Tricked: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Longhorn Academy Dark Bully Romance Book 1)

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Tricked: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Longhorn Academy Dark Bully Romance Book 1) Page 18

by Amy Brown

  Jeremy slips his arm around my waist, and steers me straight toward Travis and Mason. Anxiety eats at me as we near his two friends. Mason has his expression under control now, but there’s still an angry glint in his light green eyes.

  “Looks like a packed house,” Jeremy says to Travis.

  Jeremy doesn’t speak directly to Mason, and I have to wonder if maybe he’s a little nervous too. He has to know his friend won’t be happy that he showed up to the party with me. Mason’s put a lot of time into seducing me, and he definitely doesn’t look happy.

  I meet Sophia’s gaze. She looks even more pissed off than Mason at my arrival. Travis hands Jeremy and me a drink, and I have no idea what it even is. I don’t even care what it is. I just need some alcohol stat. I put the red cup to my lips and take a large gulp of the liquid. It burns a trail down my throat, and I start coughing.

  Sophia gives a mean giggle, and elbows her friend Jules. “What a lightweight.”

  Jules sneers. “Booze should be mother’s milk to white trash like her.”

  Sophia laughs louder, and some of the kids standing around laugh too. My face feels hot, but I lift my chin. If I show weakness with these losers, they’ll never back off. Jeremy pats my back like he’s burping a baby, and I avoid Mason’s gaze at all cost.

  Way to make an entrance, Charity.

  My coughing fit finally subsides, and I take another cautious sip. The thrill of pissing Mason off, by coming to this party with Jeremy, is waning under the hateful glare of Sophia and her pal Jules. Isn’t there anyone else at this party for her to hate? She’s obviously into Mason, why is she still shooting daggers at me when I came to the party with Jeremy? I guess she just loathes me on principal.

  Jeremy goes behind the bar to whisper something to Travis. Maybe it’s something to calm Travis down because he does look agitated. Travis hisses something back, and Jeremy rolls his eyes. I’m pretty sure I hear Jeremy say “Get over it.”

  I feel very alone. I tried to get Paula to come to this party with Gregory, but she didn’t approve of my plan. She felt I was playing with fire by attempting to put Mason in his place. I think it’s worth it though. I’m tired of Mason and other kids at school acting like they’re doing us a favor by simply treating us like humans. Maybe Jeremy is one of them, but he’s been nice to me. Maybe Jeremy wants to fuck me too, but at least he tries to hide it. The other night, Mason basically implied I have no choice in whether we sleep together or not. He essentially said he will have me because he wants me. He’s wrong. I have a choice.

  That’s why I asked Jeremy to take me to this party.

  Everybody here thinks Jeremy asked me to the party, truth is I asked him. I knew showing up together would piss Mason off, and that was exactly what I wanted. Mason is way too sure of himself. He seriously thinks he can have any girl he wants. He doesn’t even think he has to put in any effort. We should just fall into his bed, and thank him for the honor. He shared his book with me because Mrs. Dunbar made him. He’s acting like he donated a kidney to me, and I should fuck him as repayment.

  His treatment of women is disrespectful. How would he like it if some guy treated his mom like he treats women? He’d probably be furious. I guess that’s different though because of her social standing. He still thinks I’m trailer trash and that I have no rights. Well, he’s dead wrong. As much as I want to sleep with him, I wouldn’t even consider that unless he stops acting so entitled.

  Even now, if he pulled me aside and said how hurt he is that I came to this party with Jeremy, I’d probably melt. If he’d just treat me like a person he likes, instead of a pelt to be gathered, that would mean a lot. But he’s staring at me like I’m a lamb chop that Jeremy stole off his plate. It’s insulting.

  Jeremy and Travis are still quietly bickering behind the bar. I finish off my drink because I have nothing else to do. The music is so loud it’s giving me a headache, and I’m getting tired of Sophia’s angry glare. I search the crowd of party goers, hoping to see a familiar, friendly face. I recognize some of the kids from my classes, but most of them look pretty wasted.

  I stiffen when Mason moves to my side. “What game are you playing, Charity?” His voice is monotone.

  I meet his gaze, and my pulse unwillingly speeds up. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Yeah. Right.”

