Jordane's Hunger

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Jordane's Hunger Page 7

by Tia Didmon

  She inspected the weapon. Jordane had mended the cracks perfectly. “Will work like it did before?”

  Jordane nodded. “If you will it to, yes. The crystal’s primary existence is to protect you. This subterfuge accomplishes that.”

  Tovan held out his hand. “May I?”

  Kiki handed him the DK10. It powered in his hands. “That’s new.”

  “The warriors have always had to shroud their powers and worry about the risk of human eyes seeing them. This weapon represents a unique possibility for all of us,” Tovan said.

  She took back her gun. “Are you suggesting we arm the warriors with DK10s?”

  Tovan shrugged. “Why not? The material used to construct the weapon isn’t unique, only the power source is rare. Every warrior possesses that source.”

  Kiki’s fingers caressed her gun. Her weapons had always brought her a sense of peace. Now it looked like a toy in her hands as the power coursed through her. A power useless to protect one of the few people she’d trusted. Could she get the plans for the DK10’s? Would she be betraying the PIA? Did she care? “Let’s worry about overt weaponization of the warriors later. I want Jenner’s attacker found now. If it was one of us, Jenner would burn this city down to find the fucker.” She walked toward the door, not waiting to see if Jordane followed.

  She felt the brothers behind her, surprised when Tovan spoke.

  “Your mate has a unique and direct vocabulary. She is blunt and somewhat vulgar.”

  “I have noticed,” Jordane said.

  Kiki and Jordane arrived at the scene. The location surprised her. The apartment was high end, private and not easily accessible. “Who lives here?”

  Zane looked Jordane over. “You sure you want to discuss that with him here?”

  She folded her arms. “I want this fucker found. I’m using every resource available to find Jenner’s attacker, including the warriors. Spill it. Now.”

  “I’m not sure if I should fight him or warn him when it comes to you,” Zane said.

  Kiki squinted. “Either way, he will find out everything that happened here, so talk.”

  Zane glanced over at the female lying on the white plush carpet stained with blood. “That was Senator Davidson’s mistress.”

  Her eyes widened. “What was Jenner doing here?”

  Zane shook his head. “Senator Davidson isn’t talking right now but as far as we know, only Senator Baker knew about her. He says that it surprised him, Jenner found out.”

  She shook her head. “He probably wanted to check and see if he had any more illegitimate siblings.”

  “Senator Davidson had a vasectomy when... Jenner found out about Laura.”


  “I asked Senator Baker about this already. He confirmed that Jenner threatened his father when he found out about Laura. He forced his dad to have a vasectomy, or he was telling his mother. Senator Davidson can’t afford the negative publicity.”

  Kiki huffed. “Or the billions he would lose.”

  “That too. Jenner’s mother isn’t in very good health. It makes more sense for the senator to wait.”

  She shook her head. “Poor Jenner. How did the hit go down?”

  “Follow me.” Zane led them downstairs to the parking garage to a second crime scene where a dead police officer with his wounded K-9 lay on the ground.

  Kiki put her hand over her mouth. “What the hell happened?”

  Zane looked down at the dead cop. “They shot the mistress in the head first. Jenner ran after the assassin. He radioed for help when he was in foot pursuit. Officer White was a block away and responded. We think he encountered the assassin after Jenner was shot. The bastard killed Officer White but the dog attacked him. There’s blood and tissue in Rona’s mouth. She won’t leave her handler but we grabbed samples. There is a vet en route but it doesn’t look good for Rona. The assailant shot her as well.”

  Kiki went to the panting dog. She ran her hand over the thick fur of the German Shepherd’s back. “Hey Girl.” She let her talent flow out. It felt different. Stronger. She connected with the dog, seeing the images in her mind, feeling Rona’s pain. “It’s okay, baby. We will take the pain away. Let me help you.” She knew Zane and Jordane watched her. Nothing mattered except the brave creature that had risked her own life to save her partner.

