The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 1425

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  “With Heaven’s capabilities, so long as he is not killed, he will only need six years at most to fully recover, completely neutralizing the effects of that blow. And if he’s fast, he might need only three or four years,” the High Priest sternly said.

  Chapter 2377 - An Opportunity for Heaven to Break His Seal

  Chapter 2377: An Opportunity for Heaven to Break His Seal

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Wang Chong’s heart instantly sank. While three to four years might be rather long to an ordinary human, for the long-lived Heaven, it was barely anything, a brief flash.

  Wang Chong had known that destroying the Celestial Palace wasn’t enough to kill Heaven, but he had not imagined that his soul would be able to heal so quickly.

  “This isn’t even my greatest worry.”

  The High Priest shook his head, deep concern appearing in his eyes.

  “Heaven does not tell us everything, and on some matters, even the Supremes know only a few snatches, but I do know one thing.

  “Heaven was sealed numerous epochs ago. We gathered various materials, even seeking them from the deep ocean and the depths of the earth, in the hopes that we could find some precious material that would assist Heaven in breaking out of the seal, but all of our efforts failed.

  “Later on, someone finally asked when Heaven would break out of the seal, or if there was perhaps another way. Normally, Heaven would not answer, and these questions are normally taboo. But this time, Heaven’s avatar replied.

  “Heaven said that the seal on him was incredibly powerful, almost unbreakable. Even the end of days and the collapse of the world would find it hard to destroy that seal. In other words, breaking the seal is essentially impossible.

  “But Heaven said something rather strange as well. He said that after around thirteen hundred years, there would be a special event that would loosen his seal, providing him the best chance to break free,” the High Priest sternly said.


  Wang Chong’s pupils constricted, his face paling.

  “This answer left everyone surprised. At the time, I asked, why was it thirteen hundred years rather than now? What sort of special event would occur?

  “Heaven was in a good mood, so he said a little more. He said that at set intervals, calamity would descend on the world. A civilization might be destroyed or a continent might crumble, but that disaster that would come thirteen hundred years later would be different. That would be an unprecedented destruction of the world’s foundation!” the High Priest sternly said.

  Wang Chong’s heart trembled as a vague idea took form in his mind.

  “…Heaven didn’t go into more details, and up until now, none of us have dared to ask any more questions. At that time, Luo Supreme had yet to betray the Celestial God Organization.

  “I was the one who had asked the question, so I remember the events very clearly. At the time, Heaven said that it would be thirteen hundred years from then, and given the time that has passed… that time is now!”

  The High Priest turned and gave Wang Chong a profound glance, his meaning obvious.

  Wang Chong’s mind reeled, having long ago been rendered speechless.

  Thirteen hundred years…

  His mind in turmoil, countless thoughts occurred to him, and his expression slowly turned grave.

  He had never imagined that this would be the news the High Priest would bring. If he was right, then it meant that the next time he faced Heaven, it would be in his original body, not an avatar.

  “Wang Chong, though Heaven only brought up that point casually, with no one knowing why he believed that this incident would take place in thirteen hundred years and was seemingly very sure of it, all of us sensed that Heaven was not speaking nonsense.

  “Moreover, upon second thought, the fact that Essence Supreme’s group began to suddenly gather Doomsday Insignias might be linked to this matter.

  “This is all I can tell you. You will have to rely on yourself for the rest. Heaven will come back, and if Heaven’s original body breaks from his seal, all of us will be doomed.

  “He will build another Celestial Palace and make everyone his slaves!” the High Priest sternly said.

  “Many thanks, Senior. I understand,” Wang Chong sternly said.

  The news the High Priest had brought was extremely important to him. At the very least, with this warning, he would have enough time to prepare, even if Heaven did manage to break out of his seal.

  The High Priest did not stay for very long. After exchanging a few more words with Wang Chong on matters concerning the Celestial God Organization, he silently departed. Just like when he had come, no one in the Wang Family Residence was aware that he had departed.

  After a few moments of thought, Wang Chong said, “Pass on my order. Summon Old Eagle, Zhang Que, Young Master Qingyang, Li Siye, and Xue Qianjun. In addition, notify King Song, Zhangchou Jianqiong, Crown Prince’s Junior Guardian Wang Zhongsi, Tongluo Great General Abusi… I have a matter to discuss with them.”


  Outside the study, a figure swiftly departed.



  As time passed, all was calm in the capital, but there were ripples beneath the surface.

  In his new status as the Supreme King, Wang Chong had summoned all his subordinates to his estate, together with all the top commanders of the Tang Empire and the various sovereigns of the surrounding countries.

  They held a conference that lasted for three days and three nights, no one leaving Wang Chong’s estate for the duration.

  No one except the participants knew what was being discussed, and when the conference ended, waves began to spread through the Tang Empire.

  From the shore of the Eastern Sea all the way to the Cong Mountains, even past them to the western border of the Arabian Empire, all of the continent’s soldiers were marshaled, but this time, it was not to prepare for war.

