The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 1420

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

The moment Li Xuantu’s attacks touched the Celestial Palace, the energy would be distributed across the rest of the Celestial Palace and greatly weakened. By the end, Li Xuantu’s Stellar Energy would be absorbed by the Celestial Palace.

  This divine tool was simply unbreakable. This was what Li Xuantu had concluded from his multiple attempts.


  As everyone pondered what to do, an enormous energy slammed at Xuanyuan’s outer barrier, the impact causing the Celestial Emperor Palace to tremble.


  Everyone looked outside in alarm.

  Hisss! The sea between Xuanyuan’s barrier and the Celestial Emperor Palace’s barrier boiled, the immense energy instantly turning all the water into steam. Without the support of this energy, Xuanyuan’s barrier rapidly shrank, and it was soon almost pressed up to the golden barrier, the distance between them the width of a fist.

  “Not good!”

  Everyone grimaced. They had not expected an attack from Heaven at this time.

  “It seems that We overestimated you!” A voice boomed in their ears, and in a flash of light, a figure appeared outside Xuanyuan’s barrier.


  That familiar figure made everyone pale. It wasn’t just because Heaven had appeared, but because this was Heaven’s actual avatar rather than a projection.

  Different from the encounter on the steppe, Heaven had absorbed the energy of numerous citizens of the capital. He was much stronger, a vast sea of golden light radiating from his body.

  Heaven was like a blazing sun, blindingly bright and difficult to look at directly.

  “…Since that is so, then once things are over here, We will personally take action, ending this world and creating a new civilization.”

  As Heaven spoke, he extended a figure. Boom! Xuanyuan’s barrier collapsed into countless shards, and the six massive pillars maintaining this world crumbled into dust.


  Everyone was deeply shaken by this sight, and Master Guangcheng nastily scowled.

  The danger had come so abruptly that they had all been caught off guard!

  Master Guangcheng had believed that they still had an hour, but it now seemed that Heaven wouldn’t even give them that.


  Heaven stomped down, and then he vanished. When he next appeared, he was right in front of the golden barrier around the Celestial Emperor Palace.

  “Give up. Accept your fate.”

  Heaven’s eyes were cold as he slowly extended his right palm. He placed it on the golden barrier, the last barrier.

  “Not good!”

  Their eyes flew open, an unprecedented pressure descending on them. All of them could smell the thick stench of death.

  Heaven was too powerful!

  Xuanyuan’s outer barrier had broken, and once Heaven got through this last one, they would all be dead.

  Most importantly, Wang Chong was still pondering a solution within the hall, but Heaven clearly did not intend to give him any more time.

  “Li Xuantu, this is bad!” Master Guangcheng suddenly roared at Li Xuantu.


  Li Xuantu’s dantian erupted with power as a Yin Yang symbol appeared beneath his feet. Li Xuantu gathered up all his energy and slapped his palm down, sending the energy into the Yin Yang image.

  This energy traveled through the ground and ultimately into the golden barrier around the Celestial Emperor Palace.

  Although Li Xuantu and Master Guangcheng had failed to find a way to destroy the Celestial Palace, their efforts had not been fruitless.

  They had expected that Heaven could attack at any time, and they had also found the nexus of the domain that the Yellow Emperor had left behind. Thus, they had considered using their energy to reinforce the domain and buy Wang Chong some time.


  As expected, with the reinforcement of Li Xuantu’s Grotto Heaven Stellar Energy, the tottering golden barrier suddenly stabilized.

  “It’s useless, a pointless struggle.”

  Heaven’s voice rang out, his avatar floating outside the golden barrier with his hand still pressed to it, his face completely unperturbed.

  “Even if you expend all your energy, what will that accomplish? How much time can that buy? Five minutes? Thirty minutes?”

  Heaven’s voice was bone-chillingly cold.

  Everything was within his expectations. In his eyes, Li Xuantu’s actions were utterly futile.

  Chapter 2369 - Heaven's Terrifying Power!

  Chapter 2369: Heaven’s Terrifying Power!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Li Xuantu poured Stellar Energy into the barrier, his face reddening. He was no longer able to speak.

  Heaven’s pressure was more terrifying than imagined. Li Xuantu felt like countless mountains were weighing on his body.

  Li Xuantu was keenly aware that he wouldn’t be able to last very long under Heaven’s attack.

  Five minutes?

  Perhaps even less!

  Wang Chong, there’s no time. It’s all on you.

  Li Xuantu clenched his teeth, and as he sat cross-legged on the ground, steam boiled off his body, turning from white to red. This was because Li Xuantu’s blood was steaming out of his pores.

  It had taken only a few moments for Li Xuantu to start using his essence blood to resist Heaven.


  At this moment, in the Myriad Forms World, the mood was equally tense.

  “What do I do? What should I do?”

  Wang Chong looked up at the sky and muttered.

  Although he couldn’t tell what was going on outside, he could sense it. It was clear that there wasn’t much time left.

  “What should be done to destroy the Celestial Palace?”

  Wang Chong’s gaze once more settled on the projection of the Celestial Palace, countless thoughts running through his mind.

