Jordane's Hunger

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Jordane's Hunger Page 3

by Tia Didmon

  He nodded. “Zane’s parents took me in after my parents died. I would have ended up in foster care if it wasn’t for them. I owe that family everything.”

  “Kat says you’re the sweet one in the family.”

  Ethan looked mortified. “Are you trying to ruin my rep? Jesus, Kiki. You keep that shit up and I’m telling the rest of the squad you ordered pink camo gun covers.”

  Kiki laughed. “Dick. Those were a gift from Laura.”

  Ethan grinned. “I know. Where is Kat on your missing person?”

  “Jordane is sure she has some kind of metal melting ability but Kat can’t find anything that suggests she has a psychic talent.”

  “Be careful around Jordane. He may be on our side, but he’s still a demon,” Ethan said.

  Kiki stiffened. She wanted to lash out at her friend. The instinct to protect Jordane was overwhelming. “I know what he is. I also know that the PIA did not understand what it was messing with when it constructed the DK10’s.”

  He frowned. “They’re just weapons.”

  She shook her head. “That’s the thing, Ethan. They aren’t.”

  Zane approached them in the hall. “Ethan can you give me a moment with agent Sanchez?”

  Ethan strolled away.

  Kiki looked at her leader. “What is it?”

  Zane cleared his throat. “Colby is a piece of shit. He called your mother a tramp but he wouldn’t say why. It seemed personal.”

  Kat ran up to them before Kiki could respond.

  “Hey, bro.” She hugged her brother, winking at Kiki.

  Zane gave Kiki a look that said they would continue their conversation. “Hey sweetheart. You got something for me?”

  “I do but it’s weird,” Kat said.

  He frowned. “Weird how?”

  “I looked into Julie Fuentes. There was nothing on her social media, her personal accounts, anything that suggested her having a psychic talent.”

  Kiki glanced between the siblings. Both were attractive with Kat having softer features. “But you found something.”

  Kat typed on her tablet. “It’s an archived video clip. I downloaded it from her cloud account. No one but her should have been able to access it.”

  “Except you,” Zane said.

  “Yeah, but I wasn’t the first person to hack the account. Someone else accessed that file a week ago,” Kat said.

  Zane took a long breath. “Prior to the abduction.”

  Kat nodded. “Yes.”

  “What’s in the video?” he asked.

  Kat ran her hand through her short blond hair. “I would get Laura and Jess to look. It might be telekinesis but I can’t be sure.”

  “She moved something with her mind?”

  Kat tapped a picture on her screen. “She appears to heat a metal rod and reform it into an intricate shaped sphere. The process is quick and Jess is the only one we know with a talent that’s close to this.”

  Kiki watched the images on the screen. “Jordane mentioned this. He suspected it was an ore manipulation. I am on my way to see Laura. I can have Jordane meet me there and look at the video.”

  Kat nodded but she glanced at Zane.

  Zane kissed his sister’s cheek. “See if you can find out who hacked her cloud account.”

  Kat winked at Kiki before running down the hall.

  Kiki looked after her. “Does she ever walk?”

  Zane shook his head. “No, she can’t sit still unless she is in front of a computer.”

  She glanced toward the exit. “I will report back to you as soon as I talk with Laura and Jordane.”

  “I know how you feel about Laura but Senator Baker doesn’t approve of that relationship anymore. It’s become a contention between our department heads.”

  Kiki put her hands on her hips. “Between Senator Baker and Senator Davidson you mean.”


  “Too bad. They can both bite my ass. Laura is and will always be, my best friend.”

  Zane frowned. “It’s dangerous.”

  “She isn’t dangerous to me.”

  “I’m more concerned with her new family.”

  “Don’t be. The Moretti’s may be demons but they would die before letting anything happen to Laura or Jess.”

  Zane looked like he wanted to say more. “Why did Colby say those things to you? Does he have something on you?”

  Kiki stared him down. “There is only one person who could bury me and I’m headed to see her right now.”

