The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 1418

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  “User has obtained the Psychic Energy strength of Destiny Experimental Body 2.

  “The Stone of Destiny has been strengthened. The size of the Foundation Dimension has been doubled, and the awakening of the Ifrit King has accelerated.

  “Destiny Experimental Body 2’s Grotto Heaven Core has been discovered within the Stone of Destiny Shard. Automatically granting to user.

  “Notice: integration will require time. Estimated ten minutes. All rewards will be distributed upon integration.”

  The Stone of Destiny’s voice rang out in Wang Chong’s mind, and so many reward messages appeared that Wang Chong could barely keep up. The Foundation Dimension, his Psychic Energy, Destiny Energy points, the Samsara Battle Armor… all of his attributes were strengthened, and he had even obtained the ability to control lightning and the weather.

  The Stone of Destiny’s level of completion had also jumped by more than twenty percent, which Wang Chong had never imagined.

  After a long while, Wang Chong came back to his senses. At this moment, he heard a hesitant voice.

  “Wang Chong, that… that ball of light—what was it?”

  Wang Chong turned his head and saw that Li Xuantu was looking at him in shock. It wasn’t just him. Little Nightmare and Master Guangcheng were also confused.

  Wang Chong was taken aback, unconsciously blurting out, “You didn’t see it?”

  But this question only made them more confused. Surprised, Wang Chong was just about to say something more when he had a flash of insight.

  Li Xuantu, Master Guangcheng, and Little Nightmare hadn’t been able to see it?

  Besides himself, no one else could see the Stone of Destiny!

  Li Xuantu was perplexed. He had been staring at Wang Chong this whole time. All he had seen was a golden light, but there was nothing inside. Thus, he had no idea what had happened.

  But after this incident, he could tell that Wang Chong was much stronger.

  Master Guangcheng realized something and suddenly said, “It’s probably something Little Grass left for him. Wang Chong, we don’t have much time. It all depends on you.”

  Everyone had their secrets, and not all of them could be divulged.


  Wang Chong nodded and quickly walked to a corner of the hall.

  Besides the Stone of Destiny, Wang Chong had also obtained Yellow Emperor’s memories concerning the Celestial Palace, but he needed some time to study them.


  Wang Chong sat down cross-legged. Meanwhile, thunderous booms came from outside as immense torrents of energy continued to batter at the outer barrier.

  Heaven was gathering all of the Celestial Palace’s power to break down the final barrier.

  There wasn’t much time left!


  On the other end, Wang Chong took in a deep breath and opened up the ball of information Xuanyuan had left him.

  Bzzz! Wang Chong’s vision went dark, and his mind was transported into another ‘dimension’.

  “That you were able to enter this place means that you have already obtained my Stone of Destiny!”

  The familiar voice of Xuanyuan rang out in this dark dimension, and Wang Chong once more saw the form of Xuanyuan, his expression extremely grave.

  “This also means that you do not have much time left. I will tell you everything I know in the hopes that you can accomplish what I could not.”

  Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan’s voice was heavy, seemingly weighed down by his endless regrets.

  “I will now tell you the secrets of the Celestial Palace…”

  Wang Chong’s surroundings shifted, and he discovered that he was once more in the Celestial Emperor Palace, all of its details from the throne and pillars to the incense burners and cloud-patterned floor stones realized in vivid detail… All of this was identical to where he was now, except that it lacked Master Guangcheng, Little Nightmare, and Li Xuantu.

  Wang Chong immediately understood that he was not really in the Celestial Emperor Palace, but in a projection made of Psychic Energy. As expected, with a thought from Wang Chong, the Celestial Emperor Palace rapidly shrank into a sphere.

  The Yellow Emperor’s voice spoke once more. “The Celestial Palace is divided into ten layers. The core area we are in is layer one, and there are layers that no one besides Heaven can access.”