  Moving closer to the bar area, I pour some margarita mix into my cup. My hands shake as I add ice and tequila. I’m sure he can see that I’m trembling. Oh, well. Nothing I can do about that.

  He follows me, and refreshes his own drink. His stare is relentless, and I have to marvel at his skill in making a drink, while still glaring at me. “I’ve made it clear I’m interested in you,” he says quietly. “Why would you accept an invitation from Jeremy to come to this party?”

  I hesitate, wondering if I should come clean that I invited Jeremy. I decide not to divulge that information just yet. “Why wouldn’t I? It’s not like you asked me and I turned you down.”

  He shifts uneasily. “I was giving you space.”

  I laugh. “Liar. You were back to playing games with me.”

  His jaw clenches. “Jeremy is no saint.”

  “I know.” I shrug. “But he treats me respectfully.”

  Frustration rolls over his features. “You’re saying I disrespected you?”

  I sip my drink, trying to think of how to word things. “I’m not a play thing. I’m a person.”

  “I brought you to my home. Introduced you to my mom. How is that disrespecting you?”

  My face warms. “You brought me to your home to sleep with me. Don’t lie. I’m not sure why you introduced me to your mom, but the things you said after that made it clear I’m simply a girl to be fucked. That’s it.”

  His fingers tense on his cup, and I’m afraid it’s going to explode from the pressure. However, when he speaks, his voice is even. “You send a lot of mixed signals, Charity.”

  “No I don’t.” I probably do because I’m so confused.

  “One second you’re receptive to me, and the next you’re cold.” He glances around and lowers his voice. “You let me… do things… to you. It was obvious you liked it. Then suddenly, I’m the Devil and you move on to Jeremy? How do you think that makes me feel?”

  God he’s good. I almost feel guilty. “Cue violin music,” I mumble. Being mean to him is really my only defense. I still want him. That hasn’t changed. But I’m not going to be another notch on his belt.

  Anger sparks in his eyes. “You can be such a bitch.”

  I shrug. “Feel free to go away and talk to someone else. I’m sure Sophia would love some attention. She looks like her head is about to explode.”

  He gives an odd laugh. “I fucking swear to god, the bitchier you are, the more I want you.”

  A shiver goes through me from head to toe. My body warms at the heat in his eyes, and my nipples prickle. He doesn’t even have to touch me to turn me on. This energy between us is twisted. It’s like we hate each other, but physically hunger for each other too.

  Jeremy shows up at that moment. I’m relieved and frustrated. He slips his arm around my waist, and a muscle jerks in Mason’s cheek.

  “Stop monopolizing my date, Mason.” Jeremy’s smile is stiff.

  Mason looks like he wants to punch his friend. “You were talking to Travis. I didn’t want Charity to get bored.”

  “What a pal,” Jeremy says.

  The resentful energy between them is beginning to make me feel like a chew toy. I’m half afraid one of them is going to lift a leg and piss on me to show ownership. Is this just a guy thing? Is it impossible for them not to feel possessive? Normally, Jeremy has a more easy-going way about him. Mason is bringing out his territorial side.

  “How is your mother, Mason?” I ask, in an attempt to distract them both.

  Mason gives me an irritable glance, and I suddenly remember he didn’t want everybody knowing about his mother’s accident. He probably thinks I brought it up
on purpose to embarrass him. I didn’t. I’m simply trying to think of a way to stop him from punching Jeremy. I don’t know much about the social hierarchy at Longhorn Academy, but I’m smart enough to know if Mason punches Jeremy, he’ll probably be in trouble with the others.

  “Fine,” he snaps.

  Jeremy frowns. “Did something happen to your mom?”

  Looking annoyed, Mason mutters, “She fell and sprained her ankle.”

  “How exactly does Charity know about this, but I don’t?” Jeremy sounds offended. Only moments ago he looked ready to strangle Mason, but now he looks infuriated that he was left out of the loop.

  “She was at my house studying. I introduced her to Mom.”

  “She’s very nice,” I say lamely.

  Jeremy huffs. “We’re friends. Don’t you think you should tell me if something like that happens?”

  “I didn’t want to make a big deal of it.”

  Jeremy turns to Travis. “Did you know about this?” His tone his accusing.

