Daddin' Ain't Easy: A DILF Mania Collaboration

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Daddin' Ain't Easy: A DILF Mania Collaboration Page 1

by Winter Travers

  Daddin’ Ain’t Easy

  DILF Mania Collaboration

  Winter Travers

  Dear Reader!

  Dilfs come in many shapes and forms.

  From older, confident, in-control men to the single dads who make our ovaries explode. Either way, we gotta admit, they are pretty panty melting!

  This is a collaboration where authors have come together to celebrate Dilfs in a variety of ways for your reading enjoyment, bringing you brand spanking new reads.

  Temperatures might be dropping outside, but trust us when we say you might want to grab of an ice-cold drink while reading these!


  Dilf Mania Authors


  Gas Up the Jet, Baby: Nashville Aubrey Parr

  Don’t be a DILF (I mean D**k) Felicia Fox

  Love Without End Geri Glenn

  Daddy Dilemma GM Sherbert

  Revealing Him Jennifer Domenico

  I Hope You Dance Jessika Klide

  For You, I Will Kristen Hope Mazzola

  Quite Frankly Mayra Statham

  Steam It Up Melanie Codina

  Bearded Dessert Teresa Crumpton

  Daddin’ Ain’t Easy Winter Travers

  Copyright © 2018 Winter Travers

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduction, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) utilization of this work without written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Also by Winter Travers

  Devil’s Knights Series:

  Loving Lo

  Finding Cyn

  Gravel’s Road

  Battling Troy

  Gambler’s Longshot

  Keeping Meg

  Fighting Demon

  Unraveling Fayth

  Skid Row Kings Series:




  Fallen Lords MC Series





  Boink (Coming November 29th, 2018)

  Powerhouse MA Series

  Dropkick My Heart

  Love on the Mat

  Black Belt in Love

  Black Belt Knockout

  Nitro Crew Series



  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  About the Author

  Coming Next

  1st Chapter of Loving Lo

  1st Chapter of Nickel

  Chapter One


  “Wow.” The chick turned to the side and splayed her hand above the mermaid I had just finished. “I can’t believe it turned out so well.”

  Neither could I. The chick had squirmed on the table so much it was a miracle there was one straight line on the fucking thing. “Turned out pretty sick.” I glanced at the clock and grimaced. I was ten minutes late on leaving. “We just gotta wrap you up and then you can settle with Mabel up front.”

  She turned with a pout on her lips. “Oh, you’re not going to finish me up?”

  “Naw, doll. I got somewhere I need to be. Come catch up with me when you want to add those flowers to your wrist we were talking about.”

  She batted her eyes and smiled. “I’ll schedule that right away.” She pulled her shirt down, and I quickly wiped some slave on the mermaid then taped her up.

  I was out the door and in my car fifteen minutes later which now put me almost a half an hour behind. I pulled my phone out to send a quick message to Stella.

  Got caught up with a client. I’m on the way.

  As usual she replied with a thumbs up and nothing more.

  She drove me insane. She acted like she couldn't stand me, but she loved the hell out of Mason.

  The ten minute drive to her house took me twenty because of fucking traffic so by the time I pulled up I was forty-five minutes late and I was pissed the fuck off. No matter how hard I tried to be on time and responsible, life always kicked me in the balls.

  “You’re late, Tor.” Stella held open the door with Mason on her hip, and a scowl on her lips. “I need to be to class in twenty minutes, and the L train is always running late so I’ll never be on time.”

  Mason reached for me, and I lifted him into my arms. “Hey there, big guy.”

  He put his hands on my face and giggled. “Dada.”

  “Grab your stuff and I’ll drop you off.”

  Stella rolled her eyes, but she disappeared into the kitchen.

  “She’s mad at dada,” I whispered to Mason.

  He peeled off into a loud giggle and bopped me on the nose. “Dada, dada, dada,” he chanted.

  “I’m ready.” Stella walked to the front door with her book bag on her back, and another bag slung over her shoulder, and a winter coat on. She walked past me without a glance.

  “She really doesn’t like me, does she, bud?”

  Mason grabbed a handful of my beard and tugged. “Dada.”

  “You want me to lock the door?” I hollered at her retreating back.

  She stood by my car and rested her hand on the roof. “No. Mom is getting ready for work.”

  I grabbed the bag she had sitting by the door and slung it over my shoulder. I pulled the door shut behind me and jogged down the three steps. “Was he good today?” I beeped open the locks and pulled open the rear door.

  “Yeah. He had a massive poop around one, and then he took a nap for three hours.”

  “Damn,” I laughed. “Way to go, Mason.”

  Stella rolled her eyes and ducked into the passenger seat.

  I fastened Mason into his seat and handed him a couple of his toys. “Quick car ride and then we’re home, okay?”

  “Dada.” Dada had become his response to anything I asked him. I just always took it as a yes or in agreement with me.