  The seconds continued to pass, each one a torment to Wang Chong.


  Suddenly, Wang Chong stood up and strode up to the projection, his right index finger extending toward the Celestial Palace.

  A moment later, something inconceivable happened. Like a row of toppling dominoes, the Celestial Palace collapsed inward at an accelerating rate.

  When everything stopped, the Celestial Palace abruptly disappeared, leaving only a black slab suspended in the darkness.

  This was the final ‘one’!

  One gave rise to two, two gave rise to three, and three gave rise to all things!

  But similarly, all things returned to the source as the rivers returned to the sea. When everything collapsed in on itself, everything would become ‘one’.

  If Heaven had been able to see this, he would have certainly been astonished, for Wang Chong had actually succeeded in reversing the laws of this dimension. All things had their waxing and waning, their rise and fall. For Wang Chong to reverse the concept of his ritual tool was truly unbelievable. Not even Xuanyuan had managed this feat.

  But Wang Chong was not happy at all to see this.

  Despite his efforts, the best he had been able to do was sit equal with Heaven, but this was not enough to destroy the Celestial Palace, let alone defeat Heaven.

  To Heaven, even if Wang Chong could reverse the Great Dao within his Celestial Palace, so long as he could not destroy the ‘one’, Wang Chong would not be able to destroy the Celestial Palace.

  One gave rise to two, two gave rise to three, three gave rise to all things… So long as ‘one’ existed, all of Wang Chong’s actions were meaningless.

  So what had to be done?

  Wang Chong’s mind was currently whirring with thoughts.

  As time passed, Wang Chong’s heart grew heavier and heavier.

  Is there nothing that can surpass ‘one’? Wang Chong inwardly muttered to himself.


  As his eyes flitted over ‘one’, Wang Chong had a flash of insight.

No, there is something that surpasses ‘one’!”

  Numerous numbers appeared in Wang Chong’s mind, and if one looked closely, one would realize that all of these numbers were either ‘0’ or ‘1’.

  Countless 0s and countless 1s were arranged in countless rows and columns, forming a sea of numbers.

  From an even greater distance, one could see an uncountable number of 0s and 1s formed into countless lines. The lines constructed countless images, which rapidly grew more complex, even color appearing at the end. In the end, 0 was no longer 0, and 1 was no longer 1. Rather, they had composed themselves into an endless number of things.

  This was the computer, a world of numbers.

  This world rigidly adhered to its own laws, with ‘one gives rise to two, two gives rise to three, and three gives rise to all things’ being the supreme principle.

  But in the world Wang Chong had transmigrated from, there was far from only one Great Dao.

  Besides the final ‘1’, there was also the final ‘0’.

  When these two numbers were combined, they could create an infinite world of numbers. Whether it was birds and beasts or the countless stars, anything could be created.

  With 0 and 1 as their basis, one could create countless virtual worlds—or perhaps as that world called them, virtual games.

  1 was not the highest and ultimate existence. 0 was!

  0 was smaller than 1, and just like 1, it could be used to create all things.

  But how could he obtain 0?

  Wang Chong’s mind began to spin faster and faster.

  Theory was one thing; materialization was another. Knowing which direction the solution was in was still far away from actually reaching the solution.


  With a thought from Wang Chong, countless 0s and 1s appeared in front of him. More and more 0s and 1s appeared, constantly shifting, until finally, a human figure appeared in Wang Chong’s Myriad Forms World.

  The more 0s and 1s that appeared, the more complete and detailed this human figure became. There were eyes, ears, clothes… A stone appeared at his feet, and then the ground.

  In the soil, a sapling with two tender leaves sprouted from the earth, eventually becoming a tree that reached the heavens.

  More 0s and 1s were still being added, exponentially so. More and more things appeared in the Myriad Forms World: buildings, rivers, mountains, oceans… They appeared one by one, and in just a few seconds, a complete ‘world’ had appeared before Wang Chong.

  The world grew more and more complete, eventually turning into an entire planet. The planet rapidly shrank, and numerous stars and asteroids appeared, and then even more planets.

  A solar system, a galaxy… The expansion continued, ultimately transforming into a whirlpool-shaped universe, and the universe revolved, growing larger and larger.

  Just like that, a perfect universe, a world that had given rise to all myriad things, had been created.

  The Myriad Forms World could only project things that Wang Chong had actually interacted with, and in normal circumstances, it should have been impossible to project a universe. In truth, this wasn’t a projection of the Myriad Forms World, but something Wang Chong had created from 0s and 1s using the knowledge and principles that he was familiar with.

  This ability was Wang Chong’s own evolution of the Myriad Forms World, having already surpassed its usual limitations.

  Wang Chong gazed pensively at this miniature universe.


  A moment later, Wang Chong thrust out a finger, and the universe trembled. A powerful pull erupted from the center of the universe, and then the universe began to collapse, the stars going out like candles.

  The universe did not infinitely expand. When expansion reached a certain point, it would collapse. Wang Chong was now simulating the collapse of a universe.

  The universe collapsed very quickly, and soon, less than one percent of that dazzling universe remained, and it continued to contract.