  Chapter 3

  Kiki entered the Moretti mansion. She never knocked anymore and smiled that she was no better than Jenner for intruding on Laura. It always thrilled her best friend to see her and today was no exception.

  Laura’s eyes lit up as Kiki walked in the room. “Kiki, I didn’t know you were coming.”

  “I need Jess to look at a video. The missing woman I am tracking has a talent we haven’t seen. It looks similar to telekinesis but it’s different.”

  Laura held Blam. “Jess and Dante are at the shelter. I can call her if you like.”

  Kiki pet the ailing cat in Laura’s arms. She had thought Laura crazy for saving the maimed cat. Now, she couldn’t imagine their lives without him, and dreaded the day she would have to let him go. “How’s he doing? His breathing sounds bad.”

  “Yeah, Blam is nearing the end of his life. Chad and Dante do everything they can but they have no way to reverse his age,” Laura said.

  “Let me hold my man.” Kiki touched Laura’s arm as she grabbed the purring cat from her friend’s arms.

  Laura sucked in a breath. Red flashed in her eyes. “That prick!”

  Kiki smiled. “I wasn’t thinking. I should have been more careful.”

  “You never have to apologize to me. You know that.”

  She cradled the tiny cat in her arms, letting her talent flow between them. “He knows he’s at the end. He’s holding on because he knows you’re not ready and he doesn’t want to leave you.” The selfless nature of the gentle creature in her arms never ceased to surprise her. Someone had abused Blam beyond anything she’d ever seen. Yet, his only concern was for Laura.

  A tear slipped from Laura’s eye. “I know. Even though I can’t connect with animals. I know he loves me and doesn’t want me to be sad.” She cleared her throat. “Want to talk about what happened?”

  Kiki shrugged. “How much did you see?”

  “All of it but you know that.”

  “I touched you on purpose.”

  Laura nodded. “I know, but this is the first time you’ve admitted it. Everybody needs a friend sometimes, Kiki. I know it’s hard for you to admit that, but I feel privileged that I am that friend for you.”

  She sat on the velvet loveseat. “I don’t deserve a friend like you.”

  Laura moved to sit beside her. “You’re wrong. No one should have to endure what you did, especially not a child.”

  “It was a long time ago.”

  “What you did to escape was extraordinary and resourceful. You’re an amazing woman.”

  Kiki pet the cat as guilt squeezed her chest. “I never apologized for what I did. For being such a bitch to you. I’m sorry.”

  Laura frowned. “Why would you bring that up now? That was years ago... Kiki Sanchez, don’t you dare get any ideas about leaving me? Us. I don’t care what that jerk Colby said. Even if he knows the truth about you, it changes nothing.”


  “If you run. I will send the warriors after you.”

  Kiki laughed. “You think they will listen to you?”

  Laura shifted in her seat. “Yes, but I don’t think it would take any convincing on Jordane’s part.”

  She sat back on the couch, nuzzling Blam. “Don’t remind me. That’s a nightmare I’m trying to avoid right now.” She didn’t like Laura’s smirk. “Why are you laughing?”

  “Because your nightmare has arrived and is looking for you.”

  Jordane entered the opulent mansion
of the Moretti home. The sun shone through the stained glass, reflecting a multitude of colors. It was beautiful but only one thing occupied his thoughts. His every waking breath. He walked to the room occupied by the queen and his intended mate, inclining his head. “Ladies.”

  Laura walked over and kissed his cheek. Her sweet kindness shone in her eyes. He doubted she realized the power she held. Kiki folded her arms and flashed him a look of irritation. His mate was not warming up to him.

  Laura cleared her throat. “What brings you here, Jordane?”

  “You told Jessica you have a video you want her to see, depicting an unusual psychic talent. I believe I am better suited to that job.”

  Kiki looked at Laura. “You called Jess?”

  Laura tapped her forehead. “Sort of.”

  Kiki placed Blam on the floor, running her hand along his back before standing. “The psychic party line. I forgot. How did Jordane get in on that? Wait. The blood connection between Dante and Jordane.”