  The images came through like a scene from a movie. There was a kind peace. Acceptance. Unlike humans, animals didn’t feel the need for revenge. Rona would accept her fate, knowing she did everything they trained her to do. She expected to die. Kiki put her hands over her face, willing the tears to hold.

  Jordane pulled her up. “Are you all right?”

  She blew out a long breath. “Yes, the assassin wasn’t a Ladon. He wore a ski mask. A Ladon could alter his appearance. This man was a professional. He was fast but I think he was human. His movements look well practiced.”

  Zane touched her arm. “You saw him in the animal’s mind?”

  She forced herself not to flinch. “Yes. He had a mask but if I ever saw him up close, I would know him.” She had a flash back from when she was young. Kiki knew it couldn’t be the same man but the feeling of helplessness returned. She took out her DK10, letting the weight in her fingers calm her.

  Jordane touched her face. “What is it?”

  “Rona is nine years old. She’s at the end of her career as an officer. Her partner is dead. He’s all she has ever known. Zane was wrong. The assassin shot officer White first just before Jenner attacked him. Rona attacked at the same time. He shot her and the bullet went through her and hit Jenner. When he went down Rona got back up and attacked him again, biting his hand. He ran off but she wouldn’t leave officer White and Jenner unprotected. She had lost too much blood for a chase.”

  Zane shook his head. “Shit.”

  Jordane kneeled in front of the weak dog. Kiki felt the tingle. The hair on her neck bristled as his power crackled around them.

  She watched Rona put her head on officer White’s chest and sigh. “What did you do?”

  “I told her she is a warrior and we never give up. She will live with us when she has recovered. I promised her a home. A future. I asked her to hold on until I can send Chad to her.”

  Kiki swallowed hard. “My talent doesn’t work like that. Did she agree?”

  “I have dominion over all warriors, including those that do not possess a human shape. She will live.”

  She hugged him before noting the scowl on Zane’s face. “I should give Laura the image of the attacker. Even with the mask, we may get something.”

  “Why not just give it to Marcus? His psychic talents rival Laura’s and he is your superior,” Zane said.

  “No one touches my mind except Laura,” she snapped, recovering when she saw the suspicious looks on Jordane’s face. She walked away from the scene. “I will meet you at the hospital.”

  Kiki and Jordane arrived in the private waiting room. She watched Laura pacing the small white room as Valen stood with a distant look on his face. “How’s Jenner?”

  Laura flew into her arms. “He’s in the operating room. Valen is shrouding Chad. He was hoping to get here before surgery started, but we were too late.”

  Kiki glanced at Jordane. “Are you saying that Chad could have saved Jenner without surgery...”

  Laura released her. “No, Jenner was shot in the neck. If it wasn’t for the paramedics and the doctors, Jenner would have been dead before we arrived. We owe them so much.”

  “That’s good. Were you able to talk to Jenner through your psychic bond?”

  Laura shook her head. “No. He’s too medicated.”

  Kiki rubbed her face. “Right.”

  Jordane pointed to Valen. “He is controlling all the humans in the operating room and he isn’t using the king’s power.”

  Laura glanced at her husband. “There are only five humans in with Jenner and only one has a psychic shield.”

  “He can control the one with a psychic s
hield?” Kiki asked.

  “She is assisting the surgery. I think she’s an intern. We are only shrouding Chad’s presence, not altering their actions. She will have a mild headache later. It’s unavoidable,” Laura said.

  Kiki answered her cell before checking the number. “Yeah.”

  “Miss. Sanchez. I want an update on my son,” Senator Davidson said.

  “You should call director Knight.”

  “Marcus is busy investigating who divulged my sons... location this morning,” he said.

  “What was Jenner doing at your...”

  “She was a mistake. A woman with whom I had a brief affair. My son was paying her off. This knowledge is privileged and meant to help you in your investigation. If you share it, you will never-”

  “Don’t threaten me. I don’t give a fuck what you say to me. I’ll find out who attacked Jenner but not because of you.”

  The senator paused. “Are you at the hospital?”


