after more than one thousand years, not even Wang Chong could do very much.

  A thought occurred to him, and Wang Chong asked another question.

  “Which Destiny Experimental Body is in the target region?”

  After a few moments of silence, the Stone of Destiny spoke once more.

  “Number 2!”

  Wang Chong was taken aback by this answer.

  Number 2?

  Not Number 1?

  Wang Chong’s mind fell into momentary disarray. He had believed that this man was the earliest transmigrator, but it turned out that he wasn’t.

  But Wang Chong quickly got ahold of himself.

  The Celestial Emperor Palace was right before him, and no matter how many secrets there were, they would soon be revealed.

  “Let’s go in!”

  Wang Chong exchanged a glance with Li Xuantu, then each of them placed a hand on the enormous golden barrier.

  A storm of destructive energy was contained within the domain, but this posed little obstacle to the group. The three of them sensed an energy in their bodies that was similar to the energy in the domain. There was no doubt that the armored giant, Li Mu, had placed this energy in their bodies.

  A moment later, Wang Chong, Li Xuantu, and Little Nightmare passed through the barrier into the Celestial Emperor Palace as if they were sinking into water.

  The area in front of them became awash with golden light. Inside this place, they once more saw a familiar environment.

  The Celestial Emperor Palace was a part of the Celestial Palace, and all of the buildings shared a common origin with the buildings before. But for some reason, there was an atmosphere of sorrow and grief.


  Looking around, they quickly spotted several figures standing in the square in front of them.

  Chapter 2360 - The Figure on the Throne!

  Chapter 2360: The Figure on the Throne!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  One of the figures had a somewhat savage and wicked face, long and disheveled hair, and a robe adorned with cloud patterns on his body. A blue light radiated from his body, an enormous energy surging out from his body and disappearing into the ground beneath him.

  Next to him was a beautiful woman wearing armor. Vortices swirled around her body, which was radiating intense pulses of spatial energy.

  The last person was over seventy years old and had an honest and sincere face. He seemed like a very moral and virtuous person, and his body was also brimming with immense amounts of energy. But unlike the others, Wang Chong felt an intense Ice Element energy from him.

  The three of them stood in a row, motionless like statues. Wang Chong could sens
e no signs of life from them. They had clearly been dead for some time.

  “On the right is Da Hong. He can control the weather and lightning, and was an important official serving Little Grass. He was also called the Thunder Duke. The lightning storm we saw earlier was probably his doing. The one in the middle is Feng Hou. She was once Little Grass’s enemy, but she was subdued by Little Grass. She can also control the weather. On the left is Yu Shi. The ocean we saw was very likely the work of him and Feng Hou,” Little Nightmare sorrowfully said.

  It had seen them laugh and talk, had watched them fight alongside each other for the sake of Little Grass, but now, they were all dead.

  “Li Mu was also one of Little Grass’s officials. He was part of the Kuafu Tribe, so he had a large body. He was once my best friend.”

  Little Nightmare’s words made Wang Chong internally sigh, and on the side, Li Xuantu was also sorrowful.

  For them, these people were simply ancients from more than one thousand years ago. Neither of them understood them or had interacted with them. But for Little Nightmare, they had been friends, comrades in battle, a part of its life.

  But all of them were now dead, leaving only Little Nightmare.

  For it, this was undoubtedly exposing the darkest and most painful page in its life.

  The three people standing here were guarding this place, and Wang Chong gradually understood that this entire dimension had been created through the combined efforts of them and that man within the Celestial Emperor Palace, those six pillars at the edges of the ocean serving as proof.

  “Little Nightmare, do you really not know what happened back then?” Wang Chong said after a few moments of silence.

  Little Nightmare shook its head.

  “At the time, Da Hong and Feng Hou backed my exile. As our relationship had been good before this, I was extremely angry at the time. After that, I was sealed in that bottomless pit. Now that I think about it, they probably ran into problems not long after I was sealed.”

  Wang Chong lowered his head in thought.

  Though he had not personally experienced anything, Wang Chong sensed that before this incident, whether it was Little Nightmare’s former master or Da Hong, Feng Hou, and Yu Shi, they had all probably sensed something. Thus, they had joined together to put on an act to seal Little Nightmare in that bottomless pit.


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