  Jordane raised an eyebrow. “Do you usually ask questions, only to answer them yourself?”

  She folded her arms. “Yeah, I do. Why rely on others if you can figure it out yourself.”

  “You depict a very lonely existence,” Jordane said.

  Kiki stiffened. Her eyes flashed with anger. Fire. Retribution. “It’s my life.”

  His chosen animal had been dormant since he chose his warrior form. It rushed to the surface, reaching out to its chosen mate. The urgency and strength caught Jordane off guard. He had believed his warrior was his strength yet it would be useless in the most important fight of his life. His eyes blazed bright green, distorting the colors in the room as Kiki backed away from him.

  Laura rubbed her forehead. She sensed the struggle, and it was causing her pain.

  Kiki let out a slow breath. “I’m sorry, honey.”

  Jordane willed his animal to settle. He didn’t realize how much he missed his wolf until it was with him. A gift from his mate and she didn’t know it. “My apologies as well, Laura.”

  Laura smiled at him. “How are the renovations coming along at the shelter?”

  “They are going well. Surveillance is functional and Molly is ready to come home. Tovan has finished the barn in your backyard.”

  “Maddy will be so happy. How about the houses for the warriors?” Laura asked.

  Kiki held up a hand. “How many houses are we talking about?”

  “All warriors will live at the sanctuary. We will have eighteen homes there,” Jordane said.

  “You’re staying permanently?”

  Jordane looked her over. “I will be wherever you are.”

  Kiki folded her arms. Defiance and anger flashed in her eyes. “You know I’m part owner of that land.”

  “Laura said she got your permission,” he said.

  Kiki glanced at her friend. “She did, but I didn’t know what a pain in the ass you’d be.”

  Laura rubbed her forehead.

  Jordane stifled the forgotten feeling of amusement. Laughing at his intended would not help him win her over. “I have barely begun to be… a pain in your ass.”

  Kiki squinted at him. “You better have meant that in the... I plan to kick your backside sense.”

  He stepped up to her, looking down at the perfect cream skin that hinted at an Asian background. “I plan to teach you, train you, gain your trust, but you can take your assumptions any way you wish. It will not affect the outcome.”

  “Just because you say I’m your mate doesn’t make it so. I’m not one of your warriors. You can’t order me to do anything, especially sleep with you.”

  Jordane was having fun. A demon female would not have opposed him so. As a man who thrived on challenge, finding a mate that would be his largest obstacle, biggest reward, was a boon he would thank god for. “You are correct. I will never order you. A man that must coerce a woman is no man at all. I...” He stopped when he saw the pain in her eyes. “Kiki, did I say something to offend you?”

  Kiki shook her head. “No, and we’re getting off topic. I will show you the video but I would like more info on the DK10 power source.”

  “Agreed,” he said.

  She pulled up the video on the tablet, careful not to stand too close. “Well?”

  He pretended to concentrate on the video as his senses scrutinized his mate. She was sad, angry and trying to hide from him. “Extraordinary. It’s as I suspected. She is a weapons master... or she could be with the proper training.”

  “She’s one of us then. I wonder why she didn’t register. We could have protected her,” Kiki said.

  “Jenner suspects the registry was hacked by PURE. He wants the registration program abolished,” Laura said.

  Kiki rubbed her neck. “I know. I’ve been helping him but your father orchestrated that program. It would make Senator Davidson look like a jackass.”

  Laura pursed her lips. “Jenner has never concerned himself with our father’s feelings.”

  Jordane looked between the women. “It is unusual for a son to be... disrespectful of his father.”

  “Yeah, well if your father had a baby with his mistress then put that child in foster care when her mother died, you wouldn’t have a lot of respect for him either,” Kiki spat.

  Jordane’s form rippled as his warrior rose in anger. He focused on the queen. Her cheeks tinged with red before she fiddled with the necklace at her neck. “Your father did this to... you?”