  Another several months went by, and the continent remained calm and peaceful. The Celestial God Organization really had seemingly withdrawn from the continent.

  But far away, in a distant space that few knew of…


  Lightning crackled down from the clouds, a destructive deluge that blasted toward the center of this dimension, where there was a figure who radiated a powerful and chaotic storm of energy.

  Each time a thick lightning bolt cracked down, that human figure in the center trembled, seemingly in immense pain.

  Around that man was a spiderweb of thick chains that loudly clanged as the man trembled.

  Despite the immense pain, the man in the center of this dimension remained tight-lipped, only occasionally exclaiming slightly.

  After a long while, in this realm of endless lightning, Heaven’s aura finally began to calm down.

  “Wang Chong, whether you are the Child of Destruction or Child of Prophecy, one day, We will return this pain a hundredfold!”

  In the seal, Heaven looked up at the sky and furiously roared, his voice brimming with killing intent and hatred.

  In the Celestial Palace incident, Heaven had suffered an unimaginable wound, his soul almost breaking apart.

  The backlash from the destruction of a personal ritual tool was something that no outsider could understand.

  Ever since that day, Heaven had been forced to use this method, each day subjecting himself to the pain of ten thousand lightning bolts. Even so, despite the massive pain he endured, his soul was recovering much more slowly than expected.

  The progress made each day was triflingly insignificant.

  This only made the killing intent in Heaven’s heart intensify.

  After a long while, Heaven finally managed to calm himself down.

  “Great One…” A voice rang out, breaking the silence.

  The place that Heaven had been sealed had always been a secret. Whether it was Wang Chong or Supremes like Luo Supreme, they ha
d all tried to find it, but no one had ever been able to succeed. Logically speaking, no one except Heaven could be here.

  “How is it?” Heaven suddenly said.

  As he spoke, a fingernail-sized point of light appeared in the middle of the dimension. Closer inspection would reveal it to be a mental fragment that appeared to have been torn off from a soul.

  The energy signature of this mental fragment was identical to Essence Supreme’s.

  The Soul Detaining Art!

  This was one of Heaven’s unique arts. He could take a part of a person’s soul, allowing him to control that person’s life. At the same time, for the sealed Heaven, it served as an extremely effective method of communication.

  This method was only implemented after the schism in the Celestial God Organization.

  In addition, though this was the place where he was sealed, the area was entirely under Heaven’s control. Even Essence Supreme could only communicate with Heaven, and he still had no idea where Heaven’s exact location was.

  “Great One, everything has been taken care of. The last batch of sea beasts has moved out from the continent. In addition, I have already begun the Behemoth Creation experiments. It won’t be long before an army of true Behemoths can be formed,” Essence Supreme respectfully said.

  No one had ever been able to defeat the Celestial God Organization, not even that Child of Destruction. Though they had lost this time, they had yet to give up. All they were waiting for was a chance at revenge.

  “Great One, what should we do now?” Essence Supreme respectfully said.

  This ordinary question made the dimension become eerily still. Heaven was silent, unable to speak for some time.

  Not even he knew what should be done next.

  This seal was a giant cage that kept him firmly locked within this place.

  Wang Chong had destroyed his avatar, destroyed the Pantheon Pearl, and destroyed the Celestial Palace, but Heaven could do nothing in response.

  He couldn’t even create another avatar.

  Given Wang Chong’s current level of strength, Essence Supreme’s group was no match for him. Moreover, on the trip to the steppe, Essence Supreme had been badly wounded.

  “Great One?”

  Essence Supreme did not have as many concerns on his mind as he once more sought an answer.

  “That Child of Destruction—how should we handle him?”

  Heaven frowned, continuing to say nothing.


  As Heaven was pondering his answer, a painful howl that seemed like a mixture of both human and beast resounded through the dimension.

  That sudden howl abruptly ended the current topic of conversation.

  “Great One, is that the Child of the World? Is he still like this?” Essence Supreme asked.

  Heaven’s dimension had a powerful sealing energy over it, and Essence Supreme could not sense anything too far away from his mental fragment. However, Essence Supreme had still managed to sense a little of An Lushan’s aura.

  Chapter 2378 - An Lushan and Heaven!

  Chapter 2378: An Lushan and Heaven!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  In the war of the northeast, An Lushan had been defeated, bringing down Genesis Supreme with him. Normally, An Lushan’s soul would have been given to Essence Supreme to handle, but Heaven had made an exception and taken the soul with him.

  Though this was strange, Essence Supreme had never questioned Heaven’s decisions too much.

  Heaven nodded. “Mm. He has been in this state ever since he was brought back. After so long, We have gotten used to it.”

  However, after saying this, Heaven also turned his head and rebuked, “Shut your mouth!”

  On the other side, it seemed like An Lushan’s soul didn’t hear, continuing to miserably howl.

  Heaven couldn’t help but frown at this sight.

  Ever since Heaven had rescued An Lushan, his soul had been in a very bizarre state, disordered and lost, as if he had completely lost his mind.