  “Is he... going to make it?” he whispered.

  “We don’t know.”

  The senator hissed. “The demons have resources we do not. Get them...”

  Kiki’s fingers turned white on her phone. “They are already here. They ARE doing everything to save Jenner.”

  “Tell Laura...”

  “If you want to talk to Laura, then man the fuck up and call her. She deserves better than you. How you fathered two upstanding individuals when you’re such a prick is a mystery to me.” She hung up and looked into Laura’s stunned face.

  “Did you just smack talk my father? Do you realize what you’ve done? He’s vindictive. He could ruin your career with the PIA,” Laura said.

  “I’m sick of the way he treats you and Jenner.”

  Laura swallowed. “But the PIA...”

  “Can bite me. They have lied and manipulated my entire team and some decent men may die because of it.”

  “I’m sorry,” Laura said.

  Kiki shook her head. “No. I’m sorry. I saw how they treated you. Like a tool, not a person. I didn’t protect you because I believed in them.”

  Laura touched her hand. “Honey, you didn’t know.”

  “That’s no excuse. I saw the signs. I ignored them and my team will pay the price. The senators are using the PIA and it’s on the brink of being a Nazi run camp.”

  Laura looked surprised. “It’s not that bad. Jenner would have told me.”

  “I think they kept Jenner in the dark about the death squad experiments,” Kiki whispered.


  “We all went through a series of tests before they allowed us to pick up our DK10. I don’t know the details as we don’t share our backgrounds but everyone knows Zane’s.”

  “A demon killed his brother,” Laura said.

  Kiki nodded. “They publicized his death within the agency. It helped to establish demon apprehension protocols.”

  Jordane’s jaw ticked. “If a demon killed Zane’s brother the warriors will carry out a death sentence.”

  She gave Jordane a dirty look. “This is my problem.”

  Valen’s eyes focused on Jordane. “She does not understand. This is your purpose.”

  Kiki looked between Valen and Jordane. She could see a storm brewing and wanted to know why, but Zane entered the private room. His mood was like a thundercloud on steroids as he focused on Jordane. “Any new intel?”

  “No. I am having doubts this attack is the Ladon. At least Louis Lestant. Maybe he had a Ladon go rogue. I don’t know. He denies responsibility and maintains he will always be honest about who he destroys and why,” Zane said.

  Valen growled. “I despise that man but I believe him. He told the entire demon race he will annihilate us. Why lie about killing a human?”

  She frowned. “Even if that human is Jenner Davidson?”

  “Louis Lestant doesn’t care who Jenner or his father are,” Valen said.

  Zane nodded. “I agree. Humans are nothing to the Ladon. I don’t think they would take this backlash to kill one.” He turned to Kiki. “I need you for a couple hours.”

  Kiki felt the power within her flex. Jordane did not like Zane’s suggestion though he showed no outward sign. “Sure. I will meet you in the car in five minutes. I want a quick word with Laura.”

  Zane looked at Laura. “I hope your brother makes it. He’s a good agent.” He strode from the room.

  Jordane turned her to him. “He still wishes a relationship with you.”

  Kiki held up a hand. “If you don’t trust me, then we don’t have one either. I’m a PIA agent and until Jenner’s attacker is brought to justice, that will not change.”

  He kissed her cheek. “I trust you.”

  She’d seen the slight smile on Laura’s face when she’d hugged her. Kiki entered the parking garage of the hospital, feeling as if she was being watched. The odd sensation didn’t dissipate as she got into Zane’s car.

  He squinted. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, just jumpy I guess.”

  Zane gripped the steering wheel. “Understandable. We are all targets. Do you mind if we make a quick stop before we brief Marcus?”

  Kiki shook her head. “No, where are we going?”

  “My mom’s house.” He pulled out from the parking garage onto the street.

  “Your mom?”

  “I promised her I would pop by... she worries.”

  Kiki smiled. “I think that’s sweet. You are lucky.”

  “I am. She doesn’t deserve a jerk like me but Kat makes up for it.”