  When everything went still and the collapse stopped, the miniature universe had disappeared, leaving only the square that represented the ‘one’ floating there.

  This was the final ‘one’, the beginning and end of everything.

  The ancient texts said that the primordial universe was like a chicken egg, which referred to the primordial ‘one’. Heaven’s Celestial Palace was based on this principle.

  “No, this isn’t the origin of everything!” Wang Chong muttered. He extended his left index finger, lightly rapping on that final ‘one’.

  Bang! The final ‘one’ disappeared, leaving only a tiny particle.

  No, it was not right to call it a particle. This was a point, a point created by a distortion in space.

  The universal singularity!

  The people of this world did not know of it, but Wang Chong knew that this universe was born and would end in the universal singularity.

  This was the final ‘0’.

  It essentially did not exist, except in the subjective senses of people. In another world, it had long ago been proved that an object’s mass was created from its constant spin. In other words, mass did not exist. It was simply a different form of gravity.

  This was not merely theory, but fact.

  Wang Chong knew of the existence of particles with no mass…

  Light particles, or photons.

  Wang Chong reached out and held that ‘universal singularity’ in his hand.

  This was his final hope for dealing with Heaven.


  At this moment, the Myriad Forms Dimension shuddered, and Wang Chong paled.

  There’s no more time, Wang Chong anxiously said to himself.

  The Myriad Forms World was not an independent existence. Clearly, something had happened outside. The vibrations of the Celestial Emperor Palace had traveled through his body to the Myriad Forms World.

  There was no time to think. Wang Chong focused and began to reconstruct his theoretical model. This step took a great deal of time, time which he didn’t have. Not even Wang Chong was sure if he could make it.

  Once Heaven completed his final step and absorbed enough energy from the capital, he would remove the seal that Xuanyuan had placed around the Celestial Emperor Palace.

  At that point, even if Wang Chong completed the final step, he would have missed out on the best opportunity to destroy the Celestial Palace, making his efforts meaningless.

  Wang Chong closed his eyes, and the Myriad Forms World fell silent.


  At the same time, outside, Heaven floated in the air and continued his attack on the golden barrier.


  Immense universal energy infused with the power of spacetime battered the golden barrier around the Celestial Emperor Palace from all sides. The barrier tottered and seemed on the verge of breaking at any moment.


  On the square outside the Celestial Emperor Palace, Li Xuantu trembled and vomited thick blood, his aura rapidly fading.

  Only a few seconds had elapsed since Heaven had begun his assault, but Li Xuantu was already suffering from heavy wounds. Blood erupted from his pores, staining his robes. Even the golden-threaded dragon image on the robes had been completely drowned in red blood.

  From a distance, he appeared to be wearing robes of blood.

  Within Li Xuantu’s body, numerous bones had been broken. Li Xuantu was greatly weakened, but even so, Li Xuantu grit his teeth and held on.

  Heaven’s indifferent voice rang out. “It’s useless. Ants will be ants, and what does it matter if you can stop me for a few more seconds? You only delay the inevitable!”

  Chapter 2370 - The Child of Prophecy!

  Chapter 2370: The Child of Prophecy!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “Forget it. We will end this obstinance once and for all.”

  Centered on the Celestial Palace, countless dimensions exploded. O
n the ground, the capital shuddered. Thirty percent of the capital’s population was still standing, but at this moment, an invisible energy swept through the capital.

  Thump! Thump! Thump! In the blink of an eye, countless people fell over like toppling pillars.

  In less than a second, the remaining thirty percent of the capital’s population collapsed, their souls and energy turning into golden light and shooting into the sky, joining the rest of the capital in an enormous pillar of golden light that ascended toward the Celestial Palace.


  This sight made everyone in the Celestial Emperor Palace turn ghastly pale.

  Too late!

  Heaven had successfully extracted the souls and essence blood of the three million people in the capital, and there was no longer any means of stopping him.

  Heaven was already enormously powerful, and now that he had extracted all this energy from the people on the ground, the breach of the golden barrier around the Celestial Emperor Palace was imminent.


  That power created from the lives of so many people arrived much faster than anticipated, and in a flash, an enormous golden light streaked toward the barrier like a comet.

  This terrifying energy painted everything gold, and the Celestial Emperor Palace was on the verge of being completely swallowed up by the golden light.

  Finally, there was a world-shaking boom. When the golden torrent made impact, the barrier around the Celestial Emperor Palace instantly shattered.


  Li Xuantu vomited blood, the powerful backlash sending him flying backward.

  Master Guangcheng and Little Nightmare were also sent flying back, despair in their eyes.

  “It’s over! In the end, we still weren’t able to hold! Today is truly the day that the House of Li is made extinct!”

  Li Xuantu felt incredible heartache.

  This was not merely a battle between them and Heaven, but a war between the world and Heaven. Their defeat meant that the end of the world was imminent. Li Xuantu had never imagined that even his best efforts were not enough to avert the world’s destruction.

  “Ants, be destroyed!”

  Heaven’s cold and callous voice resounded through the numerous dimensions like booming thunder. Higher universal energy transformed into a golden sea and converged on the Celestial Emperor Palace from all sides.


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