  Initially, he had attempted to fix An Lushan, but nothing he had done had worked.

  “Wang Chong, I’ll kill you! Kill you!”

  An Lushan roared, his hatred reaching to the heavens, his entire being frenzied and crazed. He appeared to be immersed in his own world.

  “It seems that his mind has completely collapsed. In his current state, he’s no better than a cripple,” Essence Supreme said after a few moments of silence.

  An Lushan had almost been about to obtain everything, and even Heaven and Essence Supreme had thought about making him the World Emperor once the operation was over. Alas, at the final moment, when the light of victory was already visible, it had all been destroyed by the explosives Wang Chong had buried within the steel fortress.

  More importantly, besides this, Essence Supreme also knew that Wang Chong and An Lushan had a very strong personal grudge between them.

  When a person’s pillars of support and convictions crumbled, they would end up like An Lushan.

  Essence Supreme was saying that An Lushan could already be abandoned, but Heaven insisted on keeping him.

  “You are wrong.”

  Heaven shook his head, seeming to know what Essence Supreme was thinking.

  “A person who can receive the acknowledgement of the World Consciousness cannot be that simple. Moreover, I cannot understand why, after countless epochs and countless talented individuals, the World Consciousness would choose him to be the Child of the World. There must be something special about him.”

  An Lushan had always believed that ‘Child of the World’ was a title that the Celestial God Organization had granted him, even believed that the phenomena on his body were their doing. Only Heaven knew that he had actually done nothing. All of those things had been through An Lushan’s own power.

  “There is also something else that you’re wrong about. He truly has lost control and fallen into disarray, but he has not gone crazy. Different from what you imagined, his mind and convictions have not crumbled.”

  Heaven paused before adding, “Ever since I brought him here, his state has been rather strange. It is like the energy of another world has been seeping into his mind.”

  “Another world?”

  Essence Supreme was shocked by this, even that fingernail-sized mental fragment fiercely trembling.

  Heaven had never mentioned this before.

  “The otherworldly invaders?” Essence Supreme asked.

  When it came to other worlds, his mind immediately went to the world of the otherworldly invaders.


  To his surprise, Heaven shook his head and directly rejected the idea.

  “At the start, I also suspected that it was connected to that world, but I quickly realized that this was not the case. The attributes of that energy are the most similar to our world.”

  Essence Supreme was taken aback, not understanding Heaven’s meaning. If the energy was similar to this world, then it probably was from this world. Why had Heaven called it ‘another world’?

  Heaven saw this and chuckled, apparently knowing the question on Essence Supreme’s mind.

  “There are some things that We are unable to explain to you in detail. We have inspected his memories, and in the end, We found strange memory fragments that appeared to be very similar to our world, but also completely different.

  “Many of these memory fragments had him in them, but the events within had never happened, and there were also events that seemed to be from the future. At first, We believed that this was an error in his memories. However, later on, We discovered that these were not his memories, but had simply appeared in his mind.

  “It appears to be a world similar to ours, but events there developed in an entirely different fashion. There are too few fragments, so We cannot find out too much, nor can We understand what sort of state he is in.”

  Heaven tightly furrowed his brow. Few things could pose a diffi
culty to Heaven, but he truly did not know what was going on with An Lushan’s strange state.


  As Heaven was speaking, suddenly, without any warning, the sealed dimension trembled as if an invisible hand was shaking it about.


  Even Heaven was alarmed by this development. No one understood the sealed dimension more than him. In normal circumstances, even the world’s collapse would barely affect it.

  “Great One, this!”

  Sensing what was happening, Essence Supreme began to panic a little.

  “This is a powerful force!”

  But Heaven appeared to not hear him. He was much stronger than Essence Supreme, and he could sense that a powerful energy was rapidly approaching.

  No—it was not right to call it ‘energy’. It appeared more like a clash of continent on continent, a collision of world upon world.


  The dimension trembled once more, and with a frightening crack, a black fissure was torn through the dimension. After this, a lightning bolt that was ten thousand times more dazzling than the sun shot out of the fissure and struck An Lushan’s soul.


  An Lushan’s soul instantly howled in immense pain, a howl louder than any previous howl.

  A sliver of shock appeared in Heaven’s eyes.

  While there was a lot of sound and fury, he could sense that the seal had not actually been loosened, and nothing had actually changed. All of this was happening due to An Lushan.

  His surroundings fell quiet, time itself having seemingly stopped.

  All this had come quickly and ended quickly. The shuddering disappeared with such speed that it seemed like an illusion. But both Heaven and Essence Supreme understood that things were not that simple. They immediately turned their attention to An Lushan in the corner.

  Only a little ball was left of An Lushan’s soul, and it was surrounded by a gray fog the size of a millstone. But at this moment, a light erupted from the gray fog.

  At this moment, even Essence Supreme was able to sense that energy that did not belong to this world.

  A howl of anger broke the silence, piercing through the firmament like a sharp arrow.


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