  This time, spheres with a complicated internal structure descended from the sky, first covering the Celestial Emperor Palace, and then covering each previous sphere. The layers stacked on top of each other, each independent yet resonating with the others, forming a massive formation. Moreover, every layer turned in the same direction.

  The higher the level of the layer, the larger and more complicated it was. When the tenth sphere appeared, the entire Celestial Palace was a massive edifice, and in a flash, an enormous energy erupted from within it.

  “This is a composite divine tool!”

  As he looked at the revolving Celestial Palace, Wang Chong suddenly understood what was so special about it, why the halo divine tool could not compare to it. Strictly speaking, the Celestial Palace was not a divine tool, but a composite divine tool created by combining ten enormous and complicated divine tools.

  But Heaven’s methods were truly incredible. He had managed to perfectly fuse ten ritual tools together, creating from them this powerful Celestial Palace.

  As Wang Chong watched, energy and laws gushed out of the Celestial Palace and suffused its surroundings.

  Wang Chong hadn’t paid this any mind at first, but he soon realized that this golden light was transforming into clouds, and then a sun, a moon, mountains and rivers, fish, insects, and terrestrial beasts. And beyond this circle of illusion, the golden light transformed into infinite stars. Wang Chong could even see a milky-white galaxy made of countless stars.

  “How could this be?”

  Wang Chong was deeply shaken, but the transformations continued. Beyond the galaxy, Wang Chong could see nebulae, stars, black holes, and even more galaxies.


  Wang Chong could no longer restrain himself. He had never imagined that the Celestial Palace could even simulate nebulae.

  This divine tool was far stronger than anyone could imagine.

  Besides that, Wang Chong finally understood why Xuanyuan’s remnant will said that this ritual tool could control the entire world.

  This ritual tool could constantly evolve and expand, even simulate the universe. No other divine tool could compare.

  Wang Chong could even sense that if it were not stopped, the divine tool would ultimately cover a range far greater than the continent, permeating into the universe and the fabric of spacetime.

  As if Wang Chong’s shock had been predicted, the Yellow Emperor began to speak once more. “From what I have learned, countless epochs ago, Heaven came upon a special meteorite in the depths of the universe which he refined into the core of this ritual tool.”

  Boom! Wang Chong clearly saw a giant meteorite radiating boundless light crashing to the ground.

  “…Long ago, Heaven already had a desire to create the ultimate ritual tool, a supreme divine tool that could control the world. In this meteorite, he saw a chance at success. I spent a long time exploring the Celestial Palace before finally understanding the laws he had infused into this divine tool.”

  As Xuanyuan’s voice continued, boom! The fabric of space trembled, and in the darkness, Wang Chong saw the projection of the Celestial Palace tremble and evolve. Beneath the Celestial Palace, a giant white circle appeared.

  In the blink of an eye, the circle turned into a giant Yin Yang Taiji symbol.

  Half of this represented the white day and the other half represented the black night. The two became the Yin Yang Fish, both pursuing each other, their heads touching the tail of the other as they constantly revolved in the air.

  On the perimeter, Wang Chong saw pairs of black and white rectangles.

nbsp; “This is Yin and Yang, heaven and earth.”

  Enlightenment appeared in Wang Chong’s eyes.

  Chapter 2366 - The World of Myriad Forms!

  Chapter 2366: The World of Myriad Forms!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  One gave rise to two, two gave rise to three, and three gave rise to all things. The Supreme Ultimate gave rise to Yin and Yang, Yin and Yang gave rise to the Four Directions, the Four Directions gave rise to the Eight Trigrams, and the Eight Trigrams gave rise to all things… The Celestial Palace that Heaven had built had been derived from the Great Dao that he had comprehended from observing the chaotic storms in space. It had been infused with the ultimate principles of the Great Dao and also the fundamental basis of all things.