  Laura shot Kiki an irritated look. “It was a long time ago. My life is... good. My brother has more than made up for our father’s digressions.”

  His tone dropped. “You are within your rights to order me to...”

  “No, Jordane. I appreciate that you’re protective of me.” She glanced at Kiki. “And my family, but we need my father. He still wants a relationship with Jenner.”

  Jordane growled. “But not with you?”

  Laura crossed her arms. Her eyes flashed red. “I said no, Jordane. You will honor my wishes.”

  He nodded, noticing Kiki was confused by the exchange. Was she surprised Laura was protecting her father? Or was it his offer? “I will do nothing without your permission.”

  “Thank you, Jordane,” Laura said.

  Kiki turned to him after a questioning look at her friend. “Can we discuss the DK10 power source now?”

  “Yes, will you walk with me? I believe I have distressed our queen.”

  Kiki hugged Laura. “Sure, let’s walk and talk.”

  Kiki loved walking the outer grounds of the Moretti mansion. While the manicured bushes and walkways close to the main house were perfect, they’d left the rest of the vegetation to grow naturally. It was peaceful. Beautiful. She ran her hands over the thick green foliage as she walked. “You have gone quiet?”

  “You were enjoying your surroundings.”

  She hated looking soft, especially in front of Jordane. The large warrior had her off her game. Even his voice was sexy. Confident. “I have a headache and was enjoying the silence.”

  “If that lie makes you feel better, so be it,” he said.

  She stopped. Her fingers brushed her gun. “I wasn’t lying. The headache’s name is Jordane.”

  His smile was slow in coming. It was sexy. Strong. Her heart skipped. “I like my name on your lips.”

  “You’re relentless. Like a dog with a bone in its mouth,” she said.

  Jordane touched the blue tips in her spiked hair. A look of wonder on his face. “I have always preferred long hair but now I find myself enamored with this wild fashion you chose.”

  “We weren’t talking about my hairstyle,” she snipped.

  He dropped his hand with a look of regret. “You can persuade an animal to release its chosen food source but, you will find I am not easily swayed and I will never relinquish you.”

  Kiki looked away. She wanted to tell him to screw off but acknowledged the thrill that coursed through her. There was no deceit with Jordane. The straight forward way he l
ived his life as a man and warrior was a refreshing change from the PIA but she didn’t want to admire him. “I need to know about the guns power source. How screwed am I? Are we?”

  “I will allow no harm to come to you.”

  “And my team?”

  Jordane walked away, taking a few moments before turning toward her. “I cannot guarantee all your squad members will... survive.”

  Kiki swallowed. “Is there something you can do? You have control over the weapons...”

  He shook his head. “You are my mate so your exposure to the crystals was destined. Your team was not. I cannot stop the bonding process.”

  She frowned. “I don’t understand.”

  “The crystals that power the DK10’s are in their dormant state. When you took up those weapons, you started the merge,” he said.

  “How did the PIA get the crystals? How’d they activate this merging process?”

  Jordane shook his head. “I am not positive but I believe it’s the housing they used in the guns. They are preventing the crystals from merging with the host but still gives the bearer access to their power in a limited capacity.”

  “So, any person can become a host for one of these crystals?”

  “No, but a crystal can choose a temporary host to find away back to its brethren,” Jordane said.

  “For transport?”

  “Yes, but it’s not a burden anyone should take lightly. The crystal has access to the host’s soul. If it finds it unworthy... it can kill the bearer.”

  “Where would the crystal want to be if it’s... host dies?” she asked.

  “When a warrior dies, the crystal solidifies for transport. It needs to be returned to the warriors’ crypt or merged with a new host.”

  Kiki’s eyes widened. “Crypt?”

  “Yes. It’s located deep inside the mountains. A cave where the dead and the dormant crystals are safeguarded.”

  She frowned. “If they’re guarded, how do I have this gun?”

  “None except the warriors have access to the cave but it is a question we need answered. We will take a trip to inspect the crypt,” he said.


  “You and I.”

  “I’m not a warrior.”


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