  I want to curl up in a ball because I know I’ve started trouble. It was accidental, but I’ve created friction either way.

  Travis shrugs. “Yeah. I knew his mom fell.”

  “Is there some reason you didn’t tell me, Mason?” Jeremy obviously isn’t going to let this go.

  Sighing, Mason says, “It was no big deal.”

  “Then why not just tell me?” Jeremy scowls.

  Mason shoots me a frustrated glance. “Like I said, I didn’t want to make a big deal of it. Mom’s fine now.”

  It’s apparent Jeremy is miffed. I don’t know how close he is to Mason, but it’s obvious he thought they were close enough to know personal things like that. Travis, Mason, and Jeremy are friends, but there’s obviously friction. Why else would Jeremy have accepted my invitation? Close friends usually wouldn’t date someone who’s already dating their friend. Maybe Mason has never made it clear to Jeremy that we were more than just study partners. Is it possible he’s never told his buddies what he did with me at the bonfire? That would be surprising because I would assume a guy like Mason would brag to his friends. Maybe he kept his secret because he’s embarrassed? I find it hard to believe he’d keep it a secret out of respect for me.

  So far this party hasn’t been much fun. Between glares from Sophia and Jules, and Mason and Jeremy bickering, I’m beginning to regret coming. I finish off my second drink, and reach for the Margarita mix. I’ve never been a huge drinker, but hanging out with this group seems to drive me to drink.

  “Slow down, Charity,” Mason says softly. “You have all night to drink.”

  I find it interesting he didn’t care how much I drank at the bonfire. Is he being controlling because I’m with Jeremy? He doesn’t want me getting drunk with his friend? Is he coming from a place of concern? Or jealousy? I can’t tell.

  I scowl. “I’m more than capable of pacing myself.”

  “I’m simply saying there’s no hurry. Travis won’t run out of booze.”

  Travis grins. “Nope. Never have. Never will.”

  “Since when do you police how much someone drinks?” mutters Jeremy. “Charity can drink as much as she wants.”

  “Oh you’d love that, right?” Mason says through gritted teeth. “You’d love it if she gets wasted.”

  Jeremy smirks. “She’s a big girl.”

  Mason shakes his head. “You’re so transparent, Jeremy.”

  They’re talking about me like I’m not here. I’m sure Jeremy would love for me to get inebriated. No doubt he has plans for me tonight. I find Jeremy attractive, but, if I’m honest, I only want Mason. The very thought of that is annoying to me, but I can’t seem to help myself. Even now, as much as Mason irritates me, he turns me on.

  I meet Travis’s gaze, and he shrugs. I know even less about Travis than I know about Jeremy and Mason. Rumor has it, he loves to smoke weed. In fact, Mason admitted that when he said he sometimes delivers pizzas for him. What I most remember about Travis is how intimidated he seemed with Paula the night of the bonfire. Maybe smart girls threaten him.

  While Jeremy and Mason exchange barbs, I help myself to more booze. Travis watches me with an amused expression. I came to this party tonight hoping to put Mason in his place. Unfortunately, I just feel restless and frustrated with the situation. I’m embarrassed to realize that, instead of being here with Jeremy, I’d much rather be Mason’s date. I hate acknowledging that to myself, but the booze is making me introspective. Soon I’ll be quoting Confucius.

  Sophia walks up and drags Mason to the dance floor. I say dragged because she practically does have to force him. I don’t know if that’s because Mason doesn’t like to dance, or if he doesn’t want to dance with Sophia.

  The alcohol is definitely going to my head. I decide to slow down and switch to ginger ale. I don’t want my feelings toward Mason to come bubbling out in a drunken diatribe. The last thing I need is to give Mason’s ego any encouragement. As things stand now, he thinks I’m interested in Jeremy. That’s probably a good thing. Maybe now he’ll back off, and I can focus on school and stop obsessing about Mason.

  Jeremy convinces me to dance. The song is Yummy by Justin Bieber. It’s not my favorite song, but has a good beat. Jeremy mouths the words to me as we dance, a smug smile lifting his lips. What is it about these rich boys? They all seem to think just because you talk to them you’ll sleep with them. Were boys always like this? I don’t think so. I remember the boys at my old school being more insecure. The Elites seem to think they’re the most important people on earth. The guys and the girls.