  “When I investigated the essence of the Celestial Palace, I discovered the secret of Heaven’s personal divine tool and sought to destroy it so as to end this problem once and for all. Alas, I was unable to break through that layer of laws. If the Celestial Palace’s Great Dao is not broken, it can never be destroyed. Though I racked my brain and spent countless days and nights, I eventually used up all my essence blood and failed to break Heaven’s Great Dao, so I could only leave everything to you.

  “You are the last carrier of the Stone of Destiny, and also the most special one. I hope that you can break the Celestial Palace, defeat Heaven, and do what I and the others could not. If not even you can do anything, then this world will truly be brought to an end.”

  The echoes of the Yellow Emperor’s voice quickly disappeared, and his final words left Wang Chong’s heart heavy.

  The lives of millions of people in the capital and all of the other people in the continent had been placed on his shoulders. Wang Chong had never felt pressure like this before.


  All the visions before Wang Chong slowly faded away, and Wang Chong’s mind returned to his body. When he opened his eyes, he once more saw the familiar sight of the palace, but the energy belonging to Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan had disappeared.

  At this moment, Wang Chong knew that the Yellow Emperor was truly gone, with no trace of him remaining.

  “How was it?” a voice called out to Wang Chong. Master Guangcheng, Li Xuantu, and Little Nightmare were all looking with concern at Wang Chong.

  After a few moments of silence, Wang Chong told them everything the Yellow Emperor had told him.

  “One gives rise to two, two gives rise to three, three gives rise to all things… This is the foundation of the world, the supreme Great Dao. It is essentially impossible to surpass the Great Dao.”

  Master Guangcheng frowned, and the hearts of the other sank.

  Wang Chong was speaking of the fundamental principle to the origin of life. It was through this method that the heavens and earth, the universe, all things, flourished and multiplied.

  Not even Master Guangcheng was sure that he could carry out the method to destroy the Celestial Palace that the Yellow Emperor had outlined, let alone anyone else.


  Little Nightmare looked up hesitantly at Wang Chong.

  It had not the slightest clue about what Wang Chong had said, let alone a solution.

  “Relax. There must be a way,” Wang Chong soothed, stroking Little Nightmare’s head.

  Wang Chong then moved to another part of the palace, sat down cross-legged, and began to think.

  Pensive looks appeared on Li Xuantu’s and Master Guangcheng’s faces as they left him to his thoughts.

  All of them began to think of a way to resolve this problem.

  Time slowly passed. The Celestial Emperor Palace was eerily quiet.


  After some time, while Wang Chong was thinking, a tremor came from his mind, and the Stone of Destiny spoke once more.

  “Congratulations to user! Integration complete! Stone of Destiny completion currently at 36%. User has obtained the power of Lightning Control, the power of Enhanced Weather Control, an Enhanced Foundation Dimension, and Enhanced Samsara Battle Armor.

  “Congratulations to user for obtaining the Grotto Heaven Core of Destiny Experimental Body 2!

  “Congratulations to user for obtaining the Psychic Energy strength of Destiny Experimental Body 2!

  “All rewards are now being distributed!”

  Wang Chong felt his body tremble, and an immense energy howled out of the Stone of Destiny and spread throughout his limbs. This energy was blazing hot, and Wang Chong felt like his body was being roasted by a fire.


  Wang Chong softly cried out in pain, but at the same time, an inconceivably enormous strength made Wang Chong soar in power.

  Moreover, while Wang Chong had possessed a Psychic Energy that had been far stronger than that of his peers, at this moment, a Psychic Energy that was on par with his own, perhaps even stronger, flooded into Wang Chong’s mind.

  This Psychic Energy was extremely pure and did not possess any sort of characteristic. The nourishment of this energy instantly caused Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy to increase at an astonishing speed.

  So quickly did his power soar that it almost instantly reached some sort of limit, and Wang Chong felt like his head was about to split open.

  This was the result of obtaining an excessive amount of power in a single instance.


  This sudden development drew everyone else’s attention, and they turned to look at him.

  What they saw left them flabbergasted. Lightning was erupting from Wang Chong’s body, turning the place into a dangerous sea of electricity.