  She watched the road blur by. “You’re not that bad.”

  Zane huffed. “Careful. That almost sounded like a compliment.”

  Kiki smirked at him. “It wasn’t.”

  He smiled as he turned into a paved driveway. The small cedar house had a white fence and intricate brickwork. “We’re here.”

  She got out of the car. “You grew up here?”

  Zane glanced at the house. “We had a large place with property, outside the city. Mom downsized and moved here when Kat left home.”

  “She wanted to be close to you,” Kiki said.

  He opened the door. “Mom, I’m here.”

  His mother popped her head from the kitchen. “I’m down here, sweetie. I’m just pulling the pastries from the oven.”

  Kiki inhaled the sweet smell. “I hope we are getting some of that?”

  Zane smiled. “She won’t let us leave until we do.”


  They entered the kitchen as Dorothy removed her apron. She smiled. “This must be Kiki. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  Kiki looked at the steaming pastries on the cooling rack. “If those taste as good as they look then I assure you, the pleasure is mine.”

  Dorothy laughed. “I love a girl who appreciates good food.”

  Kiki grabbed a tart. “I don’t appreciate food. I live for it.” She popped the warm pastry in her mouth. “Holy crap, these are amazing.”

  Dorothy winked at her. “Zane and Ethan used to sneak in and grab a few, then act like they didn’t know where my sweets had gone.”

  She grabbed another pastry. “Somehow, Zane being a trouble maker isn’t a surprise.”

  “The boys were terrible but they had nothing on my Kat. Pure mischief that one,” Dorothy said.

  Kiki’s eyes lit up. “Really?”

  Dorothy nodded. “Oh yes. That girl got right creative with stealing the sweets or taking off after hours.”

  Zane rolled his eyes. “Mom.”

  Dorothy waved her hand. “You know it’s true. If she didn’t have such a crush on Ethan, we would never have kept her home.”

  Kiki laughed. “This just gets better and better.”

  Zane shot her a dirty look. “Settle down, Sanchez.”

  Dorothy straitened. “Zane Duval. You show your guest some respect. You don’t call a woman by her last name.”

  “She’s an agent and I’m...”
/>   Dorothy put her hand on her hip. “In my home. This isn’t the PIA son, and if you ever want a personal life, you need to remember that.”

  Zane winced. “Sorry, Mom.”

  Kiki smiled at Zane’s mother. “You’re a Godsend, Dorothy.”

  “Oh, I like this one, Zane.”

  She felt her heart squeeze. Zane had the family she had always dreamed about. Dorothy didn’t deserve to lose another son. She had to save him and her other teammates. They wouldn’t be receptive to Jordane’s leadership but he was the only one who could save them. The sweet pastry went dry in her mouth.

  Zane led her to the dining room. “What is it?”

  “I’m pissed.”


  “It’s the power source for the DK10... not all of us will live through the conversion.”


  “Jordane calls it the merge. You absorb the crystal that powers the gun,” she said.

  “Then we don’t absorb them.”

  “I don’t get the impression that’s an option.”

  Zane looked her over. “Will you live through it?”

  “Yes,” she said.

  “Because of Jordane?”


  Zane glanced back at the kitchen. “That’s all that matters.” He walked away.

  Chapter 6

  Kiki arrived at the shelter, feeling like a rock sat on her chest. Zane had rushed her from his mom’s house and hadn’t said a word on the way to the PIA headquarters or while she briefed Marcus. When Jordane called her to the shelter for an emergency, Zane stormed away.

  She entered the small house that had belonged to Ed. Four warriors stood with Jordane. While his pack always looked serious, there was a cloud of anger emanating from Jordane. Kiki cleared her throat, unused to feeling the emotions of people. She assumed it was her merge with the crystal. “Is everything okay? You sounded a little stressed on the phone.”

  Jordane wrapped his arm around her. “Thank you for coming back. I know I’m putting you in an unfavorable position with your PIA team.”

  “What happened? I know you wouldn’t have called if it wasn’t important.”


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