  Sophia puts her arms around Mason’s neck, and starts grinding on him. Jealousy zips through me like an electric shock. I loathe the sight of them together. Why does it bother me so much? Mason doesn’t belong to me. Half the time I think I hate him. When Mason puts his hands on her hips, I walk off the dance floor. Jeremy stares after me, looking puzzled. I head straight for the restroom. Of course, I don’t really know where that is, so I wonder through the enormous house searching.

  There must be ten bedrooms in this house, and when I open one, I stumble upon a girl and guy fucking. “Oh, shit, sorry.” I slam the door closed, and continue my search.

  Eventually, I find the master bedroom and its palatial restroom. It’s decorated in Tuscany style decor with dark marble counters, metallic gold faux finished walls, and a crystal chandelier over the large tub. I’m surprised there isn’t a mural on the ceiling painted by Michelangelo himself.

  I use the facilities, and, as I wash my hands, stare at myself in the gold framed mirror. I look annoyed. I plaster on a fake smile and laugh. This party has turned into a shit show. I thought it would be fun to torment Mason, but it seems I’m only tormenting myself. Why did I think this was a good idea again?

  The muffled thump of the music comes from downstairs. I know I should get back to Jeremy, but I don’t really want to. I don’t know how much more I can take of watching Sophia throwing herself at Mason. Maybe I should start making out with Jeremy just to annoy Mason. I grimace at my reflection. I can’t imagine doing that. It’s one thing to come on a date with him, and another to put my tongue down his throat.

  If I call Mom and ask her to pick me up, will that be social suicide? Abandoning Jeremy at this party certainly won’t help my social standing. That would embarrass him, and he might turn on me. I’m not really that concerned with my social standing, so much as I don’t actually want to become the target of The Elites. Sophia obviously already detests me, and the only reason I’ve even been halfway protected was because Mason and Jeremy have been competing for my attention.

  If I blow them both off, will I be bullied? They have huge egos after all. Of course, I do have Paula and the group to hang out with, but if I become the pariah of the school, will they dump me? My heart sinks at that thought. I really like Paula and her friends. Not just because they’re someone to eat lunch with, but because they’re good people.

  With a groan, I realize it’s prob
ably best if I just go downstairs and pretend I’m having a good time. I leave the elegant bathroom, and go downstairs. Sophia is sitting with Jules looking depressed. I can’t see Jeremy anywhere, but I notice Mason standing next to Travis. He’s talking very animatedly, a scowl on his face. When he spots me coming down the stairs, his expression changes. Relief washes over his tense features, and he actually smiles. He says something to Travis, who turns to look at me. He too looks relieved when he sees me. I have no idea what’s going on, or why they both look like I’ve returned from Siberia.

  Sophia appears in front of me, her face flushed and angry. “Why are you still here? Nobody wants you at this party.”

  Taken aback by her aggression, I don’t know how to respond. Jules and a couple of other girls I don’t recognize come walking up. They form a circle around me, and my heart starts to pound. I’ve been verbally bullied before, but never physically. From the look on Sophia’s face, she’d love to punch me.

  “You’re as gullible as they come if you think for five seconds Mason or Jeremy are actually interested in you,” Jules hisses.

  Sophia looks me up and down, curling her lip. “You have a lot of nerve inviting Jeremy to this party. Who the fuck do you think you are?”

  “Why do you care who I invite?” I know why she cares. She’s used to being the only girl who gets all the attention. It’s obvious in how quickly she unravels the second I get any attention.

  “You’re a transfer student,” Sophia spits out. Her tone implies that’s the same as a leper.

  Over Sophia’s shoulder, I see Mason watching us. He’s no longer smiling, in fact, he looks troubled. Travis is frowning, but neither of them make any move to come to my rescue. The girls come closer, and panic nips at me. Are Mason and Travis seriously going to just stand there while these girls jump me?

  “I’ve never done anything to you.” My voice wobbles, which annoys me. I’m trying not to show my fear, but my body is responding with fight or flight amounts of adrenaline.

  “You don’t seem to understand your place.” Jules’ voice drips venom.

  Nodding, Sophia says, “Exactly. It’s our job to teach you just how low on the food chain you are, Charity Case.”


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