  Besides that, they could sense Wang Chong’s energy rapidly climbing, and even the fabric of space within the Celestial Emperor Palace was beginning to distort.

  Without the immense power of the barrier suppressing it, the energy erupting from Wang Chong would be affecting several dozen times its current area.


  The palace suddenly darkened as a blazing bolt of lightning pierced through the roof of the Celestial Emperor Palace and struck Wang Chong’s body.


  Little Nightmare instinctively wanted to lunge forward, but it was stopped by Master Guangcheng.

  “Don’t go over. He’s received Little Grass’s legacy and is currently receiving his power. This dimension’s energy is currently converging on his body.”

  Taken aback, Little Nightmare looked over. Sure enough, Wang Chong was uninjured by the lightning. On the contrary, he was actually growing stronger.

  The vast sea of energy around them had coalesced into a giant energy vortex that was funneling all of the energy into Wang Chong’s body.

  “He will need some time to fully receive Little Grass’s power. There’s no need for us to disturb him,” Master Guangcheng said.

  Li Xuantu nodded in agreement, and the group withdrew from the Celestial Emperor Palace, leaving the place for Wang Chong.

  Meanwhile, Wang Chong continued to experience changes in his body.

  “Congratulations to user! For achieving a major boost in the completion of the Stone of Destiny, user has obtained the ‘Myriad Forms World’!”

  “The Myriad Forms World?”

  Wang Chong had been immersed in his soaring power and had been busy inspecting his new abilities. These sudden words caused him to wake from his stupor with a start.

  “The Myriad Forms World, as its name indicates, is used to project the form of all the myriad things within the universe. User can use this ability to scan everything in the surroundings and project them into the Myriad Forms World.

  “This ability includes, but is not limited to, martial artists, and a number of Destiny Energy points will be deducted based on the strength of the martial artist. In the Myriad Forms Dimension, user can control all projections and also battle with them.

  “In addition, mountains, plants, geography, and the weather can also be projected into the Myriad Forms Dimension. In addition, this ability c
an also assist the user in projecting all the surrounding parallel and side dimensions, assisting the user in direction-finding and battle.

  “Besides this, this ability can also help user in traversing space and exploring the universe. It can establish coordinates in space and clearly indicate direction so that user is not lost in space.

  “Put simply, the Myriad Forms World can project the universe, but this is restricted to only the parts of the universe user has interacted with.”

  Wang Chong was truly surprised by the Stone of Destiny’s explanation.

  “The Myriad Forms Dimension can also project ritual tools or buildings?”

  “Of course!”

  The Stone of Destiny replied much faster than Wang Chong had expected.

  “The Myriad Forms Dimension can project all things, so it can naturally project lifeless ritual tools.”

  Wang Chong was overjoyed by this answer.

  “Stone of Destiny, using the supreme privileges of the Archon of Destiny, activate the Myriad Forms Dimension and scan the entire Celestial Palace!” Wang Chong immediately said.

  He had yet to think of a way to deal with the Celestial Palace and Heaven, but a complete projection of the Celestial Palace would be an enormous aid in this effort.

  “Request accepted. Activating the Myriad Forms World. Preparing to scan!”

  The Stone of Destiny’s voice rang out, and soon, an invisible energy that only Wang Chong could sense began to spread out through the enormous Celestial Palace.

  A moment later, Wang Chong’s vision darkened as his mind was pulled out of his body and into the Stone of Destiny’s Myriad Forms World.

  Just like the scanners from the world he had transmigrated from, a framework came into being, piece by piece.

  The projection of the Myriad Forms World was far more detailed than the Yellow Emperor’s projection. Not only did it replicate the inner palaces and the complicated internal layout of the ritual tools, it even had the tiny carvings on the paving stones, the scars on the white jade, the thunderclouds beneath the Celestial Emperor Palace, the surging ocean and raging waves, and even the six pillars at the edge of the ocean.


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