  I slide into the driver’s seat and turned the ignition. The Charger roared to life and I backed out of the driveway.

  “Why were you late today?” Stella asked.

  “I had a client run over. Took a bit longer than I thought it would.” I wasn’t going to mention if the chick would have just shut up and stopped hitting on me, I would have been out of there a lot sooner. “I should have called to let you know.”

  “Yeah,” she mumbled.

  “Bad storm rolling in tonight, huh?” I glanced over at her. Her bookbag was at her feet, and her arms were folded over her chest.

  “So I heard. It should make getting home tonight fun.”

  “I can pick you up.”

  She glanced at me. “I don’t get out of class until nine fifty, Tor. Mason should be in bed by then.”

  I turned onto the ramp to the highway. “He can sleep in the car seat.” Mason had the talent of being able to sleep wherever and whenever.
/>   “You don’t need to do that. The roads are going to be real slippery I’d hate for you to be sliding around with Mason in the backseat.”

  She had a point, but I didn’t want her to be on a bus sliding around the city either. “You really need to go to class tonight? Can’t you stay home and make it up later?”

  “I’m not missing any classes, Tor. It could be raining fireballs and the oceans could be frozen over and I would still make it to school.”

  “Damn,” I chuckled. “You’re really dedicated to becoming a nurse.”

  She turned to look out the window. “I need to be. No one is going to come and save me. If I want out of Lincoln Ruins, I need to find my own way out.”

  I didn’t know a ton about Stella.

  She was the stepsister of Mason’s mom, Lexi.

  She was twenty-four years old.

  She lived with her mom. Who, by the way, was not Lexi’s mom. Lexi was the daughter of Stella’s stepdad and had lived with Stella and her mom before she died. Lexi was the complete opposite of Stella. While Stella was straight-laced and always had her nose in a book, Lexi was always out partying and shoving her nose into whatever drug she could find. No surprise Lexi and I had met at a party, hooked up, and then came Mason.

  Lexi and I were never really officially together. I had hoped once she was pregnant, she would give up the party life, but she hadn’t. She may have laid off the heavy drugs, but she was still out all hours of the night doing things a normal pregnant woman didn’t. Three weeks after she had Mason, I had picked him up to spend the weekend with me, and Lexi went on a two day bender which ended her up in the cemetery.

  Now, Lexi was dead, and Stella was the only one I had to help me take care of Mason.

  Stella was also hot as fuck in the sexy librarian way.

  Stella also hated me.

  “You’re still young, Stella.”

  She glared at me. “So was Lexi. Look where she wound up.”

  “You aren’t Lexi, Stella. You two were on completely different paths.”

  She scoffed and reached to turn up the radio. “Ain’t that the truth. I’m trying to get out without dying, and she was just looking for a quick fix to escape.”

  I never could tell if Stella actually loved and missed her stepsister or not. It was like she loved her, but she couldn’t show it.

  She cranked up the radio signaling she was done talking. Stella was a woman of few words, but those words she did speak always meant something.

  Mason giggled in the back as he played with his toys, and Stella kept her head turned to the window till we pulled up in front of the college.

  Her hand was on the door handle before the car came to a stop. “Thanks for the ride,” she muttered.

  “Whoa, hold on there, speedy. At least wait for the car to stop unless you plan on tucking and rolling.”

  The second the wheels stopped, she opened the door and hopped out of the car. “Bye, Mason,” she cooed, and shut the door.

  I watched her scurry up the steps of the college with her bags on her shoulders, and her coat pulled tight to her.

  That chick was a mystery I was never going to figure out. How I could like someone who so obviously hated me I didn’t know.

  “At least you got a bye, buddy,” I mumbled to Mason in the back.

  “Dada,” he shouted in reply.

  “Yeah, definitely dada,” I muttered. I pulled away from the curb and pointed the car in the direction of home.

  I didn’t want to think about Stella, but she always seemed to be what my mind wandered to. When I was playing with Mason, I wondered what she was like with him when I wasn’t there. When I was tattooing someone I wondered if she had any tattoos and if she did what were they? When I was putting Mason to sleep, I wondered if she was in bed and if I could tuck her in. No, that was where the dirty thoughts came rolling in, and I normally had to cool myself off in the shower once Mason was asleep.

  The chick was stuck in my head and she didn’t even know it.

  Hell, she’d probably kill me if she knew I pictured her naked in the shower with me.

  Stella was the star of all of my fantasies and she didn’t even have a clue.


  Chapter Two


  “Stella, can I talk to you for a minute?”

  I closed my book and tucked it into my bookbag. Staying after class to talk to Mrs. Roth wasn’t something I wanted to do right now, but I didn’t really have a choice. Of course the night of a huge snowstorm she was going to decide to talk to me.

  “I was wondering if you thought about the internship?” Mrs. Roth asked.

  “Uh, what were the hours for it again?”

  “I would need you in office with me Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Typically, eight to four, though it could be earlier or later on some days.”

  I chewed on my bottom lip. “Uh, I babysit during the days and I’m not sure I could swing it.”

  Mrs. Roth sat down behind her desk and rested her elbows on the arms of her chair. “I need your answer by Monday, Stella, if not then I need to post it publicly.”

  “I understand you did me a favor by offering it to me before anyone else, and I really appreciate that, but I don’t think I will be able to take it.” My heart sunk as the reality of my words hit me. I had the biggest opportunity at my feet and I had to turn it down.

  She gathered the papers on her desk. “Well, as I said, I’m not posting it till Monday, so that gives you a few days to reconsider and hopefully give me a different answer.”

  I nodded my head wishing that would happen, but I knew it wouldn’t. I was the only one Tor had to watch Mason, and I couldn’t leave him hanging like that. “Thank you, Mrs. Roth. I truly appreciate the offer.” I shuffled out of the classroom with my head hung and tears stinging my eyes.

  The blows just kept coming when I walked out the front doors, and the cold, bitter wind whipped through my body and I gathered my coat around me I hadn’t zipped up. The four-block walk to the bus stop was going to be hell.

  My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I pulled it out to see Tor texted me.

  You need a ride? It looked crazy out there.

  My fingers stiffly moved over the keyboard, and I started to reply then deleted it. “I couldn’t ask him to come.”

  No, I’m good. My teacher is giving me a ride home.

  I pulled my gloves out of my coat pocket, shoved my phone back in my pocket, and pulled my gloves on. The phone rang from my pocket, but I let it go to voicemail because I knew it was Tor calling. If I talked to him on the phone it wouldn’t be possible for me to act like I was tucked away safely in a warm car. My teeth chattered uncontrollably, and I started the trek to the bus stop.

  My mind wandered to Tor as I numbly walked. My mind always seemed to wander to him.

  I met Tor the day Lexi told my mom and I that she was pregnant. We were both shocked when she had told us, but I was doubly shocked when Tor had walked through the front door later that night.

  I never thought I had a type, but once I laid my eyes on Tor, I knew he was it. The only problem was he was the father of my stepsisters unborn baby. That was a huge red flag that I couldn’t ignore. Not that I was the type of girl to pursue a man, but Tor made me think and feel things I never had before.

  Tall, bearded, muscular, and the bluest eyes I had ever seen. The same blue eyes that he had passed onto Mason. In fact, if you were to put a little baby beard on Mason, he would look exactly like his father.

  Tor didn’t come around often when Lexi was pregnant, but when he did, I was always eager to see him, though I couldn’t let it show. One time I had asked Lexi one too many questions about Tor and she had gone off on me wanting to know why I wanted to know about him. She made it very clear that he was hers, though the nights she came home in a car of strange men told me differently.

  Lexi always had to have everything to herself. Even if it was something she didn’t really want, but she knew someone else wa
nted, she fought hard to keep it.

  Tor was the one thing I wanted, and she made sure that I would never have it. The last time I had seen Tor before Lexi had died, Lexi threw herself over Tor, taunting me. She rubbed her belly the whole time, called him daddy, and hung onto him like he was the best thing since sliced bread.

  Even Tor was confused as hell at what was going on. Lexi told my mom more about what was going on with her and Tor than she did me. Mom had told me that Lexi and Tor were never in a relationship. They planned to raise the baby, but not together.

  Lexi was not only playing me, but she was also playing Tor with her fake show of affection.

  I loved my stepsister, but I also hated her. She had everything I wanted, and she threw it away like it was nothing.

  She had Tor. Didn’t want him.

  She had a baby with him. Had my mom and I watch the baby ninety percent of the time because she was either drunk, high, or both.

  Nothing was more important than drugs to her. She was so far gone she couldn’t even see the good things that were right in front of her face. Always looking for the next high before the last one wore off.

  After Lexi’s funeral, Tor had asked me if I was able to watch Mason while he worked. I couldn’t say no.

  But I started acting like a bitch to him because I didn’t want him to know how I felt about him. He obviously had a type, and that type was not me.

  While Lexi was all legs, super slim, super gorgeous, and super fun, I was boring, short, boring, chubby, and boring.

  I was the last thing Tor Kestrel would want after Lexi. I was his babysitter, and that was all I was ever going to be.

  Though after tonight I might be his frozen babysitter. The cold weather had chilled me through my coat, and my toes were like little frozen cubes in my boots. In the distance, I saw the lights of the bus though the heavy snow. “Praise Jesus,” I chattered. Now I just need to make it through the forty-five-minute ride home while I thought about Tor and all the reasons why I shouldn’t like him but continued to fall hopelessly in love with him.


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